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Institut für Stadtgeschichte Frankfurt am Main, Magistratsakten (1868-1930), S 1870, Bd. 1 · Akt(e) · 1901 - 1918
Teil von Institute for City History Frankfurt am Main (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Report on the work of the Kolonialwirtschaftliche Komitees 1896-1906 and 1896-1914; festive order for the 25th anniversary of the Deutsche Kolonialgesellschaft; copy of the Deutsche Kolonialzeitung, Berlin 1907, 1908; directory of the library of the Warmbad station in D e u t s c h - S ü d w e s t a f r i k a; member directory of the Deutsche Kolonialgesellschaft, Frankfurt Department, May 1911, 1913, and activity reports 1911/12, 1912/13, 1915; Statutes of the D e u t s c h e K o l o n i a l g e s e l l s c h a f t , Frankfurt Department, 1914; Call for Duke Johann Albrecht Donation for the Colonies, [1917]; War Announcements of the Colonial Economic Committee, 1916, 1918; Brochures "Farbige Hilfsvölker" and "Deutschlands koloniale Not", Colonial Economic Committee, Berlin 1917

RMG 2.506 a · Akt(e) · 1888-1926
Teil von Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Zeib's tribe, outstations: Katsus, Khoes, Narubis, Seeheim, Spitzkoppe, Farm Keetmannshoop s. RMG 2.551, Orphanage & School Keetmanshoop s. RMG 2.507, Sister Station Aroab s. RMG 2.496; floor plan and view of the building. Station Keetmanshoop, colored drawing, 1888; travel report by Carl Berger with representation of the circumstances on Woermann ships, 1898; annual, semi-annual and conference reports, by missionary Tobias Fenchel, Wilhelm Niemeier, Christi-an Ludwig Kühhirt, Karl Friedrich Wandres u. Friedrich Hermann Gustav Becker, 1903-1926; Visitationsberichte, 1903, 1906 1913; Remarks to the girl sent to South West Africa by the German Women's Federation, July 1910; Request by the community elders and by Adolf Neuhaus (son-in-law of Tobias Fenchel) for Gustav Becker as successor to Tobias Fenchel, 1910; Report on d. Visit of Prof. Mirbt in Keetmanshoop, 1913; Fr. Hans Siebold to Inspector Johannes Wilhelm Karl Spiecker, due to praise for construction technician Johannes Jürgens, 1914; 50th anniversary of the Protestant Mission Keetmanshoop, 14.4.1916, (Dr.)

Rheinische Missionsgesellschaft
Schroeder, Frederick William (1870-?)
RMG 1.638 · Akt(e) · 1891-1910
Teil von Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

1895-1899 in Berseba, Gibeon; Letters, reports, accusations and justifications, 1891 1896-1900; copy of the Proclamation of the Majors Leutwein after the Peace Agreement with Captain Hendrik Witbooi, Nauwkluft, 16.09.1894; On the ruins of Gibeon, d. Sitz d. Hottentotten chief Hendrik Witbooi, report by Friedrich Wilhelm Schroeder, 1896; Paul Albath, report on the e. mediation attempt between Friedrich Wilhelm Schroeder and von Burgsdorff, district governor, 1897; circular of deputation to d. Conference of Warmbad, 1898; contents of the files of Burgsdorff/Friedrich Wilhelm Schroeder for insult, 1898; Major Leutwein to inspector for dismissal of Friedrich Wilhelm Schroeder, 1898; Hendrik Witbooi jun. to RMG, asks Friedrich Wilhelm Schroeders Bleiben, 1898; Paul Albath, Report on Friedrich Wilhelm Schroeders Behavior, 1899; Circular of Deputation to the Communities in Klein-Namaland: Steinkopf, Concordia & Kommaggas, 1899; Witness Invitation for Inspector Eduard Wilhelm Kriele in the Schroeder/ Schroeder Trial, 1910;

Rheinische Missionsgesellschaft
Wandres, Karl (Carl) Friedrich (1858-1933)
RMG 1.623 a-f · Akt(e) · 1884-1933
Teil von Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

1884-1929 in Warmbad, Windhoek, Keetmanshoop, Lüderitzbucht, Präses d. Nama-Mission; letters, reports, station reports, annual reports, statistics, 1884-1929; private letters to Inspector Ludwig von Rohden, 1885-1886; in 1.623a pages 19-21 are missing, probably 2 watercolours by Blyde Verwacht u. !Nabis im Gei!from Karl (Carl) Friedrich Wandres, ca. 1887; - Map overview of the sold places between Keetmanshoop and Warmbad, ca. 1888; Report of the elders Johannes Witbooi, Warmbad, about his evangelization journey in the area of the Bondelzwarts, 1889; Orders to Friedrich Kämpfer and Friedrich Schindelin, 1888-1889; Declaration of honour of the captains d. Bondelzwarts for Karl (Carl) Friedrich Wandres, 1891; Report about the sermon journey of two elders of the Warmbad community, 1893; Timetable of the Imperial German Reich Post Keetmanshoop - Steinkopf, 1894; map by !Nabis M. 1: 300 & projected mission station, 1896; private letters to Inspector Johannes Wilhelm Karl Spiecker, 1886-1898; Three visits to Rietfontein (Kalahari desert), essay, 1898; About the use of alcohol in our churches, 16 p. hs, 1898; Roman tissue of lies, 1900; Memorandum on land matters in Windhoek, 1903; Festivities for the inauguration of the Mission Church in Windhoek, May 1903; Native Census of Windhoek, March 1903; 1 copy of a booklet with the name of the church. "German Southwest African Newspaper", No. 2, January 1903; 1 copy "Landeszeitung für Westafrika", No. 112, September 1920; copy of a letter by Hendrik Witbooi, July 1889

Rheinische Missionsgesellschaft
Warmbad (with Haib, Wortel, Karasburg, Grünau)
RMG 2.532 a · Akt(e) · 1891-1945
Teil von Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Deputation to Christian congregation in Warmbad (concept in Dutch), 1891; sketch of the location of Warmbad with attack and retreat routes of troops in the war, signed by Karl Friedrich Wandres, 1903; ground plan of the mission house, list of inventories, 1913; annual and conference reports, by Hermann Nyhof u. August Karl-Friedrich Rethemeier, 1908-1945; Visitationsberichte, 1909 1912; Grundstücksangelegenheiten, Eigentumsverhältnisse, 1911; Kaufvertrag von Warmbad, 1912; Bau e. Kapelle in Haib, cost estimate, correspondence, 1912-1913; Antrag auf Windmotor u. Wasserleitung, 1913; cost estimate for new construction of the mission house, 1914

Rheinische Missionsgesellschaft