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Berger, Carl (1871-1962)
RMG 1.341 b · Akt(e) · 1897-1963
Teil von Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Portfolio 8: Miscellaneous; "Der kleine Missionsfreund", No. 1, No. 4-11, 1899, Letter from Carl Berger in No. 9; Letter from the Natural History Museum Wiesbaden (copy) with thanks for collected natural objects, in part after Berger (bergeri), 1922; postcard by Missionar Mindermann, Saarbrücken, 1948; correspondence with Mrs. Smeer, Karibib 1950; various newspaper articles by Carl Berger, 1933-1963; collection of postcards, stored separately;[delivered 1971 by the daughter, Mrs. Margarete Berger, Neuwied];

Rheinische Missionsgesellschaft
Diehl, Johann Jacob (1878- )
RMG 1.654 · Akt(e) · 1899-1909
Teil von Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Missionary construction technician, 1901-1908 in Windhoek, Karibib, Okahandja, Otjimbingue, Rehoboth; letters and work reports, 1901-1909; curriculum vitae, certificates, 1899-1901; instruction for Johann Jacob Diehl, 1901; construction report of the Windhoek Mission Church, 1902; report on the visit to the station building in Otjizewa, 1903; proposals for e. Building regulations for the Herero Conference, 1906;

Rheinische Missionsgesellschaft
Elger, August (1874-1968)
RMG 1.651 · Akt(e) · 1893-1968
Teil von Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

1900-1914 in Otjimbingue, Karibib, from 1915 parish office in Germany, among others in Bergkamen i. W.; letters and reports, 1900-1914; curriculum vitae, various application letters, medical certificate, 1893-1895; correspondence with August Elger, 1916-1968; death announcement for Mrs. Adele Elger, née Jansen 1948; death announcement for August Elger, 1968; cf. a: M. Wilckens, August Elger and others. Ex.arbeit Kiel 2006 => Library 2-6012

Rheinische Missionsgesellschaft
Erich Pieper (1902-?), printer
M 442 · Akt(e) · 1935-1970
Teil von Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Curriculum Vitae and Service Contract, 1935; Correspondence, 1935-1954; Medical Certificate, 1940; Employment Certificate, 1954; Reports on the Missionary Printing Office in Karibib (South West Africa), 1955-1963; Correspondence during his activities in Karibib (South West Africa), 1955-1970; The "Lord's Prayer in Afrikaans, Ovambo u. German as special edition, 1955; "Omahungi Number 18, 1955; "Omahungi Number 2 4, 1959; "Der Sonnenspiegel, Festschrift zum 50 Jahretehen der deutschen Schule in Karibib (1907-1957), 48 p.., Print, 1957

German Society for Missiology (DGfM)
RMG 967 · Akt(e) · 1918-1966
Teil von Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Minutes of the Annual Meetings; Annual Accounts, Correspondence with Rosary and Genius; Statutes of the DGfM, Dr., 1918 1960; C. Mirbt: German Society for Missiology, 7 p., Dr., 1918; The catechumenate in the RMG churches in; Southwest Africa by F. Pönnighaus, Karibib, 1951; New Guinea until 1930, N.N.; China, W. Grundmann, 1951; Sumatra, H. Berghäuser; Mentawai Islands, R. Smidt, 1951; Rosary: German Society for Missionary Science, 8 p., Dr., 1957; list of members, as of 1957

Rheinische Missionsgesellschaft
Kuhlmann, August Carl Heinrich (1871-1945)
RMG 1.644 a-c · Akt(e) · 1892-1965
Teil von Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

1898-1945 in Okazewa, Otjimbingue, Omburo, Omaruru, see RMG 1.482 estate; letters and reports, private letters, 1898-1945; curriculum vitae, application, certificates, recommendations, 1892; seven weeks under d. Insurgent Hereros, report, March 1904; marginal notes on the Herero War, critical statement, May 1904; Our Herero Christians in the War Camps, May 1904; The Lie in the Herero War, June 1904; August Kuhlmann's request for pardon from the Hereros, reply by Trothas to this, Febr. 1905; Report about peace mediation attempts in Otjimbingue, Febr. 1905; Supplements to "Windhoeker Nachrichten" with attacks against mission, June 1905; Report about the prisoner on the shark island near Lüderitzbucht, Aug. 1905; Report about the work in Karibib and at the prisoners of war at the Otavi Railway, Aug. 1905; Reports from the collection camps for Hereros in Omburo, 1906; leaflet "Three Christmas in German Southwest Africa", Dr., 1904-1906; Lecture: "What can and must happen to follow the scattered heathens and Christians", 11 p., hectographed, 1909; Lecture: "Zur Psychologie d. Glaubenslebens unserer afrikanischen Christen", 14 p., ms., 1913; Lecture: "Das Problem d. christlichen Ehe unter d. afrikanischen Heidenchristen", n. J.; Correspondence with Mrs. Elisabeth Kuhlmann, née Dannert u. Familie, 1946-1965

Rheinische Missionsgesellschaft
Neumeister, William (1891-1981)
RMG 1.706 a · Akt(e) · 1913-1946
Teil von Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

1927-1956 in Karibib, Outjo, Berseba, Keetmanshoop; Letters, reports, correspondence with various personalities of the mission leadership, among others with Sieg-fried Groth, de Kleine, Fritz Heinrich Ludwig Harre, Gustav Menzel, 1925-1946; application, testimonies, curriculum vitae, 1913; ordination certificate, 1927; experiences on e. Farm trip to Noitgedacht and Otjimbojo, 1927; curriculum vitae, application, medical certificate by Manfred Neumeister, born 05.12.1926, son of Wilhelm Neumeister, 1945

Rheinische Missionsgesellschaft
Oak, William (1850-1935)
RMG 1.609 a-i · Akt(e) · 1882-1935
Teil von Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

1871-77 in the service of the Mission Trade Society, 1881 ordained, from 1884 missionary, Praeses of Southwest Africa 1904-1910, in: Otjizewa, Okahandja, Otjosazu, Otjozondjupa, Karibib, Swakopmund, see also RMG 2.481 Briefkopierbuch 1904-1907; Letters (also by Mrs. Emmy Eich, née Mohn), Reports, Station Reports, Quarterly Reports, 1882-1935; Presentation on the Confirmation at the Conference on Otjimbingue, 22 p.., hs. 1894; Report of the Evangelist Elia Kandirikirira on Otjiwarongo, 1898; Reply to the attacks by the Farmers Erdmann v. Mission, 1905; Statements of the South West Africa missionaries on the question of orphanages and industrial schools for Herero children, 1905; Appeal of the Governor of Lindequist to d. Hereros,, Dr., 1905; Plan (blueprint) for the new mission house in Walfishbay; congratulatory letter and eulogy for Eich on the occasion of his 25th ordination anniversary (draft), 1906; Gedanken zur Mischehenfrage (Rassenmischhe), 1913; Rating d. Farmen Gaub, Ganachaams, Korab, 1920;

Rheinische Missionsgesellschaft
Olpp, John George Henry (1870-1948)
RMG 1.636 a-c · Akt(e) · 1894-1961
Teil von Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

1895-1937 in Otjimbingue, Karibib, Praeses and Inspector from 1910; Letters and reports (Presidential files separate), 1895-1910; application for missionary service, curriculum vitae, expert opinion Johannes Georg Heinrich Olpp, 1894; private letters to Inspectors d. RMG, 1895-1899; Instruction for Johannes Georg Heinrich Olpp, 1895; Report on Franz Heinrich Kleinschmidts Death in Otjimbingue, 1896; Overview of the Mountain Damra Church in Otjimbingue, 1896; What drives for faithful work in the mission can the biblical teaching of Christ's Second Coming grant us? Lecture, 12 p., hs., 1898; Lieutenant Kuhn to inspector because of missionary for Karibib, 1901; property case Redecker with sketch, 1904; holiday application Johannes Georg Heinrich Olpp, 1907; plan about Biblical history education to be mastered in the schools, Otjimbingue, 1908; private correspondence from and. with Johannes Georg Heinrich Olpp (partly from the estate), 1928-1948; correspondence with Maria Olpp, née Johannsen (also curriculum vitae and death certificate), 1948-1961; Olpp translated the book "Eine Reise durch Afrika", by J. Du Plessis, 1916, from the Netherlands into German, under the signature 1-02812 in the holdings of the Archive Library ;

Rheinische Missionsgesellschaft
Otto Milk (1911-1974)
M 249 · Akt(e) · 1937-1970
Teil von Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Curriculum Vitae of Otto and Lydia Milk, née Grüber, 1938; Ordination Certificate, Instruction, Vow of Deputation, 1938; Correspondence for Exams and for Employment, 1938; Address by Praeses Koch at the Ordination of Otto Milk and Hassenpflug, 1938; "Der Missions Gedanken bei Vater Bodelschwingh von cand. theol. Otto Milk, 26 S. ms.., about 1937; correspondence and letters of friendship, 1938-1939; correspondence with the Milk couple during their internment, 1940-1947; correspondence during their work in Wupperthal with Clan-william in Kapland (South Africa), Keetmanshoop and Okahandja (Southwest Africa), also annual reports and Letters from Friends, 1948-1954; Letters and reports from the Paulinum in Karibib and Otjimbingue, especially from Singwochen, 1955-1966; "Omahungi (ein Gemeindeblatt), Druck, 1955-1958; 25 letters of thanks from Paulinum students to Pastor Curt Ronicke, 1958; Korrespondenz zur Altersversorgung der Eheleute Milk, 1937-1970

Pönnig House, Friedrich (1886-1970)
RMG 1.704 a-c · Akt(e) · 1906-1908, 1914-1956
Teil von Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

1921-1954 in Windhoek, Okahandja, Karibib, director of the Paulinums; correspondence, circulars, travelogues, essays, 1921-1938; curriculum vitae (2 versions), application, certificates, 1906-1908; medical testimony for Mrs. Martha Pönnighaus, nee. Brünger, 1920 From the Women of the Paulinum Disciples, by Martha Pönnighaus, 1951; Statistics on our Evangelists and Pastors in Southwest, 1953; Letters from Fr. Josua Tjiurutue and Fr. Hendrik Isaak, 1956; Let us save you! Mission game from Southwest Africa, by Mrs. Martha Pönnighaus, without year; correspondence by Friedrich Pönnighaus. Martha Pönnighaus with Gustav Menzel, missionary Fritz Heinrich Ludwig Harre and Inspector Gustav Weth, 1954-1966; Zur Vita von Herr Missionar Friedrich Pönnighaus, ca. 1966; answer to the questionnaire of the German Protestant Mission Day, concerning e. g. station Okahandja, 11 p.., ms, c. 1935; Heranbildung d. Diener am Wort, essay, 14 p., hs., c. 1939; copies from letters by Friedrich Pönnighaus from war and imprisonment, 1939-1945; correspondence Friedrich Pönnighaus with Dr. Hans de Kleine, 1962-1968

Rheinische Missionsgesellschaft
Reinartz, Hildegard (1900-1969)
RMG 2.123 · Akt(e) · 1929-1969
Teil von Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Missionslehrerin, Stellenbosch, Karibib, 1933-1940 auf Sumatra; Briefe, Berichte u. Rundbriefe aus Afrika; Auseinandersetzungen wegen Schwester Hildegard Reinartz; Kündigung durch d. Departement Windhoek; Briefe u. Berichte aus Sumatra; Personalunterlagen; 

Rheinische Missionsgesellschaft
Schröder, Sophie, née Teuffel (1839-1903?)
RMG 1.368 · Akt(e) · 1863 - o. J. (1903/4)
Teil von Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

see also RMG 1.593,[the typescript bears the note "Archiv Karibib, Rheinische Mission"]; In distant worlds: Letters from a German missionary woman in d. Homeland, covering the years 1863-1903 with interesting descriptions of life at the mission stations Berseba, Keetmannshoop, Windhoek, Warmbad, Komaggas, Southwest Africa, 120 p., ms., no year;

Rheinische Missionsgesellschaft
Steel hat, Lina, née Rohde (1873-1933)
RMG 1.742 · Akt(e) · 1904-1938
Teil von Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

nach d. Tod ihres Gatten Wilhelm Karl Stahlhut 1900 blieb sie als Missionsschwester in Namibia: Ondjiva, Windhoek, Karibib, Tsumeb, vgl. RMG 1.633; Briefe u. Berichte, 1904-1931; Instruktion, 1907; ärztliche Befundberichte, 1933; Lebensdaten  u. kurzer Nachruf, 1933; Antwort auf Anfrage e. Neffen (enthält als Anlage d. Nachruf für Missionar Wilhelm Karl Stahlhut, gest. 1900), 1938; Arbeitsberichte von Schwester Lina Stahlhut, geb. Rohde aus Windhoek, Karibib u. Tsumeb, 1925-1933;

Rheinische Missionsgesellschaft
Wulfhorst, August (1861-1936)
RMG 1.626 a-g; · Akt(e) · 1890-1956
Teil von Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

1890-1930 in Ondjiva, Omupanda, Karibib, Swakopmund, Präses d. Ovambomission, estate see RMG 1.627; extensive correspondence, annual, station and travel reports, 1890-1936; travel report by Thusnelda Wulfhorst, née. Härlin, 1892; Private letters from August and Thusnelda Wulfhorst, née Härlin to Inspector Johannes Wilhelm Karl Spiecker, 1890-1900; "Osondahe", Monatsblatt d. Finnish Mission, May 1909; Correspondence with the German Consulate and Portuguese authorities concerning property claims in Omupanda, 1920-1927; Obituary for August Wulfhorst by Johannes Georg Heinrich Olpp, 1936; Correspondence with his 2nd wife, Johanna Wulfhorst, née Härlin, 1937-1956

Rheinische Missionsgesellschaft