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Baumann, Christian Philipp Johann (1842-1888)
RMG 1.602 · Akt(e) · 1874-1893, (1930)
Teil von Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Mission colonist, catechist, from 1883 missionary in Otjimbingue, Otjozondjupa, Scheppmannsdorf, Walvis Bay, Okombahe, letters from 1866-1872 s. RMG 2.573; Letters and Reports, 1874-1887; Letter from Mrs. Maria Baumann, née Kleinschmidt, 1892-1893; Registered cover by Christian Baumann (son) from Hamburg, 1930;

Rheinische Missionsgesellschaft
Baumann, Hugo (1872-1956)
RMG 1.652 · Akt(e) · 1892-1894, 1901-1960
Teil von Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

1901-1911 in Okombahe, from 1912 pastor in USA, among others in Scotland S. D.; Letters and Reports, 1900-1912; Curriculum Vitae (3 versions), 1892-1894; Testimony for Hugo Baumann, 1912; Correspondence with Hugo Baumann, 1923-1954; Correspondence with Anna Baumann, née Hartwig, 1956-1960;

Rheinische Missionsgesellschaft
Becker, Gustav (1877-1948)
RMG 1.672 a-b · Akt(e) · 1902-1968
Teil von Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

1907-1923 in Warmbad, Keetmanshoop, Windhoek, Heimatdienst 1923-1927, parish office from 1927; letters and reports, 1907-1946; curriculum vitae, application, recommendation, 1902; examination certificate (copy), 1907; Henriette Fenchel, later Mrs. Becker, to Warneck and Johannes Spiecker, 1909 1910; report on Tobias Fenchel's illness and illness. Death, 1910; Engagement announcement Gustav Becker - Henriette (Henny) Fenchel, 1911; Agreement between the RMG in Barmen and the Evangelische Verein für Innere Mission in Nassau, 1924; Report by Ms Henriette (Henny) Becker "In Memory of my dear husband Gustav Becker", 3 p.., ms, 1948; Obituary for Gustav Becker, 1948; Correspondence with Mrs Henriette (Henny) Becker, 1948-1967; death certificate for Mrs Henriette (Henny) Becker, 1968;

Rheinische Missionsgesellschaft
Berger, Carl (1871-1962)
RMG 1.642 a-b · Akt(e) · 1892, 1898-1906, 1912-1961:; 1964-1976
Teil von Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

1898-1906 in Berseba, Rietmond, Ghochas, Gibeon, Haruchas bei Ghochas, from 1905 Farmer, cf. RMG 1.341 for estate; curriculum vitae and application documents, 1892; letters and reports, 1898-1905; copy of e. letter from Hendrik Witbooi to the captains of Berseba and Bethanien, 1904; Report on the rescue of his wife and children, who had been abducted to Gramus, 8 p..., hs., Oct. 1904; Report by Mrs. Ida Berger, née Bergmann, related Albath about her experiences during the outbreak of the Hottentot uprising in Gochas and on the trip to Gramus, 32 p., hs., 1904; Proclamation of the Lieutenants General von Trotha an d. Hottentotten, in German, Dutch and Nama, Apr. 1905; Memorandum: "Entwicklung d. Unruhen im Gochaser Gebiet", 1904; Detailed report on Carl Berger's experiences during the 1904 uprising in the Gochaser Gebiet, 15 p., hs, June 1905; Nachtragsbericht über d. Folgen d. Aufstandes, Aug. 1905; Ehrenerklärung d. Oberleutnants Stuhlmann für Carl Berger, Nov. 1905; declaration of resignation and justification for this by Carl Berger, June 1906; correspondence with Carl Berger, 1912-1961; correspondence with Mrs. Margarete Berger, née Ruymann, widow Carl Bergers

Rheinische Missionsgesellschaft
Blecher, Adolf (1869-1938)
RMG 1.649 a-b · Akt(e) · 1894-1951
Teil von Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

1900-1919 in Rehoboth, Otjimbingue, later parish office Germany, the 2nd woman, Emma Blecher, née Böhle was missionary sister, no own file available; letters and reports, 1900-1919; curriculum vitae, application, medical certificate, 1894; "funeral speech at the grave of my expensive wife", Mathilde Blecher, née. Siebel, 1906; Donation of Platzes Ouises by Lazarus Cloete, copy of the document, 1907; lease contract for mission plot with farmer Herforth, Hoachanas, 1908; report on d. Death of his 2nd wife Emma Blecher, née Böhle, 1911; Correspondence on pay matters, 1929; Samuel Beukus, Rehoboth, complains to Adolf Blecher about d. Successor of Adolf Blecher in Rehoboth, Missionary Hermann Schroer, 1930; obituary for Adolf Blecher, 1938; correspondence with Martha Blecher, née Stegemann, 1938-1951; obituary for Martha Blecher, 1951;

Rheinische Missionsgesellschaft
Boehm, Johannes Albrecht Friedrich (1833-1918)
RMG 1.597 a-d · Akt(e) · 1863-1915
Teil von Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

1863-1905 in Salem, Ameib, Walvis Bay, diaries see RMG 1.598; letters (also by Katharine Böhm, née Hahl), travel reports, station reports, cash reports, contributions to "Kleinen Missionsfreund" 1863-1907, 1915; financial correspondence with managing director Friedrich Schindelin, 1888-1890; letters and reports by Ludwig Koch, Landing

Rheinische Missionsgesellschaft
Brockmann, Heinrich Johann (1873-1950)
RMG 1.659 a-b · Akt(e) · 1895-1902, 1913-1954
Teil von Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

1903-1951 in Otjosazu, Franzfontein, Outjo, Okombahe, Usakos, Swakopmund; letters and reports, 1902-1950; curriculum vitae, application, medical certificate, 1895-1902; sketch of a mission property to be acquired in Outjo, 1905; death announcement for Mrs. Helene Brockmann, née. Upmeyer, 1935; draft e. Präsesinstruktion with notes by Heinrich Vedder, 1938; Kassenbericht d. Generalkasse Südwestafrika, 1947; obituary for Heinrich Johann Brockmann 1951; obituary for Dora Brockmann, née Hollerbaum, 1954;

Rheinische Missionsgesellschaft
Charles Ranke (1901-1975)
M 292 · Akt(e) · 1931-1968
Teil von Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Curriculum vitae, 1931; instructions and vows, 1932; correspondence and work reports, 1932-1968; "Buhamila-Rugela, 1933; "Baptism in Rukajange, 1935; "A Trip in the Land of Illness, 1936; Population of Karagwe and Statistics, 1935; "A Small Community in the African Steppe, 1938; "Women at Work of Frieda Ranke, 1938

Cock, Samuel Johann (1805-1883)
RMG 1.504 · Akt(e) · 1831-1855, 1870, 1884
Teil von Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Catechist and colonist, 1834-1848 in the Cape, 1848-1852 in Ebenezer, Bethanien, Berseba, 1852-1875 in Germany, then back to Africa, see also RMG 2.372; Letters and diaries by Samuel Johann Hahn and Mrs. Helene Hahn, née Langenbeck, 1831-1855; C. Böhm to Mrs. Helene Hahn, 1870; Fr. Heinrich Hahn, Dautzschen to Deputation, 1884;

Rheinische Missionsgesellschaft
Dr. Georg Eichholz (1909-1973)
RMG 491 · Akt(e) · 1935-1960
Teil von Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

From 1935 teacher at the seminar, seminar leader 1946-1960; negotiations with the confessional synod, 1935; instruction as teacher at the seminar, 1935; salary determination, 1937 1941; connection to the pension fund, 1945; certificate of appointment as seminar leader, 1946; Der Dienst der Frau in der Gemeinde, 2 p., ms., 1956; professorship at the Kirchliche Hochschule, 1960

Rheinische Missionsgesellschaft
Dr. Heinrich Friedrich de Kleine (1901-1970)
RMG 456 · Akt(e) · 1919-1950
Teil von Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

1927-1948 Missionary on Sumatra, then Sumatra-Dezernent, director 1958-1966; curriculum vitae, baptism certificate, apprenticeship certificate, school reports, 1919; medical examinations for fitness for the tropics, 1920, 1921 1926; Final report of the mission seminar Barmen, 1927; ordination certificate, 1927; engagement announcement with Elfriede Meyer zur Heide, 1927; correspondence Sumatra, 1927-1935; negotiations for adoption of a child, 1936; correspondence d. Management with him in Medan and Mrs de Kleine in Holland, 1937-1948; publishing contract, 1949; correspondence of management with him during his stay in America, Holland, Germany, 1948-1950

Rheinische Missionsgesellschaft
RMG 2.158 · Akt(e) · 1896-1959
Teil von Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Curriculum vitae, application and certificates, 1896-1901; health certificate, 1907; letters and reports from New Guinea, 1907-1928; correspondence with H. Eckershoff in Heimatarbeit, 1928-1945; health certificates for the Eckershoff couple, 1929; correspondence with Elisabeth Eckershoff, nee. Walther, 1946-1954; Versorgungsangelegenheiten, 1937, 1946 and 1958; correspondence with Prof. H. Walther and condolences on the death of his sister, 1958-1959

Rheinische Missionsgesellschaft
Eickmeyer, Hermann (1881-1956)
RMG 1.692 · Akt(e) · 1912-1966
Teil von Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Missions-Farmer, 1912-1956 Gaub; curriculum vitae, application, certificates, instruction, 1912; correspondence with Hermann and Emma Eickmeyer, née Puls, 1912-1956; obituary for Hermann Eickmeyer, 1956; correspondence with Mrs Emma Eickmeyer, née Puls, 1956-1966; pension matters for Hermann and Emma Eickmeyer, née Puls, 1947-1966;

Rheinische Missionsgesellschaft
Elger, August (1874-1968)
RMG 1.651 · Akt(e) · 1893-1968
Teil von Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

1900-1914 in Otjimbingue, Karibib, from 1915 parish office in Germany, among others in Bergkamen i. W.; letters and reports, 1900-1914; curriculum vitae, various application letters, medical certificate, 1893-1895; correspondence with August Elger, 1916-1968; death announcement for Mrs. Adele Elger, née Jansen 1948; death announcement for August Elger, 1968; cf. a: M. Wilckens, August Elger and others. Ex.arbeit Kiel 2006 => Library 2-6012

Rheinische Missionsgesellschaft
Erich Auersch (1887-1983), missionary merchant
M 434 · Akt(e) · 1912-1987
Teil von Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Report of a journey from Bethel to Tanga, 1912; Letter of African women to "Bibi Auersch (copy), 1915; Employment certificate for Erich Auersch, 1920; Communication on Yakobo Ngombe in a letter from Erich Auersch to Inspector Curt Ronicke of 09.03.1950; Correspondence, 1950-1972; Notifications of a descendant of Erich Auersch, 1987

M 22 · Akt(e) · 1895-1900
Teil von Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Letters from Sister Lina Dieckmann, 1895-1896; letters from deacon G. Liebusch. 1896-1900; Letters from deacon Wilhelm Bokermann and his wife Marie, née Lohoff, 1896-1900; Letters from deacon Friedrich Gerdes, 1897-1899; Letters from missionaries Cleve, Gleiß and Langheinrich, 1896-1898

RMG 741 · Akt(e) · 1902-1929
Teil von Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Allgemeine Grundsätze über die Stellung d. Rheinischen Missions-Schwester, 1905; Schwesternordnung für China, 1905; Bestimmungen d. Frauen-Missionsbund über den Einsatz ihrer Schwestern, 1905; Report on the Board Meeting, 1905; Minutes of conversations and discussions. Correspondence with Mrs. Freda von Bethmann-Hollweg, 1905-1908; Contract for sisters of the DFMGB within the RMG, 1906 1928; Letter from Sister Helene Schmitz from Hong Kong, 1906; Regulations of the delegation from Sister H. Kloß, Dr.., 1911; Contract between Bibelhaus Malche and RMG, 1913; Correspondence with Countess Else von Baudissin, 1909-1923; Correspondence with Frau von Oertzen, Rostock, 1924-1929; Correspondence with the Club für junge Mädchen, Berlin, Countess von Reventlov, 1926

Rheinische Missionsgesellschaft
RMG 742 · Akt(e) · 1930-1945
Teil von Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Correspondence on the work of the sisters, especially with Frau von Oertzen and Fräulein von Bülow, Rostock; extract from the deputation protocol of June 30, 1930; supplement to the contract for the DFMGB sisters within the Rhine. Mission, 1930; Report from Hong Kong by Sister E. Goldacker, 1938; Monthly Reports of the DFMGB from Rostock, 1944: March, April, August 1945: January, March, April, November

Rheinische Missionsgesellschaft
Hegner, Carl Ludwig Hermann (1840-1915)
RMG 1.600 a-c · Akt(e) · 1865-1877, 1878-1893, 1893-1913, 1858, (1955)
Teil von Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

1865-1905 in Spektakle, Pella, Concordia, Keetmanshoop, Berseba, missionary from 1905; curriculum vitae, 1858; letters and travelogues (partly with additions by Johann Georg Krönlein), annual reports, visitation reports, conference reports, 1865-1905; request of the. Federal Foreign Office Berlin for awarding the Order to Carl Ludwig Hermann Hegner, 1906; letters from his retirement, 1907-1913; correspondence with Ms. Zimmermann, née Hegner 1955

Rheinische Missionsgesellschaft
Heidmann, Johann Christian Friedrich (1834-1913)
RMG 1.601 a-c · Akt(e) · 1865-1913, (1962)
Teil von Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

1865-1907 in de Tuin, Rehoboth; letters and reports also by Mrs. Ida Heidmann, née Eick, from de Tuin and Rehoboth, 1865-1904; station, annual and cash reports from Rehoboth, 1870-1904; copies of letters of captains Hermannus van Wyk, Kamaharero and Hendrik Witbooi, 1880-1893; copy e. friendship contract between d. German Reich and the Bastards of Rehoboth, 1885; copies of debt contracts between German trading companies and Rehobothers, assignment of farmland, 1899; obituary e. community e. community elders of Rehoboth for Johann Christian Friedrich Heidmann, 1913; correspondence with Heidmann's e. nephew in Hanover, 1962

Rheinische Missionsgesellschaft
Ickler, William (1869-1900)
RMG 1.640 · Akt(e) · 1890-1900, 1937
Teil von Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

1896-1900 in Omupanda; Letters and reports, also private letters to inspectors, 1896-1900; Curriculum Vitae of Wilhelm Ickler, 1890; Reports on the illness, death and burial of Wilhelm Ickler by Maria Ickler, née Ruben and Hermann Tönjes, 1900; Letter of condolence of the Finnish Mission, 1900; Correspondence on the care of the widow Maria Ickler, 1937;

Rheinische Missionsgesellschaft
Johann Jacob Greiner (1842-1905)
M 208 · Akt(e) · 1887-1907
Teil von Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

"Afrikanischer Sklavenhandel, Supplement to No. 227 of the Allgemeine Schweizer Zeitung of 25.09.1886, (Report on Greiner's 12-year activity in Abyssinia and Gallaland), 1886; employment negotiations, travel preparations, and Service contract, 1887; travelogues and first experiences in Zanzibar, 1887-1888; letters and reports from Zanzibar and Dar-es-Salaam, 1889; contract with Ismael Wahora for the expansion of the station in Dar-es-Salaam, 1889; letters and reports from Zanzibar and Dar-es-Salaam, 1889. Reports from Zanzibar and Dar-es-Salaam, 1890; CVs of African school children, 1890; correspondence during their stay at home, 1891; letters and reports from Zanzibar and Dar-es-Salaam, 1892; letters and reports (general), 1894-1905; Greiner's extensive life and illness history, 1899; correspondence with Mrs Greiner, 1906; design of Greiner's tomb in Kisserawe, 1907

Kolbe, Frederick William (1821-1899)
RMG 1.583 a-b · Akt(e) · 1844-1860, 1893, o. J., 1847-1848
Teil von Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

1844-1847 in Capeland, 1848-1852 in Worchester, Otjikango, Okahandja, Otjimbingue, leaving, from 1852 preacher at the Cap, Paarl; sacred poems and songs, composed and recorded by Friedrich Wilhelm Kolbe in his youth, octavheft, not published.Diary for Mr. Eickhoff, Gütersloh, with 7 drawings and explanations, 1847-1848; letters and diaries from various locations, including "Bericht über d. Überfall Jonker Afrikaners auf d. Missions-Station Schmelens Erwartung", 23.08.1850; rehearsal of the Rhine. Missionspresse, 1849; Report on the death of his wife Isabella Kolbe, née Elliott, 1893;

Rheinische Missionsgesellschaft
Luhaya grammars
M 771 · Akt(e) · 1930-1956
Teil von Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Luhaya grammar by Mrs. Missionar Rascher, 60 p. hectographed and bound, 1930; Luhaya grammar N.N., 153 p. Typoskript, n.a.; The formation of the noun from the Zeitwort, 14 p., ms., n.a.; Memorandum for the translation of the Haya grammar into English, 1956

Mission Assistance Association Osnabrück
RMG 182 · Akt(e) · 1841-1939
Teil von Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Correspondence, 1841-1845, 1908-1939; Statutes of the ev. Mission-Verein zu Osnabrück, Dr., 1902; Report of the Ev. Missionsverein about the association year 1906, Dr., 1907; same about the association year 1907, Dr., 1908; Statute of the Protestant Women's Mission Association at Osnabrück, Dr., 1908; History of the Osnabrücker Protestant Mission Association from 25 May 1839-1918, by J. J. Langen zu Osnabrück, ms. 79 p., 1918; Der Ev. Missions-Verein Osnabrück, IN: Monatsblatt d. Nordd. Mission, 1935

Rheinische Missionsgesellschaft