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2.01.1 - Faculty of Philosophy 1419-1945
2.01.1 · Bestand
Teil von University Archive Rostock

Abbreviation: 2.01.1 Stock profile: Stock description: Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Rostock 1419-1945 Content: Faculty management, institutes and seminars Duration: 1419 - 1945 Scope: 11 running meters, more than 400 files Cataloguing: database, index, FINDBUCH.Net Citation method: University Archive Rostock, 2.01.1, signature Preface: The Faculty of Philosophy, formerly the Faculty of Artistics, was one of the traditional, classical founding faculties of the University of Rostock and can therefore look back on an eventful history that reaches back to the present. The holdings of the Faculty of Philosophy 1419-1945 include all the documents handed down by the head of the Faculty of Philosophy, the individual chairs, institutes and seminars from this period. Even though continuous documentation only began around 1789, some older faculty books have survived. The complete faculty register from 1419 to 1701 is a valuable source. The history of the Archive of the Faculty of Philosophy dates back to 1419. A first list of existing files is available from 1569. A preserved print from 1731 contains a list of the existing "books and things". In 1849 the university secretary of the Archive of the Faculty of Philosophy took over and ordered it. With the opening of the new main building of the University in 1870, the Archive of the Faculty of Philosophy was also given space in the rooms on the ground floor. In 1908 it had to be cleared and housed with the other faculty archives in the seminar building in the courtyard. By order of the Rector, the archives of the faculties were to be handed over to the newly formed Archives Commission in 1947. It was not until 1948 that the inventory was returned to the archive rooms of the main building on the ground floor. In the 1950s the order of the stock began. In 1951/52, an alphabetical index was completed, while the systematic indexing of the Dean's Archives of the Faculty of Philosophy lasted until 1962. The search books created were not used in the use. In later years, the order was interfered with, files dissolved or integrated into other holdings. In the 1990s, the collection was newly recorded, later added to the database and is now also accessible via FINDBUCH.net.