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Äussere Mission
Landeskirchliches Archiv Stuttgart, 195 · Akt(e) · 1901-1962
Teil von Regional Church Archive Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)
  • 1901-1962, State Church Archive Stuttgart, Protestant Deanery Office Schorndorf
  • Contains in particular:<br /><br />- District mission festivals<br />- Permission for missionaries to preach in the regional church and to help with communion<br />- Excerpts from wills in favor of the Basel Mission<br />- Lists of mission offerings<br />- Guide to mission literature, [1915]<br />- Half-batzen collection 1914-1917<br />- Roll of honor for the missionary workers and missionary sons of Germany who died in the World War, [1919]<br />- Ludwig Weichert, Christus siegt in aller Welt. Ein Wort über die Gottlosenbewegung anlässlich des 200jährigen Jubiläums der Herrnhuter Mission, pamphlet [1932]<br />- Vereinzelte Jahresberichte des Vereins für evang. Mission in Cameroon and Northern Togo, the German Institute for Medical Mission, the German Aid Association for Christian Charity in the Orient and the North German Mission Society<br />- Statement and report by Dean Johannes Josenhans to the OKR on the ban on the Association of Friends of Israel, 1938<br />- Karl Hartenstein, Die Weltmissionskonferenz in Whitby-Toronto, 1947<br />- Information about Wilhelm Sziel (Carmel Mission), Schorndorf, 1949<br />- Letter and accompanying report concerning the dismissal of a missionary from the Liebenzeller Mission, 1950
  • Description: Contains mainly: - District mission festivals - Permission for missionaries to preach in the regional church and to help with communion - Excerpts from wills in favor of the Basel Mission - Lists of mission offerings - Guide to mission literature, [1915] - Half-batzen collection 1914-1917 - Honorary plaque for the missionary workers and missionary sons of Germany who died in the World War, [1919] - Ludwig Weichert, Christus siegt in aller Welt. A word about the godless movement on the occasion of the 200th anniversary of the Herrnhut Mission, pamphlet [1932] - Isolated annual reports of the Verein für evang. Mission in Cameroon and Northern Togo, the German Institute for Medical Mission, the German Aid Association for Christian Charity in the Orient and the North German Mission Society - Statement and report by Dean Johannes Josenhans to the OKR on the ban on the Association of Friends of Israel, 1938 - Karl Hartenstein, The World Mission Conference in Whitby-Toronto, 1947 - Information about Wilhelm Sziel (Carmel Mission), Schorndorf, 1949 - Letter and accompanying report concerning the dismissal of a missionary from the Liebenzeller Mission, 1950
Liebenzeller Mission
Outer mission
Landeskirchliches Archiv Stuttgart, A 1318 · Akt(e) · o. D., 1899-1912, 1925-1950, 1963-1966
Teil von Regional Church Archive Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)
  • description: contains among others: Contains: Balingen Mission Association; Basel Mission; Dr. Lepsius German Orient Mission, Potsdam; German Institute for Medical Mission Also contains: In memory of the 25th anniversary of the office of Director D. Theodor Oehler (Basel 1910, 40 p.); Report by Heinrich Bizer on his work in China (1925); Letter from the foster child of the orphan department of the Dr. Lepsius German Orient Mission Sohrab Erserumian from Aleppo to Dean Pfleiderer (1932; with photo of the foster child)
  • undated, 1899-1912, 1925-1950, 1963-1966, Landeskirchliches Archiv Stuttgart, Evangelisches Dekanatamt Balingen
  • Contains, among other things: Contains:<br />Missionsverein Balingen;<br />Basler Mission;<br />Dr. Lepsius Deutsche Orient-Mission, Potsdam;<br />Deutsches Institut für ärztliche Mission<br /><br />Contains also:<br />In memory of the 25th anniversary of the office of Mr. Direktor D. Theodor Oehler (Basel 1910, 40 p.);<br />Report by Heinrich Bizer on his work in China (1925);<br />Letter from Sohrab Erserumian, foster child of the orphan department of the Dr. Lepsius German Orient Mission, from Aleppo to Dean Pfleiderer (1932; with photo of the foster child)