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A 0 (inventory)
Kreisarchiv Höxter, A 0 · Bestand
Teil von District Archive Höxter (Archive Tectonics)

Introduction : A 0 - Hauptabteilung/HauptamtThe present collection mainly comprises the files of the Hauptabteilung and Hauptamt of the Kreisverwaltung Höxter as they were closed until 1968. It contains with few previous files (from 1924) and some older documents in younger files (from 1893) the files with terms between 1937 and 1968. A few later additions were classified into the inventory. These border years are not caused by legal requirements or changes in the organisation of the authorities or the allocation of responsibilities. Rather, the cut of the registry is conditioned in each case by a change in the form of document filing. Until 1937 a recumbent registry was kept. This year Paul Kölsch, the Kassel representative of the Regis-Gesellschaft in Duisburg, worked out a new file plan for the municipal department. With the new file plan, the conversion of the filing system to a standing file with four-hole mechanism according to the Regis system was carried out. The new registry was put into operation on 11 November 1937. The standing file register was in use until 1968, when it was replaced by a hanging file. The closed standing files were put away as old registry and finally taken over into the district archives. The files before 1937 are in the Detmold State Archives as holdings M 2 Höxter, which also contains a small number of files with terms up to 1944. The file plan was used as a basis for the order of the present inventory. As a rule, it was also possible to keep the order specified by the file numbers when filing the archive records in the magazine. Until 1945, the main department bore the designation A, from 1945 to 1955 Ib and from 1956 0 (zero), which is indicated in each case in the search book under the file numbers. The files of the National Socialist era have not been fully archived, because shortly before the American troops marched into Höxter, part of the files (¿secret files¿) were burned (see no. 762). References to the type of documents destroyed can be found in the lists in No. 1274. The district administrator as head of the district administration was a civil servant, the district a state administrative district since 1933. There was no district assembly during the National Socialist era. The conquest of the town of Höxter by the Allied troops on 7 April 1945 brought the work of the district administration to a standstill for the time being. The occupying power then appointed Hoffmeister as provisional district administrator. On 25 May 1945 Wilhelm Kronsbein, former mayor of the town of Höxter, was appointed district administrator. However, the British military government, which was represented by a district officer (British Resident) in Höxter from May 1945 to May 1951, had the final decision-making authority in all matters. The military government established a municipal administrative structure with the separation of administration and political leadership. From 1946, the head of administration was the head of the Oberkreisdirektor. On 15 January 1946, the first district assembly (appointed by the military government) met with a district administrator at the head. From 1 April 1946, the district administration was no longer a state authority, but a purely municipal administration. On 1 November 1948, the remaining state authorities - the Cadastral, Road Traffic, Health, Veterinary and Nutrition Office and the Government Treasury - were incorporated into the District Administration. On 13 October 1946, a district assembly was elected in a free election. He met for his constituent meeting on 23 October 1946 and elected the district administrator from his ranks. On 24 June 1946, Oberkreisdirektor Kronsbein was replaced by Oberkreisdirektor Buss, who held this position until 1968. Höxter, January 1997 signed Krus Nachtrag v. 06.07.2015:Following the retroconversion of the typewritten finding aid in the first half of 2015, individual data records were marked with blocking notices in accordance with the Archive Act of North Rhine-Westphalia in the version of 16.09.2014 with a view to publication as an online finding aid in the first half of the year and were not (yet) published subsequently. signed KreieKreisarchiv Höxter A 0 No.