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1st Mission House in Arusha
ALMW_II._BA_A19_407 · Objekt · 1907-1930
Teil von Evangelical Lutheran Mission Leipzig

Photographer: Blumer?. Phototype: Photo. Format: 7,9 X 10,8 Description: European style building with tiled roof and stone walls and veranda. Remark: Surface damaged.

Leipziger Missionswerk
A warrior
ALMW_II._BA_A2_7(676) · Objekt · 1907-1930
Teil von Evangelical Lutheran Mission Leipzig

Photographer: Blumer?. Phototype: Photo. Format: 7,6 X 9,7. Description: Maasai or Arusha? shoulder-length braid, large knife and stick, wide right edge. Person, house with thatched roof i. Background. Reference: Album 19, No. 467 (10,7 X 8,1) "Tomb at Meru-Malala of the murdered missionaries Ovir, Segebrock". See single photo 115 (11,1 X 8,2) "The renewed burial place of Segebrock and Ovir in Akeri am Malala, district Aruscha, Tanganjika Territory. Besides, there is a catechumen from "Aruscha".

Leipziger Missionswerk
Arusha, Mission House Room, August 1926
ALMW_II._BA_A20_524 · Objekt · August 1926
Teil von Evangelical Lutheran Mission Leipzig

Photographer: Blumer Frau?. Phototype: Photo. Format: 11,0 X 8,1. Description: Room with bookshelf, table with pictures. Remark: Surface damaged. Reference: Cf. album 20, no. 583 (10,8 X 8,2).

Leipziger Missionswerk
Auxiliary teacher Lotokorduaki
ALMW_II._BA_A2_34(720) · Objekt · 1907-1930
Teil von Evangelical Lutheran Mission Leipzig

Photographer: Blumer?. Phototype: Photo. Format: 10,5 X 7,9. Description: above mentioned person with woman, sitting, 4 children, i. background trad. House (similar to Chagga-Westkilimanjaro style: covered with banana bark, with banana bark, right front storage hut, behind rectangular. House, covered with plant fibres, in the background bananas.

Leipziger Missionswerk
Before our holiday
ALMW_II._BA_A19_189 · Objekt · Juli 1912
Teil von Evangelical Lutheran Mission Leipzig

Phototype: Photo. Format: 15,5 X 12,1. Description: next to staircase in front of mission house Aruscha: Blumer sitting on chair, Mrs. Blumer wants to put infant on other chair, 3 African teenagers and 1 girl standing behind them. Remark: Infant and 1 African blurred.

Leipziger Missionswerk
ALMW_II._BA_A2_37(689) · Objekt · 1907-1930
Teil von Evangelical Lutheran Mission Leipzig

Photographer: Blumer?. Phototype: Photo. Format: 10,8 X 8,0. Description: 14 persons, group picture (sitting on meadow), among them 1 europ. girl (daughter Blumers), in the background house europ. style, girl partly europ./ partly dressed in scarves. Reference: See Album 19, No. 331 (10.7 X 8.3) "D. Brown and P. Zeilinger from America in Aruscha. Miss. Eisenschmidt and we 25. 7. 1921".

Leipziger Missionswerk
Boer Car
ALMW_II._BA_A2_13(726) · Objekt · 1907-1930
Teil von Evangelical Lutheran Mission Leipzig

Photographer: Blumer?. Phototype: Photo. Format: 10,2 X 7,7. Description: Boxes and other luggage on wagon, in front 2 Europeans, 1 of them sitting on drawbar, in the back 2 wide. Persons, left margin back europ. house. Reference: See Album 19, No. 501 (10.7 X 8.2) "Worm Disease Treatment, April 1923.

Leipziger Missionswerk
ALMW_II._BA_A18_86 · Objekt · 1929
Teil von Evangelical Lutheran Mission Leipzig

Photographer: Mrs. or Mr. Blumer?. Phototype: Photo. Format: 9,0 X 6,4. Description: 5 pairs, dressed. Reference: See Blumer's estate, No. 712 (8,7 X 6,0) "8 couples go to church for the wedding ceremony. At the top Lotegeluaki, then David" (Blumer better to be seen here than on Nachlaß Blumer, no. 85).

Leipziger Missionswerk
Christian community in Aruscha
ALMW_II._BA_A2_43(724) · Objekt · Juli 1923
Teil von Evangelical Lutheran Mission Leipzig

Photographer: Blumer Frau?. Phototype: Photo. Format: 10,7 X 8,0. Description: Group picture in front of church, left men and right women standing, children sitting in front, Europeans standing/ sitting. Reference: See album 17, no. 39 (10,7 X 8,2) "Teacher Lotokorduaki and Family i. Aruscha".

Leipziger Missionswerk
Family Pätzig - Arusha
ALMW_II._BA_A18_81 · Objekt · 1929
Teil von Evangelical Lutheran Mission Leipzig

Phototype: Photo. Format: 6,0 X 9,0 Description: Couple Pätzig and 3 children on their way to the mission house (see estate Blumer, no. 80: same place).

Leipziger Missionswerk
Governorage in Arusha
ALMW_II._BA_A19_422 · Objekt · 7. August 1922
Teil von Evangelical Lutheran Mission Leipzig

Photographer: Blumer?. Phototype: Photo. Format: 10,7 X 8,0. Description: 3 Arushakrieger with spear and shield in front of two houses (corrugated iron roof) squatting on a meadow, further house with plant fibre roof in the background. Reference: See Album 19, No. 421, 422, 424.

Leipziger Missionswerk
Governortage in Arusha
ALMW_II._BA_A19_424 · Objekt · 7. August 1922
Teil von Evangelical Lutheran Mission Leipzig

Photographer: Blumer?. Phototype: Photo. Format: 10,5 X 8,0. Description: Group of Arusha warriors running or dancing with spears and signs, spectators and a European house in the background. Reference: Cf. album 19, no. 426.

Leipziger Missionswerk
June 1911, Aruscha
ALMW_II._BA_A19_186 · Objekt · Juni 1911
Teil von Evangelical Lutheran Mission Leipzig

Phototype: Photo. Format: 12,0 X 8,2 Description: Mrs. and Mr. Blumer in front of house next to stairs (place see no. 185), Mr. Blumer with infant Magdalena, cat at her feet.

Leipziger Missionswerk
ALMW_II._BA_A19_241 · Objekt · September 1911
Teil von Evangelical Lutheran Mission Leipzig

Photographer: Blumer?. Phototype: Photo. Format: 11,9 X 8,9 Description: Frau Blumer with infant on arm in front of the veranda of the mission house Arusha.

Leipziger Missionswerk
Matei our cook
ALMW_II._BA_A20_520 · Objekt · 1926
Teil von Evangelical Lutheran Mission Leipzig

Photographer: Blumer?. Phototype: Photo. Format: 11,0 X 8,3. Description: Sitting on a bench in the garden in front of the mission house. Reference: Cf. N. Sheet no. 641 (11.8 X 8.9). Cf. album 20, no. 515, 521. Cf. album 18, no. 90.

Leipziger Missionswerk
Mission Aruscha with Reg. teacher Kaufmann(?)
ALMW_II._BA_A19_188 · Objekt · Januar 1912
Teil von Evangelical Lutheran Mission Leipzig

Phototype: Photo. Format: 10,9 X 8,8 Description: Mrs. Blumer (pouring coffee) and Mr. Blumer with above mentioned person sitting on veranda at coffee table; behind them Africans; in the background rectangular house with roof made of plant fibres. Remark: faded.

Leipziger Missionswerk
Mission farm in Arusha
ALMW_II._BA_A17_25 · Objekt · 3. Februar 1924
Teil von Evangelical Lutheran Mission Leipzig

Photographer: Mrs. or Mr. Blumer. Phototype: Photo. Format: 10,7 X 8,2 Description: other perspective than Alb. 17, no. 24; church in center, right rectangle. Building with corrugated iron roof. Reference: See Album 19, No. 513 (Nachlaß Blumer) (10,6 X 8,3).

Leipziger Missionswerk
Mission farm in Arusha
ALMW_II._BA_A17_54 · Objekt · Mai 1924
Teil von Evangelical Lutheran Mission Leipzig

Photographer: Mrs. or Mr. Blumer?. Phototype: Photo. Format: 10,6 X 8,2 Description: Building complex (stone walls, roof partly of plant fibres, partly of corrugated iron); in front Magdalena Blumer; lawn and ducks.

Leipziger Missionswerk
Missionshaus Arusha 1925
ALMW_II._BA_A18_72 · Objekt · 1925-1926
Teil von Evangelical Lutheran Mission Leipzig

Photographer: Mrs. or Mr. Blumer?. Phototype: Photo. Format: 11,1 X 8,0. Description: before 5 europ. dressed african. Mädchen und Arnold Blumer; Mission House: brick walls, corrugated iron roof.

Leipziger Missionswerk