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Best. 614, 52 · Akt(e) · 1929-1965
Teil von Historical Archive of the City of Cologne (Archivtektonik)

Contains:Institut för Folklivsforskning, Stockholm (Sigurd Erixon) 1941 - 1955 Exchange of the journal "Folklive" for the Ethnologica, 1941; questionnaire action to support the position of ethnology at universities and higher educational institutions in Europe, 1954; Museum für Länder- und Völkerkunde Linden-Museum, Stuttgart (LM) 1931 - 1962 Purchase of LM ethnographic collections from the Geelvink-Bai, Waigeo and Halmahara areas, list of offers, 1931; loans of Jenneschen Gamelan musical instruments for the special show of the Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum "Wajang-Puerwa-Theater", 1936; celebration on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the LM in Stuttgart. Birthday of the founder of the Lindenmuseum, Karl Graf von Linden, 28.5.1938; Orders of photographs of ethnographics; Exchange of ethnographics; List of objects handed over to Stuttgart, 18.11.1938; Lecture trip of Prof. Dr. Karl Graf von Linden, 28.5.1938; Lecture trip of Prof. Dr. Karl Graf von Linden, 18.11.1938. Lehmann durch Deutschland, 1951; Questionnaire action to determine the personnel and factual situation at German and foreign ethnological museums for publication in the "Jahrbuch des Lindenmuseums", questionnaire, 1951; Inquiry about the sale of an archaeological collection by Adrian Müller to the Linden Museum, 1953; Preparation of a memorandum by Martin Heydrich to the Stadtverwaltung Stuttgart for the purpose of improving the situation of the Linden Museum, 1953; Meeting of the directors of ethnological museums on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the founding of the Linden Museum, 1953; Meeting of the directors of ethnological museums on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the founding of the Linden Museum, 1951. Anniversary of the Württembergischer Verein für Handelsgeographie e.V. 1957 in Stuttgart, 1958; gift of special editions; search by J.F. Happiness after support by Martin Heydrich and other ethnologists for the granting of funds by the German Research Foundation for a 1 1/2 year stay in Brazil to investigate the religious and artistic behavior of the Negroes of Brazil, 1958; purchase of an ethnographic and archaeological collection from areas of Eastern Colombia for 120 000 DM from the physician Petersen, short description of the collection, 1 p.., 1958; loans for the Peru exhibition, 1959; theft of a Sepik mask from the LM, 1960; guest lectures by Becher on his "Researches in Northern Brazil" in Stuttgart, Bonn and Cologne, 1960; exhibition of an expertise by Willy Fröhlich on a Sepik collection that was to be purchased by the city of Stuttgart, 1961; lecture by MdB Vogel in front of the Humanum Colloquium in Bonn on "Cultural-political Aspects of Development Aid" on 22-23 November 2006; theft of a Sepik mask from the LM, 1960; exhibition of an expertise by Willy Fröhlich on a Sepik collection that was to be purchased by the city of Stuttgart, 1961; lecture by the MdB Vogel in front of the Humanum Colloquium in Bonn on "Cultural-political Aspects of Development Aid".3.1962; Statens Etnografiska Stockholm (SES) 1929 - 1962, including acquisition of the publication rights to the unpublished part of C.V.'s work. Hartmann "Archaeological researches in Costa Rica" by the SES, 1929; visit and study of collections of the Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum; information about ethnographical works; question about the reasons for Andreas Scheller's retirement from the service of the city of Cologne on 31.12.1940; (Lagercrantz) Expression of joy at the German victories in the East and hope of driving back the Bolshevik rabble to Asia, 1942; obituary for Walter Kaudern, who died in Gothenburg, in the Ethnologische Anzeiger, 1942; Loss of art objects and scientific documents due to the effects of war in Dresden and Berlin, 1949; transfer of the Sven-Hedin exhibition to Germany, lecture by Gösta Monteil on the occasion of the opening of the Sven-Hedin exhibition; Congo Museum Tervueren near Brussels (KMT) 1932 - 1965 contains anda.: Lecture by J. Maes in Cologne with the topic "Land und Leute in Urundi und Ruanda" on 18.7.1941; Heydrich's short report on the lecture; exchange of the Ethnological Anzeiger for the "Bibliographie Ethnographique du Congo belge", 1943; list of the KMT's publications in the Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum, 1953; guest lectures by Frans-Maria S. Olbrechts in Cologne, 1954; study trip of Heydrich with students to Tervueren, 1955; reorganization and renaming of the former "Institut Colonial International" to "Institut International des Civilisations Différentes" (INCIDI), search for suitable German members for the INCIDI, 1955; obituary for Frans-Maria S. Olbrechts, 24.3.1958; Thorbecke, Franz, Cologne, 12.8.1945 from 1949 onwards Thorbecke, Marie Pauline, Freiburg 1930 - 1961 contains, among other things, loans of watercolours for the Cameroon exhibition in the Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum 1933; loans for the special exhibition for the 1900 anniversary of the city of Cologne "Kölner erforschen die Welt", 1950; loans for a Cameroon-Congo exhibition, 1953; the like. for a Cameroon exhibition in 1960; rediscovery of watercolours and oil studies of Thorbeckes about Cameroon in the Ethnological Museum Mannheim, 1958; Trimborn, Hermann, Bonn 1929 - 1963 contains among other things information about ethnographic prints; order of ethnographic photos; invitation to Tr. for the opening of the mask exhibition of the Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum on 2.3.1932; obituary on the 3.11.Erwin Paul Dieseldorff, 1941, who died in New York in 1940; celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Frobenius Institute on 29.6.1948 and the 75th anniversary of the foundation of the Frobenius Institute. Special exhibition of the Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum in the staircase "Exotic Art", 1948; exhibition of the Lapland collection of Gustav Hagemanns, 1949; travelogue Ts. from Lima, 1951 and report about the international ethnological congress in Lima, 1951; old signatures: 52.