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Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz, XX. HA, HBA, D Nr. 1230 · Dossier · 1543 Aug.-Nov.
Fait partie de Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage (Archivtektonik)

1543 August - November Newspapers to Archbishop Wilhelm: 1. 1543 September 4, Cologne The emperor's troops have occupied the entire duchy of Jülich, and the duke [Wilhelm] asks for peace; the city of Roermond has surrendered to the emperor; attitude of the monetary cities; from the duchy poor inhabitants have moved to Cologne in large numbers with their belongings to find security there; today the leader of the army of the Brabantines with 1000 riders is supposed to come to Cologne either to transfer the soldiers to the area of Molenses [area between Mönchengladbach, Moers and Neuß] or to secure the treasure of the emperor; 300 wagons are supposed to drive from Cologne to the imperial camp; in Cologne there are many courtiers of the emperor, but no princes and dignitaries; the apostolic nuncio is in the camp of the emperor; the English envoy is in Cologne and wants to follow the court of the emperor. TranscriptionLatin1 sheet 21 x 32 cm, p. 1 described. 2. 1543 September 7, Cologne Certain aristocrats have told us what the agreements between the Emperor and the Duke of Jülich were like; the Duchy of Geldern and its accessories will remain in the possession of the Emperor; Duke Heinrich of Braunschweig is said to have been the main mediator of the peace treaty; in vigilia nativitatisbeatissime virginis Mariae (7. September) the Duke of Cleves prostrates himself before the Emperor, who has conquered the Duchy of Geldern and the county of Zutphen; [Charles V.The Emperor is to move to France and lead his army against the French; the Emperor is to intend to provide the Duchy of Geldern and the County of Zutphen for the son of the Roman King [Ferdinand I]; all other dominions will remain in the possession of the Duke of Cleves; the Emperor, together with the Duke of Cleves, will move to all the cities of the Duchy so that they show him their obedience. TranscriptLatinischEbenda, p. 1-2 described. 3. 1543 August 18, Rome Few news because of the absence of pope and curia; the Turkish ships under Barbarossa's command caused much damage and conquered six French ports because they were not sufficiently fortified; moreover [Barbarossa] is said to have taken the city of Nice outside the castle; the emperor has gathered in Naples about 70 Trier, Galeot and other ships to get to Africa; he either wants to call them back or look for the decision there; numerous ships are also gathered in Genoa and in Spain; in the opinion of many everything depends on the war in Lower Germany; if the emperor over the French king [Francis I.] the emperor will have to take the decision to get back to Africa.On 21 July the Turks entered Buda and the following day published an edict ordering the noble classes and nobles to obey the death penalty and confiscate their goods; among the merchants of Frankfurt there is a rumour that the imperial fleet occupied the Kingdom of Algeria. transcriptLateinischEbenda, p. 2-3 described. 4. 1543 August 28, Rome extract from the letter Caspar Hoyers, notaries of the Rota: A Turkish fleet of 180 ships left Constantinople six weeks ago and sailed past Calabria, Sicily, the Kingdom of Naples, Rome, Piombino, Siena, Corsica and other parts of Italy; from Marseille, owned by the King of France, they returned to Italy; futile Turkish attack on Nice; victory at sea of the admiral [Andrea] Doria over a Turkish fleet coming from Algiers; hope for the withdrawal of the Turkish fleet to Kontantinopel; military clashes between the emperor and the king of France in Flanders; joy at the victory [Charles V.].]. TranscriptLateinisch1 sheet 21 x 29 cm, p. 1 described. 5. 1543 August 16, Mainz With two strong armies the emperor invaded France; he considered it his duty to restitute the old and true religion everywhere; imperial mandate against Hildesheim; in the diocese of Cologne the infirmity of Lutheranism crept in with the consent of the archbishop [Hermann V. von Wied]; hope for the restoration of the old faith. transcriptLatinischEbenda, p. 1. 6. 1543 November 6, Magdeburg The emperor took five large cities from the French and hopes to defeat them; the Turks invaded Hungary again last summer and conquered two cities; victory of the Roman king [Ferdinand I].The Emperor wants to invite all electors, princes and estates to an Imperial Diet in Speyer ($Spir$), which is to begin at the end of November; the Emperor, with some cardinals and the Archbishop of Mainz [Albrecht II of Brandenburg], has proposed a reformation to many collegiate churches that want to accept the said churches. TranscriptLow German1 sheet 20.5 x 21 cm, p. 1 described. 7. O. D. u. O. The emperor seized Gelderns and other pacified dominions;with a strong army of 100000 men, including 20000 horsemen, he entered Flanders on the campaign against the French king [Franz I.]; the Turkish sultan [Soliman I.] was the first to enter Flanders.The "Sardinia" has again invaded Hungary, which it has already occupied almost entirely; war armaments against the Turks in the Mediterranean; Andrea Doria has gathered ships in Genoa; fleets have been formed in Spanish ports together with Portuguese ships, in addition in Sicily, Sardinia and Naples in August [1543]; these are to unite with each other and disperse the Turkish and French fleet; attitude of the Protestants; the Imperial Diet is to be held in Speyer on 1. December [1543]; perhaps, however, it will be postponed until the time after Christmas until the presence of the emperor. TranscriptLateinisch1 sheet 20.5 x 29 cm, p. 1 described. 8. 1543 September 16, Cologne 23. September [1543] the Emperor and the King of England will meet in a city in Artois; in the meantime the imperial army will march across the Meuse to France; mediation by Duke Henry of Brunswick; renunciation by the Emperor of the Duchy of Geldern and the counties of Zutphen and Heinsberg ($Hensberch$); the Duke of Cleves was to preserve his subjects in the old religion or lead those who had fallen away from it back there; if he alone was unable to do so, the Emperor promised him his help; in his camp the envoys of the Elector [Johann Friedrich I] were to be found.These have suggested that their princes submit to the emperor's discretion; the duke of Jülich has made a permanent alliance with the House of Burgundy; the emperor's benevolent attitude towards the former has been benevolent; the latter in his generosity has declared himself willing to pay certain mercenaries in Venlo ($Venelaw$) and has made 18000 guilders available for it; Martins van Rossem's behaviour towards the emperor; relationship with Queen Mary [of Hungary]; the son of the Lord of Granvella will receive the provost's office in Xanten, which became vacant after Ingenwinckell's death and which the father of the Duke of Cleves had transferred to Doctor Vlatten for many years; to the co-adjutor of Cologne, the emperor lent the provost's office of Maastricht worth 2000 guilders; the emperor will travel through Brabant, Antwerp and Artois to meet the English king; the duke of Cleves is said to be in Düsseldorf ($Dusseldorp$); the emperor's camp near Venlo is said to have been moved and he has moved to Brabant; if the duke of Cleves wants to follow the imperial court, he must maintain 200 horses; how this can happen is unknown, because he has accumulated many debts; draft of a contract between the princes of Orange and Hesse on the county of Katzenellenbogen; the bishop of Münster, Osnabrück and Minden has sent a doctor to the emperor, whom he did not want to hear; yesterday Mr. Johannes Gropper, doctor and Scholasticus of St. Petersburg, the bishop of Münster, Osnabrück and Minden, sent a doctor to the emperor. Gereon in Cologne, who had gone to the emperor's camp with the Cologne co-adjutor, the Duke of Cleves and several others. TranscriptionLatin1 sheet 21 x 30 cm, p. 1-3 described. 9. 1543 September 19, Cologne. Throwing machines and other war equipment have been sent to France; no tolerance of the Lutherans by the Emperor; in the first article he obliges the Duke of Cleves to remain with his subjects in the old religion; one speaks of the marriage of the Duke of Brunswick with the third sister of the Duke of Cleves; the first is the wife of the Elector of Saxony, and the second is in England. transcriptLateinischEbenda, p. 3.HBA D no. 1230. - old signature:;