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Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, GU 117 · Bestand · 1864-1929
Teil von Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)
  1. 1 The Dukes of Urach Counts of Württemberg: The Dukes of Urach Counts of Württemberg are a branch line of the House of Württemberg. In 1800 the fourth son of Duke Friedrich Eugen von Württemberg, Duke Wilhelm von Württemberg, married a court lady of his mother: twenty-three-year-old Wilhelmine von Tunderfeld-Rhodis. According to the house laws, this marriage with a woman who did not come from the high nobility was uneven; Duke Wilhelm therefore renounced the succession to the throne for his descendants on August 1, 1801. On 20 April 1801 the reigning Duke Friedrich, Duke Wilhelm's eldest brother, had already recognised the marriage as a full marriage to the right hand and determined that the descendants of Duke Wilhelm should bear the name Counts of Württemberg. Thus a new branch line of the House of Württemberg was created. The second son, Count Wilhelm, who also bore the name Wilhelm, was raised to the rank of first Duke of Urach by King Karl in 1867. The new ducal dignity was hereditary in the male tribe; the corresponding elevation of the younger children to the princedom was to underline the close connection of the branch line with the main line and determine its rank immediately after the royal house before all other class masters of the kingdom. Through the conversion of Wilhelm I to the Catholic denomination of his wife and children in 1862, the House of Urach became a consciously Catholic dynasty of princes from the very beginning. With the construction of the Lichtenstein Castle on the Albrand above the Echaztal in 1840/41, the Duke, who died in 1869, set himself a lasting monument. All further details about the House of Urach and its individual members can be found in the article by Wolfgang Schmierer, Die Seitenlinie der Herzöge von Urach (since 1867). In: The House of Württemberg - a biographical encyclopedia. Edited by Sönke Lorenz, Dieter Mertens and Volker Press. Stuttgart, Berlin, Cologne 1997 pp. 376 - 398. The genealogy reproduced after the preface is also taken from this. 2.1 The total holdings of the Archives of Duke of Urach Count of Württemberg: The holdings listed here, the estate of Wilhelm II Duke of Urach Count of Württemberg, represent part of the total archives of the family. This was kept at Schloss Lichtenstein until 1987. Due to a deposit agreement between H.S.H. Karl Anselm Duke of Urach Count of Württemberg as representative of the Herzog family of Urach Count of Württemberg and the State of Baden-Württemberg, represented by the Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, dated 14 July / 5 August 1987, it has been deposited in the Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart since then. Because of their literary references, parts of the documents of Wilhelm I and Count Alexander were simultaneously handed over to the German Literature Archive in Marbach, where they are stored under the signature D 88.6. The archive was completely unsorted when it was transferred to the Main State Archives. Nor were there any finding aids that could have been reused. Only a part of the documents is listed in a directory of 1927/28, which was included in the delivery; in addition, the order on which this directory is based was fundamentally destroyed at an unknown time. A large part of the material was unpacked or stored in open cartons. In 1995, Archive Director Dr. Wolfgang Schmierer carried out an initial inspection, tidying and preliminary packaging of the material. He subdivided the entire collection into partial collections, to which he assigned signatures corresponding to the numbering of the family members in his article on the Herzog von Urach Graf von Württemberg family, which was written parallel to the work on order. The GU 1 et seq. sub-funds to be structured in more detail comprise documents on real estate and asset management. The GU 100 sub-collection contains foreign archives and collections. The GU 101 - 134 partial holdings were created as personal estates of individual family members and GU 201 - 203 of related parties. Some overlaps were inevitable. If documents were kept throughout the period of activity of a single duke, they were assigned to the signatures GU 1 et seq. in the order An overview of the current status of the subdivision into partial holdings can be found below. It is possible that the structure will be modified in the course of further development work. An impressive record of Wolfgang Schmierer's work from February 10, 1995 to March 21, 1996 (Kanzleiakten 7511.5-2-D.1: Erschließung des Archivs der Herzöge von Urach) provides information on the orderly work carried out by Wolfgang Schmierer. 2.2 The subportfolio GU 117: The following subportfolio GU 117 Herzog Wilhelm II. von Urach comprises documents, which Wolfgang Schmierer has formed in the course of his order work Wolfgang Schmierers. Duke Wilhelm II (1864 - 1928) was born as the first son of Wilhelm I and his second wife Princess Florestine of Monaco in Monaco and already at the age of five the second Duke of Urach. He entered the traditional military career and was commander general of the Generalkommandos z.b.V. in the First World War. No. 64 and General of the Cavalry. In 1927 the volume Die 26. Infanterie-Division im Weltkrieg 1914 - 1918, Teil I 1914 -1915, edited by him, appeared in the series Württembergs Heer im Weltkrieg. Wilhelm II. ran several times for a vacant throne: 1910 for Monaco, 1913 for the new Kingdom of Albania, in the war for Poland and for a Grand Duchy of Alsace-Lorraine and 1918 for the planned Kingdom of Lithuania. Arnold Zweig used the episode of his election as King of Lithuania, in which he was given the name Mindaugas II, in his 1937 novel Einsetzung eines Königs. In 1922 Wilhelm, who devoted himself to scientific activities after the war, received his doctorate in philosophy from the University of Tübingen with a dissertation on the urban geography of Reutlingen. Wilhelm II married Amalie Herzogin in Bavaria in 1892 (1865 - 1912). The marriage produced four sons (Wilhelm III, Karl Gero, Albrecht, Eberhard) and five daughters (Maria Gabriela, Elisabeth, Carola Hilda, Margarethe, Mechthilde). In his second marriage he married Wiltrud, née Princess of Bavaria, in 1924, and since the partial holdings of Duke Wilhelm II are particularly extensive and of particular importance in many respects (applications for the throne, constitutional status of the House of Urach, World War I), Wolfgang Schmierer, in agreement with the Landesarchivdirektion Baden-Württemberg, made the decision to place his indexing at the beginning of the indexing of the entire holdings and to apply for third-party funding. Within the framework of a project of the Stiftung Kulturgut Baden-Württemberg, which we would like to take this opportunity to thank sincerely for its support, the temporary employee Hansjörg Oswald was able to demetalise, open up and package GU 117 in the period from November 1995 to July 1997. Wolfgang Schmierer was personally responsible for the support. Due to the serious illness, which he finally succumbed to on 7 October 1997, Wolfgang Schmierer was unable to complete the classification and final editing of the title recordings, which he had largely worked on. This was done by the undersigned in May 2000 with the support of Katharina Ernst, a trainee archivist. At the highest level, the holdings are divided into civil and military documents. The sequence of title recordings within the individual items corresponds to the chronology. This also applies to correspondence files; since these have been kept very differently over the years, they have not been formed into series. After development and packaging, the GU 117 subportfolio comprises 1354 tufts and volumes totalling 36.4 linear metres with a duration of 1864 to 1929. The use by third parties is regulated as follows in the Depositalvertrag: The consent of the head of the Herzog von Urach Graf von Württemberg family must be obtained before the archive can be used by third parties. Conditions may be imposed on consent. If consent is not refused or restricted, the management of the Main State Archives - within the framework of the regulations for use of the state archives of Baden-Württemberg - regulates the use. In any case the users are to be obligated to respect the personal rights. Stuttgart, 20 June 2000Dr. Robert Kretzschmar Ltd. Archive Director
Urach, Wilhelm (II.)