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Archival description
302 NL Bach, C.
Universitätsarchiv Chemnitz, 302 · Fonds · 1838-2007
Part of Chemnitz University of Technology

1st administrative history/biography: Carl Bach was born on 08.03.1847 in Stollberg in the Erzgebirge mountains as the son of the saddler master and carriage builder Heinrich Julius Bach. After attending primary school and private school in Stollberg, he completed an apprenticeship as a locksmith. In the years 1863 and 1864 he worked in the steam engine construction of the company R. Hartmann in Chemnitz. During this time he learned English in addition to his work. Then he was first a pupil of the Gewerbschule, later of the Werkmeisterschule, where he graduated at Easter 1866 with the overall grade 1 and the silver medal, which was only awarded in one copy. This year he took part in planning work for the Chemnitz water pipeline under the direction of Prof. Kankelwitz. After the following studies at the Polytechnikum Dresden he followed Prof. Kankelwitz as assistant for the years 1868 to 1872 to Stuttgart. After this time Bach studied again, this time with Grashof at the TH Karlsruhe, where he earned his diploma in 1873. In the following five years he worked as an engineer in Wollwich, London and Vienna, finally becoming director of Lausitzer Maschinenfabrik AG in Bautzen. He was elected to the Zittau Chamber of Commerce in 1877 and married in the same year. On 01 October 1878, Bach was appointed full professor of mechanical engineering at the Technical University of Stuttgart, where he established the Materials Testing Institute in 1884 and the Engineering Laboratory eleven years later. From 1885 to 1888 he was rector of the TH Stuttgart. One year later, on 20 June 1889, Bach was awarded the silver commemorative medal by the King of Württemberg on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the government. In February 1892 he received the Knight's Cross and on 25 November 1895 the Honorary Cross of the Order of the Württemberg Crown, connected with the nobility of persons. He was also awarded the title of "Construction Director". Already in 1883 Carl Bach was appointed to the Federal Polytechnic in Zurich, in 1895 to the Technical University in Berlin and in 1902 unofficially to the Technical University in Vienna. However, he did not follow any of these calls. On 22 March 1911 he was awarded the Commander's Cross of the 2nd Class of the Albrecht Order by King Friedrich August of Saxony, in 1914 the title "Staatsrat", in February 1916 he was awarded the Wilhelmskreuz by the King of Württemberg, in February 1918 the Commander's Cross of the Order of the Württemberg Crown. Also this year Bach was the first technician in Württemberg to receive the title "Excellence". From 1912 to 1918 Carl von Bach was a member of the 1st Chamber of the Württemberg State Parliament for the TH Stuttgart. On his 70th birthday, 1917, he became an honorary citizen of his hometown Stollberg and on his 80th birthday an honorary citizen of Stuttgart. In 1920 the senate of the TH Stuttgart had him paint for the senate hall. Two years later Bach was emeritus. In 1926 Bach was painted again, this time for the conference hall of the VDI in Berlin. Carl von Bach died in Stuttgart on 10 October 1931. He holds honorary doctorates from the TH Berlin (1903), the University of Tübingen (1927), the TH Vienna (1927), and the TH Stuttgart (1927). In close cooperation and lively exchange of ideas with renowned entrepreneurs and inventors such as Robert Bosch, Paul Daimler, Rudolf Diesel, Count Ferdinand von Zeppelin and many others, Bach succeeded in bridging the gap in mechanical engineering between practitioners such as Redtenbacher (Karlsruhe) and theorists such as Reuleaux (Berlin) by purposefully combining theory and practice through experimental research in mechanical engineering and civil engineering. In order to secure the scientific basis, Bach successfully established two research institutes, the Materials Testing Institute 1884, of which he was director until 1922, and the Engineering Laboratory 1895. On his initiative, the first chair for aeronautics and automotive engineering was established in Germany in 1925, together with the associated laboratory. Based on his work, Bach is regarded as the founder of static elasticity and strength theory. Both from his own experience and from his work in business circles and technical associations, Bach was aware that the rapid development of German industry required a fundamental reform of engineering education. He demanded a "workshop practice" of at least one year. Bach considered solid practical experience supplemented by thorough, comprehensive training in natural science and technical subjects, but also the teaching of humanities disciplines, the "humanisation of technical universities", to be absolutely essential for the engineer of the future. His educational policy intentions, which he realized in his more than 40 years of work at the Technical University of Stuttgart, he achieved above all through the Association of German Engineers. The appreciation of Bach as a teacher and scholar is expressed not only by his appointments to other universities, but also by the orders and honours of crowned heads and associations of a technical, scientific and socio-political nature, as well as the magnificent letter of thanks from the students of the TH Stuttgart. 2nd inventory description: Carl von Bach (1847-1931) was one of the most important German technical scientists of his time. In the field of mechanical engineering and material testing he did pioneering work, which is the basis for today's problems and solutions. The estate of Carl von Bach comprises a total of about 40 running metres. Archive material. However, this material does not only contain the scientific legacy of Bach, but much more: in addition to the scientific works - almost all manuscripts of his major works are available in various editions - an extensive part of his private legacy is also preserved. In addition, the University Archives also contain the estate of his son Julius Bach. He was bequeathed in his will the entire legacy of his father's writings, which he finally bequeathed to the then Technical University of Karl-Marx-Stadt alongside his own. Particularly valuable in the estate of Carl von Bach, if one can even pick out a subgroup, is the traditional business correspondence. On approx. 50,000 sheets, both the correspondence received and the correspondence sent out over the period from 1876 to 1931 are almost completely handed down. Because of Bach's focus on work and research, the theory of strength and elasticity, of which he was a co-founder, he came into contact with various representatives from science and industry. Moreover, Bach was a very socially committed person, which is also reflected in this correspondence. However, the preservation of the tradition is endangered. In particular, the copial books with the outgoing correspondence will only be released for use in exceptional cases. The degree of preservation of the writing material is particularly problematic here. As a rule, the deceased did not use commercially available ink, but mixed it himself in varying compositions, some of which faded very strongly. In addition, the transparent paper of the books is only of little stability. For this reason, the business correspondence in the Bach estate was completely filmed and digitized. Selected documents are recorded on colour film and are available as negatives and positives. The Subdivision of the Estate Carl von Bach's estate is divided into six sections in its provisionally final stage of indexing: I. Biographical material This group includes personal documents, testimonies of his educational and professional career, documents about his military service, honours, vocations, anniversaries and autobiographical records. II. private correspondence This is arranged chronologically according to the members of the family and within them. Of these, the correspondence with his son Julius is the most extensive and certainly also the most interesting, since it contains the discussions of various technical problems that were conducted between the two scientists. III. business correspondence This cannot claim to be complete, but the extent of the overdelivery is impressive. Particularly remarkable is the tradition of the outgoing mail, which is recorded in a total of 35 copial books on approx. 35000 sheets. They cover the period from 1876 to 1903 and from 1909 to his death in 1931. Within these copies the letters are arranged chronologically and for almost each of these books there is a register of names of the addressees, which has been made by the deceased. However, the Kopialbücher also contain copies of incoming letters and various concepts, orders, etc., which Bach probably regarded as particularly important. Also the mail archived in this group is quite remarkable with 18 000 sheets. In total, there are about 2500 correspondents in the group of business correspondence. With regard to the two sections on private and business correspondence, it should be noted that correspondence can also be found outside these sections, in the fact files. IV. Business papers Here you will find the manuscripts of his countless publications, statements and expert opinions on the fields of science covered by Bach, as well as extensive material collections on these questions. His work on material testing, the durability of steam boilers and riveted joints, etc. can be particularly well understood here. Bach himself created firm portfolios in which he collected all possible processes into one subject and then labeled them accordingly. This state of order and distortion was largely adopted during the earlier processing of the estate, without verifying the content in detail. This situation was resolved in 2007. The order by subject has been maintained, but the folders have been repackaged and the file titles have been supplemented with extensive "Contains" notes to facilitate access to this material. In addition, papers from the estate of Julius Bach were added to this section, but these clearly have their origin in Carl Bach. V. Material Collections Various types of material have been summarized here. This concerns e.g. his membership cards, orders, promotional gifts, material samples or also different photos. Sections 4 and 5 have not been rearranged, but have been taken over from the original legator. VI. Non-provenance material Here is the material about the legator that was later added to the estate, such as obituaries or copies of and about Bach from other archives. In the revision of the estate, further material on Carl Bach was added. Of particular note here are the numerous photos of the Carl Bach family, which were made available in digital form for the collection. The inventory signature is the number 302, followed by an indication in Roman numerals and the individually numbered file units (in Arabic numerals). The Roman numerals indicate the six different groups. Example: 302 / III / 0123 Carl von Bach estate estate / business correspondence / foreign correspondence America: Argentina, Chile, Canada, USA Inventory processing The Carl von Bach estate has not yet been finally catalogued. At the beginning of the processing in the 80s a file was created, which was the basis for the input into the database at the end of the 90s. The data was transferred unchanged. A new classification was developed for the estate, according to which the entered units of registration are arranged. New file titles have been created in the Biographical Material, Private and Business Correspondence sections. In 2007, sections IV to VI were finally developed in greater depth. Although most of the titles of the files in the business papers and material collections were originally taken over by the testator, they were supplemented with extensive remarks. The present finding aid book thus represents the most recent state of processing for the time being. Digitisation The correspondence in the estate has been completely filmed and digitised from the film. Due to the state of preservation, the originals are no longer released for use. A high quality silver halide film has been used to secure the existence of the company. As a rule, this part of the estate is used via the electronic data on the PC. The designation of the CD-ROM corresponds to that of the file unit. During scanning, the individual sheets were numbered consecutively. The first part of the file name, however, reflects the file unit. However, the file numbers do not match the page number. 3. state of indexing/scope: indexed; find book, database, digitised material; scope: 40.75 running metres.

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, Q 1/2 Bü 18 · File · ? - 1918-01-01
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

Contains: - Three letters from Max M. and Fritz Warburg, concerning the formulation of principles for the League of Nations, the Reich government's public relations work, a possible armistice, the list of proposals for the Peace Council and various persons, Sept. - Dec.Dec. 1918 - Two letters from lawyer and district judge Meisner, concerning the appointment of Prince Max von Baden as Reich Chancellor and the prospects of a favorable peace, together with a letter from former Reichsgerichtsrat H. Dietz, concerning the policies of Reich Chancellors Bethmann-Hollweg, Max von Baden and the State Secretary for the Colonies, Dr. Solf, Oct. 1918 - copy of a letter from Wilhelm Cohnstaedt of the "Frankfurter Zeitung" to the Deputy Reich Chancellor, Friedrich von Payer, re. the impairment of the prospect of an armistice if it is offered in the name of the Kaiser, with accompanying letter to Haußmann, Oct. 8, 1918 - Letter from Otto Schwarz, regarding the assessment of Turkey, Oct. 9, 1918 - Letter of thanks from Friedrich Haux, MdL, for Haußmann's participation on the occasion of Haux's private misfortunes, Oct. 9, 1918 Okt. 1918 - Request from the news department of the Foreign Office, concerning a speech by Haußmann, with stenographic notes, Oct. 9, 1918 - Anonymous letter, concerning the alleged general corruption in Germany, with two newspaper articles on this subject, undated - Masch. Letter from Georg Gothein, MdR, regarding the future political organization of Poland and the role of the Jews, as well as Gothein's newspaper article "Break with militarism", Oct. 1918 - Letter from Dernburg, regarding the participation of America experts in the negotiations with the USA, Oct. 16, 1918 - Four letters and a postcard from Robert Bosch, regarding Bosch's business principles and management style, the possibility of a national uprising and a social revolution, an armistice, Ludendorff, Hindenburg and Prussia, Oct. 1918 - Letter from Clara Zetkin requesting support for her request for her son to be recalled from the front, Oct. 18, 1918 - Letter from G. Stoskopf, regarding the autonomy of Alsace, Oct. 19, 1918 - Letter from Judicial Councillor D. Stoskopf, regarding the autonomy of Alsace, Oct. 19, 1918 1918 - Letter from Councillor of Justice D.F. Waldstein asking whether Haußmann, as a representative of the Progress Party, wishes to accept the declaration of consent to the League of Nations, which Waldstein is asked to do in the enclosed letter from the People's League for Freedom and Fatherland, Oct. 1918 - Letter from Gottlob Eppler on his business card, who sends a letter from his son with a picture of the mood at the front, together with a letter of congratulations from the Ebingen People's Association on Haußmann's appointment as Reich State Secretary, Oct. 15 and 20, 1918 - Two letters from different authors, concerning the necessity, possibility and preconditions of a last great effort, Oct. 1918 - Letter from Hartwig Schubart, retired Royal Prussian Captain, in which he asks for support for the enclosed copy of a masch. The purpose of the letter is to lift the confiscation of Hartwig's book "Deutsche Schuld am Kriege" ("German guilt in the war"), Oct. 22, 1918 - Telegram from Major Walter Bloem requesting a meeting on an "urgent patriotic matter", Oct. 22, 1918 - Two letters from the Reichskanzler (German Chancellor), Oct. 22, 1918 Oct. 22, 1918 - Two letters from the student councilor Humbert, concerning the annexation of German-Austria and the introduction of electoral emperorship, Oct. 23 and 28, 1918 - Letter from Behrens from the management of the Disconto-Gesellschaft in Berlin, concerning the enclosed excerpt from a letter from the police chief of the Berlin police station. Excerpt from a letter from Police President Gerstein, in which he comments on his possible use within the new Reich government, Oct. 1918 - Letter from Björn Björnson, who recommends ending the war and settling the Schleswig issue with Denmark, Oct. 25, 1918 - Letter from Dr. Emil Leimdörfer, concerning a possible abdication of the Kaiser and his son, Oct. 27, 1918 - Letter from Walther Schücking, concerning the journalistic activities of Schücking and several colleagues on behalf of the government, Oct. 29, 1918 - Letter of thanks from former Reich Chancellor Bethmann Hollweg for Haußmann's comments in the "Berliner Tageblatt", Oct. 29, 1918 - Letter from Franz Schieting, concerning the lack of foreign representation of German interests, with stenographic notes, Oct. 30, 1918 - Seven letters from various authors, concerning the bringing about of an armistice and peace, Oct.Nov. 1918 - Twelve letters or postcards whose authors request employment or use or ask Haußmann to become involved in an individual matter on their behalf, Oct.-Nov. 1918 - Five congratulatory letters or cards and telegrams on Haußmann's appointment as Reich State Secretary or with praise for his person and work, Oct.Nov. 1918 - Letter from lawyer Dr. Rheinstrom, regarding the demand for the abdication of the Kaiser, Nov. 2, 1918 - Masch. political and business exposé for a new Berlin newspaper which is to be "based on the radical aspirations within the majority government", with accompanying letter from the author Rauscher, Nov. 9. 1918 - Telegram from the editor Wallishauser, who, as a member of the local parliament, requests instructions for his conduct in the constituent National Assembly, Nov. 9, 1918 - Two letters from various authors demanding the abdication of the Kaiser, Nov. 1918 Also contains: - Anonymous second part of the article "Letters from a German Jew abroad", undated (printed) - Masch. Memorandum "Creation of a Peace Council", masch. List of members of the Peace Council as well as typed and handwritten notes concerning the military and economic program of the new Reich government by Fritz Warburg, Oct. 1918 - M, Oct. 18 and 19, 1918 - Handwritten note by Haußmann concerning the possibility of an armistice, Oct. 1918 - Masch. Draft of a program of the Imperial Government by Baron Walter von Herman-Wain, Nov. 7, 1918 - Letter from Guido Leser, concerning a union of Württemberg and Baden, April 25, 1919

Haußmann, Conrad
Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, Q 1/2 Bü 114 · File · 1890-1920
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

Contains: - Letter from Albert Ballin on the course of the war, mach.., 28.10.1915; to the head of the civil cabinet Valentini (newspaper cut-out), 4.4.1917 - letter from Ludwig Bamberger (handschr.) about lack of echo, 28.12.1890; on the general situation, 2.3.1892; with invitation, 27.3.1893; with thanks to Gratulation und zur Innenpolitische und Parteiipolitischen Lage, 16.8.1893; to Payer und Württemberg, 23.6.1894; congratulation letter, 13.6.1895; with thanks for sending, 25.7.1895; with thanks for discussion of the 4th Symphony, 16.8.1893; with thanks to Payer and Württemberg, 23.6.1894; congratulation letter, 13.6.1895; with thanks for sending, 25.7.1895; with thanks for discussion of the 4th Symphony, 16.8.1893; with thanks for discussion of the 4th Symphony, 25.7.1895; with thanks for discussion of the 4th Symphony, 16.8.1893; with thanks for discussion of the 4th Symphony, 25.7.1895 Volume, 10.2.1896; with invitation to the next day, 14.2.1896; o.d. - Letter from L. v. Bar (handschr.) on the situation in liberal groups, 20.7.1893; on the political situation and on the forthcoming interparliamentary conference in Hungary, 6.8.1896 - Letter (above all handschr.) by Theodor Barth about miscellaneous, 11.8.1891; about concepts in the press, 27.4.1892; about Maximilian Harden, the politics of directing and the right to vote, 9.9.1892; on election prospects, the relationship to the centre and the confusion in the ministry, 17.9.1892; on the military bill, 4.11.1892; with congratulations on the run-off results, o.D.; on the plans of Caprivi, 6.11.1892; with invitation, 5.12.1892; about Haussmann's articles, 20.4.1894, 21. and 22.5.1894; about Haussmann's articles on tactics, 25.5.1894; about articles on the political situation in northern and southern Germany, 6.2.1895; about an article by Haussmann, 8.10.1895; with the request to discuss the 3rd volume of Bamberger's Gesammelten Schriften, 26.12.1895; to Friedrich Haußmann about his eye disease and Hohenlohe's role in the Krüger-Depesche, 3.2.1896; about journalistic activity and stock exchange disorder, 6.1.1897 (masch.); with the request for an article about the failure of the Württemberg constitutional reform, 22.12.1898; on the emperor's China policy, 10.9.1900; on elections, party and Deutsche Bank, 11.12.1900 (mechanical); with New Year's wishes, 3.1.1901 (mechanical); because of a wreath for Stauffenberg, 3.6.1901 (mechanical); on the emperor's China policy, 10.9.1900; on the emperor's Chinese policy, 3.1.1901 (mechanical); on the emperor's China policy, 3.6.1901 (mechanical); on the emperor's China policy, 3.1.1901 (mechanical); on the emperor's China policy, 3.6.1901 (mechanical); on the emperor's China policy, 3.1.1901 (on the emperor's China policy, 3.6.1901)); on Stauffenberg's death and the general political situation, 11.6.1901 (masch.); with thanks for the congratulations on the substitute election, 1.1.1902 (gedr.); on the party-political situation, 20.7.1903; because of differences of opinion, 24.7.1903; on the election challenge in the Hinterpommerischer Kreis, 6.11.1903 (mach.); on the Simplizissimus trial, 4.2.1904; with the request for an article on the Württemberg constitutional reform, 1.7.1905 (mach.); on the Morocco affair, 6.7.1905 (mach.); on the Thomasian peasant novel and the situation in Berlin, 1.9.1905 (mach.); on Haussmann's criticism of his essay on Eugen Richter, 20.3.1906 (mach.); on the Morocco affair, 6.7.1905 (mach.); on the Thomasian peasant novel and the situation in Berlin, 1.9.1905 (mach.); on Haussmann's criticism of his essay on Eugen Richter, 20.3.1906 (mach.).); on Italian politics and health Bülow, 17.4.1906 (masch.); on the forthcoming interparliamentary conference in London, 9.7.1906 (masch.); with the request for information in Württberg affairs, 20.9.1905; on a planned article on Simplizissimus and English politics, 9.3.1907 - Haussmann's letter to Theodor Barth about his fundamental attitude with a review of the last years of politics, July 1903 (masch.); on the Italian politics and health Bülow, 17.4.1906 (masch.); on the forthcoming interparliamentary conference in London, 9.7.1906 (masch.); on the planned article on Simplizissimus and English politics, 9.9.1905; on the German political system, 9.3.1907 - Haussmann's letter to Theodor Barth about his fundamental attitude with a review of the last years of politics, July 1903 (masch.)); on Miscellaneous, 14.9.1892 (handschr.); with criticism of Barth's Richter essay, 18.3.1906 (handschr.); Haussmann's letter to Frh. v. Stauffenberg on the death of his father, o.D. (handschr.); letter from Dr. Nathan about an article in the "Nation", 5.7.(?) 1897 (handschr.) - postcard by Bassermann with thanks, 15.11.1910; letter on the effectiveness of submarines and the All-Germans, 23.9.1916 (masch.) - Haussmann's letter to Bassermann against the All-Germans and on the ineffectiveness of the submarine war, 21.9.1916 (mechanical); Haussmann's draft of this letter - letter from C. Baumbach to the conference in the Hague, 18.7.1894 (handschr.) - letter of August Bebel to a court decision, 14.4.1905 (handschr.); with thanks for birthday congratulations, 9.3.1910 (handschr.) - letter of H. Buddeberg with thanks for congratulations and to the illness of his wife, 31.12.1913 (handschr.) - Haussmann's letter to President Belser on a copyright issue, 21.2.1920 (masch.) - Telegram from Felix v. Bethmann-Hollweg on the death of his father, 3.1.1921; Letter of condolence and telegram of condolence to Felix v. Bethmann-Hollweg, 7.1.1921 (mechanical); Letter of Felix v. Bethmann-Hollweg with thanks for condolence, 10.1.1921 (handschr.) - Invitation by Bethmann to a visit, 12.3.1910 (handschr.); letter with thanks for sending essays about Kiderlen, 8.2.1913 (handschr.); Haussmann's letter of condolence to Bethmann for the death of his son, 3.1.1915 (masch.) and reply of Bethmann (masch.) 6.1.1915; letter of Bethmann to the general situation, 29.10.1915 (handschr.) thank-you letter, 16.7.1917 (masch.); letter to the situation, 28.11.1917 (masch.); with thanks for East-Asian songs, 5.12.1918 (handschr.); on miscellaneous and literary work, 22.12.1920 (handschr.) - Haussmann's letter to Bethmann about the Western powers and the history of the campaign, 19.11.1915 (masch.); on Stegemann and Tirpitz, 1.4.1916 (handschr.); on the submarine question, 22.9.1916 (masch.); on Bethmann's committee speech, 11.11.1916 (handschr.); on US policy, 10.2.1917 (masch.); on the war situation, March 1917 (handschr.); on the submarine question, 22.9.1916 (masch.); on the US policy, 10.2.1917 (masch.); on the war situation, March 1917 (handschr.).); on development in Russia, Zimmermanns Mexico-Depesche and Russian politicians, April 1917 (handschr.); on the political situation, 13.5.1917 (handschr.); thank-you letter, 14.7.1917 (handschr.); on the general political situation, 21. century; on the political situation, 13.5.1917 (handschr.); on the political situation, 14.7.1917 (handschr.); on the political situation, 21. century; on the political situation, 13.5.1917 (handschr.); on the political situation, 14.7.1917 (handschr.); on the political situation, 21. century; on the political situation, 14.7.1917 (handschr.); on the political situation, 21. century.11.1917 (masch.); invitation letter, 9.6.1918 (handschr.); incomplete concept of a letter on pacifist movements, autumn 1918 (handschr.); on the OHL and Ludendorff, 2.12.1920 (handschr.); in German, English, French, Italian, Italian, Italian, Italian, Italian, Italian, Spanish, Italian, Spanish, Italian, Spanish, Spanish, French, Italian, Italian, Spanish, Italian, Spanish, Spanish, Spanish, Spanish, Spanish, Spanish, Spanish, Spanish, Spanish, Spanish, Spanish, Spanish, Italian) - Record Haussmann about the mood Bethmann-Hollwegs in a conversation, 24.2.1918 (handschr.) - Written by Robert Bosch with thanks for an article, 2.10.1911 (handschr.); because of an appointment, 3.11.1911 (mach.); about a Thoma invitation and Chinese songs, 29.7.1912 (mach.); thank-you letter, 9.8.1912 (handschr.); about a Thoma visit, the press attack on Bosch and Bavarian work achievements, 21.8.1912 (handschr.); about a Thoma visit, the press attack on Bosch and Bavarian work achievements, 21.8.1912 (handschr.); about a Thoma invitation and Chinese songs, 29.7.1912 (masch.); about a Thoma visit, the press attack on Bosch and Bavarian work achievements, 21.8.1912 (handschr.).); with thanks for letter and article, 21.7.1913 (masch.); with the rejection of a leading position with the reconstruction in Northern France, 16.10.1919 (masch.) - letter of Haussmann to Robert Bosch to Wilsonbotschaft, 12.1.1918 (masch.) - copy of a letter of Robert Bosch to the Demokratischer Volksbund Berlin zur Sozialisierung der Gesellschaft, 21.11.1918 (masch.); "Lieber Geld verlieren als Vertrauen" von Robert Bosch in Der Bosch-Zünder, 5.4.1919 - Business card of Prince von Bülow with thanks for an essay, 4.10.1909 (handschr.) - Letter (handschr.) by H. Buddeberg with thanks for the condolence to the death of his son, 27.10.1897; New Year's greetings 31.12.1898; about his 80th birthday and his son Alfred, 21.12.1916; about a complaint of his son, 25.1.1917 - Haussmann's letter to H. Buddeberg about the complaint of his son, mechanical.., 29.1.1917 - Letter of Alfred Buddeberg about the forthcoming birthday, 10.12.1916 - Letter of Haussmann to Cronstaedt to the Frankfurter Zeitung, to the Vossisches und Berliner Tageblatt, 12.2.1917 (masch.) - Letter of Eduard David to the parliamentarization, 30.7.1917 (handschr.) - Letter of Haussmann to Hans Delbrück because of a depesche from the Hague, masch.., 28.7.1917 - Postcards by Prelate Demmler, o.D. (handschr.); two letters 25.2.

Haußmann, Conrad