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Description archivistique
Landesarchiv NRW Abteilung Rheinland, 475.03.06 · Collection · 1913-1939
Fait partie de Landesarchiv NRW Rhineland Department (Archivtektonik)

A.Preliminary remark The Hamburg World Economic Archives (HWWA) was created in 1919 from the Documentation Centre ("Zentralstelle") of the Colonial Institute founded in 1908. As an independent scientific institute of the Hanseatic City of Hamburg, its main task was to support business, the press and science with material. This took place, among other things, in the Archives Department, where a large number of domestic and foreign press publications are systematically evaluated. In the 1930s, a collection of press clippings on German history, but above all on the political and economic history of the occupied territories from the years 1918 to 1930, was handed over to the Düsseldorf State Archives. For the history of the levy see the relevant procedure in the files of the Provinzialverband (Archive of the Landschaftsverband Rheinland: Provinzialverband Nr. 10518). The delivery received the stock number RW 5. The file titles of the HWWA were retained during the recording. There have been no cassations. The stock was processed in 1970 by OStAR Dr. Joester, StAAss. Dr. Lepper and student phil. Lilla. B. List of abbreviations 1. Siglen of the Hamburgisches Welt-Wirtschaftsarchiv (as far as available in the inventory) a) Main group: Classification according to countries A 10 Germany A 10b Germany, left and right Rhine occupied area - Occupation area on the left bank of the Rhine A10e Eupen-Melmedy A21 Belgium C19 Algeria b) Subgroup: Classification by subject a1 Map literature b General assessment of country and people, politics and economy c Lendeskunde in general d1 Population movement / population statistics d6 Language d7 Religious affairs f1 Historical development up to 1909 f2 Historical events (current material) f2a Historical events in individual states f5 Party affairs f4 Constitution f5a Individual parties g1 Political relations with individual countries g4 Trade policy in general g4a Trade agreements with individual countries Trade policy relations with individual countries h Legislation and administration. General h2 Civil service h4 Police i Administration of justice, General k2 Education l Military, General l1 Land Army - Protection troops m Finance m2 Customs / Customs tariffs m3 Taxation n Economy, General n1 Economic policy n2 Reports on the economic situation n2a Reports on the economic situation in the individual states, provinces or cities n4 Agriculture, General n9 Forestry n13 Industry n13a Individual industries n15 Workers' question, Strikes n15a Worker relations in individual occupations n17 Housing n18 Trade, general n19 Trade relations with individual countries n20 Retail trade n23 Money and currency n23 Credit and banking n25 Stock exchanges n26 Economic interest representation n28 Transport, General n30 Railways n33n34 Inland navigation n34 Postal, telegraphic and telecommunications services n34a Postal, telegraphic and telecommunications services with individual countries n35 Air transport n36 Newspapers n37 Insurance services q Individual questions of a political and economic nature 2. Other abbreviations DAZ Deutsche Allgemeine Zeitung, Berlin FZ Frankfurter Zeitung IARK Interallierte Rheinlandkommission I un H Industrie- und Handelszeitung, Berlin KVZ Kölnische Volkszeitung KZ Kölnische Zeitung MICUM Mission interalliée de contrôle des usines et des mines NFP Neue Freie Presse, Vienna NZZ Neue Zürcher Zeitung o.V. (For press articles) without named author Rk Reichskanzler SM Sondermappe TR Tägliche Rundschau, Berlin T.A.O. Territoires allemands occupés VB Völkischer Beobachter VZ Vossische Zeitung A.VorbemerkungThe Hamburgisches Weltwirtschaftsarchiv (HWWA) was created in 1919 from the Documentation Centre ("Zentralstelle") of the Colonial Institute founded in 1908. As an independent scientific institute of the Hanseatic City of Hamburg, its main task was to support business, the press and science with material. A collection of press clippings on German history, but above all on the political and economic history of the occupied territories from the years 1918 to 1930, was handed over to the Düsseldorf State Archives in the 1930s. For the history of the levy see the relevant procedure in the files of the Provinzialverband (Archive of the Landschaftsverband Rheinland: Provinzialverband No. 10518). The delivery received the stock number RW 5 and the file titles of the HWWA were retained. The stock was processed in 1970 by OStAR Dr. Joester, StAAss. Dr. Lepper and student phil. Lilla.B. List of abbreviations1. Siglen of the Hamburgisches Welt-Wirtschaftsarchiv (as far as available in the collection)a) Main group: Classification by countryA 10 GermanyA 10b Germany, occupied area on the left and right bank of the Rhine - occupied area on the left bank of the RhineA10e Eupen-MelmedyA21 BelgiumC19 Algeriab) Subgroup: Classification by subject termsa1 Map literature General assessment of country and people, politics and economyc Lendeskunde im Allgemeinend1 Bevölkerungsbewegung/Bevölkerungsstatistikd6 Sprached7 Religionswesenf1 Historical development up to 1909f2 Historical processes (current material)f2a Historical processes in individual statesf5 Parteiwesenf4 Constitutiongf5a Individual partiesg1 Political relations with individual countriesg4 Trade policy general4a Trade agreements with individual countries Trade policy relations with individual countries Legislation and administrationn General assessment of country and people, politics and economicsc Lendeskunde in general1 Population movement/population statisticsd6 Sprached7 Religionswesenf1 Historical development up to 1909f2 Historical processes (current material)f2a Historical processes in individual statesf5 Partiesf4 Constitutiongf5a Individual partiesg1 Political relations with individual countriesn4 Trade policy general4a Trade agreements with individual countries Trade policy relations with individual countries General 2 Civil servants4 Police 4 Administrationn of Justice, General 2 Educationn Military, General 1 Land Army - Protectionn troops Financial 2 Customs 3 Tax 3 Economy, General 1 Economic policy 2 Reports on economic situation 2a Reports on economic situation in states, provinces or cities 4 Agriculture, General 9 Forestry 13 Industries 13a Individual industries 15 Workers' question, Strike15a Workers' conditions inn particular occupations17 Housing issues18 Trade,,General19 Trade relations withntoothe individual countries20 Small trades23 Money andd currency23 Credit anddBakweses25 Stock exchanges26 Economic interest representationn28 Transport, Generaln30 Railways33n34 Inland Navigationn34 Postal, telegraphic and telecommunications34 Postal, telegraphic and telecommunications34 traffic withh individual countries35 Airship trafficn36 Newspaper trafficn37 Insurancen q Individual questions of a political and economic nature2. Other abbreviationsDAZ Deutsche Allgemeine Zeitung, BerlinFZ Frankfurter ZeitungIARK Interallierte RheinlandkommissionI un H Industrie- und Handelszeitung, BerlinKVZ Kölnische VolkszeitungKZ Kölnische ZeitungMICUM Mission interalliée de contrôle des usines et des minesNFP Neue Freie Presse, WienNZZ Neue Zürcher Zeitungo.V. (For press articles) without named authorRk ReichskanzlerSM Special folderTR Tägliche Rundschau, BerlinT.A.O. Territoires allemands occupésVB Völkischer BeobachterVZ Vossische Zeitung

RMG 1.083 · Dossier · 1905-1935
Fait partie de Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Submissions, Applications, Circulars; Correspondence mainly for the establishment of e. Chair f. Islamic Studies and Missionary Lectureship Bethel; F. v. Bodelschwingh: The Free Theological School of Bethel b. Bielefeld, 8 p., Dr., 1905; F. v. Bodelschwingh: Epilogue, 13 p., Dr., 1905; The Theol. school in Bethel, Prospekt m. Abb, Dr., ca. 1910; F. v. Bodelschwingh: Die tiefere Einwurzelung d. Mission in die Kirche, pamphlet, 4 p.., Dr. 1905; Statutes of the Association for Foundation and Entertainment e. Practical Theological School in Bethel, 4 p., Dr., 1906; RMG: Our Relations with the Theolog. School in Bethel and the East African Mission, 3 p., Dr., 1912

Société des missions du Rhin