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Description archivistique
Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, Q 1/7 · Fonds · (1626-) 1804, 1822-1917, 1993
Fait partie de Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

I. The history of the von Linden family: The von Linden family originally comes from the diocese of Liège. The progenitor is a certain Adam van Linter, who is mentioned in documents 1604-1615 and who was the owner of the estate in Hoeppertingen (Belgian Limburg). His son Peter, who probably emigrated to Franconia because of the political and religious unrest in the home country of the Linter family, acquired a farm in Habitzheim (Odenwald) around 1650. In Kurmainz some members of the Catholic von Linden family were promoted to high offices: Franz von Linden (1712-1789) was a member of the Court Chamber Council and head cellar of the Camera Administration in the Vice-Chamber Office of Aschaffenburg, Johann Heinrich Freiherr von Linden (1719-1795) was a Privy Councillor and Director of the Court Chamber of the Electorate of Mainz. Franz Damian Freiherr von Linden (1745-1817), a grandson of Johann Heinrich Freiherr von Linden, was privy councillor and later director of the state government of the prince primate in Aschaffenburg. His second eldest son Franz Joseph Ignaz was Württemberg's Privy Legation Councillor and lord of Nordstetten, Isenburg and Taberwasen. Another grandson of Johann Heinrich Freiherr von Linden, the jurist Franz Freiherr von Linden (1760-1836), held the position of Reich Chamber Court Assessor from 1796 to 1806. After the dissolution of the Imperial Chamber Court, Franz Freiherr von Linden entered the service of the Kingdom of Württemberg. King Friedrich I of Württemberg appointed him president of the newly founded Catholic Church Council in 1807. In 1815 Franz Freiherr von Linden was appointed Württemberg Plenipotentiary at the Congress of Vienna, then Württemberg Ambassador to the Bundestag in Frankfurt. 1817-1831 he was president of the Schwarzwaldkreis (Black Forest District) and Franz Freiherr von Linden was the progenitor of the VII lines (the lines are counted according to the number of lines): Genealogical handbook of the nobility vol. 68 of the complete series. Freiherrliche Häuser Vol. VII, Limburg/Lahn 1978, p. 196-215; Genealogisches Handbuch des Adels Vol. 109 der Gesamtreihe, Freiherrliche Häuser Vol. XVIII, Limburg/Lahn 1995, p. 356-376; Genealogisches Handbuch des Adels: Der in Bayern immatrikulierte Adel Vol. XXIII, Neustadt/Aisch 2000, p. 351-365.) of the House of Linden: From his seven sons mentioned in the following these VII lines of the house come: From Edmund (1798-1865) the I. (count's) line (Burgberg), from Franz a Paula (1800-1888) the II. (count's) line (Burgberg). (Count's) line, from Carl (1801-1870) the III. line (Hausen) with the 1st branch (in the USA) and the 2nd branch (Hausen), from Joseph (1804-1895) the IV. line (Hausen) with the 1st branch (in the USA) and the 2nd branch (Hausen), from Joseph (1804-1895) the IV. line (Hausen) with the 1st branch (in the USA) and the 2nd branch (Hausen). line (Neunthausen), by Ernst (1806-1885) the V. line (Bühl), by Ludwig (1808-1889) the VI. line (Bühl). In 1844 Edmund Freiherr von Linden (1798-1865) and his cousin Heinrich Freiherr von Linden (1784-1866), the eldest son of the aforementioned Damian Franz Freiherr von Linden, were raised to the rank of papal counts. In 1846, the Grand Duke of Hesse-Darmstadt recognized Heinrich's raising of rank, and in the same year Edmund Graf von Linden received Württemberg's recognition of the raising of rank. In the year 1850 the papal earldom was also founded on Franz a Paula and II. Line extended. The elevation to the Württemberg rank of counts took place in 1852, with the exception of the III. line (Hausen), all of the VII lines in the Württemberg male tribe were extinguished. The III. line divides into a 1. branch, whose members live in the USA, and into the 2. branch (Hausen). TWO. Biographical outlines of Hugo and Joseph Freiherr von Linden: Hugo Freiherr von Linden (1854-1936):The 2nd branch (Hausen) of the III. line is also the origin of the ministerial director Hugo Freiherr von Linden. He was born on 1 February 1854 in Ludwigsburg as the son of Carl Freiherr von Linden (1801-1870) and his second wife Mathilde Freifrau von Linden née Countess Leutrum von Ertingen (1815-1892). Hugo Freiherr von Linden studied law at the universities of Tübingen, Strasbourg and Berlin after graduating from high school in 1872. In 1877 he passed the state examination. After working at various courts in Württemberg, he became Secret Legation Secretary in the Württemberg Ministry for Foreign Affairs in 1883. In the same year he was appointed the King's chambermaid, which involved honorary services at social events of the court. In 1906 Hugo Freiherr von Linden was promoted to Ministerial Director and Head of the Political Department of the Ministry in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and in 1900 Hugo Freiherr von Linden worked out the marriage contract between Duke Robert von Württemberg and Archduchess Maria Immaculata Raineria from Austria (cf. Hugo Freiherr von Linden married Elisabeth Schenk Freiin von Stauffenberg (1864-1939) in 1893, the daughter of the Vice President of the German Reichstag, Franz August Schenk von Stauffenberg. He is the progenitor of the 2nd branch (Hausen) of the III. line (Hausen).Joseph Freiherr von Linden (1804-1895):Joseph Freiherr von Linden comes from the IV. line (Hausen). Line (Nine houses). He was born on 7 June 1804 in Wetzlar as the son of the already mentioned Reichskammergerichtsassessor Franz Freiherr von Linden (1760-1836) and his second wife Maria Anna von Linden née Freiin von Bentzel zu Sternau (1769-1805). Joseph Freiherr von Linden spent his childhood and youth in Württemberg, u. a. in Kirchheim, where he became lifelong friends with the son of Ludwig Herzog von Württemberg (1756-1817) and Henriette Herzogin von Württemberg née Prinzessin von Nassau-Weilburg (1780-1857), Alexander Herzog von Württemberg (1804-1885). After studying law in Tübingen, Joseph Freiherr von Linden and his older brother Carl stayed in France from 1825 to 1827 in order to improve his knowledge of the French language and literature (cf. order numbers 3 and 4), after which he worked as a judge in various Württemberg cities. 1839-1848 Joseph Freiherr von Linden represented the knighthood of the Danube district in the Second Chamber. From 1842-1850 he was - like his father before him - President of the Catholic Church Council. 1848 was the revolutionary year in which Linden was appointed Minister of the Interior of Württemberg, but had to be dismissed on the same day due to the protests of the population. 1 July 1850 King Wilhelm I appointed Linden Minister of the Interior again and handed him over the office of Minister of the Interior of Württemberg in the years 1850 to 1851 and 1854 to 1855. During this time von Linden stood up for the restoration of the old constitution, which earned him the accusation in liberal circles that he was reactionary. Linden's achievements in the economic field should not be underestimated: He promoted the founding of the Stuttgart stock exchange, created a new trade code and encouraged the founding of the Weinsberg wine growing school. In the field of church politics, von Linden contributed significantly to the balance between the Kingdom of Württemberg and the Catholic Church. After the death of King Wilhelm I, his son and successor King Karl dismissed von Linden as minister on 20 September 1864. In the following years, Joseph Freiherr von Linden worked as a diplomat for Württemberg. In 1865 he became Württemberg envoy in Frankfurt and at the Hessian courts, 1868 envoy at the customs parliament in Berlin, and in 1870 during the Franco-Prussian War he was appointed prefect of the Marne département occupied by the Germans (cf. order numbers 32 and 34, order numbers 15 and 16). 1830 Joseph Freiherr von Linden married Emma Freiin von Koenig-Warthausen (1810-1893). The marriage produced four children: Richard (1831-1887), who was cavalry captain of the Württemberg military (see order numbers 34 and 41, order numbers 15 and 49), Franziska (1833-1919), who married Dr. Fridolin Schinzinger (1827-1865) in 1859 (order numbers 25, 35 and 36, order numbers 11, 13 and 14), Elise (1836-1914) and Josephine (1838-1881), both of whom remained single.Of the other outstanding members of the von Linden family, for whom there is only little material in this collection (order number 42, order number 8), Karl Graf von Linden (1838-1910), the founder of the Völkerkundemuseum (Lindenmuseum) in Stuttgart, named after him, and Marie Gräfin von Linden (1869-1936), who was the first woman to study at the University of Tübingen and who was later appointed Professor of Parasitology at the University of Bonn, should be mentioned briefly. III. history, content and structure of the collection: The present holdings combine documents from the estate of Joseph Freiherr von Linden, which were handed over to the Hauptstaatsarchiv in 1962 by Mr. Regierungsoberinspektor Reginald Mutter (cf. the title in the old repertory for holdings Q 1/7), a great-great grandson of Joseph Freiherr von Linden. One year later, the Main State Archives purchased these archival records, which were initially incorporated into the former holdings J 50 (Smaller Estates). Robert Uhland produced a typewritten finding aid in 1963. When the Q holdings were created in 1972, the holdings designated as the estate of Linden were removed from the J 50 holdings and assigned to the newly created Q 1 series (political estates), where they received the signature Q 1/7. The small estate consisted only of a tuft, which contained several documents, which were listed in the above-mentioned find book. In the 90's the stock Q 1/7 got increases by taxes from private side: In 1990, Mrs. E. Niethammer, Kirchheim/Teck, handed over documents from the estate of the Protestant pastor family Dierlamm to the Main State Archives as a gift, which were initially incorporated into the holdings Q 1/7 as Büschel 2. These are the documents now listed under heading 2 of this inventory (order numbers 37 to 41). These include business cards and letters from Joseph Freiherr and Emma Freifrau von Linden to Pfarrer Dierlamm (serial number 37, order number 45), tickets from Sara Schinzinger to Pfarrer Dierlamm (serial number 40, order number 47) and several sermons on corpses for members of the House of Linden (serial number 41, order number 49). Among them are documents from the estate of his grandfather Hugo Freiherr von Linden (serial numbers 7-23) and pictures, especially of members of the House of Württemberg (section 3.2, serial numbers 43-48). In addition, Franz-Karl Freiherr von Linden has handed over to the Main State Archives an extensive collection of material compiled by him on the family history of Linden, including photocopies of literature and copies or photocopies of archival records of the von Linden family. Finally, Franz-Karl Freiherr von Linden transferred newspaper articles written by him about the formation of the island Surtsey off the coast of Iceland to the Main State Archives in 1993, which were initially classified as tufts 5 in the Q 1/7 inventory. The diaries 1870-1935 of his grandfather Hugo Freiherr von Linden, which were handed over by Franz-Karl Freiherr von Linden in 1992 as a deposit under retention of title to the Main State Archives, were returned to the owner in 1995. (Cf. Tgb.-Nr. 4143/1993 and Tgb.-Nr. 2918/1995) In the course of the indexing the stock received further growth from the stock J 53 (family papers of Württemberg civil servants). The excerpts from family registers concerning Julius Graf von Linden and Loring Graf von Linden (serial numbers 5 and 6, order numbers 50 and 19) and documents on the sale of the manor Nordstetten to the forester of Fischer-Weikersthal (serial number 1, order number 17) kept under the signature J 53/10 were also classified in the present inventory. As already mentioned several times above, today's holdings Q 1/7 include not only the estate of the Württemberg Minister of State Joseph Freiherr von Linden but also several other estates of members of the House of Linden and collections or documents on the family history of Linden. For this reason, the previous inventory name "Nachlass Joseph Freiherr von Linden" was extended to "Familienunterlagen von Linden". In view of the small size of the holdings and the incompleteness of the holdings, it is not possible to speak of a family archive, however, since materials on various members and lines of the von Linden family are completely or almost completely lacking: no original archival records on the members of the von Linden family who were in the service of the Electorate of Mainz, the Prince Primate and the Grand Duke of Hesse are to be expected (v. a. Johann Heinrich von Linden, Damian Franz Freiherr von Linden, Heinrich Graf von Linden). there are also only a few archival records of the lines dating back to the sons of Franz Freiherr von Linden: From the I. (Counts) and II. (count's) lines, there are no original documents, with the exception of extracts from the family registers of Julius and Loring Graf von Linden (order numbers 5 and 6, order numbers 19 and 50). Also missing are documents of the V. line (Bühl), the VI. (Swiss) line and the VII. line. Smaller estates are only available from the III. line (Hausen) and the IV. line (Hausen). line (Neunthausen), but the documents from the estates of Ministerial Director Hugo Freiherr von Linden and Minister of State Joseph Linden are only fractions of the original estates. It can be assumed that the family still owns some of the material mentioned above and of other members of the von Linden family, but unfortunately parts of the archival records of the von Linden family were also destroyed in the fire at the Burgberg and Hausen palaces during the Second World War.In addition to the personal documents on individual members of the family, the present collection also lacks documents on economic and property management, documents and invoices, which are to be expected in a nobility archive. The structure of the collection is based on the division of the widely ramified von Linden noble family into the various lines, as it is listed in the Genealogical Handbook of the Nobility. Within the individual lines, the bequests and holdings of the family members were arranged according to date of birth, so that the older family members were listed before the younger ones. The bequests of Franz Joseph Ignaz Freiherr von Linden (section 1.1) and Franz Freiherr von Linden (section 1.2) are at the beginning of the holdings. The latter estate includes a legal opinion on the effect of the Reich's decision of 27 April 1803 on the judicial proceedings of the chamber of justice, two letters from Franz von Linden to Minister of Justice Maucler on the progress made in the training of the sons Carl and Joseph von Linden, and the correspondence between Carl and Joseph von Linden during their stay in France with their parents, some of which was written in French.The estate of the Ministerial Director Hugo Freiherr von Linden comprises several printed programmes and invitations to cultural and official events, mainly in Stuttgart (section 1.5.1), and letters from members of the Princely House Wied to Hugo Freiherr von Linden as well as a memorandum from Wilhelm I. Prince of Albania Prince to Wied (section 1.5.2). Section 1.6 forms the estate of the Württemberg Minister of State Joseph Freiherr von Linden. It is the second largest estate in the stock Q 1/7. The estate is divided into the categories: Family and personal affairs (1.6.1) with documents on weddings, wedding jubilees and a travel description, correspondence (1.6.2) with letters from members of the House of Württemberg (above all Alexander Duke of Württemberg) to Joseph Freiherr von Linden and isolated letters from family members, activity as prefect of the Marne Department (1.6.).3) and printed matter about Joseph Freiherr von Linden (1.6.4): the wife of Joseph Freiherr von Linden, Emma Freifrau von Linden, and the daughter of the Minister of State, Franziska Freiin von Linden, only have very small estates (headings 1.7 and 1.8); the materials from the estate of the Protestant parish family Dierlamm were left as an independent complex (heading 2). The content of the section has already been discussed above, and under section 3 you will find collections, mainly on the family history of Linden: The first section is section 3.1 with the already mentioned extensive collection of material on the family history of Linden, which Franz-Karl Freiherr von Linden compiled and handed over to the house as photocopies. Section 3.2 contains photos of members of the House of Württemberg, of Joseph Freiherr von Linden and of other personalities in Württemberg history; sections 3.3 and 3.4 contain newspaper articles by Franz-Karl Freiherr von Linden and a lock of hair by Joseph Freiherr von Linden.Further archives on Joseph Freiherr von Linden are kept by the Hauptstaatsarchiv in fonds J 1 (collection of historical manuscripts) no. 256 b: Joseph Freiherr von Linden: "Aus meiner politische Karrierebahn" 1830-1862, part 2 of the memoirs dictated by Linden to his granddaughter Sara Schinzinger around 1890. The copy kept in J 1 is a copy for which Professor Schinzinger from Hohenheim, a grandson of the Minister of State von Linden, lent the original to the archive in 1925. Günther-Otto Maus in Baesweiler, a direct descendant of Joseph Freiherr von Linden, was filmed in 1977 and is now kept in the Main State Archives under the signature F 554 in fonds J 383 (microfilms and manuscripts in foreign archives, libraries). In January 2015, Günther-Otto Maus purchased the original diary from Günther-Otto Maus and it is now part of the collection under the signature Q 1/7 Bü 51. An index of the archive of the Barons of Linden in Neunthausen, which was compiled in 1892/1893, is part of the collection J 424 (Inventories of Non-State Archives: Caretakers' Photographs).In addition, reference is briefly made to the E stocks (ministerial stocks), in which extensive material on the work of State Minister Joseph Freiherr von Linden and Ministerial Director Hugo Freiherr von Linden is kept, and Q 1/7 can be used for various research purposes: First of all, of course, the history of the von Linden family, the history of nobility, mentality, social and cultural history, and finally the history of the German occupation of France during the war of 1870/1871. The Q 1/7 holdings were catalogued in 2001 by the archive inspectors Alexander Morlok, Matthias Schönthaler and Jens Ulrich under the supervision of the undersigned. The final editing, input and classification of the title recordings, the introduction as well as the compilation of the overall index were the responsibility of the undersigned. 0.5 linear metres of the stock was held. Literature about the von Linden family and individual family members:: Genealogisches Handbuch des Adels: Adelslexikon Vol. VII. 1989. p. 394f.Genealogisches Handbuch des Adels: Vol. 68. Freiherrliche Häuser Vol. VII (1978) p. 196-215 and Vol. XVIII (1995) p. 356-376.Genealogisches Handbuch des Adels: Der in Bayern immatrikulierten Vol. XXIII. 2000. 351-365.Junginger, Gabriele: Countess Maria von Linden. Memories of the first Tübingen student. 1991.Koenig-Warthausen, Wilhelm Freiherr von: Josef Freiherr von Linden. Württemberg Minister of the Interior 1804-1895 In: Lebensbilder aus Schwaben und Franken IX S. 218-276.Linden, Franz-Karl Freiherr von: Grandfather's diaries. [Article about Hugo Freiherr von Linden (1854-1936)]. In: Schönes Schwaben 1993 Issue 1 S. 78-83 Menges, Franz: Joseph Freiherr von Linden. In: Neue Deutsche Biographie (NDB) Vol. 14 S. 589-590Moegle-Hofacker, Franz:; On the Development of Parliamentarism in Württemberg. The "Parliamentarism of the Crown" under King Wilhelm I. 1981.Schneider, Eugen: Joseph Freiherr von Linden. In: Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie (ADB) Vol. 51 S. 719-721 Stöckhardt, E.: Joseph Freiherr von Linden. Royal Württemberg Minister of State (retired) Member of the Württemberg Chamber of Lords of State for Life. In: Deutsche Adels-Chronik Heft 15 S. 187-190 und Heft 16 S. 215, 216 und 226, 227th Württembergischer Verein für Handelsgeographie, Museum für Länder- und Völkerkunde, Lindenmuseum Stuttgart (publisher): Celebration of the 50th anniversary of the association. Celebration of the 100th birthday of Count Karl von Linden. 1939.

VOA 11: Ebersheim (inventory)
Stadtarchiv Mainz, VOA 11 · Fonds · 1815 - 1975
Fait partie de City Archive Mainz (Archivtektonik)

In 1970 (access number 1970/16) - i.e. after the incorporation of 1969 - the archive of the municipality of Ebersheim, which covers an area of approx. 13 metres, was transferred to the Mainz City Archives. The files, official books and some plans were in a completely disordered state. According to a note dated 09.12.1949 in No. 638 "Brände in Ebersheim" (Fires in Ebersheim), a large part of the municipal records was destroyed by the effects of war in the Second World War. There is no list of the missing file material in the stock. For example, these can be municipal council minutes, association files, files on Reichstag, Landtag and municipal council elections, which are missing in the Ebersheim inventory. The documents of the municipality of Ebersheim mainly document the period 1815-1863, but also contain - albeit only a few - documents from the 18th century. Within this range, however, there are numerous gaps. The order work of the collection was considerably complicated by many loose-leaf collections in addition to individual case files within a bundle. The individual case files had to be partially closed and new file units had to be created. Because of the long duration of individual files and because of the new format of the files, the titles of the registered files were deliberately formulated in detail. They were supplemented by detailed subtitles (Contains, Contains, etc.); records within a file unit that were not related to the subject were marked "therein". A larger cassation was omitted for the distortion, because there was no possibility of comparison with the traditions in other suburban archives. In order to avoid double overdeliveries within the stock, a single sheet cassation was occasionally carried out, e.g. with forms. During the classification of the recorded files, an attempt was made to establish an affiliation with the Hessian registry plan of 1908. Due to the large number and diversity of file subjects and the long duration within individual files, the surtitles of the registry plan in particular have undergone major changes. The birth, marriage and death registers of the years 1798-1802 were taken from the inventory and attached to the civil status registers of Ebersheim in the inventory 50 "Register of civil status and files of civil status" under the current no. 272. In 1985 the local administration of Mainz-Ebersheim (access number 1985/25) delivered another file with a circumference of approx. 4 metres. The files, which run until 1975, focus on elections and budgetary, cash and accounting matters. They were arranged analogously to the classification points and added to the end of the finding aid book. Local history Ebersheim: 2nd half of the 8th century: First documentary mention (document book of the monastery Fulda I Nr. 191 and 217); until 1420: Changing circumstances of rule; 1420: Transfer to the Archbishopric of Mainz, belonging to the electoral office of Nieder-Olm, since 1782 to the vice-chamber office of Mainz, office bailiwick of Nieder-Olm; 1798: Conquest by the French; 1801: With the transition to France (Peace of Lunéville), assignment to the canton Nieder-Olm in the department Donnersberg, affiliation to Mairie Nieder-Olm, since 1807 Mairie Ebersheim; 1814: withdrawal of the French; 1816: Affiliation to the Grand Duchy of Hesse, belonging to the canton Nieder-Olm in the newly formed province Rheinhessen; 1835: division of the province Rheinhessen into districts, allocation of Ebersheim to the district Mainz; 1909/1911: construction of the fort Muhl of the fortress Mainz; 1945: allocation to the administrative district Mainz with its seat in Oppenheim, formation of the administrative district Rheinhessen; 1946: formation of the state Rheinland-Pfalz; 1969: in the course of the administrative reform incorporation to Mainz, district Mainz, district Mainz; 1969: in the course of the administrative reform incorporation to Mainz, district Mainz, district Mainz. Mayor of Ebersheim since 1808: Friedrich Schäfer, Maire in Ebersheim, from 18.01.1814 Mayor (1808-1818); Michael Sieben (1818-1819); Johann Becker (1819-1831); Johann Bär (1831-1833); Michael Knußmann II. (1833-1849); Johann Kimpling (1849-1853); Philipp Glaser (1853-1859); Jakob Becker VI (1859-1875); Lorenz Eckert III (1859-1875). (1875-1891); Nikolaus Becker (1891-1896); Matthäus Sieben (1896-1916); Peter Vollmer (1916-1922); Peter Fuchs (1923-1927); Balthasar Becker III. (1929-1936); Heinrich Herdt (1936-1944); Balthasar Becker III. (1945-1956); Johann Baptist Eckert II. (1956-1964); Johann Ambros Becker (since 1964, from 1969: local leader) Residents of Ebersheim: 1780: 540 (in 124 houses); 1850: 1073 Catholics, 1 Protestant, 47 Jews; 1871: 1083 Catholics, 17 Protestants, 56 Jews; 1882: 1043 Catholics, 12 Protestants, 52 Jews; 1905: 1069 Catholics, 7 Protestants, 38 Jews; 1927: 1057 Catholics, 9 Protestants, 33 Jews; 1941: 1150 Catholics, approx. 10 Protestants; 1983/total: approx. 4000 inhabitants Brilmayer, Karl Johann: Rheinhessen in the past and present, Gießen 1905; Hoffmann, Klaus Dietrich: Die Geschichte der Provinzial- und Bezirksregierung für Rheinhessen. 12.07.1816-01.10.1968. Mainz 1977; 1500 years Ebersheim, commemorative publication for the anniversary celebration of the community Ebersheim in 1964, Oppenheim 1964; 120 years Sängervereinigung 1862/63 Mainz-Ebersheim e.V., Festschrift zum 120jährigen Jubiläum, 1983; 800 Jahre Kirche im Dorf 1184-1984, Festschrift zum 800-Jahrfeier der 1. documental mention of a church in Ebersheim and for the 75th anniversary of the extension of today's church, Klein-Winternheim 1984.

VOA 6: Bischofsheim (inventory)
Stadtarchiv Mainz, VOA 6 · Fonds · 1820 - 1934
Fait partie de City Archive Mainz (Archivtektonik)

After Bischofsheim's incorporation, the almost 9 m files of the VOA 6 holdings were transferred to the Mainz municipal archives in the course of two deliveries. On 01.12.1934, 161 "Rechnungs-Archivalien" (Invoice Archives), mostly from the second half of the 19th century, were handed over by the local administration of Mainz-Bischofsheim (Zug.: 1934/96). At the beginning of 1939 she had 60 parcels of "finished files" ready for stamping. The then director of the city archive, Dr. Dertsch, singled out 40 packages with files mainly from the second and third decades of the 20th century as not worthy of archiving. They concerned social welfare, food supply during and after the First World War, "general course of business", state and Reichstag elections as well as forest and municipal affairs. On 03.03.1939 20 packages (without access number) were taken over. These included eight packages of "various old files from 1820-1920", four packages each of militaria and "school affairs until 1930", two packages of mayoral and municipal elections between 1850 and 1914, and one package each of agriculture (1870-1900) and construction ("older files"). With the two entrances, the documents of the Bischofsheim municipal administration that had been handed down and intended for permanent storage did not reach the Mainz municipal archives in their entirety. A part remained in the place, so that the Bischofsheimer tradition is today divided. In Bischofsheim, mainly files and official books from the early modern period and the first half of the 19th century are kept. This is a collection which was listed in its core as early as 1914 in the inventories of the municipal archives of the district Groß-Gerau (cf. Becker, Wilhelm Martin (ed.): Invententare der Gemeindearchive des Kreises Groß-Gerau, Darmstadt 1914 (Invententare der nichtstaatlichen Archive im Großherzogtum Hessen, vol. 3: Invententar der hessischen Gemeinde-Archive, H.1), pp. 7f. The Bischofsheimer directory was compiled by the teacher Bechtolsheimer and supplemented by the Kreisurkundenpfleger). After the Second World War, the holdings were obviously supplemented with more recent materials (cf. Inventory Catalogue of the Municipal Archive of the Municipality of Bischofsheim). In: Bischofsheimer Geschichtsblätter, H.40, September 1967, p.212-219). Although the 701 volumes (without duplicates of invoices) kept in the Mainz City Archives run from 1733 to 1937, they focus on the second half of the 19th century and the first three decades of the 20th century. Thematically, the areas "Church Affairs" and "Education" stand out. Reference should also be made to the files on voluntary jurisdiction, the French occupation after the First World War and the construction industry. When it was taken over by the town archives, the files were roughly arranged according to the 1908 registration plan for the grand ducal mayor's offices. When examining the archives, however, it became apparent that, on the one hand, the titles of the files given by the registration plan often did not describe their contents sufficiently and, on the other hand, that there was often no organic and, in many cases, no factual connection between the individual documents of a file volume. This made the distortion work more difficult. In order to ensure sufficient indexing, new file units had to be formed in part - disregarding archival principles. For the same reason, the titles were formulated in as much detail as possible and often supplemented with notes ("Contains", "Contains, etc.", "Contains, etc."). Reference was made to foreign documents as well as to newspapers and printed matter, photographs and plans (except for construction files) with "Darin auch". Only a few documents were collected, above all incomplete forms and questionnaires for statistical surveys, which were available in several copies, as well as advertising material from companies outside the Sprengels of the Mainz City Archive. A comparison between the delivery notes or lists from 1934 and 1939 on the one hand and the found stock on the other hand suggests that a small amount of material was destroyed between the time of the takeover and the distortion. It must remain unclear whether this was due to an archival decision or to the effects of war. In the final classification, the complete adoption of the 1908 registry plan did not seem to make much sense, as numerous departments would have been occupied with little or no occupancy at all. For this reason, a new scheme was developed on the basis of the registry plan and on the basis of the classifications found in other suburban archives of the Mainz Municipal Archives, which seeks to take account of the actual files found. Due to a personnel change, two editors were involved in the creation of the finding aid book, whose different "manuscripts" could not be completely suppressed during the final editing. It began with the drawing in spring/summer 1988 by Mrs. Andrea Eckel, was completed in winter 1990/91 by the undersigned, Mr. Heiner Stauder, who also carried out the classification and wrote the preface. The search book was entered into the database "Archibal" in November 1999 by Mrs. Gerda Kessler in cooperation with Mrs. Ramona Göbel (Chief Inspector of the Archives). Local history of Bischofsheim: The beginnings of today's Bischofsheim date back to the time of the Frankish occupation of the land. Both archaeological finds and the ending of the place name on "-heim" speak for this. However, the prefixed place of destination is not a personal name, as is usually the case, but an ecclesiastical official designation. Staab concludes that the bishop of Mainz was the founder of the Franconian settlement. He probably also owned the local church, which was probably dedicated to Saint Martin. It probably passed into the possession of the Sankt Viktor monastery near Weisenau around 1000, which was the most important landlord of the Mainz monasteries and monasteries wealthy in Bischofsheim alongside the cathedral monastery. It also received a large tithe in most of the district and had the right of patronage, which it retained even after the introduction of the Reformation in Bischofsheim during the 16th century. In the second half of the 13th century, members of various branches of the Reichsministerialengeschlechts von Bolanden could be seized as holders of sovereign rights. At the beginning of the 14th century the Hohenfels line had apparently prevailed, but in 1331 members of this house sold the village of Bischofsheim with court, people and all accessories for 400 pounds of heller to Count Rudolf von Wertheim and Gottfried von Eppstein. The aristocracy of Wertheim soon seems to have passed into the hands of the arch monastery of Mainz, which pledged it to Henne von Erlebach in 1417: von Weilbach. One of his descendants, Adam von Erlebach, and his wife Margarethe came in the same way into possession of the Eppsteiner share, which the pledgee lord sold to Count Philipp von Katzenelnbogen in 1478. After his death in the following year the Landgraves of Hesse inherit him, whose Darmstadt line succeeded in putting themselves into the complete possession of Bischofsheim. In 1577, after lengthy negotiations, the lords of Hattstein sold their rights to Landgrave George I to succeed von Erlebach, and two years later the archbishopric of Mainz did the same. Thus Bischofsheim has belonged to Hesse (-Darmstadt) since 1579. The change of rule in 1577/79 and the Reformation, which was presumably already in place before that, left the possessions and rights of the Mainz monasteries and monasteries untouched. Not until 1802/03 did their estates fall to the Hessian state in the course of secularisation. This transition was one of the many innovations that took place during the 19th century. In the wake of the constitution issued by the Grand Duchy of Hesse in 1820, the judiciary and administration were separated, which necessitated a reorganization of the state. Bischofsheim, which had previously belonged to the Rüsselsheim office, was assigned to the Dornberg district in the province of Starkenburg or to the Groß-Gerau district court. While the division of the judiciary remained largely the same over the next 110 years - only in 1879 did the district court of Groß-Gerau become the district court with the introduction of the German Court Constitution Act of 3 September 1878 - the territorial division of the administration was subject to several changes. In 1832 Bischofsheim was added to the district Groß-Gerau, after the dissolution of the districts in the course of the revolution of 1848 to the administrative district Darmstadt. When the districts were restituted in the course of the reaction in 1852, Bischofsheim returned to the Groß-Gerau district, where it remained until it was incorporated into Mainz in 1930. With the constitution of 1820, the traditional municipal constitution was also no longer compatible, which is why a new municipal order was issued in 1821. In Bischofsheim it also replaced the mayor's office with the mayor, who together with the deputy and the local council formed the local executive committee. However, in Bischofsheim the term "Schultheiß" seems to have been in use for some time. A further innovation in the first half of the 19th century meant the abolition of the traditional agricultural constitution: the rule of the land and the rule of the tenth disappeared with the transfer of the land charges, which had largely been carried out in Bischofsheim until 1842. At this time the Bischofsheimer still lived predominantly from agriculture. Their village had not yet expanded beyond the local embankment, which had been built to protect the inhabitants of the Mainufergemeinde from the often threatening floods. A profound socio-economic and demographic change began with industrialization in the second half of the 19th century. Numerous employees of the companies being established in the neighbouring communities, namely MAN in Gustavsburg and Opel in Rüsselsheim, came from or moved to Bischofsheim. However, the most important employer for the Bischofsheimers was the railway, which had a decisive influence on the history of the town. After the Mainz-Darmstadt line had been opened in 1858 and the Mainz-Frankfurt line in 1863, the Bischofsheim railway station was expanded at the turn of the century to become the largest marshalling yard in southern Germany and Mainz's relief freight yard. This contributed significantly to the growth of the settlement and population. The influx of railway employees and factory workers also created a Catholic community, after Bischofsheim - apart from some Jews - had been purely Protestant. The changes in the course of industrialization naturally also affected the activities of the municipal administration. Reference is made here to the construction of schools and local roads, which is reflected in the files at hand. These also provide information about the consequences of the French occupation of the Rhineland after the First World War and the passive resistance. Since this was exercised in particular also by numerous railwaymen, it came in Bischofsheim to numerous expulsions by the occupation authorities. At the end of the 1920s, the local government planned to lay gas and water pipelines. These two projects brought the community into severe financial distress in the context of the global economic crisis. In this situation, the idea of incorporation into Mainz was awakened for the first time, which was finally realised after hard disputes between the population and the local council. On 01.01.1930 Bischofsheim was incorporated into the city of Mainz together with neighbouring Ginsheim-Gustavsburg, Bretzenheim and Weisenau, which hoped to benefit from an expansion of its area. In 1930 their area doubled from 4096 ha to 8195 ha, of which 930 ha were in the Bischofsheim district. After the incorporation, Fischer, who had been mayor since then, initially acted as head of the village until, after the National Socialist seizure of power, he was replaced by the party member Fritz Eitel, who also headed the Ginsheim-Gustavsburg district. During his term of office the discrimination of the Jewish population began, which reached its first climax in the pogrom night of 9/10.11.1938. At that time the synagogue in Bischofsheim was damaged. The remaining Jewish inhabitants in Bischofsheim were victims of the Holocaust during the war. Victims were also claimed by the Allied bombing raids, which targeted the railway station, but often also affected the settlement. After the war, the Rhine became the border between two occupation zones or federal states. As a result, the connection between Mainz and Bischofsheim was dissolved, and Bischofsheim declared itself an independent parish again in the district of Groß-Gerau. Mayor and local leader of Bischofsheim (1853-1945), (Source: Mangold, p. 114 and Bischofsheimer Geschichtsblätter 14, 1965 (special issue). A listing of the mayors before 1853 was omitted, since the archives showed deviations from the terms of office, which were mentioned in the gen. Literature can be called. For checking and, if necessary, correction, archival records must also be consulted which are kept in the municipal archives in Bischofsheim. In particular the invoices are to be consulted.) 1853-1862: Johannes Schneider, mayor; 1862-1865: Michael Dammel, mayor; 1865-1909: Philipp Jakob Wiesenecker, mayor; 1910-1920: Heinrich Hünerkopf, mayor; 1921-1933: Georg Fischer, mayor, from 1930 local head; 1933-1939: Friedrich Eitel, local head; 1939-1945: Georg Fischer, local head of population development Bischofsheim Quellen, unless otherwise stated: Mangold, p. 73. 1792: Total: 400; 1829: Total: 668; 1861: Total: 1078; 1865 (statistical overview in volume 621): Total: 1169, of which Protestant: 1093, Catholic: 6, Jews: 70, Houses: 146; 1873: Total: 1404, (according to the German Federal Statistics Office): 1,964, (according to the German Federal Statistics Office): 1,971. Hartwig-Thürmer, p. 11ff.): of which cath.: 50, Jews: 60; 1895: Total: 2264; 1900: Total: 2961; 1910: Total: 4456, of which ev.: 3686, cath.: 717, Jews: 46; 1930: (according to "Groß-Mainz", p. 5:) Total: 5438, of which Protestant: 4358, Catholic: 982, Jews: 31, Houses: 690; 1939: Total: 6407 (Hartwig-Thürmer, p. 11ff.); 1948: Total: 7412 (Hartwig-Thürmer, p. 11ff.) Bischofsheimer Geschichtsblätter 1950 ff. (= publication organ of the Heimat- und Geschichtsverein Bischofsheim); "Groß-Mainz". Special edition of the Mainzer Anzeiger on 1 January 1930. Supplement to edition no. 303 of 31.12.1929; Hansel, Klaus: Das Stift St. Victor vor Mainz. Phil.Diss. Mainz. Gernsheim 1952; Hartwig-Thürmer, Christine: Ginsheim-Gustavsburg, Bischofsheim. The Mainspitze under the swastika. Frankfurt/M. o.J.; This: "Here it was already bad ...". In: When the last hopes burned. 9/10 November 1938. Mainz Jews between integration and annihilation. Mainz 1988 (Mainz Edition, Vol. 5), pp. 115-125; Leiwig, Heinz/ Neliba, Dieter H.: The tip of the Main in the crosshairs of the Royal Air Force and the 8th USAAF - Bischofsheim 1939-1945 -. Ginsheim-Gustavsburg 1985; Mangold, Georg: Bischofsheim. A historical homeland book. Mainz 1929 (Starkenburg in its past, vol. 5). Müller, Wilhelm (editor): Hessian place name book vol.1: Starkenburg. Darmstadt 1937; Ruppel, Hans-Georg/ Müller, Karin (Bearb.): Historical place index for the area of the former Grand Duchy and People's State of Hesse. Darmstadt 1976 (Darmstädter Archivschriften, vol. 2); Staab, Franz: Studies on the Society on the Middle Rhine during the Carolingian period. Wiesbaden 1975 (Historical regional studies, vol. 11).