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Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Generallandesarchiv Karlsruhe, 456 F 62 · Bestand · 1871-1915, 1919
Teil von Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. General State Archive Karlsruhe (Archivtektonik)

28th and 29th Infantry Division: The XIV Army Corps formed on 01.07.1871 was divided into the 28th and 29th Infantry Division, which was also founded at the same time. The 28th Infantry Division included the 55th and 56th Infantry Brigades as well as the 28th Cavalry Brigade. In 1899 the 28th field artillery brigade was added. The division was located in Karlsruhe.The commanding generals were:1871 to 1875Lieutenant General von Pritzelwitz1875 to 1883Lieutenant General von Willisen1883 to 1887Lieutenant General von Meerscheidt-Hüllessem1887 to 1890General Lieutenant von Keßler1890 to 1892General Lieutenant Weinberger1892 to 1896General Lieutenant von Rößing1896 to 1899General Lieutenant von Grone1899 to 1900General Lieutenant von Oertzen1900 to 1903General Lieutenant von Beneckendorff and von Hindenburg1903 to 1906Lieutenant General von Pfuel1906 to 1910Lieutenant General von Fabeck1910 to 1912Lieutenant General von Krosigk1912 to 1914Lieutenant General von der Goltzab 1914Lieutenant General von Kehler.The 29th Infantry Division was divided into the 57th and 58th Infantry Brigades and the 29th Cavalry Brigade. The 29th Field Artillery Brigade was added in 1899. In the years 1897 and 1898 and starting from 1913 the 84th Infantry Brigade belonged likewise to the range of the division. The division was located in Freiburg.The commanding generals were:1871 to 1873Lieutenant General von Glümer1873 to 1876Lieutenant General von Woyna1876 to 1882Lieutenant General von Scheffler1882 to 1886Lieutenant General von Berken1886 to 1889Lieutenant General von Petersdorff1889 to 1892Lieutenant General von Mantey1892 to 1894Lieutenant General von Schleinitz1894 to 1894 1897General lieutenant Friedrich Wilhelm Ludwig von Baden1897 to 1898General lieutenant von Bülow1898 to 1901General lieutenant von Bissing1901 to 1907General lieutenant von Fallois1907 to 1910General lieutenant von Schickfus and Neudorf1910 to 1913General lieutenant von Deimlingab 1914General lieutenant Isbert. 55th, 57th and 58th Infantry Brigade: The 55th Infantry Brigade emerged from the former 1st Baden Infantry Brigade on 01.07.1871. The infantry regiments 109 and 110 were subject to it. The official seat was in Karlsruhe.The commanders were: 1871 to 1874Major General von Neumann1874 to 1878Major General von Bonin1878 to 1881Major General von der Esch1881 to 1884Major General von Grolmann1884 to 1889Major General Roeder von Diersburg1889 to 1891Major General von Rantzau1891 to 1893Major General von Plessen1893 to 1893Major General von Plessen1893 to 1891Major General von Grolmann1891Major General von Diersburg1881 to 1889Major General von Diersburg1889 to 1891Major General von Rantzau1891 to 1893Major General von Plessen1893 to 1893Major General von Plessen1893 to 1893Major General von Diersburg1889 to 1891Major General von Rantzau1891 to 1893Major General von Plessen1893 to 1897General Major from Janson1897 to 1900General Major from Hugo1900 to 1902General Major Lölhöffel from Löwensprung1902 to 1906General Major from Hoffmeister1906 to 1910General Major from Schack1910 to 1912General Major from Omptedaab 1912General Major Knight and Noble von Oetinger.The 57th Infantry Brigade emerged on 01.07.1871 from the former 3rd Baden Infantry Brigade. The infantry regiments 113 and 114 were subject to it. The official seat was in Freiburg.The commanders were:1871Generalmajor Keller1871 to 1873Generalmajor von Weller1873 to 1880Generalmajor von Falkenhausen1880 to 1885Generalmajor von Ditfurth1885 to 1889Generalmajor von Gerhardt1889 to 1890Generalmajor Ziegler1890 to 1893Generalmajor von Fischer-Treuenfeld1893 to 1897 Major-General from Mülbe1897 to 1899 Major-General from Braunschweig1899 to 1901 Major-General from Fallois1901 to 1905 Major-General from Kutzen1905 to 1907 Major General of Tresckow1907 to 1910 Major General Marshal of Sulicki1910 to 1911 Major General of Winckler1911 to 1914 Major General of Kehlerab 1914 Major General of Trotta.The 58th Infantry Brigade was built on 01.07.1871. The infantry regiments 112 and 142 were subject to it. The official seat was in Mulhouse in Alsace. The commanders were:1871 to 1878major General from Sell1878 to 1881major General from Boehn1881 to 1887major General from Reibnitz1887 to 1888major General from Prittwitz and Gaffron1888 to 1890major General from Westernhagen1890 to 1892major General Girschner1892 to 1896major General Berger1896 to 1898major Bock General from Wülfingen1898 to 1899major General Köpke1899 to 1902General Major from Voigt1902 to 1904General Major Nethe1904 to 1906General Major Birnbaum1906 to 1908General Major from Eberstein1908 to 1910General Major from Deimling1910 to 1911General Major from Ompteda1911 to 1912General Major from Schmundt1912 to 1913General Major from Bodungenab 1913General Major Stenger. Inventory history: After the end of the war, the files remained at the processing offices of various infantry regiments. From January 1920, the establishment of an archive of the XIV Army Corps was begun, in which the archives of the settlement agencies were brought together. In autumn 1920 the corps archive moved to the infantry barracks in Heilbronn. From January 1921, the Corps Archives entered the portfolio of the Reich Ministry of the Interior under the name Aktenverwaltung XIV, before being incorporated into the Reichsarchiv in Potsdam as the Heilbronn archive branch on April 1, 1921. As a result of the merger of the Heilbronn and Stuttgart branches of the Reich Archives, the holdings were transferred to Stuttgart in 1924. The Württembergische Archivdirektion, which after the end of the Second World War took over the administration of the holdings of the Stuttgart Army Archives, handed over the records of the XIV Army Corps to the General State Archives in Karlsruhe between 1947 and 1949. A very detailed history of the holdings is contained in the foreword of the Deputy General Command of the XIV Army Corps (holdings 456 F 8). These documents have been handed down in the inventory 456 F 120 fascicles 24 to 29. The inventory comprises 16 fascicles with a circumference of 0.40 running meters. References: Deutsche Militärgeschichte in sechs Volände 1648-1939, ed. by the Militärgeschichtlichen Forschungsamt Freiburg, Munich 1983 Fischer, Joachim: Zehn Jahre Militärarchiv des Hauptstaatsarchivs Stuttgart, in: Zeitschrift für Württembergische Landesgeschichte 37 (1978), p. 362-368 Jäger, Harald: Das militärische Archivgut in der Bundesrepublik für die Zeit von 1871 bis 1919, in: Militärgeschichtliche Mitteilungen 1968/2, p. 135-138 Ranking list of the Royal Prussian Army and the XIII Royal Württemberg Army Corps 1871 to 1914. Overview of the holdings of the Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, edited by Joachim Fischer (publication of the Staatliche Archivverwaltung Baden-Württemberg, vol. 31), Stuttgart 1983.

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Generallandesarchiv Karlsruhe, 235 Nr. 48313, 6 · Teil · 1923-1940
Teil von Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. General State Archive Karlsruhe (Archivtektonik)

Appointment as professor of the pianist Moritz Mayer in Berlin-Wilmersdorf called "Mayer-Mahr", of Dr. Heinrich Karl Nicklisch of the Handelshochschule Mannheim, of the librarian Dr. Max Oeser in Mannheim, of the director of the conservatory in Karlsruhe Heinrich Ordenstein, of the teacher Walter Petzer at the conservatory in Karlsruhe, of the pianist Theodor Pfeiffer in Baden-Baden, of the painter Otto Propheter in Karlsruhe, of Dr. Max Richter as director of the AG Färberei De. Printz in Karlsruhe, the pianist and director of the Musikbildungsanstalt in Karlsruhe, Cornelius Rübner, Dr. Mathias Schlegel from the Institute of Hygiene at the University of Freiburg, the librarian Dr. Julius Schwab from the University Library of Freiburg, the painter Wilhelm Süs as chairman of the Majolikamanufaktur in Karlsruhe, the trainee teacher in the colonial service Dr. Karl Uhlig zu Daressalam, the painter Hans Richard von Volkmann zu Karlsruhe, the Dr. Friedrich Wilhelm Walter of the Altertumsverein Mannheim, the Dr. Max Wingenroth of the Collections for Classical Antiquities and Ethnology and the chamber virtuoso Florian Joseph Zajic in the Mannheim Hoforchester