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RMG 2.633 · Akt(e) · 1935-1957
Teil von Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

The RMG's relations with the German authorities and their goals with regard to colonial issues in South West Africa, D. Hinrich Johannsen, 1935; The Mission Church in South West Africa, N. N., n. J.; Our Commitment to the World of Women: Ways to Fulfilment, Sister Frieda Schröder, 1950; Our Evangelists and Pastors, Hans Karl Diehl, c. 1950; The Tomlinson Report or the Report of the Commission for Socio-Economic Development of the Bantu Areas within the Union of South Africa, Günther Reeh, c. 1957; What is the House of our Rhenish Mission Church in South West Africa Today? N. N., c. 1948; Church Paragraph 29, Otto Milk, 1957; Baptism and Confirmation in the Life of our Churches, N. N., o. J.; Zur Frage d. Selbstständigkeit d. jungen Eingeborenenkirche in Südwestafrika, Hans Karl Diehl, 1948; Das Problem d. Apartheid u. seine Bedeutung für unsere Arbeit, Otto Milk, 1950; Gedanken zum Aufbau e. Jugendarbeit, Werner Andreas Wienecke, o. J.; Mission u. German parish, Otto Milk, 1955; The situation of our parishes after the district synods, Emil Kerstan, 1953; Remarks on the independence of the mission church in South West Africa, Heinrich Vedder, 1956; Is ecclesiastical independence in South West Africa possible? Hans Karl Diehl, 1956; Der missionarische Auftrag in d. Geschichte Südwestafrikas, Otto Milk, 1956; Antworten auf e. Fragebogenaktion d. Deputation zur Situation in Südwestafrika, by Friedrich Wilhelm (Fritz) Mayer, Richard Gottfried Vollmer, Hans Georg Scholz, Werner Andreas Wienecke, Rolf Schankweile u., Hans Paul Roßkothen, 1956;

Rheinische Missionsgesellschaft