14 Treffer anzeigen

About the history of Herero: various essays
RMG 3.311 · Akt(e) · 1888, 1927-1931, 1966
Teil von Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Eduard Heinrich Gustav Dannert, Sociale Verhältnisse d. Ovaherero, Dr., 1888; Heinrich Vedder, Maharero and his time in the light of the documents of his estate, Dr., 1929-1931; Missionary August Carl Heinrich Kuhlmann, Götter- u. Geistergfaube d. Herero, Dr., 1927; Report about the "Maharero-Dag" in Okahandja (hectograph.), 1966; 1 Otjiherero grammar, ms..;

Rheinische Missionsgesellschaft
RMG 2.648 · Akt(e) · 1845-1931
Teil von Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Station Otjimbingwe s. RMG 2.536 a-d; draft e. letter of thanks for 2.000 Taler, addressed to "Durchlauchtigster Fürst!", ca. 1845; "Propositionen d. Lippischen Fürstenhaus betr. d. Gründung d. Augustineum in Otjimbingwe", 1863; report about Augustineum in Otjimbingwe, by Carl Gotthilf Büttner, 1874; reports about Augustineum in Okahandja, by Heinrich Vedder, 1923-1931; in it life data of all pupils and students. about themselves, significant experiences from their lives as well as 1 photo of all Augustineum residents in the half-yearly report, pp. 177-271, 1925; "Über d. Ausbau d. Augustineum in Okahandja", 9 p., ms., Heinrich Vedder, 1926; Tasks and results of the final examination of 20 students, 1929; group photo of the conference of elders and evangelists in Okahandja, 1930

Rheinische Missionsgesellschaft
Brockmann, Heinrich Johann (1873-1950)
RMG 1.659 a-b · Akt(e) · 1895-1902, 1913-1954
Teil von Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

1903-1951 in Otjosazu, Franzfontein, Outjo, Okombahe, Usakos, Swakopmund; letters and reports, 1902-1950; curriculum vitae, application, medical certificate, 1895-1902; sketch of a mission property to be acquired in Outjo, 1905; death announcement for Mrs. Helene Brockmann, née. Upmeyer, 1935; draft e. Präsesinstruktion with notes by Heinrich Vedder, 1938; Kassenbericht d. Generalkasse Südwestafrika, 1947; obituary for Heinrich Johann Brockmann 1951; obituary for Dora Brockmann, née Hollerbaum, 1954;

Rheinische Missionsgesellschaft
Education in Southwest Africa
RMG 2.645 a-b · Akt(e) · 1906-1926
Teil von Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Plans for e. Industrial School in Bethanien by Tobias Fenchel, 1906; School regulations for mission schools in the area of the Herero Conference; a) by Johannes Olpp, pag. 263, 1908; b) Manuscript by Karl Friedrich Wandres, Heinrich Vedder, Kurt Nowack, 1910; c) Dr., 54 p.., 1910; Proposals for boy handicraft lessons in mission schools, by August Elger, 1910; Establishment and operation of a secondary school in Windhoek, by Kurt Nowack, 1911; Das Windhoeker Missionsschulwesen, Abtlg. Volksschulen, by Kurt Nowack, 1912; Verhandlungen wegen staatlicher Unterstützung d. Missionsschulen, 1913-1914; Schulgesetz betr. d. Schulen für Nicht-Europäer, 1921; "Das Schulwesen d. Südafrikanischen Union u. d. Missionsschulen in Südwestafrika", by Heinrich Vedder, 24 p.., ms. 1921; Schulgesetz für Südwestafrika (Dr. in Amtsblatt No. 207), 1926; 120 weekly sentences for use in schools (in Herero), by Heinrich Vedder?, issue, 30 p., ms., not published

Rheinische Missionsgesellschaft
Hahn, Carl Hugo (1818-1895)
RMG 1.577 a-c · Akt(e) · 1844-1870, 1841-1873, 1904-1954
Teil von Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Various excerpts from Carl Hugo Hahn's diaries and letters, thematically summarized typoscripts, probably by Dr. Heinrich Vedder in the 1920s:; Chronological Notes, 1841-1867; Kleine Notizen u. Briefaauszüge, 1844-1855; Carl Hugo Hahn u. d. Wesleyaner, 1844-1855; Missions-Kolonisation, 1863; Buren Immigration u. Augustineum, 1869; Die Friedenskonferenz zu Schmelens-Expartung (Okahandja), 1870; Wie Jonker Afrikaner mit d. Damaras geme gekommen, 1873; Heimreise, 1873; Correspondence with descendants of Carl Hugo Hahn, 1904-1943; copy of the doctoral diploma of the University of Leipzig for Carl Hugo Hahn (1874), 1954;

Rheinische Missionsgesellschaft
Lectures and essays on Southwest Africa
RMG 2.635 a · Akt(e) · 1841-1967
Teil von Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Oldest travel reports of the RMG about Southwest Africa (transcript from the Monatsblatt d. Norddeutscher Missionsgesellschaft, 2. Jg., p. 146-155), 8 p., ms., double available, 1841; extracts from letters of Friedr. Simon Eggert, Scheppmansdorf, ms.., 1859-1868; Request of Jonas and Jacobus Boois to Franz Heinrich Kleinschmidt for e. Missionary (2 original letters, afrikaans), 1861; Peter Heinrich Brincker: I. Die Ovaherero, II. Die Missionsarbeit unter d. Herero, 90 p., hs, 1876; Defense of the defamation of Dr. Theophil Hahn against the Damra missionaries, deputation of the RMG, Dr., 1884; Hendrik Witbooi's request to Inspector Dr. August Schreiber for e. Missionary (Original, afrikaans), 1895; Hendrik Witbooi's request to Francois for ammunition and rifles, (copy), 1893; P. Kunze, Sülldorf, about Hendrik Witbooi, 1906; Die Geschichte d. "Kowese volk" written down by e. members of the people themselves in Afrikaans, 8 p., hs. u. Kopie, N. N., no year; suggestions for missionary work in South West Africa, by Heinrich Vedder, 19 p., ms., c. 1910; excerpt from "Beitrag zur Geschichte d. Kowesi-Stammes, 1897", Johannes Olpp, 7 p., 1906; overview of the work of the RMG in "Deutsch-Südwestafrika", 1903; "Die Religion d. Herero", August Carl Heinrich Kuhlmann, with remarks by Jakob Friedrich Johann Irle, 20 p., ms, 1912; The situation of the indigenous people of South Africa in social and political relations, (S.-Abdr. from "Mitteilungen aus d. deutschen Schutzgebieten", 34th vol., H. 1), Prof. Dr. G. Knothe, 1926

Rheinische Missionsgesellschaft
Lectures and essays on Southwest Africa
RMG 2.635 b · Akt(e) · 1841-1967
Teil von Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

The missionary work in Southwest Africa according to the annual reports of 1949; Der künstliche Abortus bei d. Herero u. Ovambo, N. N., o. J.; Arigene Religion u. Christentum, August Carl Heinrich Kuhlmann, o. J.; Foreign - and yet at the heights of Christianity, August Carl Heinrich Kuhlmann, o. J.; As under d. Church of the Urafrikans, August Carl Heinrich Kuhlmann, n.d.; The "Old Holy Book" in Africa, August Carl Heinrich Kuhlmann, n.d.; Visiting d. Hei-//om (Buschschläfern), Friedrich Pönnighaus, 1936; Unter d. Buschmännern in Südwestafrika, Alfred Unterkötter, 1936; Ein Dankopfer, Friedrich Hermann Rust, no year; Der heute Stand d. Missionsarbeit im Waterberg-Reservat, Friedrich Pönnighaus, 1936; Death Sunday in Swakopmund, Heinrich Johann Brockmann, 1937; Abendmahl u. Orunjara bei d. Herero, Friedrich Pönnighaus, n. J.; Comfort in the African earth sorrow, August Carl Heinrich Kuhlmann, n. J.; The natives of Southwest Africa, Heinrich Vedder? o. J.; Unterwegs (im Ochsenwagen), by Friedrich Pönnighaus, o. J.; Zur Frage d. finanz Selbstständmachung unserer Gemeinden oder wie erziehehehe ich meine Gemeinde zum finanz Selbstständigkeit, Christian Wilhelm Friedrich Spellmeyer, 1937; Ist finanzielle Selbstständmachung unserer Gemeinden in Südwestafrika möglich, u. wie?, Karl Schmitz, 1937; Zu d. Bericht d. Bruder's Karl Sckär über Ehescheidung, Johannes Georg Heinrich Heinrich Olpp, 1929; Ist d. Ausbau unserer Missionskonferenz zu e. Synod required and possible, Friedrich Pönnighaus, 1937; Annunciation in the Mix of Nations of Southwest Africa, Friedrich Pönnighaus, no year; The Battle with the Holy Fire, Friedrich Pönnighaus 1935; The Holy Fire (The Sacrificial Altar of Herero = okuruuo), Friedrich Pönnighaus, no year; Hurus, Friedrich Pönnighaus, 1932; "On African Travelling Routes", N.N..., Windhoek, 1934; World and world view of Bergdama in Southwest Africa, Heinrich Vedder, without year; Unter d. Betschuanen, Friedrich Pönnighaus, without year; Remarks to the Lecture by Pg Reinbeck on the activities of the Pagan Mission in South West Africa, Mission Director J. Warneck, 1935; Die Akazien unseres Landes, Friedrich Pönnighaus, no year; The trees and shrubs of the District of Windhoek (excluding the Akazien), Friedrich Pönnighaus, no year; Which duties does the Protestant Germany in South West Africa have? ca. 1910; The Jackal and the Leopard, e. Märchen aus Südwestafrika, Heinrich Vedder, without year; Das Volk hinter d. Berge, Wilhelm Loeber, 1937; A strange Christmas message, Wilhelm Loeber, o. J.; And new life blooms from the ruins, Wilhelm Loeber, no year; house building in the Heidenland (Ovamboland), N. N.?, no year; The Chief's Hunt (Mandume), N. N.., n. J.; Rasse u. Mission in Südwestafrika, N. N., ca. 1935; Between War and Crisis: On the 125th Anniversary of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in South-West Africa (Rheinische Missionskirche), press release by RMG, Werner Andreas Wienecke, 1967; Südwestafrika - e. zweites Kongo?, newspaper article, General-Anzeiger Wuppertal, 08.04.1967;

Rheinische Missionsgesellschaft
Local staff in Southwest Africa: Correspondence
RMG 2.640 b · Akt(e) · 1894-1966
Teil von Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Life Picture of Anania by Heinrich Vedder, n.d.; Letters by Nikodemus Kido, Sesfontein, Wilhelm Kandjii, Aminuis, 1913 1922; Correspondence Petrus Jod to Missionary Christian Wilhelm Friedrich Spellmeyer, 1935-1944; Correspondence Markus Witbooi to Christian Wilhelm Friedrich Spellmeyer, 1939-1940; Life Picture of Nikodemus Kido, Sesfontein, Wilhelm Kandjii, Aminuis, 1913 1922; Life Picture of Christian Wilhelm Friedrich Spellmeyer, 1939-1940 Jakobus Beukes, on the occasion of his ordination as first local pastor, written by Wilhelm Lind, n.d.; J. Dausab and Hendrik Isaak to Christian Wilhelm Friedrich Spellmeyer, 1940; Erastus Kandovazu, report on his death, 1941; circular letter to the local coworker and to the local priest. Gemeinden, by Christian Wilhelm Friedrich Spell-meyer and Friedrich Wilhelm (Fritz) Mayer, 1939-1945; Verzeichnis d. einheimischen Mitarbeiter (with dates of birth), 1941; circular letter in Nama language by Friedrich Hermann Rust, 1948; Korrespondenz RMG mit verschiedenen einheimischen Mitarbeiter, 1948-1963; correspondence Gustav Menzel mit Joh. Daniel Strydom, 1954-1959 1966; Correspondence G. Menzel with P. Hendrik Isaak, Maltahöhe, 1953; Report on the ordination of Bergdama parish priest Josef Hanse and inauguration of the new church school in Stamprietfontein, 1954; list of all employees in SWA (ELK) (with dates of birth), 1965;

Rheinische Missionsgesellschaft
Swakopmund (with Walvis Bay)
RMG 2.528 a · Akt(e) · 1905-1939
Teil von Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Walvis Bay s. a. RMG 2.531 a b; View of the station (pencil drawing) and site plan, 1904 (?); annual and conference reports, by Karl Alex. Hamann, Heinrich Vedder, Wilhelm Eich, August Wulfhorst, Heinrich Johann Brockmann and Friedrich Wilhelm (Fritz) Mayer, 1905-1939; Visitation Reports, 1906 1909; Disputes Heinrich Vedder with Commander Selkmann and K. Ritter, Wörmann Line, about captured Hereros, 1906; Ferdinand Lang, Annual Report on Tsumeb, 1909; August Wulfhorst and Fritz, 1909 Martin Jonas Werner, Annual Reports on Otjimbingwe, Karibib and Okahandja, 1921; Heinrich Johann Brockmann, private letters to Director Johannes Warneck, Superintendent Hinrich Johannsen, Director Hermann Berner, 1932-1939; Reports on Nursing Work, 1939

Rheinische Missionsgesellschaft
The Bushmen of South West Africa
RMG 2.596 · Akt(e) · 1912-1937
Teil von Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

The Bushmen, Heinrich Vedder, 18 p., ms., 1912; Report on the Bushmen and thoughts on their future, by Th. Wetschky, Grootfontein, 1913; 2 newspaper clippings on the Bushman question in Grootfontein, 1913 1914; The Bushmen, Result e. Interrogation, by Friedrich Pönnighaus, 11 p.., ms., Ill., 1926; The Bushmen in North Southwest Africa, N. N., 7 p., hs, under the Bushmen in South West Africa, Alfred Unterkötter, 10 p., ms., o. J.; I will exterminate the wizard with you, Alfred Unterkötter, 14 p., ms., o. J.; Experiences between Operet and Onguma, Alfred Unterkötter, 4 p.., ms, no year; Self-biography of the Bushman //Kou-goa-//ob, Alfred Unterkötter, 13 p., ms, no year; Among the Bushmen of Southwest Africa, Alfred Unterkötter, 9 p., ms., no year;

Rheinische Missionsgesellschaft
Trey, Bernhard Alrich (
RMG 1.686 · Akt(e) · 1902-1960
Teil von Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

1881-1960); 1909-1922 in Swakopmund, Outjo, 1929-1953 parish office in Wupperfeld; curriculum vitae, testimonies, application, 1902-1903; letters and reports, 1909-1928; visitation sheet for Outjo, filled in by Praeses Johannes Georg Heinrich Olpp, 1912; Briefe d. Evangelist Nikodemus Kido, Zesfontein, 1914 1921; Report about the journey of Heinrich Vedder and Bernhard Alrich Trey to Kaokofeld, 15 p., ms., 1914; travel report by the district administrator Dr. Schulze for the exploration of Kaokofeldes, former year; negotiations with the Protestant parish of Düsseldorf concerning the takeover of Bernhard Alrich Trey in church service, 1927-1928; negotiations with the parish of Barmen-Wupperfeld concerning salary payments and employment for Bernhard Alrich Trey, 1935-1947; death announcement and obituaries for Bernhard and Anna (Änne) Trey, born Jung, 1960;

Rheinische Missionsgesellschaft
Vedder, Henry (1876-1972)
RMG 1.660 a-g · Akt(e) · 1894-1937:; 1947-1972
Teil von Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

1903-1947 in Walvis Bay, Swakopmund, Gaub, Okahandja, Praeses 1937-1947, then emer.., Senator South West Africa, 1950-1958, see also RMG 1,308, 1,344, 1,366, 1,426-1,431, 1,661, 2.694; extensive correspondence, reports, circulars, 1903-1947; application, curriculum vitae, medical certificate, 1894-1903; building plans for residential house Swakopmund, 1904; appeal by Lieutenant Kuhn to the scattered Hereros to surrender, 1904; petition to d. District office Swakopmund for the improvement of the conditions in the prison camps, 1905; report on the formation of the protestant parish of Swakopmund, 1906; letter of 9 Hererochristen with the request for translation of the Old Testament in Herero, 1906; "Gau-Sari-Aob" (The sower) newsletter for natives, 1907-1909; order e. printing press, brochure here about, 1909; budget d. Missionshaus in Swakopmund, 1909; transcript of the honorary doctorate of the University of Tübingen for Vedder, 1925; State Secretary of Lindequist: Please do not recall Vedder from Africa, 1927; conference negotiation of the church elders and evangelists in Okahandja, 1930; exam questions for diploma examinations of the University of South Africa, 1931; Zur Frauenfrage in Südwestafrika, Referat, 10.., ms. 1935; National Socialism and colored workers, essay, Karl Pegel, 11 p., ms., 1936; appointment of Vedder as "Konsistorialrat h. c" by the California Konsistorial Academic Society, copy of the deed, 1947; statutes of the Heinrich Vedder Foundation, 1954; honorary newspaper articles and obituary, 1961, 1966 and 1972

Rheinische Missionsgesellschaft