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Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz, I. HA Rep. 76 [I], I Sekt. 24 Nr. 9 Bd. 10 · Akt(e) · 1931 - 1933
Teil von Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage (Archivtektonik)

without foliation, Contains among other things: - Elaboration of a series of letters Karoline von Humboldt wrote to the archaeologist Prof. Dr. Gottlieb Welcker by Dr. Erna Sander, née Rindtorff in Bonn, 1931 - Elaboration of a scientific treatise on the poet and state archivist Bernhard Endrulat by the Ministerialrat in the Ministry of Agriculture, Domains and Forests [...Rastell in Berlin, 1931 - Elaboration of a scientific treatise on the founding and development of the State Educational Institutions in general and the school in Wahlstatt in particular by the Study Council [Felix] Taubitz in Wahlstatt, 1931 - Elaboration of a scientific work on the founding and establishment of the Protestant Consistory in Berlin by the pastor Walter Wendland in Berlin, 1931/1932 - Elaboration of a biography of the internist Prof. Dr. Peter W. W. W., 1931 - Elaboration of a biography of the internist Prof. Dr. Dr. Walter W. W., 1931 - Elaboration of a scientific work on the founding and establishment of the Protestant Consistory in Berlin by the pastor Walter Wendland in Berlin, 1931/1932 - Elaboration of a biography of the internist Prof. Dr. Dr. Christian Friedrich Nasse by the Geheimen Sanitätsrat Dr. [Werner] von Noorden in Bad Homburg, 1931 - Elaboration of an article about the Professor of Classical Studies in Wroclaw Dr. [Werner] von Noorden in Bad Homburg, 1931 - Elaboration of an article about the Professor of Classical Studies in Wroclaw Dr. [Werner] von Noorden in Bad Homburg, 1931 - Elaboration of an article about the Professor of Classical Studies in Wroclaw Dr. [Werner] von Noorden in Bad Homburg, 1931 - Elaboration of an article about the Professor of Classical Studies in Wroclaw Dr. Johann Gustav Büsching by the Head of the Biographical Section of the Historical Commission for Silesia Prof. Dr. Friedrich Andreae in Breslau, 1931 - Elaboration of a biography and ergography of Prof. Dr. Joseph Hermann Schmidt by the Regierungsmedizinalrat Dr. Paul Fraatz, 1931 - Elaboration of a biography of the professor of moral theology and apologetics in Münster Dr. [Joseph] Mausbach by the prelate and member of the Reichstag Dr. [Georg] Schreiber in Berlin, 1931 - Elaboration of a scientific work on the history of the Köllnisches Gymnasium in Berlin by the Studienrat [....] Theel in Berlin, 1931 - Elaboration of a scientific work on the history of the Ursuline monastery in Erfurt by the superior of the Ursuline monastery in Erfurt, sister Franziska Koch, 1931 - Elaboration of a scientific work on the legal situation of the denominationally bound high school in Prussia by the student teacher Helmut Simons in Bonn, 1931 - Elaboration of a biography of the philosopher and pedagogue Friedrich Eduard Beneke by R. Murtfeld in Cronberg, 1931 - Elaboration of a biography of the Konsistorialpräsident in Kassel Ernst von Weyrauch by the Geheimen Studienrat und Gymnasialprofessor i. R. Gustav Hüpeden in Kassel, 1931 - Elaboration of a scientific work on the "history of social policy" by the honorary professor at the University of Kiel Dr. Gustav Hüpeden. Ludwig Heyde, 1931 - Elaboration of a scientific work on the Prussian State Stage by Dr. Walther Feldmann in Lübeck, 1931 - Elaboration of a scientific work on the position of the Prussian government on child welfare in the first half of the 19th century. The study of the dismissal of Dr. Reinhold Pauli, Professor of Political History in Tübingen, by the former President of Germany, Dr. P. Hieber, in Stuttgart, 1932 - The study of the Protestant theologian David Schulz and the struggle between orthodoxy and rationalism in Silesia in the first half of the 19th century. The development of a genealogical work on the councillor and university administrator in Witttenberg Friedrich Wilhelm Prillwitz by the Reichsbank inspector Franz Prillwitz in Frankfurt (Oder), 1932 - Determination of biographical data of the physician Robert Koch by the ministerial councillor in the Reich Ministry of the Interior Prof. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. G. G. G., the latter being the only one to have done so. Dr. [...] Taute in Berlin, 1932 - Elaboration of a scientific work on the history of German gymnastics by Max Barsekow, secondary school teacher at the Königstädt Realgymnasium in Berlin, 1932 - Elaboration of a scientific work on "The Secret of the Berlin Rousseau Island, a contribution to the history of the Berlin Tiergarten with the appendix Jean-Jacques Rousseau and Frederick the Great" by Dr. phil. Karl Walter in Charlottenburg, 1932 - Elaboration of an essay for publication in the Akademische Turnbundsblätter on the history of German gymnastics by Prof. Dr. [...] Heinrich in Charlottenburg, 1932 - Elaboration of a scientific thesis on the right to award doctorates for the Technical Universities in Prussia and about the award of the academic degrees "Diplom-Ingenieur" and "Doktor-Ingenieur" and "Doktor-Ingenieur Ehrenhalber" at the Prussian Technical Universities by the clerk for engineering questions in the office of the Association of German Engineers in Berlin Dipl.-Ing.Ing. [...] Baer, 1932 - Elaboration of a biography of the physician Justus Christian von Loder by Paul Alfred Merbach in Berlin, 1932 - Elaboration of a scientific work on the male orders and congregations of the Catholic Church and their development in Prussia from 1815 to 1926 by the archival candidate Dr. Joachim Lachmann in Berlin, 1932 - Elaboration of a scientific work on social change and education by the director of the Städtische Höhere Handelschule in Bayreuth Dr. Joachim Lachmann, 1932 - Elaboration of a scientific work on social change and education by the director of the Städtische Höhere Handelschule in Bayreuth Dr. Joachim Lachmann, 1932 - Elaboration of a scientific work on social change and education by the director of the Städtische Höhere Handelschule in Bayreuth Dr. Fritz Söllheim, 1932 - Preparation of a scientific work on the Socialist Law and its implementation by the Historical Reich Commission in Berlin, 1932 - Preparation of a commemorative publication on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the Provinzialschulkollegium in Königsberg by the former Vice-President [....Latrille, 1932 - Elaboration of a scientific treatise on the origin of the Rhenish-Westphalian church order by the Consistorial Councillor Prof. Dr. [Johannes] Heckel in Bonn, 1932 - Compilation by Dr. Walter Boje in Berlin of all regulations applicable to studies at German universities, 1932 - Elaboration of a biography of the head teacher Karl Friedrich Köppen by the cand. phil. Helmut Hirsch in Barmen, 1932 - Elaboration of a scientific work on the development of the cultivation of science in Germany by Dr. Karl Griewank in Berlin, 1932 - Elaboration of a biography of the writer Hermann Heiber by the cand. phil. Theo Röschmann in Vienna, 1932 - Preparation of a scientific paper on the historical development of student disciplinary law by the judicial assistant Hans Otto Muthmann in Berlin, 1933 - Preparation of a commemorative publication on the occasion of the 125th anniversary of the Koblenz Music Institute by the archive assistant Dr. Meinhard Sponheimer in Koblenz, 1933 - Preparation of a scientific paper on "The New Establishment of the Diocese of Osnabrück in 1857" by the cand. phil. Adalbert Beckmann in Berlin, 1933 - Elaboration of a biography of the historian Leopold von Ranke by the retired rector Dr. Bernhard Hoeft in Wilhelmshorst, 1933 - Elaboration of a speech on the occasion of the celebrations for the 100th birthday of the geographer Ferdinand von Richthofen [1833 -1906] by Prof. Dr. Albrecht Penck, 1933 - Elaboration of a biography of the theologian Theodor Fliedner by the archivist of the deaconess institution Kaiserwerth Dr. Martin Gerhardt in Düsseldorf-Kaiserwerth, 1933 - Elaboration of a scientific work on the Heilandskirche in Sacrow and the Friedenskirche in Potsdam by Herbert Engel in Berlin, 1933 - Elaboration of a scientific presentation of the historical and cultural development of Masuria by the State Archives Council Dr. Dr. Martin Gerhardt. Hermann Gollub, 1933 - Investigation of biographical data of the office council in the Prussian Ministry of Culture Robert Gotthard Marczinkowski (? 1897) by his son Robert Marczinkowski in Wandsbek, 1933 - elaboration of a scientific work on the history of the German-Catholic movement in the administrative districts of Koblenz and Trier by the prorector [Andreas] Schüller in Boppard, 1933 - elaboration of a dissertation on the pedagogue Wilhelm von Türk by Clara Gelpke in Berlin, 1933 - elaboration of a family chronicle by Heinrich Hermann Freiherr von Hünefeld in Bremen, 1933 - determination of biographical data of the ministerial director a. D. in the Prussian Ministry of Culture Dr. Karl Löwenberg (1838-1914) by his nephew Richard Löwenberg in Bunzlau, 1933 - Determination of biographical data of the Prussian Minister of Culture Julius Robert Bosse (1832-1901) by the married couple Arno Pötzsch and Helene Pötzsch, née Bosse in Leipzig, 1933 - Elaboration of a scientific presentation about the share of Karl Friedrich Schinkel in the buildings in Berlin by the scientific assistant worker at the Nationalgalerie Dr. Karl Schinkel (1838-1914) Paul Ortwin Rave in Berlin, 1933 - Determination of biographical data of the War Council and rendants at the Prussian Ministry of Culture Carl Gottfried Schröder by his great-great grandson Pastor [...] Scheske in Bad Polzin, 1933 - Elaboration of a biography of the Wroclaw Cardinal Melchior von Diepenbrock by the library assessor Dr. Josef Beckmann in Berlin, 1933 - Determination of biographical data of the court opera singer Carl Adam Bader (? 1870) for the purpose of family research by the former lieutenant Wilhelm Eulert, 1933. Also contains: - Akademische Turnbundsblätter. Journal of the ATB, 45th year, issue 7, no. 546, Heuet-Juli 1932. Berlin 1932 (print) - Akademische Turnbundsblätter. Magazine of the ATB, 45th year, issue 8, no. 547, Erntemond-August 1932, Berlin 1932 (print) - Meinhard Sponheimer, Aus den Beginnings des Koblenzer Musikinstituts, Sonderabdruck aus: Koblenzer General-Anzeiger, No. 54 - 58, 6 - 10 March 1933. Koblenz 1933.