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Description archivistique
Collection of medical history
8/4 · Fonds · 1902-1991
Fait partie de Düsseldorf University and State Library

Contains : The collection contains all sources of medical history, except documents directly related to the history of the Heinrich-Heine-University. The core of the collection goes back to those sources that Prof. Dr. Hans Schadewaldt acquired for the Institute for the History of Medicine. So far, the military medical part of the collection has been of particular interest, for which there is also a separate partial index. The main components of the military medical collections are the following estates or partial estates: 1. estates of Elisabeth and Walter von Oettingen 2. estates of Erich Hippke 3. estates of Oberstabsarzt Schmidt The estates of Elisabeth and Walter von Oettingen (1873-1944) mainly contain material for the use of the hospital train L - Crown Princess Cecilie - which the couple operated for the Red Cross during the First World War. In addition, there are some personal documents and the memoirs of Walter von Oettingen, as well as photos from wartime, which were included in the photo collection. The Oettingen estate also includes 500 to 600 glass plate negatives (some coloured) from the time of the First World War and earlier. These are photographs from the various wars in which the Oettingen couple operated field hospitals (fonds 8/ 6). The estate of General Surgeon Dr. Erich Hippke (1888-1969) mainly contains material from his time as Inspector of the Air Force Medical Service, 1941-1944. The files are mainly private files, containing comparatively many lecture manuscripts and photographs of medical facilities. The holdings include 143 photographs not listed here, which have been transferred to the photo collection of the University Archives. These are mainly photographs from the Hippke estate showing medical facilities and medical units. In addition there are photographs of the Eastern Front 1942/43 and from Southern Europe. Unfortunately, it is not possible to identify the descendant, Colonel Schmidt, more precisely (information from the Bundesarchiv-Militärarchiv dated 23.1.2002). From 1942 to 1944 Schmidt was Chief Medical Officer of the Chief of the Military Administrative District B - Southwest France - based in Angers. From this time at least parts of his hand files as well as a service diary are handed down. The collection of Prof. Dr. Gerhard Rose (1896-1992), accused in the Nuremberg Doctors' Trial, was the result of correspondence with Hans Schadewaldt in the 1970s and 1980s and therefore does not constitute a genuine estate. In many places it contains war memories of the Wehrmacht's medical service during the Second World War. As far as further collection material that fits into the context of the collection is taken over, it will be incorporated here. From the contents: World War I; World War II; 100th anniversary celebration; Collections of Orders; Christian Bruhn; German Society of Dentistry, Oral Medicine and Maxillofacial Medicine; History of Medicine in Düsseldorf; Occupational Health; Gynaecology and Obstetrics; Women's Milk Collection Centres (Marie-Elise Kayser); Management; History of Medicine; Gesolei; Julius Köhl Hand Files (Chairman 1931-1933); Treasury and Accounting Matters; Lebensborn e.V.Air Force Medical Services; Medical Academy; Military Medicine; Military Medicine in General; Erich Hippke's Succession and Handfiles; Meinardus's Succession and Handfiles (Italy and Eastern Front); Schmidt's Succession and Handfiles; National Socialism; Oettingen Branch; Nuremberg Medical Process/War Crimes; Patients; Düsseldorf Patient Index; Pharmacy and medical products; Prizes and awards; Publications; Gerhard Rose Collection; Wehrmacht medical supplies; Staff of Chief Medical Officer; University of Düsseldorf; Düsseldorf Doctors' Association; Wehrmacht brothel; Wehrmacht medical supplies in general; West German Jaw Clinic; Dentistry; Civil Administration.