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Ministers and ministry officials Lit. G - K
Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz, VI. HA, Nl Althoff, F. T., Nr. 1052 · Akt(e) · 1880 - 1908, ohne Datum
Teil von Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage (Archivtektonik)

Contains: - Gauß, Really Secret Chief Finance Councillor, Berlin: Establishment of a cadastral office in Berlin 20.12.1894 - Goßler, v., Minister, Gdansk: Bleichröder-Stiftung für Tuberkulose 28.10.1894 - Glasenapp, v., (Reichsschatzamt), Berlin: Consultations about the Oriental Seminar 30.9.1891 - Goeppert, Geheimrat, Kultusministerium, Berlin: Habilitation 20.6.1880 - Goßler, v., Exzellenz, Berlin: Sending of a poem by Felix Dahn for further distribution o. D., Wishes for Recreation 1.8.1886, question about a suitable writer for writing the history of the Hansa 16.4.1896 - Greiff, Exzellenz, Berlin: invitation to the meeting 19.3.1889, Answer to an original request of Althoff because of the impossibility of postponing the meeting, connected with the request of the representation of his person in Breslau at the funeral 29.3.1890 - Groos, Dr. Ernst Gisbert, Regierungsrat, Kultusministerium, Berlin: Information on the death of his uncle, the Senate President Groos 21.7.1908 - Gruner, F., Geheimer Regierungsrat, Berlin: Transmission of his handbook of accident insurance 18.7.1892 - Heeringen, v., Fregattenkapitän, (Reichsmarineamt), Berlin: Acknowledgements 27.12.1900, matter Arons 6.2. o. J. - Halley, Wirklicher Geheimer Oberregierungsrat, Berlin: Invitation to dinner 11.3.1902, sending a cheque 31.8.1904 - Harder, Geheimer Oberregierungsrat, Berlin: Request for notes on Mrs v. Leyden for Excellency Mirbach 29.12.1900 - Hasse, Prof. Dr. K. E.., Privy Privy Councillor, Hanover: Acknowledgement for congratulating the 60th doctoral anniversary 28.3.1893 (missing) - Heerwart, v., (Reichsamt des Innern), Berlin: Conference 11.11.1897 - Heim, v., Herzoglicher Staatsminister, Meiningen: Question concerning the admission of women to lectures at the universities of Prussia 9.2.1895 - Heller, (Ministry of Finance), Berlin: Notification of the proposal made by his brother-in-law Horstmann to the position of Extraordinarius 24.6.1898 - Hellwig, (Ministry of Finance), Berlin: Notification of the address of the Minister v. Goßler and on the appointment of Abbs to the Hofrat 3.9.1888 - Herrmann, Ministerialdirektor, Berlin: Information about his son because of the assistant position at Lesser 15.6.1901 - Herzog, Exzellenz, Berlin: Invitation to the Skat 17.12.1886, Invitation to the beginning of spring 13.3.1894 - Heyden-Rynsch, v. d., Really Geheimer Oberbergrat, Nervi/Genua (Italy): Communication about the letter to Minister Bosse about the Geheimer Bergrat Arndt 30.11.1897 - Hobrecht, Arthur, Excellency, Berlin: Acknowledgement for the literary employment of a woman Schmidt 3.9.1886 - Holter, Geheimer Regierungsrat, (Ministry of Public Works), Berlin: Recommendation of a young capable man 30.11.1887 - Hofmann, Karl v., State Secretary, Ministry of Alsace-Lorraine, Strasbourg: New Year's greetings 3.1.1884, medical candidates for South West Africa 15.5.1888 - Holle, Ludwig v., Kultusminister, Berlin: Return of Harnack's rectorate speech together with his thanks 19.8.1907 - Hollmann, Friedrich v., Excellency, Berlin: Böttinger Foundation for the Madrid Chapel and for the Officers' Rescue Home 26.3.1907, apology for the confusion of Böttinger and Ebbinghaus 4.4.1907, sending of a copy of a letter to His Majesty concerning the promotion of the Rescue Home 7.9.1906, wish for recovery 9.11.1906 - Holleben, v., Excellency, Stuttgart: Message because of his appointment as Vice President of the German Colonial Society 27.12.1903 - Hopf, Geheimer Oberregierungsrat, Berlin: Festschrift für den medizinischen Kongress 25.3.1890 - Horn, v., Excellency, Berlin: Message about the death of his mother-in-law 25.5.1885 - Hoseus, Dr. H.., Real Geheimer Oberregierungsrat, Strasbourg: Universitätsgesetz 8.1.1887 - Huber, Geheimer Oberregierungsrat, (Reichsamt des Innern), Berlin: Pension for the widow of Prof. Roser from Marburg 2.11.1889 (missing) - Hübler, Geheimer Oberregierungsrat, Berlin: Criticism of a work by Wach 28.12. o. J., Invitation to an evening snack 24.7. o. J. - Kern, v., Ministerialdirektor, Stuttgart: Congratulations on his appointment as "Excellency" 11.10.1904 - Köhler, Dr., Regierungsrat, Ministerium des Innern, Stuttgart: Acknowledgement for the preservation of the Red Eagle IV. Class 8.6.1901 - Köpke, Reinhold, Geheimer Rat, Kultusministerium, Berlin: Report on an examination trip 19.7.1899, Congratulations on the Diamonds to the Crown Order (Latin) 1.3.1906 - Kügler, Dr..., Ministerialdirektor, Berlin: Tuberculosisemittel von Koch 13.12.1890, letter of February 1895 - Keetmann, Ministerialrat, Strasbourg: Request for transfer of his brother from Uetersen to Neuwied 22.1.1888.