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Leaflets, pamphlets, invitations, programmes, commemorative publications, newspapers, articles, disputes, memoranda, speeches, occasional poems - each unique - about Cologne, its past and history. I. Imperial city; Icewalk from 1784, funeral service for Emperor Leopold II, Imperial Post Office in Cologne, pamphlet of the evangelicals against mayor and council in Cologne (Wetzlar 1715), municipal lottery, occasional poems for weddings, individual personalities (Jan von Werth, Frhr. Theodor Steffan von Neuhoff); II. Time of the French occupation 1794-1815: opening of the Protestant church (1802), educational affairs (Collége de Cologne, Université), Heshuisian inheritance, secularization, Peace of Tilsit, election of the department 1804; assignates, dentists, liberation wars; successor society of the society at Wirz, Neumarkt (1813); III. Prussian period (1815-1945): Visit of members of the Prussian royal house, imperial birthday celebrations, cathedral, cathedral building, cathedral completion celebration 1880, cathedral building association; Hohenzollern bridge, southern bridge, monument to Friedrich Wilhelm III, Laying of the foundation stone of the Rhine. Appellhofs (1824), building festival for the town hall (1913), town hall, provost's house at St. Maria ad Gradus; suburbs (terrain in Marienburg, parish St. Marien, Kalk: Fabriken, Arbeiter, 1903); travel brochures, city maps, articles on Cologne for tourism; commemorative and public holidays; revolution 1848; parties, elections (centre, liberal parties, social democratic party); Reichstag elections, city elections; city announcements/publications, decrees concerning the city of Cologne. Debt management (1824), rules of procedure of the city council, census, distribution of business in the administration; announcements of the news office; general comptoir or table calendar 1814-1829 (incomplete); programmes of the Konzertgesellschaft Köln and the Gürzenich concerts (1849-1933); programmes of the chamber music concerts (1897-1914); programmes of the Musikalische Gesellschaft (1900-1916), music festivals, etc. Lower Rhine Music Festivals (1844-1910); Cologne Theater Almanach (1904-1908), City Theater, Schauspielhaus, including program booklets and leaflets; Theater Millowitsch; musical performances at celebrations and festivals, concert programs; Cologne Arts and Crafts Association (Annual Report 1912); Rheinisch-Westfälisches Wirtschaftsarchiv: Statutes, Rules of Procedure 1907; Exhibitions, etc. Art in Cologne private possession (1916), Carstan's Panoptikum (1888), German Art Exhibition, Cologne 1906, Deutsche Werkbund-Ausstellung 1914, Exhibition for War Welfare Cologne 1916; Handelshochschule Köln; university courses in Brussels (1918); Women's university studies for social professions (1916/17); music conservatory (1913); grammar schools, further education schools, elementary schools, weaving school in Mülheim, Waldschulhof Brück (1917), elementary school teachers' seminar; scientific conferences: 43. Meeting of German Philologists and Schoolmen 1895, IX. Annual meeting of the Association of Bathing Professionals 1910, 12th Association Day of the Association of German Professional Fire Brigades 1912; occasional poems for family celebrations, weddings; associations; programmes, membership cards, diplomas, statutes of health insurance funds and death funds; Catholic Church: associations, parishes, saints and patrons; Protestant Church: religious service order or Death ceremonies for the chief president Count Solms-Laubach (1822), for Moritz Bölling (1824); inauguration of the new synagogue, Glockengasse (1861); military: regimental celebrations, forbidden streets and restaurants (before 1914); memorandums about the garrison Cologne (1818); food supply in the First World War: food stamps, bread and commodity books, ration coupons and forms, etc.a. for coal purchasing; Einkaufs-Gesellschaft Rhein-Mosel m. b. H.Economy: Stadtsparkasse, cattle market in Cologne, stock exchange, beer price increase 1911; individual commercial enterprises, commercial and business buildings, hotels: brochures, letterheads, advertising cards and leaflets, price lists, statutes; shipping: Rhine shipping regulations, timetables, price lists, memorandums; main post office building, inauguration 1893; Rheinische Eisenbahn, Köln-Gießener Eisenbahn; German-French War 1870/71; First World War, etc.a. Leaflets, war loans, field letters, war poems; cruisers "Cologne"; natural disasters: Rhine floods, railway accident in Mülheim in 1910, hurricanes; social affairs: charity fair, asylum for male homeless people, possibly home for working young girls, invalidity and old-age insurance; St. Marien-Hospital; Sports: clubs, sports facilities, gymnastics festivals; Carnival: programs, carnival newspapers, - songs, - poems; celebrations, ceremonies for imperial birthdays, enthronements of archbishops, celebrations of other personalities; IV. Weimar Republic and National Socialism: floods; churches, treasure chambers; cathedral; individual buildings, monuments, including the old town, town hall, Gürzenich, Haus zum großen Rosendal, Mühlengasse; Revolution 1918: workers' and soldiers' council; gifts, honorary citizenship to NS greats; hanged forced laborers; bank robber Gebrüder Heidger (1928); municipal and other official publications concerning the Weimar Republic and National Socialism. Luftschutz, NSRechtsbetreuungsstelle; Newsletter of the Welfare Office 1937, 1938; Kameradschaftsdienst der Verwaltung für Wirtschaftsfürsorge, Jugendpflege und Sport 1940, 1943, 1944; Müllabfuhr und Müllverwertungsanstalt, Wirtschaftspolitik, Industrieansiedlung, Eingemeindung von Worringen, Erweiterung des Stadtgebiets; political parties: Advertising flyers for elections, pins, badges of DNVP, NSDAP, SPD, centre; camouflage letters of the KPD; appeals, rallies of various political groups, including the Reich Committee for the German Referendum (against the Young Plan, 1929), Reich Presidential Election, referendum in the Saar region, Working Committee of German Associations (against the Treaty of Versailles); Municipal Stages: Periodical "Die Tribüne", 1929-1940, annual reports 1939-1944, programme and cast sheets for performances in the opera house and the Schauspielhaus, also in the Kammerspiele; Lower Rhine music festivals; galleries (Dr. Becker, Goyert), Kölnischer Kunstverein: Invitations to exhibitions (1934-1938), circulars to members; art auctions at Fa. Math. Lempertz (1925-1931); music performances, concerts: Kölner Männer-Gesang-Verein, municipal orchestra, concerts of young artists, Concert Society Cologne; Millennium Exhibition 1925; museums: Wallraf-Richartz-Museum, Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum, Kunstgewerbemuseum (among others monuments of old Russian painting, 1929), Schnütgen-Museum, art exhibitions, among others. Arno Breker (NSDAP-Gaupropaganda-Amt Gau Köln-Aachen), exhibition of works by West German artists (Deutsche Arbeitsfront), Richard Seewald, Deutscher Künstlerbund, Ausstellungsgemeinschaft Kölner Maler; universities, including the University of Cologne (lecture timetables, new building, anniversary 1938), Hochschule für Musik bzw. Conservatory of Music in Cologne; Reich activity reports of the foreign office of the lecturers of the German universities and colleges (1939-1942); Lower Rhine music festivals; scientific and cultural institutions and events and events in the region.a. Petrarca-Haus, German-Italian Cultural Institute, Volksbildungsstätte Köln, German-Dutch Institute, Cologne Meisterschule, Vereinigung für rechts- und staatswissenschaftliche Fortbildung in Köln, Austrian Weeks, Kampfbund für deutsche Kultur e.V.Conferences (Westdeutscher Archivtag 1939, Deutsche Anthropologische Gesellschaft 1927, Rheinische Siedlungstage 1925, Conference for Monument Conservation and Cultural Heritage Protection, Grenzland-Kundgebung der Beamten der Westmark, Cologne 1933, Internationaler Brieftauben-Züchter- Kongress (IBRA) 1939; Schools: Invitations, Testimonials Concerning the German Anthropological Society 1927, Rheinische Siedlungstage 1925, Conference for the Preservation of Monuments and Cultural Heritage, Borderland Demonstration of the Officials of the Westmark, Cologne 1933, Internationaler Brieftauben-Züchter-Kongreß (IBRA) 1939; Schools: Invitations, Testimonials Concerning the German Anthropological Society 1927, Rheinische Siedlungstagestage 1925, Conference for the Preservation of Monuments and Cultural Heritage, Borderland Demonstration of the Officials of the Westmark, Cologne 1933, International Brieftauben Congress (IBRA) 1939) Elementary schools, vocational schools, grammar schools; Sports: Vaterländische Festspiele 1924, Zweckverband für Leibesübungen Groß-Köln, 14th German Gymnastics Festival 1928, II German Fighting Games 1926, Leichtathletik-Welt- und Länderkämpfe, Westdeutscher Spielverband, Hockey-Damen-Länderspiel Deutschland- Australien 1930, Excelsior-Club Köln e.V., XII. Bannerspiele der weiblichen Jugend der Rheinprovinz 1926; Catholic Church (official announcements and publications, e.g. Kirchlicher Anzeiger für die Erzdiözese Köln; pamphlets; programme, prayer slips); British occupation, French colonial troops in the Rhineland, identity cards, passports; British World War I pamphlets; Liberation celebration in Cologne 1926; Second World War: appeals, leaflets concerning the Second World War; information leaflets concerning the Second World War: "The German Revolution", "The German Revolution", "The German Revolution", "The German Revolution", "The German Revolution", "The German Revolution", "The German Revolution", "The German Revolution", "The German Revolution", "The German Revolution", "The German Revolution", "The German Revolution", "The German Revolution", "The German Revolution", "The German Revolution", "The German Revolution", "The German Revolution", "The German Revolution", "The German Revolution". Air raids, defence, low-flying combat, darkening, etc.; newspaper articles about air raids on Cologne; advertising: leaflets, leaflets of the advertising office, the Cologne Week publishing house and the Cologne Tourist Association for Cologne, including the surrounding area and the Rhine Valley; invitations, menus to receptions and meals of the Lord Mayor Adenauer (1927-1929); pay slips, work certificates, work books of Cologne companies; Cologne Trade Fair: Programmes, brochures, adhesive stamps, catalogues for trade fairs and exhibitions (1924-1933); food stamps and cards for World War I; announcements; clothing cards, basic cards for normal consumers for World War II; vouchers for the city of Cologne (emergency money) from 1920-1923, anniversary vouchers for Gewerbebank eGmbH Köln-Mülheim, also for Dellbrücker Volksbank eGmbH; savings banks: Annual reports of the Sparkasse der Hansestadt Köln; documents, savings books of the Spar- und Darlehnskasse Köln-Dünnwald, the Kreissparkasse des Landkreises Köln, Bergheim und Mülheim, also the branch Köln-Worringen, the Bank des Rheinischen Bankverein/Rheinischen Bauernbank; Köln-Bonner-Eisenbahnen: Annual reports, balance sheets (1939-1941); trams: Annual Report, Annual Report (1939, 1940), Ticket; Köln-Frechen-Benzelrather Eisenbahn: Tariffs; Shipping: Preussisch-Rheinische Dampfschiffahrts-Gesellschaft zu Köln, Dampfschiffahrtsgesellschaft für den Nieder- und Mittelrhein zu Düsseldorf (Annual Reports 1938-1940), Köln- Düsseldorfer Rheindampfschiffahrt, Weber-Schiff (Timetables); Kraftverkehr Wupper-Sieg AG, Wipperfürth (Annual Reports 1939, 1940, Advertising Brochure 1937); Advertising brochure of the Airport Administration Cologne (1929); Individual Companies: House announcements, advertising leaflets, cards, brochures, adhesive stamps, receipts from industrial companies (Ford Motor Company AG, Glanzstoff- Courtaulds GmbH, Herbig-Haarhaus, department stores). Department store Carl Peters, insurance companies, newspapers, publishing houses, bookstores, craft businesses, shops (tobacco shops); Cologne bridges (Mülheimer bridge), post office, restaurants, hotels; invitations to festivals, events, anniversaries of associations, programmes; professional associations; cooperatives (Cologne-Lindenthal cooperative savings and building association (1930-1938); social affairs: Cologne emergency aid, housing assistance, sending of children (mostly official printed matter); collecting cards from Cologne and other companies, above all from the food and luxury food industries, such as coffee and tobacco companies, etc.a. the companies Haus Neuerburg, Himmelreich Kaffee, Stollwerk AG, König

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Staatsarchiv Sigmaringen, Ho 235 T 13-15 · Bestand · ( 1825 -) 1852 - 1945 (- 1946)
Teil von State Archives Baden-Württemberg, Sigmaringen State Archives Department (Archivtektonik)

History of Tradition For the history of the authorities, see the preface to the holdings Ho 235 T 3 Processor's report In Section I, Section VI Trade and Industry, files were produced in the following areas: Size and weight, annual and weekly markets, trade concessions and pedlar trade, customs association and traffic in the same, trade, trade schools, trade police, guild system, book printers and bookstores, insurance companies and emigration agents as well as patent awards, building craftsmen and chimney sweeps, restaurants and pubs, Mills and shipping as well as water engines, ban rights, factories and steam boilers as well as smoke development, mining and metallurgy and saltworks as well as petroleum, budget and cash management, health insurance of workers, accident insurance of workers, disability and old age insurance, economic and other measures as a result of the world wars. Files on trade and trade schools were originally listed under a classification point "Trade" in the old index. However, since this was a confusing abundance of file titles, the division into two classification points was recommended: the classification point "Wanderschaften der Handwerksgesellen und Dispensationen davon" no longer has any files. The present repertory is the revised version of the 1852 official finding aid of the Prussian Government Section I Section VI Trade and Industry of 1852 with a supplement of 1927 (see No. 739). There is an index to the old repertory (see no. 740). There is also a concordance in the archive (see No. 741) between the authority file number and the NVA (=newly recorded files) number assigned in the archive. The addendum is partly in line with the 1852 finding fund of the authorities and partly not. Occasionally, file numbers that had previously been regarded as order signatures were assigned twice. As this is a means of finding authorities, supplements were made and these were not always in the expected places, which led to a great deal of confusion. Also the various entries about destruction or transfer to other registries (especially registry G of the standing registry) and other authorities created confusion about the existence or location of the files. The NVA numbers behind the individual title records (if at all clearly assignable) gave a certain indication that the file must already have been in the archive. - The NVA number was the first signature assigned in the archive, later the files were detached from the NVA stock again and were set up again according to the old authority signature. - However, not every file with an NVA number could be found. The complexity and the poor manageability of the old finding aid, in addition to the necessity of simplifying the old signatures, have led to the present directory. The first processing of the inventory took place only on the basis of the finding aids and not on the basis of the files. The content of the titles was not checked against the files, but only carefully normalised. The actual existence of the files and their duration was determined in the inventory in the magazine. Files from the previously unallocated remainder of the total holdings of the Prussian Government of Sigmaringen had to be allocated to the present partial holdings. In the course of the file check, the notes in the file were included in the repertory and no evidence of prior provenance was found. Unless it was a matter of a file with the preliminary provenance "Prussian Government Sigmaringen" and with the final provenance "Presidents of Hohenzollern - Liquidation Office". Mainly, however, one has to reckon with the preliminary provinces "Gehei me Konferenz Sigmaringen", "Geheime Konferenz Hechingen", "Fürstliche Landesregierung Sigmaringen", "Fürstliche Landesregierung Hechingen", "Preußische Übergangsregierung Sigmaringen", "Preußische Übergangsregierung Hechingen", "Preußischer Kommissarius" and "Landratsamt Hechingen". Individual files were left as they were in spite of free conveniences. Only "Prussian Commissarius" and "President of Hohenzollern - Processing Office" appear as foreign provenances. After the dissolution of Prussia, the authority "President of Hohenzollern - Abwicklungsstelle" (President of Hohenzollern - Settlement Office) had the task of fully settling the affairs of the Prussian government of Sigmaringen, which was also dissolved in 1945. The repertory now has a place and person index. The problem with the place index was that many places in the east of the former German Empire are now mainly on Polish territory. In order to facilitate the understanding of contemporary administrative contexts, these places were identified according to their administrative affiliation at the time. The same procedure was applied to Alsace-Lorraine. The present repertory lists all files that are listed in the list of authorities. If they could not be found, the note "not available" appears in the repertory. The state of conservation of the files is questionable, as the Prussian-stitched files were previously loose and unpacked on the shelves. However, no further deterioration of the state is to be expected, as the files have been packaged in an archival manner. The title recordings were recorded by the undersigned in 2004 using the Midosa 95 archive indexing program. Corinna Knobloch and the undersigned checked the files in the magazine. Holger Fleischer completed the final EDP work. The present inventory comprises 741 units of distortion and 27 linear metres and is quoted as follows: Ho 235 T 13-15 Nr. Sigmaringen, December 2005 Birgit Kirchmaier Content and evaluation Includes above all..: Measures and weights Regulation of the ratios of measure and weight; establishment and occupation of the Pfechtämter; control of the fineness of gold and silver goods; determination of measures for the brickworks; volume of the dispensing vessels; introduction of the hundred-part thermometer; order of measure and weight; establishment and new construction of the Weights and Measures Office in Sigmaringen and the processing office in Burladingen; Reich professional competitions - annual and weekly markets fair traffic; fairs - trade concessions, pedlar trade General provisions on pedlar trade; granting of trade concessions; ministerial decrees; commercial matters; department stores; granting of subsidies for the payment of rent for commercially used premises - customs union and traffic with the same customs union; traffic with neighbouring states; Trade and customs contracts; export of domestic products; customs duties - trade Landesgewerbeamt; Sunday rest in trade, industry and crafts; installations not subject to approval; experts for building trades; police ordinance on the establishment and operation of bakeries; bakery ordinance; state aid for the raising of small trade; Child labour in commercial enterprises; cartels; Ostrach gravel and crushed stone works; laws for the protection of workers; regulation of commercial relations; ministerial decrees; retail trade, migrant trade; trade licences; trade police; funds for commercial purposes; trade licences for foreigners; installation of vending machines; withdrawal of licences; commercial support funds; introduction of branches of industry, for example B. Embroideries; establishment of mechanical workshops; support for tradesmen; establishment of model workshops; commercial further training and vocational schools; pupil exchange between Württemberg and Hohenzollern; craftsman further training schools; personnel files of vocational school teachers; care of aviation in schools; aerial sports courses; state premiums for apprentice exhibitions; Premiums for the training of the deaf and dumb; private commercial schools; vocational schools for home economics; homework law; industrial and trade certificates; master builder ordinance; improvement of gainful employment; Kampfbund des gewerblichen Mittelstands; law on the organisation of national work; public welfare workers; kindergarten teachers; youth leaders; manufacture of hollows; Distance learning; UK employment of trade teachers; combating epidemics through schools; deployment of German teachers from the western and eastern regions; trade identification cards; trade privileges and subsidies; licensing of private hospitals, maternity hospitals and mental homes; trade courts; establishment of workers' health insurance funds; accident insurance for civil engineering workers; Improvement of housing; formation of commercial and industrial cooperatives; testing of small arms; workers' welfare institutions; establishment of employment offices; credit cooperatives of craftsmen; trade and commerce associations; chamber of crafts; award of state medals "for commercial services"; strikes and lock-outs; impairments of the craft trades; 1. May celebration; theatre; arbitration; labour court law; master builder regulation; wines and wine trade; accidents in commercial enterprises; employment agencies; award of public contracts; shortage of raw materials; chamber of commerce; films - trade police police police regulation on beer and meat taxes; regulation of fruit and bread prices; business by foreigners; butchery; slaughterhouses; transport of liquid carbon dioxide; electric power systems; lifts; explosives; transport and traffic with petroleum; air gas systems; Acetyl plants; price monitoring; ordinance on Thomas flour; remote gas supply; plants requiring monitoring; mineral oils; tank plants; beverage dispensing plants; mineral water apparatuses; ammonium nitrate; Sigmaringen gas station - guild of farriers; farriers; guild; Compulsory guilds; business transactions - hikes, dispensations Nothing left - book printing houses, bookstores Examination of booksellers and book printers; exclusive trade licence of the Court Chamber Council Ribler von Hechingen; supervision of lending libraries; Establishment of bookstores and book printers - insurance companies, patent grants, emigration agents Emigration companies; life and pension insurance companies; law on the business of insurance; granting of invention patents; intended establishment of a general hail insurance; private insurance companies - building craftsmen, chimney sweeps Classification and occupation of chimney sweep districts; instruction for chimney sweeps; regulation of chimney sweep wages; district chimney sweeps; Examination of building tradesmen; operation of the building trade; building materials; buildings; building experts - guest and public houses - granting of concessions; retail trade with beverages; reduction of pubs; economic fairness - mills, shipping, water engines - mill regulations; Mill visits; milling; reed, bone and powder mills; construction of waterworks; shipping - ban rights - abolition of the obligation to mill - factories, steam boilers, smoke development Employment of young factory workers; Revision of factory regulations; steam boilers; steam saws; individual factories; impairment of mill and factory operations by meadow irrigation; support for factory owners; worker protection; annual report of factory inspectors; employment of women and young people; labour inspectorate; meetings, travel expenses and annual report of labour inspectors; telephone systems; employment of blind people; German Labour Front; Youth Protection Act; Maternity Protection Act; labour protection for foreign workers and Eastern workers; arsenic-containing wallpaper and fabrics; anthrax; Sunday work; working hours - mining, metallurgy and saltworks, petroleum production; miners' law; mining law; establishment of ore washes; geognostische Untersuchung Hohenzollerns; petroleum - budget and cash management of the trade and industry administration final conclusions of the trade and industry administration; invoice acceptance; official affairs; support for retirement officials, their widows and orphans - health insurance of workers execution of the law on registered auxiliary funds of 1876 workers execution of the law on registered auxiliary funds of 1876; working hours - mining, metallurgy and saltworks, petroleum production; miners' law; establishment of ore washes; geognostische investigation of Hohenzollerns; petroleum - budget and cash management final conclusions of the trade and industry administration; invoice acceptance; civil servant affairs; support of retirement officials, their widows and orphans - health insurance of workers Implementation of the Reich Law on Health Insurance for Workers of 1883 and 1892; Implementation of the Reich Law on Health Insurance for Persons Employed in Agriculture; Earnings of Persons Employed in Agriculture; Health Insurance; Local Health Insurance Funds; Company Health Insurance Funds - Accident Insurance for Workers; Workers' Compensation Associations; Accident Insurance for State Enterprises - Disability and Old Age Insurance for Workers Implementation of the Reich Law on Disability and Old Age Insurance of 1889; Pension office for invalidity insurance; Insurance Act for Employees; Health insurance funds; Determination of local wages and benefits in kind - Mixed statistics; Air-raid protection of industrial installations; Leave of absence for employees and workers; Jews; Medal of Honour for Military Service; Cross of Merit for War; Medal of Merit for War; War measures of an economic nature; Administrative fees; Decrees notified by the Minister of Commerce; Medal of Honour for German public welfare; Reichskredithilfe; Orders, laws, etc. of the French military government; file levy on the occasion of the dissolution of the Prussian government Sigmaringen - economic measures in and after the 1st world war Nothing left