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BArch, NS 5-VI/17627 · Akt(e) · 1922-1943
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains: Kepper, Dr. Georg, Economics, 1935 Keppler, born 1894, SS- Brigade leader and Major General of the Waffen-SS, 1942 Keppler, Dr. Paul Wilhelm von, born 28.09.1852, died 16.07.1926, Bishop of Rottenburg, 1925 Keppler, Ing. Wilhelm, born 14.12.1882, economic politician, state secretary, Reichsbauftragter für Österreich, 1942 Kepplinger, Ludwig, born 31.12.1911, SS-Obersturmführer,o.Dat. Kerber, Dr.jur. Erwin, born 30.12.1891, died 24.02.1943 Director of the Vienna State Opera and Salzburg Festival, 1943 Kerber, Dr. Franz, born 25.02.1901, Lord Mayor of Freiburg i.Br., 1935 Kerchnawe, Hugo, born 10.02.1872, Austrian military historian, major general, 1942 Kerkerinck, zur Borg, Engelbert Freiherr, born 03.10.1872, politician, 1928 Kerkhoff, deputy in the Reichstag, o.Dat. Kerkmann, District Guild Master Hannover (painter craft), 1936 Kern, Prof. von, Chief General Physician, Psychology and Epistemology, 1938 Kern, Prof.Dr.jur. Eduard, born 13.10. 1887, Professor of Criminal and Procedural Law, Rector of the University of Freiburg, 1935 Kern, Prof.Dr.phil. Fritz, born 28.09.1884, scholar, historian, 1932 Kern, Prof.Dr.Dr.h.c.Dr.jur.h.c. Otto, professor emeritus of classical philogy, privy councillor, 1942 Kern, Dr.-Ing. e.h. Wilhelm, born 23.04.1870, managing director of the Rhine-Westphalian Straßen- u. Kleinbahnen GmbH, o.Dat. Kerner, Justinus, born 18.09.1786, died 21.02.1862, doctor and poet, 1936 Kerners, Johann, Georg, writer, 1928 Kerp, Peter, born 03.01.18., died 16.07.1931, Reichstag delegate, 1931 Kerr, Dr.phil Alfred (actually Kempner), born 25.12.1867, critic and poet, 1933 Kerr, Philipp, secretary Lloyd Georges, 1922 Kerrl, Hanns, born 11.12.1887, died 14.12.1941, Reich Minister, 1941 Kerrl, Martin, writer, 1935 Kerschbann, Andreas, Economist Council in Bortbath, German Peasant Party, o.Dat. Kerschensteiner, Prof.Dr. Georg, born 29.07.1854, school reformer, school councillor in Munich, pedagogue, 1940 Kerschensteiner, Dr. Hermann, born 17.05.1873, privy councillor, university professor, director d. Schwabinger Hospital, 1937 Kerschensteiner, Joseph, born 13.01.1864, animal painter, 1938 Kersten, Colonel, 1937 Kerstiens, Dr. Christian, fire department, fire fighting, 1936 Kersting, Dr., Privy Councillor, Reichskolonialamt, 1937 Kerzencev, Platon Michajlovic, born 1881, Soviet diplomat, 1925