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Relationships with Brothers
D.1-12 · Akt(e) · 1914 - 1919
Teil von Central Archive of the Pallottine Province

Includes:1. correspondence with Fr. Karl Hoegn, 19192. correspondence with Fr. Ludwig Mekes, 19153. correspondence with Fr. Ronuald Laqua, (1915)4. Correspondence with Brother Peter Staudt, 1918-19195 Correspondence with Fr. Franz Xaver Zeus and Fr. Ernst Ruf (extensive), 1916-1919; Including:- Letter from Fr. Ernst Ruf to Fr. Karl Hoegn, 1915- Letters and experience report from Fr. Simon Rosenhuber, 1914-1916- List of the whereabouts of the confreres and excerpts from letters of some confreres, 1916

Gesellschaft des katholischen Apostolates