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War damage to the cable companies: vol. 1
BArch, R 2/827 · Akt(e) · 1919-1922
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Reconstruction of the German submarine cable network and further development of radio telegraphy in overseas traffic; compensation of the German cable companies for their cables assigned under the peace treaty; construction of a large wireless station for traffic with the East; Deutsch-Südamerikanische Telegraphengesellschaft AG, Cologne. Provisional annual accounts and provisional profit and loss account 1919; Deutsch-Niederländische Telegraphengesellschaft AG, Cologne - Provisional annual accounts and provisional profit and loss account 1919; preparations for the reconstruction and expansion of the German overseas radio network - Memorandum; compensation for the Kamina and Windhoek major stations; calculation of the fair value of the ceded German overseas cables