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Staatsarchiv Bremen (STAB), 7,2016 · Bestand · 1905 - 1931
Teil von State Archives Bremen (STAB) (Archivtektonik)

Explanation: In 1905, on the initiative of J. K. Vietor, Togo Baumwollgesellschaft mbH, based in Lome, was founded with strong participation from Bremen. The company dealt with the gutting and packaging of cotton grown in Togo. The Deutsch-Westafrikanische Handelsgesellschaft, Hamburg, brought a plant for processing oil fruits into the company, which became independent in 1913 as Togo Palmölwerke GmbH. In 1914 both companies were confiscated and were forced to dissolve after the First World War. Content: Supervisory Board correspondence - Minutes of the Supervisory Board meetings - Correspondence of the managing directors - Balance sheets - Reports - Orders - Reich compensation for war and colonial damage

Cotton in Togo: Vol. 2
BArch, R 1001/8222 · Akt(e) · Sept. 1902 - Sept. 1904
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: For the route of the Togo railway Lome - Palime. ed. by Colonial Economic Committee, o.O., o.J.

Cotton in Togo: Vol. 6
BArch, R 1001/8226 · Akt(e) · März 1913-Aug. 1920, Aug. 1925-Febr.1930
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Map of the Togo protectorate within the scope of the planned Lome - Atakpame - Banjali railway. M.: 1:1 000 000, o.D.