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Missionary Conferences in Namaland: Protocols
RMG 2.624 · Akt(e) · 1886-1893
Teil von Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Answer by the Deputation; Referate:; Morgenandachten in d. Kirche, Heinrich Pabst, 1886; Was müssen, um d. Evangelium d. Zerstrechteten näher bringen, Heinrich Friedrich Gottlieb Rust, 1887; Über d. Maximalbesitzstand d. Missionare in Großnamaland, Friedrich Anton Judt, 1887; Der Missionar, d. Missionshaus u. d. Gemeinde in ihren mutual Verhältnis, Friedrich Anton Judt, 1888; Das Verhältnis d. Missionaries to d. Weißen, Karl Friedrich Wandres, 1889; Versuch e. Answering the question whether in our entire Nama mission between the missionaries and the baptized, Hermann Carl Ludwig Hegner, 1889; What is appropriate preaching or catechization for our Sunday afternoon service? Hegner, n.d.; Over the redevelopment and training of our ouderlingen and Medearbeiders in the plant. Heeren (further training of the employees), Karl Friedrich Wandres, 1892

Rheinische Missionsgesellschaft