Affichage de 2 résultats

Description archivistique
RMG 2.620 · Dossier · 1899-1910
Fait partie de Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

31 presentations to d. Topics:; In what characteristic way does the new life of our Christians change in their behaviour according to its light and dark sides?, Ph. Diehl, 1899; What can happen on our part to lift our schools?, Bernsmann, 1899; To what extent has the mission under d. Herero and Bergdamra become the will of the baptized, at work d. J. Irle, 1897; In how far can our Christians speak of a true conversion of the heart? H. Riechmann, 1901; Lecture on Polygamy, J. Irle, 1902; Which model gives the life and work of the apostles Petrus the Pagan Mission?, Wandres, 1903; Teutons and Hamites, on the fate of the Nama people, by Johannes Olpp, 1905; Delicious rimglossen zu d. Erdmann's lecture (Abwehr von Ak accusations e. H. Erdmann gegen d. Mission), J. Böhm, 1905; Die Zukunft d. Hereromission, Ed. Dannert, 1906; What goals does the missionary have to set himself under the conditions changed by the war during his baptism lessons? August Carl Heinrich Kuhlmann, 1906; Is it right for the individual missionary to keep cattle and what number would possibly be recorded, Ph. Diehl, 1906; Are indigenous reservations desired? Bernsmann, 1906; The general situation with regard to the continuing state of war, Chr. Spellmeyer, 1906; How are biblical history and catechism to be treated in class, Johann Jakob Irle, 1902; Was soll aus d. Herero werden, Dr.., Johann Jakob Irle, 1906; Lecture on handicraft lessons, Regierungslehrer Rave, 1907; Elementary works and writings suitable for previous pedagogical training, Nowack, c. 1910; Missionsschulwesen, Nowack, 1910; Wie soll wir zu e. possibly complete or partial assumption of our school system by the government? Johannes Georg Heinrich Olpp, 1907; Über d. Sprachstudium junger Missionare, H. Vedder, 1909; In which language is the school teaching to be given, in the mother tongue of the children or in German? H. Vedder u. F. Bernsmann, 1907; Seminarfrage, Nowack u. Kuhlmann, 1909; Die Lehrfarm in Südwestafrika für gebildetildete junge Mädchen - notwendiges Verbindungsglied zwischen d. Heimat u. unserer südwestafrikanischen Kolonie (Kolonialfrauenschule), Helene von Falkenhausen, 1909; How is German language instruction given most successfully in native schools? Kuhl-mann, 1907; Is e. special legislation necessary for the natives and also to be aimed for by the mission and which aspects are to be drawn up for e. Such, Wandres, 1907; Sprachbuchlein, Nowack, 1909; Zur Frage d. Gemeindebeiträge, E. Dannert, 1909; What can and must we do to provide our mission with indigenous helpers? C. Wandres, 1909; Scattered Pagans & Christians, 1909; Is the Civil Marriage of the Natives to be Aspired & How?, E. Dannert, 1910; Some General Guidelines for Aim & Way of Educational Background of Aspiring Missionaries, K. Nowack, 1910

Société des missions du Rhin
RMG 2.613 · Dossier · 1885-1892
Fait partie de Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Station reports; concepts of replies d. Deputation; Presentations:; The marriage gift and child rearing of our Christian Herero, Freerk Meyer, 12 p., hs., 1885; Is it tunlich in our Hereromission d. previous strict practice in relation to polygamy to let go and d. by Inspector Dr. Schreiber proposed milder practice to introduce, after the process on Sumatra, Nias

Société des missions du Rhin