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BArch, RM 2/1842 · Akt(e) · Sept. 1890 - Juni 1891
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Instruction for the Maritime Officer (Reproduction) attached to the Government of D e u t s c h - O s t a f r i k a, 14 March 1891 Act concerning the Emperors. Schutztruppe für Deutsch-Ostafrika (print), 1891 Organizational regulations for the Kaiserl. Schutztruppe für Deutsch-Ostafrika (print), 9 Apr. 1891 Budget for the East African protectorate for the budget year 1891/1892 (draft, reproduction), 1891 clothing regulations for the Kaiserl. Protection Force (transcript), 4 June 1891