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Description archivistique
Bd 2: 1912 - 1914
FA 1 / 116 · Dossier
Fait partie de Cameroon National Archives

Heranziehung der Träger der Firmen im Süden des Schutzgebietes Kamerun als Gouvernementsarbeiter zum Straßenbau. - Complaints, August 1912 [fol. 2 - 9] Offices of the local administration. - Baibokum. - Transfer of administrative powers to the 12th Company of the Schutztruppe für Kamerun stationed in the district of Mao Kabbi, 1 February 1913 [fol. 29] Schutztruppe für Kamerun. - 10th Company. - Transfer of the administrative powers of a station to the company stationed in Oyem (Wolö Ntem district). - Order of the Governorate, 1 February 1913 [fol. 29] Schutztruppe für Kamerun. - 5th Company. - Disbanded on 1 April 1913 on the occasion of the transfer of this station to the civil administration and re-established from 1 April 1913 in New Cameroon. - Order of the command of the Schutztruppe for Cameroon, 24 February 1913 [fol. 35 - 37] Ebolowa. - Handover of the military station to the provisional district officer, Stabsarzt Jäger, by First Lieutenant Heinicke, 15 April 1913 [fol. 59 - 68] Combating unrest and uprisings. - Planning of drastic measures against the self-confident population of the Ebolowa district, which is prone to assaults. - Order by Dr Ebermaier on the basis of Captain Heinicke's proposals, 16.7.1913 [fol. 91 - 92] Medical Corps of the Schutztruppe for Cameroon. - Annual report 1912/13, 1913 [fol. 94] Ebolowa. - Handover of the military station to Assessor Dr Havemann by Staff Surgeon Dr Jäger, 26.3.1914 [fol. 101 - 103] Ebolowa. - Handover of the military station to First Lieutenant von Hagen by Assessor Dr Havemann, 8 May 1914 [fols. 104 - 105] Reports from the general administration departments. - Ebolowa April-September 1912, May 1914, 1912, 1914 [fol. 107 - 108] Sangmelima. - Administration of the station, 1912 - 1914 Sangmelima. - Handover of the station to the station officer Mellenthin by Sergeant Niemeyer, 6 May 1913

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FA 1 / 23 · Dossier · 1912 - 1913
Fait partie de Cameroon National Archives

Schutztruppe für Kamerun. - Distribution of the protection force for Cameroon. - Entire protection area. - Planning, 1912 - 1913 [fol. 1 - 18] Schutztruppe für Kamerun. - Distribution of the protection force for Cameroon. - Reinforcement. - Planning, 1912 - 1913 [fol. 1 - 18] Local administration, general. - Transfer of the administration of the German Lake Chad countries from Kusseri to Mora on 1 January 1913 as part of the preparations for the spillover of a European war into the protectorate of Cameroon and the resulting withdrawal of the Schutztruppe für Kamerun, February 1913 [fol. 20 - 21] Local administration, general. - Withdrawal from the German Lake Chad countries and Adamaua during the invasion of British and French troops on the occasion of European entanglements and the resulting transfer of the administration of the German Lake Chad countries from Kusseri to Mora. Report by Governor Dr Ebermaier, February 1913 [fol. 20 - 21] Individual cases. - Pulver, Lieutenant-Colonel. - Illness and request for release from the escort of Governor Dr Ebermaier during the Lake Chad trip, 14 February 1913 [fol. 21a] Individual cases. - Hansen, Privy Government Councillor, First Officer. - Action due to his behaviour as representative of Governor Dr Ebermaier during his official trip to Adamua, 1912 - 1913 [fol. 22 - 24] Schutztruppe für Kamerun. - 12th Company. - Establishment and co-operation with the provincial governor for the territories in East Cameroon requested for the 1913/14 financial year, 1913 [fol. 35 - 36] Schutztruppe für Kamerun. - 12th Company. - New Eastern Territories (Provincial Governor's Office) [fol. 35 - 36] Return of the Bangwa chief Fontem, allegedly involved in the murder of the explorer Conrau in October 1900, from his place of exile Garua to the Dschang district. - Efforts of Governor Dr Ebermaier, 1913 [fol. 46] Geology and Mining. - The Niger Company, Ltd - Co-operation in Mining Matters, 1913 [fol. 48] Deposition of the Sultan of Mendif. - Report by Governor Dr Ebermaier for failure to report, 1913 [fol. 62 - 64] Installation and removal of important native rulers. - Circular by Governor Dr Ebermaier (draft), February 1913 [fol. 62 - 64] Exploration of cotton cultivation possibilities in North Cameroon. - Instructions for the agricultural expert Dr Wolf, 1913 [fol. 66 - 69] Affairs of the chiefs. - Pardon of the Etudi chief Tanga-Jiki, exiled to Garua. - Proposal by Dr Ebermaier, 1913 [fol. 70]Individual cases. - Netzbrand, medical assistant. - Transfer of Tiko as police master to Bare to replace police master Zydel, January 1913 [fol. 76] Individual cases. - Oertel - transfer to Ebolowa, January 1913 [fol. 76] individual cases. - Wilske, secretary. - Secondment from Ossidinge to Bare, January 1913 [fol. 76] Individual cases. - Zimmerer, Eugen von, Bavarian District Court Councillor. - Appointment as Chancellor of the Governorate of Cameroon and assignment to temporarily deputise for the Governor, 1887 [fol. 76] Individual cases. - Zydel, police master in Bare. - Replacement by medical orderly Netzbrand, Tiko, January 1913 [fol. 76] Economic expeditions Dr Fickendey and Dr Mildbread: Instructions for execution. - Telegram from Governor Dr Ebermaier from Germany, 1913 [fol. 92 - 94] Kamerun-Mittellandbahn. - Continuation to Ngaundere. - Memorandum from Governor Dr Ebermaier, 1913 [fol. 95 - 98] Cameroon-Midland Railway. - Unplanned extension beyond Bamum (Fumban) or the Mbam. - Memorandum by Governor Dr Ebermaier, 1913 [fol. 95 - 98] Livestock breeding: Golombe, stud farm. - Budget (draft) 1914/15 (with explanatory notes), 1913 [fol. 102 - 109] Railway exploration expedition (engineer Thévos - 1913). - Exploration of the railway line Ngaundere - Tibati Joko Jaunde, 1913 [fol. 148 - 151] Affairs of the chiefs. - Jaimo, deposed Lamido of Kontcha. - Search measures. - Instruction from Governor Dr Ebermaier to Captain Eymael, 1913 [fol. 153 - 165] Gold deposits in the Garua (Njum) district. - Granting of mining licences, 1912 [fol. 166 - 171] Offices of the local administration. - Akoafim - Provisional formation of the district of Iwindo and transfer of administrative powers to the 11th Company of the Cameroon Protection Force, 1913 [fol. 182 - 188] Elevation and route map of the Lake Chad journey of the Governor of Cameroon, Dr. Karl Ebermaier, in 1914, elevation 1:25,000, longitude 1:2,000,000, based on photographs of the expedition and the available statistical material with explanations, 1914 expropriation and relocation of the native settlements in Duala, (1912 - 1913)

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