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Cattle, Clara, née Rothe (1851-1934)
RMG 1.569 · Akt(e) · 1902-1934
Teil von Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Missionary Sister, 2nd wife of Missionary Gottlieb Viehe, 1902-1911 music teacher and catechist in Okahandja, Otjikango and De Doorns, see also RMG 1.603-1.604; correspondence, among others about her experiences during the Herero Uprising (1904), 1902-1913 1925-1931; death announcement and data from her life, 1934;

Rheinische Missionsgesellschaft
Diehl, Philipp (1837-1920)
RMG 1.606 a-c · Akt(e) · 1868-1918
Teil von Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

1868-1920 in Okahandja, Usakos; Reports & Letters, 1868-1918; Notes about the first baptism on Okahandja, Jan. 1873; Short history of: Jonker Afrikaner, as he met Damras, March 1873; station reports by Okahandja, 1888-1893; letters to and from missionary Peter Heinrich Brincker, 1888 1890; copy of correspondence with commissioner Nels u. Maharero Tjamuaha, 1890; Report of the Evangelist Elia Kandirikirira, 1891; Presentation: "Is it appropriate that Christians won by evangelists gather in parishes or return to their relatives", 6 pages, hs., 1891; Friedrich Wilhelm Gottlieb Viehe: Opinion on Herero land sales, 1887; Report on the increase in Herero's impoverishment through robbery, request for ideas from the German government, 1902; Reports on the Herero Uprising, 1904; Contract on the sale of land in Windhoek to the German tax authorities, 1904; Loss of property of the Mission and others, 1904; Contract for the purchase of the so-called "Borchard House" in Otjimbingue to Philipp Diehl, 1908; deed of donation of 5,000 marks from Philipp Diehl to Mission, 1912; congratulatory letter and laudatory speech for Philipp Diehl on his 50th ordination anniversary, 1918

Rheinische Missionsgesellschaft
BArch, R 1001/2210 · Akt(e) · Sept. 1892 - Aug. 1894
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Map of Deutsch-Südwestafrika with drawing of the new protectorate. M.: 1:2 500 000. 1891 Map of D e u t s c h - S ü d w e s t a f r i k a with drawings of the individual protectorates as well as the military and mission stations. M.: 1:3 000 000. 1892

BArch, R 1001/2099 · Akt(e) · Febr. 1881 - Jan. 1885
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Several English publications on the affairs of Damara and Mamaqua Three Maps of Africa with drawings of Portuguese colonial possessions and the travels of Portuguese major Serpa Pinto through West Africa 1877-1879

Irle, Johann Jacob (1843-1924)
RMG 1.605 a-e · Akt(e) · 1869-1960
Teil von Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

1868-1903 in Otjikango, Okahandja, Otjosazu, from 1903 home service, from 1915 parish office; letters and reports from work with the Hereros, 1869-1903; annual reports, cash reports of the Otjosazu station, 1872-1903; manuscript: "Die Oupanga d. Ovaherero", 1891; reports by the evangelists Paul, Gottlieb and Manasse, 1893; private letters, also from Mrs. Hedwig Irle, née von Rohden, to the inspectors at the mission house, 1893. Inspectors in the mission house, 1890-1902; reports from the work in the home service, 1905-1922; correspondence of the RMG with members of the Irle family, 1922-1960; letter from Gottlieb Murangi, Windhoek, to Mrs. Hedwig Irle, née von Rohden, 1930;

Rheinische Missionsgesellschaft
Kuhlmann, August Carl Heinrich (1871-1945)
RMG 1.644 a-c · Akt(e) · 1892-1965
Teil von Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

1898-1945 in Okazewa, Otjimbingue, Omburo, Omaruru, see RMG 1.482 estate; letters and reports, private letters, 1898-1945; curriculum vitae, application, certificates, recommendations, 1892; seven weeks under d. Insurgent Hereros, report, March 1904; marginal notes on the Herero War, critical statement, May 1904; Our Herero Christians in the War Camps, May 1904; The Lie in the Herero War, June 1904; August Kuhlmann's request for pardon from the Hereros, reply by Trothas to this, Febr. 1905; Report about peace mediation attempts in Otjimbingue, Febr. 1905; Supplements to "Windhoeker Nachrichten" with attacks against mission, June 1905; Report about the prisoner on the shark island near Lüderitzbucht, Aug. 1905; Report about the work in Karibib and at the prisoners of war at the Otavi Railway, Aug. 1905; Reports from the collection camps for Hereros in Omburo, 1906; leaflet "Three Christmas in German Southwest Africa", Dr., 1904-1906; Lecture: "What can and must happen to follow the scattered heathens and Christians", 11 p., hectographed, 1909; Lecture: "Zur Psychologie d. Glaubenslebens unserer afrikanischen Christen", 14 p., ms., 1913; Lecture: "Das Problem d. christlichen Ehe unter d. afrikanischen Heidenchristen", n. J.; Correspondence with Mrs. Elisabeth Kuhlmann, née Dannert u. Familie, 1946-1965

Rheinische Missionsgesellschaft
RMG 2.634 a-c · Akt(e) · 1931-1939, 1947-1956, 1957-1963, 1964-1967
Teil von Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Draft e. Agreement between the NGK (Ring Gibeon), the Finnish Mission and the RMG on the mission under the contractovambos in the police zone, 1947; curriculum vitae (copy) of Hildegard Redecker, 1951; minutes of the extraordinary meeting with the Herero foremen and church elders of the Herero community in Omaruru, 1955;

Rheinische Missionsgesellschaft
Meier, Friedrich A. (1873-1928)
RMG 1.657 · Akt(e) · 1901-1965
Teil von Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

1901-1928 in Okahandja, Windhoek; Letters and Reports, 1901-1928; Curriculum Vitae (copy) of Emma Meier, née Ermshaus, 1904; Die Schreckenstage in Okahandja, Jan, Febr. 1904; inquiry about the semi-white children in Windhoek, 1904; report about e. trip to Gobabis, 1907; report about Windhoek police measures, 1909; ray of hope in the work e. Herero missionaries, Okahandja, n. J.; communication of the "Woermann-Linie" about the death of Friedrich A. Meier on board the steamer "Muansa" and burial in Monrovia, 1928; obituary for Friedrich A. Meier, 1928; letter (copy) of Hereros Gustav Kamatoto to Emma Meier, mourning for her father Friedrich A. Meier, 1929; correspondence with family Meier, 1928-1965;

Rheinische Missionsgesellschaft