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MPK 1/272/2 · Item · 1917
Part of The National Archives

German East Africa Karagwe': map of north-west Tanganyika (now Tanzania), with Lake Victoria to the east, and boundary with the Belgian-controlled area (now Rwanda) to the west; contours, rivers, swamps, tsetse fly areas, towns, railways and roads are indicated. Reference table. Scale: 1 inch to about 5 miles. [Printed by] Ordnance Survey, August 1917.

FO 383/287 · Item · 1917
Part of The National Archives

Germany: Prisoners, including: Agreement for the transmission of a letter from the Knockaloe Prisoners' Aid Society to the German Government. Johann Hermann Hahn: authorisation for his release to Denmark. Private Edward Pinney: investigation into the circumstances of his death at Langensalza Camp, including: Cause of death given as meningitis by the German authorities. Statements by Corporal H Drewitt and Trooper A McFarlane on the circumstances of Private Pinney's death. Memorandum to the German Government requesting an official investigation. Statements by various British prisoners (names in docket nos.50869 and 75249). Report of the German investigation. Effects of long-term internment on prisoners, including: Mrs Anna Burrows: request for the transfer to Switzerland of long-term prisoners. Depositions provided by Captain A W Colley and Lieutenant R E Barnes. Recommendation by the Admiralty for the repatriation of prisoners who had been in captivity for two years or more. Regulations on the sale and consumption of alcoholic liquor in internment camps in the UK. Lord Henry Cavendish-Bentinck and Mr Peto: parliamentary questions on the exchange of long-term prisoners. Memorandum on the effects of continued imprisonment. Sir Henry Lunn: extracts from a letter from his son, Hugh Lunn, interned at Karlsruhe Camp. Copy of a telegram to Field Marshal Sir Douglas Haig concerning the transfer of long-term prisoners to a neutral country. Memorandum to the German Government recommending the transfer to a neutral country of prisoners interned for two years or more. Captain Button: request by his wife, Mrs Elizabeth Button, for his transfer to Switzerland. Sir John Lonsdale and Mr HumeWilliams: parliamentary questions about the response of the German Government to the proposal for the transfer of prisoners. Captain J Johnston Watson, interned at Augustabad: report that the text of the British proposal was being displayed in prison camps in Germany. Captain Graham Toler: request by his wife for his transfer to Switzerland. Request from the Italian Embassy in London for details of the proposal. Treatment of British and African prisoners in German East Africa, including: List of British prisoners released from Tabora (in docket no.9885). Reverend Ernest F Spanton: extract from an interview with him in The Times of 30 December 1916 on the ill treatment of British prisoners. Reverend H A Keats: evidence on the treatment of prisoners. Reverend Ernest F Spanton: report on the conditions of interned prisoners. Mr James Scott-Brown: report on his experiences as an interned civilian. Typescript articles from The Times and The African Mail on the ill treatment of prisoners; agreement by the German Colonial Office to investigate the charges. Sworn statements by various witnesses (names in docket no.103223). Lieutenant V Sankey, interned at Dar es Salaam: letter from his mother, Mrs May Longe, on the conditions of his internment. Riflemen Murphy and Nicholson: report on the circumstances of their deaths. Private George Flood: report of an interview with him. Rifleman Nicholson: various witness statements (names in docket no.150796) relating to the circumstances of his death. Reports on the Treatment by the Germans of British Prisoners and Natives in German East Africa , parliamentary command paper [Cd. 8689], Miscellaneous No. 13 (1917). Government Committee on the Treatment by the Enemy of British Prisoners of War: proof copy of a report on the treatment by the German authorities in German East Africa of British civilian prisoners of war. Decision not to bring charges against the German prisoner Volhamer in connection with the death of Rifleman Nicholson. Theodore Kroell, interned at Knockaloe Camp, Isle of Man: decision that he could not be repatriated to the USA instead of Germany. German memorandum on the typhus epidemic at Gardelegen Camp, with an article (German language) from Norddeutsche Allgemeine Zeitung of 17 December 1916. Leutnant der Reserve Otto Schultz: report of his death at Royal Victoria Hospital, Netley. Lieutenant R F Gore-Browne, interned at Stralsund: request from his father, Mr F Gore-Browne, for his exchange for a German prisoner. Wilhelm Dröge, interned at Liverpool, New South Wales: question of compensation for an injury sustained while working in a sawmill. Mr Richard Wolf Gordon, a British subject resident in Bavaria: arrangements for the payment of his pensions from the Probate Registry and the Government of Nyasaland. Statement by various German prisoners (names in docket no.10961) on their treatment while being transported from Chinde to Beira on SS Ipu. German memorandum on the payment of relief funds to German nationals. Code 1218 Files 8591-11299.

FO 383/66 · Item · 1915
Part of The National Archives

Germany: Prisoners, including: Effects of German colonial prisoners now at Stratford and in UK. Treatment of English naval prisoners on sunken German torpedo boat A2. Journey to Batavia of two ladies of German nationality: Mrs L Jenne and Miss M Bartens. T Andreae, prisoner at Knockaloe, claiming to be an English subject: request for documents to establish his case. Names of prisoners of war: German Government practice. R Button, deceased at Wittenburg: notification to his wife, Mrs Button, in Belgium; arrangements for return to UK of Mrs Button and family. Forged postcards from Quedlinburg: allegations regarding postcards purported to have been written by Private W Wheeler, prisoner of war at Quedlinburg; investigations into allegations, including original postcards. Tobacco for German prisoners of war. Deportation of German prisoners from Straits Settlements to Australia. Money sent to prisoners of war: limits and intervals allowed by HM Government for German officers and soldiers to draw money. Henry Thomas Martin, late interned civilian at Ruhleben, gardener to HRH Prince Friedrich Karl of Prussia: request from his wife, Mrs Emily Martin, for confirmation of her husband's death in Berlin hospital; transmission of death certificates and private papers; arrangements regarding Mrs Martin's intention to leave Germany. Mr Gutmann, British pro-Consul at Geneva: agency for finding missing officers in Germany; report and thanks for his work; includes printed table of portraits headed 'Queen Victoria Jubilee Fund Association for the relief of British subjects in distress at Geneva. Honorary Manager of Enquiry Branch: S Gutman', showing photographs and details of 28 missing British officers and French soldiers (in docket no. 69614). George Marcussen, civil prisoner in Germany: enquiry from his father, H Marcussen of Maida Vale regarding his whereabouts; report that he had been transferred from Ruhleben to Stadtvogtei following a detrimental remark about the German Emperor. Rev Paul Heyse, German military chaplain interned at Pietermaritzburg, South Africa: protests against capture and internment by military authorities, and request for release. British subjects in German East Africa: missionaries interned since outbreak of war; includes lists of names of members of The Universities' Mission to Central Africa (in docket no. 69886) and the Church Missionary Society (in docket no. 71933). Release of German missionaries in South Africa. A W Hill, British civilian at Ruhleben: enquiry from his father, Mr A Hill of Coventry, regarding possible exchange for German subject, Heinri Gruenwald, resident in Llandudno. Letters addressed to German prisoners from Cameroons: question of censorship. Alfonso De Blasio, First President of the Court of Cassation of Turin: letter regarding his daughter and son-in-law Edgar Fisher, German subjects in London. Erich Langen, member of German colony at Samoa: detention in Auckland following violation of military regulations. Treatment of prisoners of war in England: prohibition of receipt of German literature. Books for prisoners of war: question of censorship. Restriction on the receipt of books at Osnabrück, Gütersloh and Güstrow camps. Internment of German members of missionary societies. Leslie Spicer, British missionary employee interned at Ruhleben. Professor Marshall Montgomery, of County Down, Ireland: enquiries regarding rent of his flat at Giessen. Edward Petermuller, German civil prisoner at Lancaster: complaint from his sister, Bertha Petermuller of Upper Bavaria, regarding his treatment; request that he be medically examined. Students, including: Scheme proposed by Swiss universities in favour of students detained as prisoner of war. Treatment of student prisoners of war. Fourteen British students interned at Ruhleben: petition to resume their studies at German universities; includes list of individuals (in docket no. 151838). University students interned in Ruhleben: South African students; includes list of individuals (in docket no. 161555); individual case of Mr R J Kottich, government scholar. German university students in UK. University students detained as prisoners. Mr R W Wilcocks, South African student in Berlin University: request for certificate of diligence to continue his studies. Tobacco for British civilians in Ruhleben camp: arrangements for shipment and costs. British officers interned at Burg bei Magdeburg. Code 1218 File 67333-72738.

FO 383/67 · Item · 1915
Part of The National Archives

Germany: Prisoners, including: Exchange of British retired officers in Germany, including: Colonel Stratton, Lord de Ramsey and Colonel Hemans; enquiries, proposals and arrangements regarding possible exchange for German officers. Release of German officers, including Major Kremnitz and Erich Kurt Karbe from Wakefield, Hugo Lobst Falke (real name Hugo Lobst von Feilitzsch), and Kurt von Weller from Knockaloe. Brigadier-General Bradley. Major Ponsonby Shaw at Celle. Correspondence from infected camps in Germany. Douglas Rooke, Victoria Barracks, Windsor: enquiries regarding return of his property from Dresden. Canadian prisoners in Germany: includes list of individuals (in docket no. 73506); arrangements for distribution of 'comforts'. Insurance of property and buildings of Germans in London, including German Embassy buildings. Rent due respecting German Embassy buildings in London. John Kretzschmer, German subject of Zehlendorf Mitte: request for documents relative to his deceased son, Hermann Kretzschmer, late of Australia, and his son's marriage to Euphrosine Mary Grieve, resident in Sydney. George William Crossan, teacher of boxing at Hamburg, imprisoned in Germany: trial and sentence for charge of espionage; two years penal servitude for attempting to betray military secrets. Red Cross visits to prisoners' camps, including: Suggested reciprocal visits of belligerent representatives to prisoners' camps. Inspection of prisoners' camps by Red Cross ladies. Visits to prisoners' camps: view that if permission granted then Red Cross Prisoners of War Committee would prefer for men rather than women to make visits. Fraulein Rotten: proposed visits to prisoners' camps in UK; report that she is not a Swiss member of Red Cross but a German subject and a member of various committees in Berlin looking after foreigners in Germany. Visits to prisoners by members of Red Cross Societies: War Office opposition to proposal for exchange visits. Exchange of visits by Red Cross ladies to prisoners' camps. Walter Gorlitz, German subject residing in Charlbury, Oxfordshire: enquiries regarding his property in German South West Africa. Medical treatment of German prisoners in South Africa, in particular at Pietermaritzburg. Encashment of English cheques: includes list of individuals and amounts (in docket no. 74698). Repayment of advance made in Germany: enquiry from African Banking Corporation Ltd regarding a cheque made out to an 'alien enemy', Mr J Zweigenhaft. Fund established for the purpose of cashing drafts upon English letters of credit, etc. Code 1218 File 72744-74698.

FO 383/80 · Item · 1915
Part of The National Archives

Germany: Prisoners, including: Mrs W D Burnyeat, daughter of a German officer, one of batch of '14 B's' interned in the UK in the interest of the safety of the realm: procedure of enquiries for British subjects on pink forms. Enquiries from persons in the UK as to affairs in Germany. Enquiries for British prisoners made direct to US officials in Germany and Austria; enquiries addressed to James W Gerard, US Embassy, Berlin. Enquiry for mother of an English girl: daughter, aged 15 years, of a Mrs Ackroyd by first marriage to British Army officer (now deceased), now married to a German subject named Muller in Berlin; enquiry from The Central Charities Committee , London, regarding the whereabouts of Mrs Ackroyd and the welfare of the child. W H Wills, English lecturer at Munich University, called up for service in the German Army: request that enquiries be made whether he is a free agent; report that he had apparently lost his British nationality. Administration of enemy property in the UK. Frau Pfeiffer, German subject at Port of Spain, Trinidad: request from German Government that she be permitted to return to Germany to undergo an eye operation. Corporal John Wilson, 8th Durham Light Infantry, interned in Rennbahn Camp, near Munster: report of his imprisonment in Germany on charge of inciting to mutiny against working in coke ovens; request for clarification of report that he had been shot. Message for transmission to manager of Equitable Life Assurance Society in London received at US Embassy, Berlin, from Mrs Doris Hirsch on behalf of her brother Georg Henschel of Berlin. Deaths in Germany of Frederick William Sawdon and William Schweitzer, British subjects: information regarding deaths and burial particulars, and forwarding of effects; enquiry from Sawdon's widow, Mrs A Sawdon of Hull; statement from Dr Weiler concerning causes of their deaths at his sanatorium in Berlin. Italian prisoners of war interned in German East Africa: instructions to release twelve Italian subjects interned at Tabora and Morogoro. Transmission of securities to Germany: bonds, stocks and securities of diplomats. Property belonging to members of late German Embassy, left in the UK on outbreak of war: includes list of individuals with inventories of property (in docket no.186014). Letters from wounded British prisoners in Germany: arrangements for transmission of two letters by US Embassy, Berlin. Admittance of newspapers to prisoners' camps. Flogging of two German prisoners at camp at Torrens Island, South Australia. Missionaries in British East Africa. Ordained clergy as combatants in German Army. Money for German captains detained in Malta. Reciprocal release of private luggage detained in England and Germany. Christmas presents for all British prisoners of war in Germany. Treatment of certain prisoners as officers. Treatment accorded to non-commissioned officer prisoners of war. Letter for transmission to Zambesi Navigation Company, London, received at US Embassy, Berlin. Liberty on parole of German officers captured at Garoua and interned at Medea. Transfer of £300 to German prisoner at Windhuk (Windhoek), South West Africa. Mrs Schafhausen, formerly of Catford, now in the United States: despatch of personal effects and luggage. Mrs Louisa Carpenter (née Ansorge), Indian-born British subject, now in Germany: application for remittance of funds from the UK. Rev H M Williams, late Chaplain of St George's Church in Berlin: question of financial relief. Germans of Tsingtau Medical Corps detained at Knockaloe. Money surrendered in the Cameroons by L Maetze, German subject interned at Knockaloe: request for assistance for return of money. Interned German officers in the UK: request for copy of German instructions to interned officers urging them to escape. Julia E B Jacobitz, German lady resident of Bournemouth: petition for permission to continue residing in the town; issue of expulsion order. Edward Lebarron Johnson, interned in Ruhleben as a British citizen: claim to be a US citizen; includes copy of inquiry form with biographical details (in docket no.179837). Eugene Smith, interned in Ruhleben as a British citizen: claim to be a US citizen; includes copy of inquiry form with biographical details (in docket no.1798397): Proposed repatriation of German women at Belgaum. Lieut Henry Koch, German naval officer, escaped from internment at Norfolk, USA, detained as a prisoner of war in Edinburgh. Gilbert Graham, British subject at Ruhleben: promissory note regarding advance from British Relief Fund for treatment at Dr Weiler's sanatorium, Berlin, to be recovered from sickness policy of Mutual Life and Citizens Company, of Sydney, Australia. Releases from Ruhleben: list of alleged British subjects whom German Government proposed to release; enquiry whether they should be supplied with passports; includes list of individuals with biographical details (in docket no.180647, and docket no.186382). Corporal Felton, 9th East Surrey Regiment, deceased: transmission of documents relative to his will. Julius Lubinski, interned at Ruhleben, released from internment amongst a batch of invalid civilians arrived in UK: emergency passport issued by US authorities in Berlin; investigation into his nationality. Recording of illnesses incurred by German prisoners during internment: adoption of German proposal. Nathan Golding, naturalised British subject domiciled at Bloemfontein, South Africa, civilian prisoner in Germany: enquiries regarding his whereabouts. Message for Deutsche Bank, Berlin, from Planters' Association, Samoa. Major C Toogood, prisoner in Germany: enquiries from his wife, Mrs Toogood of Southsea, regarding his state of health and question of promotion to rank of colonel. Mr G Macrae, in Barcelona: enquiry regarding luggage lost in Germany. Lawrence S Ainsworth, of Wembley, Middlesex: enquiry regarding recovery of books taken from him at German frontier. Imprisonment of German sailors arriving at Bristol from Chile, for being in a prohibited area and having false passports. Code 1218 File 162400-183951.

FO 383/81 · Item · 1915
Part of The National Archives

Germany: Prisoners, including: Princess Pless, British-born wife of German subject: rent due on property in London. Payment of salaries to teachers detained in Germany. William Ring, German aged 14 enlisted in British Army: protest from father, Julius Ring in Knockaloe. Information supplied by Central Information Bureau: question of accuracy; includes lists (in docket no.184676). Parole: liability for military duties of German civilians; parole given by interned civilians; question of German Government attitude. Capture of German Military Police late of German South West Africa. British prisoners interned at Schloss Celle: Prof Carl Fuchs, naturalised British subject at Darmstadt: proposed exchange for Leopold von Plessen or Dr Etscheit. Otto Roese, in London, and F W Steege, in Ruhleben, officials of Standard Bank of South Africa Ltd: proposed exchange. L Barry Sloan (Lawrence Barrington Sloan) and Eric Barrington Sloan, in Ruhleben: information from father, L G Sloan of Kingsway, regarding their invalidity and possible repatriation; proposed exchange for Walther Steffens and another German. George Packe, in Ruhleben: enquiry from wife, Caroline Packe of Taplow, suggesting an exchange for a German in UK. Robert Melville, in Ruhleben: enquiry from son, Lieut Sydney J C Melville, that father's name be added to list for exchange. Friedrich von Bülow, interned in UK: proposed exchange for Mr Fergusson, civilian internee in Germany. Private F Whittaker, 7th Battalion Canadian Regiment, imprisoned in Germany. Imprisonment of British soldiers for refusing to work: report of about fifty prisoners awaiting trail at Munster; request for investigation into sentence of Private A Todd, 7th Battalion Canadian Regiment; includes list of individuals (in docket no.201689). A E Melhuish of Purley: enquiry regarding son's personal effects at Leipzig. Mrs Flora Bray and Mrs Mary Taylor, returned British civilians from Germany: nationality. Dr Pfeiffer, detained at Holyport: forfeiture of medical status and detention as an ordinary officer prisoner. Joseph Cavanagh, tailor of Savile Row, London: rent of his shop in Berlin. Edward J Newman, British subject at Ruhleben, skipper of SS Cancer , taken prisoner by German torpedo boat which then sunk his vessel: claim for losses. Thomas Rushton, British civilian who died during journey home following release from Ruhleben: enquiries for information of relatives in UK; reply from daughter, Mrs Wray of Manchester. Books belonging to repatriated British subjects: arrangements for return to owners following examination by Postal Censor. Maurice Walker, interned in Germany: arrangements that letter addressed to Sennelager may be forwarded to him at Ruhleben. Capt Astell, Asst Provost Marshal to 63rd Division, in Doncaster: arrangements for communications with wife in Saxony. Christmas presents for interned prisoners. Transmission of money to German subjects in UK and dominions. German prisoners taken at Garua [Garoua, Cameroons]. Note verbale from German Government for transmission to Mrs Marie Grimshaw in Jersey. Louis Holcroft, civilian detained in Germany, suffering from heart condition: request for advice and assistance following sequestration by German Government of property at Nauheim. G Markesson, previously imprisoned in Germany: report of his re-arrest and he was to be tried by Civil Court; representations to be made that he is properly defended. Race Hunter, British civil prisoner in Germany undergoing treatment at Dr Weiler's sanatorium: enquiries from father, A B Hunter of Leeds; further enquiries regarding his whereabouts as reported 'lost' during journey from Flushing to Tilbury. George Hans von Chorus, German-born US resident, detained in Brixton Prison: possible release under guarantee he would remain in US as a neutral. Corp W Graham, RAMC, at Salzwedel: recommendation that French Government be informed of his work in assisting British and French wounded in camp. Dr Walter Gellhorn, detained at Edinburgh Castle: request for repatriation to Germany on grounds of medical qualifications. Retired and reserve officers detained as prisoners. Transmission of funds from SW Africa to Germany. John M Stirling, British subject released from Ruhleben, now in Cheshire: transmission of papers belonging to him; enquiry regarding recovery of amounts due to him by English companies. Miss Edith Emily Hoskins, British subject in Berlin: remittance of money from UK. Richard J Nowlan, prisoner in Germany: request from father, Thomas Nowlan, for authority to send amount required for payment of taxes. Requisitioning of Villa Beyerle, Cairo, for Red Cross purposes. R Meinig (or Mening), German subject imprisoned at Maidstone: protest against treatment. Red Cross Conference, Stockholm: transmission of report. Thomas Roberts: death in Dr Weiler's sanatorium: circumstances, and transmission of property. British seamen and RAMC prisoners from Germany: arrangements for departure and Germans to be exchanged. Grikis and Schenk, invalid Germans in South Africa. Mrs Nellie Watt, of Glasgow: return from Germany; information regarding incidents, and enquiries what happened to Capt Reddie, Mr Parks and Mr Harty, with whom arrested. Mrs Harrison of Kent: arrangements to send her a letter received at US Embassy, London, containing dying message from her daughter. Allan Carruth Barr, released from Ruhleben as an invalid: position in respect of subsequently joining HM Forces. Alleged seizure of £700 from German Consulate General, Cape Town. German physicians detained at Edinburgh Castle: Dr Franz Thalwitzer, Dr Berthold Baneth and Dr George Richter; requests for release as Red Cross members. Promotion of officers from late German South West Africa: German Government note verbale enclosing list of officers promoted previous to capitulation; request for appropriate pay and treatment; includes list of names (in docket no.198165). Fritz Schlaeger, German prisoner on SS Canada , Isle of Wight: German Government request for information regarding reported marriage to Elly Assmann. Germans removed from Katanga province: enquiries regarding their disposal. Intercepted letter from Edward Gerhard Müller, prisoner at Wakefield, detailing his proceedings at Rio on outbreak of war and his experiences after capture. Execution of German merchant Schnade in Cameroons. Walter Roman, British prisoner at Ruhleben: report that German partner of firm named Messrs Hayn, Roman

FO 383/74 · Item · 1915
Part of The National Archives

Germany: Prisoners, (with one docket regarding Mexico), including: Payments to interned British civilian from money deposited in German bank: case regarding Mrs Molony of Sloane Square, London. Relief afforded to Mrs Victoria Breese (or Viktoria Breese), German born widow of British subject, following her departure from Nuremberg for Canada via England: question of repayment of advance. Crops in Germany. C Carlebach, interned as a German subject but son of a naturalised British subject: application against internment. Mrs A Davey, of Kensington, London: question of payment of debts of her interned German lodger. Percy Dunsby: correspondence for James Mason, of Dover, forwarded via US authorities in Berlin, regarding request from Mrs M Dunsby of Danzig, British subject by marriage, to accommodate her son, Percy Dunsby, on his arrival in England; report that he had been detained by German authorities; eventual arrival in England of Mrs Dunsby with four children, including Percy; request for Mrs Dunsby's marriage certificate. Assistance to Russian prisoners of war in Germany. Appointment of Albert de Courcy as HM Pro-Consul at Progreso, Mexico: transmission of official seal and signature (in docket no. 112176 - docket cover headed 'Consular. Mexico' rather than 'Prisoners,