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Description archivistique
NA Wundt/2/II/4/D/63 · Dossier · 1900/1910
Fait partie de University Archive Leipzig

Excerpts on the psychology of peoples, especially on primitive peoples in Brazil and the Pacific Ocean, including excerpted publications in detail:1.) Kauffmann: Altdeutsche Genossenschaften, in: Words and Things 2 (1910), p. 99ˉ42 [p. 1-4];2.) Treatise by Paul on Methodology, i.e. vmtl. Paul (ed.): Grundriss der deutschenischen Philologie. Vol. 1: Concept and history of Germanic philology, - Methodology, - Writing, - History of language, - Mythology. 2. verb. and verm. Aufl. Strasbourg: Trübner, 1901 [p. 6-7];3.) Meinhof: Modern language research in Africa: Hamburg lectures. Berlin: Bookshop of the Berlin Evangelical Mission Society, 1910 [p. 8-9];4.) Schultze: From Namaland and Kalahari [...]. Jena: Gustav Fischer, 1907 [p. 10-14];5.) Meinhof: Results of African linguistic research, in: Archive for Anthropology 9 (1910), p. 179-201 [p. 15-20];6.) Bachofen: Das Mutterrecht: an investigation into the gynaicocracy of the old world according to its religious and legal nature. Stuttgart: Krais

Expenditure and income of the Reich
Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, E 74 Bü 446 · Dossier · 1887-1918
Fait partie de Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Reports of the Accounting Commission on the income and expenditure of the Reich in the respective accounting year; overview of Reich expenditure and income for the accounting years 1907 - 1909; submission of the Reich Chancellor to the Federal Council; Correspondence of the Minister of Finance with the Count von Zeppelin, von Moser, von Varnbüler and von Schleehauf, the Federal Plenipotentiaries, and the deputy plenipotentiaries von Fischer and von Schicker; overviews of income and expenditure for the protectorates of D e u t s c h - O s t a f r i k a, Cameroon, Togo, D e u t s c h - S ü d w e s t a f r i k a, D e u t s c h - N euguinea, Samoa and Kiautschou, the Caroline Islands, Palau Islands and Mariana Islands

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, E 130 a Bü 721 · Dossier · 1899
Fait partie de Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Memorandum of the German Agricultural Council, Berlin, 1898, print, 38 p. Qu. 3; Memorandum concerning the archipelago of the Caroline Islands, Palau and Mariana Islands together with an overview map of the German possessions in the Pacific Ocean, Berlin, 1899, print, 5 p. Qu. 54

Nachl. 322, Nr. 03 · Dossier · 1908/1913
Fait partie de Berlin State Library. manuscript department

colored card: Matoimochi, with Rumphs signature stamp postcard: Harlekinade Berlin 1912- postcard; A citizens' ball 1803. 35. anniversary of the association of pupils at the K.K.G.M. on 6. February 1913 in the zoo printed card: Dôjôji, with signature stamp Rumpfs postcard on Gerhard Rumpf, dated Tsingtau 1.9.1908, with drawing of Port Said postcard on Heinrich Rumpf, dated. 25.4. 08, with drawing Chinese navy uniformsColored drawing of a sitting Chinese girl, not signed- printed map: fisherwomen in Inage, bay of Tokyo, with hull signature stamp-Colored drawing: boats in China. Port [Tsingtau?] with rowing women, not signed postcard on Andreas hull, with drawing of Gibraltar, dat. 16.11.1907- color drawing: Prague, small-sided individual sheets with vocabulary lists, English, French, Portuguese, partly menus concerning- leaflet with various aioli-recipes, fair copy with title-initial-postcard of Marianne on/for Alice torso- plate 9 (Japanese), tracing - 3 sheets. with color drawings, Chinese. Military 1 sheet with pencil drawings, a.o. ???- pencil drawing: Frauenkopf: Taverne, 12./13,II,31

ADM 137/11/1 · Pièce · 1914
Fait partie de The National Archives

Folio 1: China general operations telegrams, 21 July-25 September 1914. Folios 2-5: Explanatory and Historical Section reference notes. This volume contains undocketed telegrams and papers relating to operations in the China Station from 21 July-25 September 1914. Folios 6-9: Blank. Folio 10: China station, boundaries and limits. Folio 11: Australian station, boundaries and limits. Folio 12: East Indies station, boundaries and limits. Folio 13: Cape of Good Hope station, boundaries and limits. Folio 14: Defended ports (Hong Kong and Singapore), extracts from Admialty Manual of War Organization, 1914. Folio 15: Blank. Folio 16: Telegram from Commander-in-Chief Wei-hai-wei to Admiralty, 4 July 1914 HMS Newcastle leaves today for Hakodate. From Commodore, Hong Kong to Admiralty 21 July HMS Clio arrived. From Commander-in-Chief, China 21st July HMS Minotaur, HMS Hampshire, HMS Yarmouth, HMS Welland, HMS Colne, HMS Usk, HMS Kennet, HMS Ribble arrived Weihaiwei. Folio 17: Telegram from Admiralty to Commander-in-Chief, East Indies Bombay 21 July 1914 German Geier [gunboat] visits Singapore 26 July to 3 Augus. Folio 18: History Section Precis, (paper M 01161/14) ; 1st S.L. [First Sea Lord of the Admiralty, Prince Louis of Battenburg] Manning of the two mercantile cruisers on China Station must be considered. Will it be advisable to ask Australian Government to supply ratings? 24th June 1914; D.O.D.[Director of Operations Division Admiralty, Rear Admiral A.C.Leveson]. It will be advisable to man them at Hong Kong if possible 3rd July 1914; D.M.D.- Suggest asking Commander-in-Chief, China to report as to possibility of manning from small craft and R.N.R. [Royal Naval Reserve]and R.F.R. [Royal Fleet Reserve] on the station. 11th July 1914; C.O.S. [Chief of War Staff Admiralty, Vice Admiral Sir F.C.D.Sturdee]-To depend on Australian Navy is to imperil our trade early in the war. Concur with D.M.D.14th July 1914. 1st Sea Lord Approved; Draft letter from Admiralty to Commander-in-Chief, China. Can provision be made to man 2 mercantile cruisers from sloops placed in reserve on the outbreak of war and Reservists on the station. (Note. Apparently no action taken). Folio 19: Telegram from Admiralty to Commander-in-Chief, China 27th July 1914 precautionary telegram re outbreak of war and dispositions of HM ships. Folio 20: Telegram from Admiralty to Commander-in-Chief, China 28th July 1914 be prepared to take up four vessels to be armed with the four sets of 4.7 guns at Hong Kong. Folio 21: Telegram from Admiralty to China, Hong Kong and Wei-hai-wei 27th July 1914 act on War Standing Orders Articles 2-4. Folio 22: handwritten letter from First Sea Lord, Prince Louis of Battenburg to First Lord of the Admiralty, Winston Spencer Churchill 28th July 1914 must bring up HMS Triumph to full numbers, paying off 3 smaller of 5 sloops and 7 out of 10 river gunboats. Handwritten note on this telegram from Winston Churchill Secretary, please arrange this privately with Sir A Nicholson [Permanent Under Secretary, Foreign Office]. Folio 24: letter from Sir Arthur Nicholson, Foreign Office 28th July 1914 agree to proposal to bring up China squadron to war level and reduce number of river boats. Folio 25: Telegram from HMS Newcastle, Nagasaki to Admiralty 29th July 1914 leave Nagasaki today. Folios 30-31: Telegram from Admiralty to Commander-in-Chief, Wei-hai-wei, China 30th July 1914 concentrate at Hong Kong. Lay up at Hong Kong HMS Triumph, HMS Alacrity, HMS Bramble, HMS Britomart, HMS Thistle and 7 gunboats; crews turning over to HMS Triumph completing her with natives. HMS Clio and HMS Cadmus for action against German sloops. Report arrangements with French. Folio 32: Telegram from Commander-in-Chief, China to Admiralty 30th July 1914 HMS Minotaur, HMS Hampshire and 4 tbds [torpedo boat destroyers] leave Wei-hai-wei 4pm today. HMS Newcastle joins at sea tomorrow. One destroyer remains at Wei-hai-wei for war telegram. HMS Yarmouth arrived Shanghai 11pm tonight. I am sailing for rendezvous north of Saddle Island, my proposed base. Hope to prevent Hay [probably Gneisenau] and Scharnhorst [German cruisers] from south and Marco Polo [Italian cruiser] from Japan reaching Tsingtau. Kaiserin Elizabeth [Austro-Hungarian cruiser], Emden [German light cruiser] and small craft are at Tsing Tau now. Folio 34: Telegram from Commander-in-Chief, Wei-hai-wei to Admiralty 30th July 1914 I am cancelling paying off HMS Cadmus and HMS Clio. Commodore H.K. [Hong Kong] hopes to have HMS Triumph ready in 10 days but without HMS Cadmus and HMS Clio will be short of crew; doubtful whether natives will serve. Montcalm [French cruiser] in South Seas, Dupleix [French cruiser]on passage to Nagasaki from Hakodate. No instructions as yet to cooperate. Folio 36: Telegram from HMS Merlin, Labuan to Admiralty 31st July 1914 leave today for Hong Kong. Folio 37: Telegram from HMS Cadmus, Shanghai to Admiralty 31st July 1914 HMS Yarmouth, HMS Thistle arrived. From S.N.O. [Senior Naval Officer] Shanghai to Admiralty 1st August 1914 HMS Cadmus, HMS Bramble, HMS Thistle leave here today for Hong Kong. From Shimonoseki 31st July 1914 German Senegambia, merchant vessel arrived. German Yorck merchant vessel passed for Kobe. Folio 39: Telegram from Admiralty to Commander-in-Chief, Wei-hai-wei 31st July 1914 delay any definite action as to cooperation. Signed FCD Sturdee. Folio 40: Telegram from Admiralty to Commander-in-Chief, East Indies 31st July 1914 order one of the three sloops to Colombo ready to move to Singapore if crew are wanted for HMS Triumph. Folio 41: Telegram from Admiralty to Commodore, Hong Kong 31st July 1914 referring to submission of N.O.O. 27th May suspend issue of 4.7 inch ammunition to Army. Also with reference to Admiralty letter of 31st January suspend emptying 4.7 inch shells. Folio 42: Telegram from Shanghai to War Room 31st July 1914 German Prinzeitel Friedrich merchant vessel arrived. Scharnhorst [German cruiser] sailed. Folio 43: Telegram from Commodore, Hong Kong to Admiralty 1st August 1914 Canadian Pacific Railway Empress of Asia in port. I have detained her provisionally. Shall she be fitted as armed merchant cruiser. Reply approved. Telegram from Commodore, Hong Kong to Admiralty 1st August 1914 vessels taken up as colliers Jardine Mathieson steamers Onsang and Swanley. Folio 44: Telegram from Naval Intelligence Officer, Singapore to Admiralty 1st August 1914 HMS Comet reported within easy working range of wireless station Port Moresby. Yap trying hard to communicate with Scharnhorst [German cruiser]. From Canton to Admiralty 1st August 1914 Tsingtau [German vessel] arrived. Barry [American vessel] arrived. Jaguar [German vessel] left. Prinz Eitel Friedrich [German merchant vessel] left southward. Geier [German gunboat]. Ferdinand Laeisz {German merchant vessel] arrived. Folio 45: Telegram from Sir Edward Grey to Sir C Greene, Tokyo August 1st 1914 not likely to call on Japan for assistance under our Alliance. Folio 47: Telegram from Singapore [N.I.O?] to Admiralty 2nd August 1914 Berlin is addressing Planet [German surveying vessel] through Port Moresby wireless station. Folio 48: Telegram from Commander-in-Chief, Shanghai to Admiralty 2nd August 1914 HMS Minotaur, HMS Hampshire and 4 destroyers off mouth of the Yangtse. Folio 50: Telegram from Admiralty to Navy, Colombo 2nd August 1914 Nubia due Hong Kong 20th August conveying 140 tons of Government stores left Aden 20th July. Folio 51: Telegram from Admiralty to Commander-in-Chief, China 2nd August 1914 Naval Reserves mobilised. Folio 54: Telegram from Amoy to Admiralty 2nd August 1914 HMS Newcastle arrived.

ADM 137/11/7 · Pièce · 1914
Fait partie de The National Archives

Folio 352: Telegram from Elliston, Shanghai to Central News, New Bridge Street, London 21st August 1914.Chinese robbers prevented British steamer Changon discharging cargo. Tungchow brought Shanghai women and children and all Japanese who have left Tsingtau. Bombardment expected commence Sunday noon. Folio 357: Telegram from British Consul-General Bangkok to Admiralty 21st August 1914. My telegram of 5th August German steamer Trautenfels has quitted Kohsichang and is now lying in Bangkok river. Folio 361: Telegram from Commander-in-Chief, Hong Kong 22nd August 1914. German ship Senegambia captured by HMS Triumph 21st August am 120 miles South-east of Tsingtau, outward bound from there with 4,000 tons coal and 100 cattle. From Amoy to Admiralty 22nd August 1914. German merchant vessel Longwei just arrived. Folio 362: Telegram from Marine, Paris to Admiralty 22nd August 1914.Russian cruiser at Vladivostock had orders to join Allied Squadron on 20th August. Folio 363: Telegram from Foreign Office to Sir C Greene, Tokyo 22nd August 1914.the British Force to co-operate with the Japanese is to consist of one battalion of British infantry only. [Colonel Acting Brigadier]Barnardiston will be in command under control of Japanese Commander and act in co-operation with him. Folio 367: Telegram from Chefoo to Admiralty 23rd August 1914. Kari arrived 10am left 11 for Wei-hai-wei. Folio 371: Telegram from Admiralty to Commander-in-Chief, China 23rd August 1914.Japan has declared war. How is China squadron disposed? Proceed for destruction of [German cruisers] Scharnhorst and Gneisenau as soon as possible with HMS Minotaur, HMS Hampshire and Dupleix [French cruiser] keeping on touch with [HMAS] Australia and Montcalm [French cruiser]who are doing the same, at present searching Samoa. What are you doing with Russian cruisers? Folio 372: handwritten letter from Winston Churchill to Secretary, First Sea Lord [Prince Louis of Battenberg] and Chief of War Staff Admiralty Vice-Admiral Sir FCD Sturdee 24th August 1914 relating to above telegram. Recommends that Vice Admiral Sir Thomas Jerram (HMS Minotaur) should firstly escort Australian expeditions to Pellew Island, Yap etc. Handwritten reply on back of letter. Folio 373: Telegram from British Consul Manila to Admiralty 24th August 1914.German ship Princess Alice has returned Zamboanga. Folio 374: Telegram from Intelligence Officer, Singapore to Admiralty 24th August 1914.Empress of Asia[armed merchant cruiser] arrived 2pm leaving today 5pm continuing patrol. D’Iberville [French torpedo vessel] arrived. Folio 375: Telegram from Senior Naval Officer, Wei-hai-wei to Admiralty 24th August 1914, report of casualties on board HMS Kennet. 3 killed, 3 severely wounded, 4 slightly wounded. Killed: Petty officer David Jones 183045, Able seamen John James Ryan SS3609,John Armstrong J3996. Severely wounded Able Seamen Amos Arthur Banton J5016, Albert Edward Lane 211520, Stoker Alfred Shute K8282. Slightly injured Chief Stoker Allan Thomas Thurston 2848846, Able Seamen Thomas John Alderman J5475, Stoker George East K7444, William Ambrose Bryant K8302. Folios 377-378: Telegram from Commander-in-Chief, China to Admiralty 24th August 1914.HMS Minotaur coaling Hong Kong.HMS Hampshire arrives Hong Kong 25th August. Dupleix [French cruiser] HMS Yarmouth, HMS Cadmus and four destroyers on passage from North to Hong Kong. HMS Clio following. HMS Triumph and one destroyer escorting troops from Taku and co-operating with Japanese. HMS Himalaya east of Japan, HMS Empress of Asia patrolling Hong Kong to Singapore. HMS Empress of Russia fitting at Hong Kong, ready 28th August. Japanese will probably give me [Japanese cruisers] Ibuki and Chikuma. [Russian cruisers] Askold and Zhemchug coming to Hong Kong. From charts and mails captured it is believed [German cruisers] Scharnhorst, Gneisenau, Nurnberg, Emden, Luchs making for Sumatra. I Sail for Singapore with HMS Minotaur and HMS Hampshire tomorrow followed by [French cruiser] Dupleix and HMS Yarmouth when ready and also Japanese ships. Shall ask [Russian cruiser]Askold to examine Mariana Group and employ [Russian cruiser] Zhemchug Hong Kong to Southward. Marshalls should be examined by Australian Squadron before taking expedition to Rabaul. Am doing this myself for fear of Germans getting on trade routes. HMS Cadmus,HMS Clio and 5 destroyers will work south. On August 22nd HMS Kennet chasing [German torpedo boat] S90 got hit by battery at Tsingtau, ship not materially damaged. Handwritten note on telegram from Admiral Sir H B Jackson 25th August 1914.suggest Commander-in-Chief be not interfered with. Folio 380: Telegram from Admiralty to Senior Naval Officer, Wei Hai Wei 24th August 1914, report as to action in which HMS Kennet took part. Folio 381: Telegram from Sir C Greene, Tokyo 24th August 1914.Austrians have asked Japanese to allow [Austrian cruiser] Kaiserin Elisabeth safety to Shanghai to be disarmed there. Naval Attache informs me ship is old and of no value as a prize. History Section Precis. M no number. Folio 382: History Section Precis. M no number. d: D.O.D. [Director of Operations Division Admiralty, Rear Admiral A C Leveson] 24th August 1914. In these days of minelaying every vessel that can carry a gun is of value. M no number. Folios 383-384: Telegram from Sir C Greene, Tokyo to Foreign Office 24th August 1914. Commander-in-Chief says Japanese will protect trade North of Hong Kong. HMS Yarmouth and destroyers escort troops from Tientsin to landing place and then return south. HMS Triumph will escort troops from Hong Kong to landing place and then remain to co-operate. HMS Minotaur, HMS Yarmouth and two promised Japanese cruisers with Russian cruisers to hunt down German men-of-war and armed merchant cruisers. Remainder of British and French ships protect trade Hong Kong to Singapore. Folio 387: Telegram from Commander-in-Chief, China to Admiralty 25th August 1914. German merchant ships Frisia, Paklet, Hannametal captured outside Tsingtau 21st August. German ship possibly Titania captured by [Japanese ship] Oboro outside Tsingtau 21st August, cargo 4,000 tons of coal. 16? German officers on board. All being sent to Hong Kong. Folio 388: Telegram from Shanghai to Admiralty 25th August 1914. [Russian cruisers]Askold, Zhemchug left Vladivostock. [Japanese cruisers]Tsushima, Uji, Yodo, Sagi and transport Matsuye left Shanghai. Fushimi, Sumida, Toba are dismantled at Shanghai. Cincinnati arrives Shanghai. Folio 389: Telegram from Shanghai to Admiralty 25th August 1914.ships at Tsingtau 24th August. [German gunboats] Luchs, Hyane (sic), Jaguar, [German armed merchant cruiser] Cormoran, [German gunboat] Tiger, [Austrian cruiser]Kaiserin Elisabeth all dismantled except Jaguar, also [German torpedo boat] S90, Taku and 3 German m.v. [motor vessels]. Thought near Tsingtau [German cruiser] Emden, Prince Eitel Friedrich, 3 colliers and [German cruisers] Scharnhorst and Gneisenau, last two doubtful. Folio 390: Telegram from Intelligence Officer Singapore to Admiralty 25th August 1914.[French destroyers]Pistolet,Friant [handwritten note on telegram from Historical Section 6th April 1916.probably coding error for Fronde] arrived 12 noon today. Folio 391: Telegram from Sir C Greene Tokyo to Foreign Office 25th August 1914. Naval Attache [Captain the Honourable H Brand] left today to join [Japanese cruiser]Iwate Flagship of 2nd Squadron [Vice Admiral S Tochinai]. Folio 392: Telegram from Commodore, Hong Kong to Admiralty 25th August 1914. Commander-in-Chief, HMS Minotaur, HMS Hampshire sailed [for Singapore]. Folio 393: Telegram from Foreign Office to Sir C Greene, Tokyo 25th August 1914. Relating to Austrian cruiser Kaiserin Elisabeth and terms stipulated if she should go to a neutral port.