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Missionary Conferences in Namaland: Protocols
RMG 2.623 · Akt(e) · 1876-1884
Teil von Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Station reports, cover letters, circulars; Liturgy on Sundays and holidays (in Dutch), 1876; Petition (copy) by Jan Jonker African to the English Governor of Windhoek, reply by the English Office, 1880; Conference letter to Captain Kamaharero because of his advance to Windhoek, 1880; Report by Hermann Carl Ludwig Hegner on "Sermon Journey to Windhoek". Veldschoendragers" (Hawoben), 1884; Presentation by Tobias Fenchel on private confession before the Lord's Supper, 1884; Concepts of Deputation's reply to the conference, 1884 1885

Rheinische Missionsgesellschaft
Missionary Conferences in Namaland: Protocols
RMG 2.625 · Akt(e) · 1894-1902
Teil von Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Reply by the deputation; Carl Ritter to Friedrich Eich for famine and food supply, 1896; Memorandum by Richard Möller and Otto Simon on the state of health of Friedrich Eich Namamission, 31 p., hs., 1902; Answer of the other missionaries to this memorandum, 28 p. hs., 1902; Short reply by Otto Simon and Richard Möller, 1902

Rheinische Missionsgesellschaft
Schroeder, Frederick William (1870-?)
RMG 1.638 · Akt(e) · 1891-1910
Teil von Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

1895-1899 in Berseba, Gibeon; Letters, reports, accusations and justifications, 1891 1896-1900; copy of the Proclamation of the Majors Leutwein after the Peace Agreement with Captain Hendrik Witbooi, Nauwkluft, 16.09.1894; On the ruins of Gibeon, d. Sitz d. Hottentotten chief Hendrik Witbooi, report by Friedrich Wilhelm Schroeder, 1896; Paul Albath, report on the e. mediation attempt between Friedrich Wilhelm Schroeder and von Burgsdorff, district governor, 1897; circular of deputation to d. Conference of Warmbad, 1898; contents of the files of Burgsdorff/Friedrich Wilhelm Schroeder for insult, 1898; Major Leutwein to inspector for dismissal of Friedrich Wilhelm Schroeder, 1898; Hendrik Witbooi jun. to RMG, asks Friedrich Wilhelm Schroeders Bleiben, 1898; Paul Albath, Report on Friedrich Wilhelm Schroeders Behavior, 1899; Circular of Deputation to the Communities in Klein-Namaland: Steinkopf, Concordia & Kommaggas, 1899; Witness Invitation for Inspector Eduard Wilhelm Kriele in the Schroeder/ Schroeder Trial, 1910;

Rheinische Missionsgesellschaft