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Archival description
BArch, N 559 · Fonds · 1881-1949
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

History of the Inventory Designer: General of the Infantry Berthold von Deimling Life data 21.03.1853 in Karlsruhe 03.02.1944 in Baden-Baden Career 1873 Promotion to Lieutenant Seconde 1875 Change to Infantry Regiment "Duke of Holstein" (Holsteinic) No. 85 (Rendsburg) 1880 promotion to lieutenant 1879 to 1882 Kriegsakademie Berlin 1882 officer in infantry regiment no. 85 1886 transfer to the Großer Generalstab (railway department) 1888 captain 1891 general staff officer in the 1st division in Königsberg 1893 major 1895 in the general staff of the XVI. Army Corps 1898 Battalion Commander in the infantry regiment "Prince Wilhelm" (4th Baden) No. 112 in Mulhouse (Sundgau) 1900 Lieutenant Colonel and transfer to the Great General Staff (Chief of Operations Division II) 1903 Colonel and Commander of the infantry regiment No. 112 in Mulhouse 1904 Commander of the 2nd Army Commandant of the German Army (Battalion) No. 112 in Mulhouse (Sundgau) 1903 Colonel and Commander of the infantry regiment No. 112 in Mulhouse 1904 Commander of the 2nd Army Command No. 112 in Mulhouse (Sundgau) 1904 Commander of the infantry regiment No. 112 in Mulhouse (Sundgau) 1900 Lieutenant Colon and Commander of the infantry regiment No. 112 in Mulhouse 1903 Commander of the infantry Regiment No. 112 in Mulhouse 1904 Field Regiment 1905 deputy of the commander-in-chief for the southern region 1905 elevation to hereditary nobility 1906 commander of the Schutztruppe in southwest Africa 1907 major general 1908 return and commander of the Infanterie-Brigade 58 (Mühlhausen) 1910 lieutenant-general and appointment as commander of the 29. Division in Freiburg i. Br. 1913 General of the Infantry and Commanding General of the XV Army Corps (Strasbourg) 1914 War operation in southern Alsace, on the Aisne, off Ypres in Flanders, off Verdun (XV. Army Corps) 1916 Awarded the Pour le Merite (capture of the Fort Vaux) 1916 Assignment to the Somme 1916 Transfer to the Section Commander of the Army Division B (Vosges) 1917 Farewell with simultaneous appointment as Chief of the 1st Under Alsatian Infantry Regiment No. 132. Description of the stock: The stock contains life memories, anda. on his activities as commander of the Schutztruppe in South West Africa (1906-1907), the 58th Infantry Brigade in Mulhouse/Alsace (1907-1910) and the 29th Division in Freiburg (1910-1913) and as commander general of the XVth Army Corps in the 2nd Infantry Army Corps in the United Kingdom. Feldartillerieregiments in Südwestafrika 1904-1906 (Herero- und Hottentottenaufständen); further documents from the period of service in Südwestafrika as well as from the 1st World War; correspondence with Ludendorf and Hindenburg as well as from the time after retirement; further newspaper articles and pictorial material. References to other holdings R 1001 Reichskolonialamt (Online-Findmittel) R 1002 Authorities of the former protectorate Deutsch-Südwestafrika (Online-Findmittel) N 14 Ludwig Boell estate N 38 Arnold Lequis estate N 103 Paul von Lettow-Vorbeck estate NL 30 Viktor Franke citation: BArch, N 559/...

Deimling, Berthold von
BArch, NS 19/1541 · File · 1941-1944
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains: Political situation in Belgium (Report of the radio expert of the Wehrmacht-Propaganda-Staffel Belgien or the head of the Belgian radio, Gunzer, of 17 March 1941, 1941 Contains: "Großbelgische" Anstrenbungen des Wallonenführer Léon Degrelle, 1941 Contains: Description of the achievements of Belgium for the German war economy and warfare as of Jan. 1942 (only forwarding, report missing), 1942 Contains: Political and folk-political problems in Belgium (above all correspondence between the chief of military administration, Reeder, and the envoy of Bargen), 1942 Contains: Political Status Report of the National Group Leader of the Foreign Organization in Belgium (correspondence only), 1942-1943 Contains: Burg peace between the Vlaamsch Nationaal Verbond (VNV) and the Deutsch-Flämischen Arbeitsgemeinschaft (Devlag) as well as foundation of a Walloon SS, 1943 Contains: Number of SS volunteers from Brussels and Antwerp and commitment of district and local group leaders by Devlag (Bergers report), 1943 Includes: Political Attitude of the Church in Belgium, 1943 Contains: Deployment of Land residents in direct Wehrmacht service, 1943 Includes: Flemish Guard Department - Political endeavours of the head of the UNV, Dr. Elias, in particular regarding the creation of a national army, 1943 Contains: Appointment of a higher SS and police leader for Belgium and assignment of the SS group leader Jungclaus to carry out the duties of a general commissioner for security, 1943-1944 Includes: Mood reports of the Propaganda Department Belgium for the period Sept. - Dec. 1943, Feb. - Apr. 1944, 1943-1944 Contains: Work assignment in Belgium, 1943-1944 Contains: Minutes of the meeting of J.R. Koch, head of the national group of the foreign organization in Belgium, about a conversation with van de Wiele, head of the Devlag, especially about Degrelle and his political ambitions, 1944 Contained: Status reports of the Chief of Armament for Belgium and Northern France (correspondence only), 1944 Contains: Short report of the Chief of Military Administration Reeder (only correspondence), 1944 Contains: Germanic SS in Flanders, 1944, herein containing foundation of the Flanders Corps: Relationship between the Reichskommissariat and SS Offices, 1944 Contains: "Führer Decree" on the Establishment of a Civil Administration in the Occupied Territories of Belgium and Northern France of 13 July 1944, July - Aug. 1944, including the appointment of a Civil Commissioner for Belgium and Northern France, 1944 Contains: Establishment of a Belgian Legion for Africa - Transmission of two reports from the Colonial Political Office (KPA) office of the military commander Belgium-Northern France by the Chief of Staff of the KPA, Corvette Captain Wenig, June 1942

BArch, RM 5/903 · File · Mai-Juni 1916
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Plan of an advance of the fleet against Sunderland and the Tyne estuary, 20.5.1916 Temporary deployment of a torpedo boat flotilla of the Hochseestreitkträfte to Flanders, 20.5.1916 "Explanation of the English mine network blockade", 22.5.1916 Repeated deployment of an auxiliary steamer to German East Africa. 27.5.1916 Losses of the German merchant shipping by submarines, 21.5.1916 naval battle in front of the Skagerrak on 21.5.1916, 3./4.6.1916 Listing "Losses of the Imperial Navy in the naval battle in front of the Skagerrak on 31 May and 1 June 1916", 10.6.1916

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, M 660/300 · Fonds · 1883-1951
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

1 On the biography of Karl Sauter: Karl Sauter was born on 16 May 1870 in Stuttgart as the son of the later director of construction Karl von Sauter. His mother Maria Sauter, née Breimeier, died eight days after his birth. Karl Sauter subsequently grew up with his maternal grandparents in Dettingen/Urach before moving to Stuttgart at the age of six to live with his father, who had remarried in the meantime. After attending a boarding school, Sauter embarked on a military career. In 1885 he joined the cadet corps in Oranienstein and in 1886 the main cadet school in Groß-Lichterfelde. In the years from 1889 to 1900 Sauter served as a lieutenant secretary and prime lieutenant in the Infantry Regiment No. 120. In October 1900 he was commanded to the Great General Staff, where he received a captain's post in 1903. Sauter returned to Württemberg in March 1904. He took over a company of the Grenadier Regiment No. 123. In 1909 Sauter became general staff officer of the 27th Infantry Division. After his promotion to Major (1910) and a one-year activity at the Large General Staff (1911/12), he was transferred to the Fusililier Regiment No. 122 (1912). During the First World War, Sauter worked from October 1914 to June 1915 as First General Staff Officer in the XXVI Reserve Corps. From July 1915 he commanded the newly established Reserve Infantry Regiment No. 122, and from June 1916 he served as Chief of the General Staff of the 26th Reserve Corps. During the first three years of the war, Sauter was deployed mainly in Flanders (including Poelkapelle and Langemarck), Lorraine (including St. Julien and Longwy), the Champagne (including Reims) and the Somme. In February 1915 he was appointed lieutenant colonel. From September 1917 until the end of the war, Sauter served as Chief of the General Staff of the Government of Antwerp. After the end of the war Karl Sauter was stationed 1919 as liaison officer of the Württemberg War Ministry at the OHL in Kolberg. In 1920 he retired from military service; at the same time he was given the character of a major general. Subsequently, Sauter reoriented himself professionally and began a career as a businessman. Sauter wrote numerous (lecture) manuscripts on topics of time and defence policy during his military service, but above all after his departure from the army. The texts express his closeness to National Socialist ideology. Sauter was, among other things, a member of the NS Volkswohlfahrt. After the end of the Second World War, Sauter had to answer for himself in a denazification case in Stuttgart, where he travelled extensively to numerous European and non-European countries for several decades. Sauter died on 11 March 1959. 2. On the military estate of Karl Sauter: The holdings were transferred to the Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart in August 1959. The records were undeveloped so far. They were arranged and listed by archive trainee Dr. Christine Axer under the guidance of Dr. Wolfgang Mährle in December 2010. The military estate of Karl Sauter comprises 1 linear meter. Sauter's memoirs "From my time and for the understanding of the history of my time", which are handed down in the estate and partly kept in the form of a diary, cover a period of more than sixty years. They provide information about the military career of their author as well as about the numerous journeys he made to almost all continents. The memoirs are supplemented by a comprehensive collection of material and a series of unpublished manuscripts by Sauter, in which - politically colored - he deals on the one hand with (military) political and historical questions, and on the other hand also reflects on human existence. The collection also contains numerous postcards, maps and photographs. The latter in particular reveal an unvarnished view of the First World War and its horrors. 3. references: - HStAS, M 430/2 Bü 1786, Sauter, Karl (military personnel file);- HStAS, M 707 No. 1286, Sauter, Karl (14 photographs);- StAL, EL 902/20 Bü 61623 Heimatspruchkammern Spruchkammer 37 - Stuttgart: Procedural files: Sauter, Karl.Stuttgart, December 2010Dr. Wolfgang MährleDr. Christine Axer

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, M 660/037 · Fonds · 1914-1979
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

Preliminary remark: Karl Ludwig Eugen Schall (born on 25 November 1885), died on 30 January 1980) joined the Grenadier Regiment of Queen Olga (1st Württembergische) No. 119 in 1904 as a junior flag officer, reached the rank of lieutenant general there until World War I, after the outbreak of the war took part as company officer in the battles of the regiment on the West and East Front and was wounded twice. From 1915 Schall worked as a captain and general staff officer, often occupying changing general staff positions at General Command XIII Army Corps, at the 26th Infantry Division, the 14th Infantry Division, General Command V, and at the General Command of the German Armed Forces. Army Corps, 18th Reserve Division, General Command IV Reserve Corps and 10th Reserve Corps. He participated in the fights in Flanders, in the Somme, in the Champagne, in the Ardennes and Argonne, in the Meuse and near Verdun until his demobilisation in 1918. He was mainly concerned with strength and loss reports, interrogation of prisoners, evaluation of aerial photographs, mapping, position building and pioneer questions. From 1933 he again held several changing positions in the General Staff of the V. Army Corps as a Major, in 1939 was Commander of the Stuttgart II Military District as Lieutenant Colonel, from 1940 as Lieutenant Colonel, later as Colonel General Staff Officer in the 554th Army Corps. Infantry Division, with the Army Group A, with the Commander-in-Chief in Serbia, then Chief of the Field Commandantur 747 in Nîmes and was last transferred in 1944 against his own wishes as a war history teacher to the Kriegsakademie. As a pensioner Schall still studied archaeology in Tübingen until his doctorate. Further information on Karl Schall's life can be found in a handwritten curriculum vitae in Bü. 182, in the diaries in Bü. 181 and in the personal file in stock M 430/2, Bü. 1804 with information on his military career until 1919.Parts of the estate of Karl Schall, above all written material from his military service and extensive collections, were offered to the Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart by his son Brigadegeneral a.D. Wolfgang Schall in March 1980 and, after an initial inspection at the estate's premises in April 1980, were handed over to the library of the Hauptstaatsarchiv and the archival records in Department IV (Military Archives) have since formed the M 660 estate of Karl Schall. Since the estate of Karl Schall got into complete disarray and no pre-archival classification scheme was recognizable, it was necessary to develop a classification scheme after the indexing, which should do justice to the multi-layered structures and most different documentation forms, particularly since in the Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart no uniform classification scheme for estates finds application. The documents from the officers' activities, correspondence and personal papers, which besides their general historical significance have a close personal connection to the deceased, were clearly separated from the multi-layered collections. The structure of the documents from the officer's activity reflects the military career of Schall. These are mostly personal copies of official documents in the form of hectographies, prints and other copies, as well as drafts and private documents. A document, which had been taken from the business transactions of the office, was reintegrated into the relevant holdings of the military unit in the Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart. There is a reference in this repertory. The private correspondence was sorted according to correspondent groups and correspondents. Posters and wall attacks, military maps and non-military maps were incorporated into the corresponding collections of the Main State Archives J 151, M 640 and M 650 mainly for conservation reasons. Nevertheless, these pieces have also been incorporated into the present repertory in the form of references, whereby the ordering scheme of the map holdings M 640 for military maps and M 65 0 for non-military maps has been adopted. Maps which have a recognisable connection to documents in Part A have been left there or reunited and have also been incorporated into the collections of the estate as references. For the collection of newspaper clippings, individual newspapers, printed publications and manuscripts from the fields of history, contemporary history, politics, religion, language, literature, science and technology, it seemed necessary to develop as finely structured a classification scheme as possible, since this collection, with approx. 500 numbers, represents the largest part of the collection and was previously only divided into the categories1. Military, 2nd Politics and Contemporary History, 3rd Science and within these categories only chronologically ordered, which made the chronological classification of the frequently undated newspaper clippings possible. It seemed appropriate to make the very multi-layered estate accessible by means of as comprehensive a list of subjects, places and persons as possible. Only a few small map sections from maps that are already available, sketches and notes that seemed to be no longer comprehensible individually and were not in any recognizable connection to other documents, file folders and packaging material were collected. The estate of Karl Schall contains above all informative material about the type of warfare in the First World War. Of particular importance is also the material on non-Württemberg units, most of whose records were destroyed in a bombing raid on Potsdam in April 1945. The drawings on the maps from World War I provide extensive information on the course of the front, combat directions, troop movements, position building and destruction in the front areas and thus complement the M 640 map holdings well. Also noteworthy is the extensive written material on the trials before the military tribunal in Nuremberg against the generals Curt Ritter von Geitner, Hubert Lanz, Karl von Roques and Eugen Wössner, which contains excerpts from the indictments and defence material. In the collections the history of the 20th century up to the 70s is reflected in an astonishingly comprehensive and descriptive way. The collection is not subject to any restrictions of use. In January and February 1984, the M 660 estate of Karl Schall was listed and arranged by Markus Baudisch, a candidate archive inspector, as a rehearsal work in the context of the state examination for the upper archive service and comprises 697 books in 1.55 metres.

Propaganda Reports: Vol. 4
BArch, RM 8/1529 · File · 1. März - 16. Apr. 1941
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains: Marine War Reporter Company North: War Reporter Walter Melms, "Räumboote auf Kriegsmarsch", Feb 17, 1941; Marine War Reporter Company North: War Reporter Walter Melms, "Wir räumen englische Minen", Feb 17, 1941. 1941; Marine War Reporter Company North: War Reporter Walter Melms, "From Montevideo to an M-Boat", Feb 17, 1941; Marine War Reporter Company North: War Reporter Walter Melms, "Minensucher Shoot Down a Torpedo Airplane", Feb 17, 1941; Marine War Reporter Company North: War Reporter Walter Melms, "Minensucher Shoot Down a Torpedo Aircraft", Feb 17, 1941. Feb. 1941; Navy War Reporter Company North: War Reporter Walter Melms, "Feuererlaubnis - Gerät schlippen!", Feb. 16, 1941; Navy War Reporter Company North: War Reporter Walter Melms, "9 o'clock: ready for sea", Feb. 17, 1941; Navy War Reporter Company North: War Reporter Walter Melms, "9 o'clock: ready for sea", Feb. 17, 1941 1941; Marine War Reporter Company North: War Reporter Kurt Pieper, "Twenty-five shots in front of the bow (Surprising Overhaul of Norwegian Coastal Navigation - Frivolous Passenger Ship Captains)", Feb. 21, 1941. 1941; Marine-Kriegsberichterabteilung West, 5th platoon Le Havre: War correspondent Josef Vidua, "Stützpunkte des neuen Europa (Streiflichter aus einem Hafen an der Kanalfront - Es wird wieder gearbeitet)", 24th Febr. 1941; Marine-Kriegsberichterkompanie Nord, Aarhus: Sonderführer (M. A.) Karl Eschenburg, "Kriegswache an den Minensperren", Feb 24, 1941; Marine-Kriegsberichterabteilung West, 1st Platoon: Kriegsberichter W. I. Rempel, "Seamen und Stoßtruppler", Feb 18, 1941; Kriegsberichter W. I. Rempel, "Seamen und Stoßtruppler", 1941; Marine-Kriegsberichterabteilung West, 1st Platoon: Kriegsberichter W. I. Rempel, "Seamen und Stoßtruppler", 18th Febr. 1941; Marine-Kriegsberichterabteilung West, 1st platoon: Kriegsberichter Eberhard Hübner, "Antje hat's ihnen angean", 26th Febr. 1941; Marine-Kriegsberichterabteilung West, 2nd Company, 4th platoon Belgium: Kriegsberichter Marine-Artillerist Hugo Bürger, "Blasenbahn hinterbord voraus", Im Febr. 1941; Naval War Reporter Company North, 1st Platoon Aarhus: War Reporter Otto Pautz, "Ihr Ballett tanzte für unsere Soldaten in Dänemark", Feb. 22, 1941; Naval War Reporter Division West, 3rd Platoon Aarhus; Naval War Reporter Division West, Feb. 3, 1941. Zug Channel Coast: Wortberichter Hans Weissert, "'Greetings and Thanks' to the former allies' (English bombs on French houses), Feb 24, 1941; Marine War Reporter Company North: War Reporter Kurt Pieper, "English guns against England", 22nd century. Feb. 1941; Navy War Reporters Department West, 3rd Zug Canal Coast: Wortberichter Hans Weissert, "A Race through the Canal", Feb. 19, 1941; Navy War Reporters Department West, 2nd Company 4. Zug Belgium: Kriegsberichter Leisegang, "Das sind unsere blauen Jungs", Im Febr. 1941 oder 26. Febr. 1941; Marine-Kriegsberichterkompanie Nord: Kriegsberichter Martin Jente, "Schnellboot crackt zwei Britenfrachter", 20. Febr. 1941; Marine-Kriegsberichterkompanie West, 2. Zug: War reporter Hans Dietrich, "Blaue Jungen erleben Land und Leute der Bretagne", Feb. 19, 1941; Naval War Reporter Department West, 2nd Zug: War reporter Hans Dietrich, "Lachsalven an der Atlantikküste" (German Navy visits a front theatre), 17th Feb., 1941. Feb. 1941; Naval War Reporters Division West, 2nd Platoon, 4th Platoon Belgium: Naval artillerist Bürger, "Es pfeift in Leinen und Antennen" (In Wind und See mit "M." in den Atlantik), Im Febr. 1941 oder 27. Febr. 1941; Marine-Kriegsberichterabteilung West, 2nd platoon: Kriegsberichter Fritz Nonnenbruch, "Die Bordflieger", Febr. 27, 1941; Marine-Kriegsberichterabteilung West, 2nd company, 4th platoon Belgium: Kriegsberichter Leisegang, "In der Funkbude eines Schnellboots", Im Febr. 1941 or 1 March 1941; Navy War Reporter Company North, 1st Platoon Aarhus: War Reporter Marine Artiller Otto Pautz, "Young Ensigns as Medical Students", 6 Feb 1941; Navy War Reporter Company North, 1st Platoon Aarhus; Navy War Reporter Company North, 6 Feb 1941; Navy War Reporter Company North, 1 Platoon Aarhus, 6 Feb 1941; Navy War Reporter Company North, 1 Platoon Aarhus, 1 Platoon Aarhus, 6 Feb 1941; Navy War Reporter Company North, 1 Platoon Aarhus, 1 Platoon Aartiller, 6 Platoon Aar. Zug Aarhus: war correspondent naval artillerist Otto Pautz, "With Remscheid's coat of arms against England", Feb. 5, 1941; naval war correspondent company North, 1st Zug: special leader (Lieutenant M. A.) Karl Eschenburg, "submarine ... all times lucky trip", Feb. 14, 1941; Navy War Reporter Department West, 2nd Platoon: War Reporter Wilhelm Richrath, "Das war so ein Einsatz!", Feb. 15, 1941; Navy War Reporter Department West, 6th Platoon Bordeaux: Photo Reporter Walter Schöppe, "Bordleben" (A day in our navy during a time in port), 16th Platoon: "The Navy War Reporter Department West", "Das war so ein Einsatz! Feb. 1941; Navy War Reporters Department West 2nd Platoon: War Reporter Fritz Nonnenbruch, "78,000 tons of sunken English merchant ship space lie behind us", Feb. 15th 1941; Navy War Reporters Department West, 5th Platoon Le Havre: War Reporter Josef Vidua, "Every Situation Grows: The Spies! Soldier, Administrative Officer and Comrade in One Person", Feb. 23, 1941; Naval War Reporting Department West, 6th Platoon Bordeaux: Sonderführer Leutnant (M. A.) Anton Deininger, "It were hard hours ..." (in German) (Artillery duels of an Italian submarine), mid-Feb 1941 or 3 March 1941; Naval War Reporter Company North: War Reporter Leo de Laforgue, "A British Aircraft Torpedoes Itself", 28 Feb 1941; Naval War Reporter Company North, 1st Platoon Aarhus: War Reporter Lieutenant M. A. Curt E. Schreiber, "On Weather and Weather Makers in the War at Sea", 14 Feb 1941; Naval War Reporter Company North: Leo de Laforgue, "A British Aircraft Torpedoes Itself", 28 Feb 1941; Naval War Reporter Company North, 1st Platoon Aarhus: War Reporter Lieutenant M. A. Curt E. Schreiber, "On Weather and Weather Makers in the War at Sea", 14 Feb 1941. 1941; Navy War Reporter Company North, 1st Platoon Aarhus: War Reporter Sailor Walter Melms, "Was Matrosen lesen", Feb 21, 1941; Navy War Reporter Company North, 1st Platoon Aarhus; Navy War Reporter Company North, 1st Platoon Aarhus, "Was Matrosen lesen", Feb 21, 1941; Navy War Reporter Company North, 1st Platoon Aarhus, "Was Matrosen lesen", 21 Feb 1941. Zug Aarhus: War correspondent Walter Melms, "Danes see new German raw materials", Feb. 24, 1941; 2nd Marine War correspondent company War correspondent Adolf Ried, 3rd Platoon, "Spring in Flanders", March 3, 1941; Navy war correspondent company North, 1st Platoon, Feb. 24, 1941; 3rd Platoon, "Spring in Flanders", March 3, 1941; Navy war correspondent company North, Feb. 1, 1941. Zug Aarhus: Kriegsberichter Walter Melms, "From D e u t s c h - O s t a f r i k a to Kiel" (From English Internment Camp to German Navy), Feb 25, 1941; Marine-Kriegsberichterkompanie 2: Kriegsberichter Hans Biallas, from the 3rd Platoon, "Künder deutscher Seegeltung", Feb 26, 1941; Marine-Kriegsberichterabteilung West, 3rd Platoon Channel Coast: Kriegsberichter Hans Biallas, "Deutsche Seenotbojen unverwüstlich", 25th Platoon, "Deutsche Seenotbojen unverwüstlich", 1941. Feb. 1941; Marine-Kriegsberichterkompanie Nord, 3rd platoon: War correspondent Paul Reymann, "Torpedoboot wieder klar", March 1, 1941; Marine-Kriegsberichterkompanie 2: War correspondent Hans Biallas, 3rd platoon, "Die Tanker sollen nicht vergessen", Feb. 28, 1941; Marine-Kriegsberichterabteilung West II, 3rd platoon Channel coast: War correspondent Hans Weissert, "Can we enter Dover?"Feb. 28, 1941; Marine-Kriegsberichterabteilung West 1. Zug: War Reporter W. I. Rempel, "Nachtgespenster", Feb. 22, 1941; Marine-Kriegsberichterkompanie Nord, 1. Zug Aarhus: War correspondent Walter Melms, "Fliegeralarm, Konservendosen und Matrosenbräute", Feb. 28, 1941; Marine-Kriegsberichterkompanie Nord, 1st Zug Aarhus: War correspondent Otto Pautz, "Bei einer deutschen Seefunkstation", Feb. 27, 1941. 1941; Marine War Reporter Division West 2nd Company, 4th Platoon Belgium: War Reporter Leisegang, "Flanders Spring!", March 1941 or 7th March 1941; Marine War Reporter Division West, 5th Platoon Belgium: War Reporter Leisegang, "Flanders Spring! Zug Le Havre: War correspondent Josef Vidua, "Vorfrühlingsfahrt an der Kanalküste", 3 March 1941; Naval War Reporting Department West, 2nd train: War correspondent Wilhelm Richrath, "So'n Ubootsmutje", Im Febr. 1941 or 7 March 1941; Naval War Reporters Department West, 5th Platoon Le Havre: War Reporters Josef Vidua, "Naval Construction Supervision in French Shipyards", 28 Feb 1941; Naval War Reporters Department West, 2nd Company 3rd Platoon Canal Coast: Word Reporter Hans Weissert, "Finkenwerder Fischer im Dienst der Kriegsmarine", 2 March 1941; Naval War Reporters Company 2: War Reporters Hans Biallas, 3rd Platoon Le Havre: War Reporters Department West, "Naval Construction Supervision in French Shipyards", 28 Feb 1941; Naval War Reporters Department West, 2nd Company 3rd Platoon Canal Coast: Word Reporter Hans Weissert, "Finkenwerder Fischer im Dienst der Kriegsmarine", 2 March 1941; Naval War Reporters Company 2: War Reporters Hans Biallas, 3rd Platoon War Reporters, 3rd Platoon Zug, "Nur die Kartoffelkiste hat sich selbständig gemacht" (Minensuchboote bei grober See), (The boy is called like the whole flotilla), March 1, 1941; Marine-Kriegsberichterkompanie Nord, 1st Zug Aarhus: War Reporter Seaman Walter Melms, "Soldaten im Maschinenraum", February 20, 1941; Marine-Kriegsberichterabteilung West, 4th Zug Belgium: War Reporter WB. Sonderführer (Leutnant M. A.) Kurt Parbel, "One fell where four thousand died", March 16 or March 10, 1941; Marine-Kriegsberichterkompanie 2: Kriegsberichter Hans Biallas, from the 3rd platoon, "Wir fegen die Straßen vor des Tommys Haustür", March 5, 1941; Marine-Kriegsberichterkompanie 2: Kriegsberichter Adolf Ried from the 3rd platoon, "Wir fegen die Straßen vor des Tommys Haustür", March 5, 1941; Marine-Kriegsberichterkompanie 2: Kriegsberichter Adolf Ried from the 3rd platoon, "Wir fegen die Straßen vor des Tommys Haustür", March 5, 1941. Zug, "Die deutsche Wehrmacht steht Sprungbereit", March 4, 1941; Navy War Reports Department West, 1st Zug Cherbourg: War reports Special Leader Lieutenant M. A. Hans Arenz, "Vorpostenboots-Kommandanten", March 10, 1941; Navy War Reports Company North, 3rd Zug: War reports J. G. Bachmann, "'Ursula' in Nöten! (Minensucher put English submarine), March 4, 1941; Marine War Reporter Company North: War Reporter Gerhard Ludwig Milau, "Minen um Mitternacht vor Tommies Tor", 7. March 1941; Marine-Kriegsberichterkompanie Nord: War correspondent Jochen Brennecke, "'Schweinsgeige' greets 'Rübenschwein'" (A strange encounter in the middle of some ocean), March 7, 1941; Marine-Kriegsberichterkompanie Nord, 1st Platoon Aarhus: War correspondent sailor Walter Melms, "In the soldiers' home they met again ...", March 7, 1941. Zug Bordeaux: Kriegsberichter Sonderführer Lieutnant M. A. Anton Deininger, "Auf einsamem Posten im Ozean" (On a lonely post in the ocean), end of February 1941 or 10 March 1941; Marine-Kriegsberichterabteilung West, 5. Zug Le Havre: War correspondent Josef Vidua, "French Channel Ports under German Flak Protection", 5 March 1941; Naval War Reporter's Department West, 6th Zug Bordeaux: War correspondent Walter Köhler, "A freighter makes it through!"Early March 1941 or 11 March 1941; Naval War Reporters Division West, 1st Platoon Cherbourg: Naval Artillerist Schwarz, "Wir fischen einen englische Sperrballon", 11 March 1941; Naval War Reporters Division West, 2nd Company, 4th Platoon Belgium: Special Leader (Lieutenant M. A.) Kurt Parbel, "Seemannsgräber in Feindesland", 9 March 1941; Naval War Reporters Division West, 1st Platoon Zug: War correspondent Eberhard Hübner, "Eine Porzellanfahrt" (With German minelayers on the English coast), March 1, 1941; Marine War correspondent company North: War correspondent Theo Janssen, "Kameradschaft gestaltet Feierstunde", 14th century. March 1941; Marine-Kriegsberichterkompanie Nord: War Reporter G. L. Milau, "Die Zange wird schärfer", 7 March 1941; Marine-Kriegsberichterabteilung West, 4th Platoon Belgium: War Reporter Wb. Naval artillerist Hugo Bürger, "4,000 crosses somewhere in Flanders ...", 7 March 1941; Naval War Reporter Company North, 3rd platoon: War Reporter J. G. Bachmann, "The Patron Saint", 14 March 1941; Naval War Reporter Division West, 6th platoon Bordeaux: Special Leader Lieutenant M. A. Anton Deininger, "Ein Tanker als Prise aufgebracht" (With 15,400 t petrol and 218 prisoners reached the port of destination), mid-March 1941 or 18 March 1941; Marine-Kriegsberichterkompanie Nord, 1st Platoon Aarhus: Kriegsberichter Walter Melms, "Matrosenhosen sind nie weit genug", 28. Feb. 1941; Navy War Reporters Department West, 1st Platoon: War Reporters Eberhard Hübner, "Der Schalk auf der Brücke", 14 March 1941; Navy War Reports Department West, 5th Platoon Le Havre: War Reporters Fritz Nonnenbruch, "Der Torpedo", 10th Platoon: War Reporters Fritz Nonnenbruch, "Der Nonnenbruch," "Der Torpedo," 10th Platoon: War Reporters Eberhard Hübner, "Der Schalk auf der Brücke,", 14 March 1941; Navy War Reports Department West, 5th Platoon Le Havre: War Reporters Fritz Nonnenbruch, "Der Torpedo," 10th Platoon: "Der Torpedo," 10th Platoon: War Reporters Eberhard Havner, "Der Schalk auf der Brücke,", 14 March 1941. March 1941; Naval War Reporting Division West, 2nd Company 4th Platoon Belgium: Sonderführer (Lieutenant M. A.) Kurt Parbel, "Unsere Zerstörer", March 13, 1941; Naval War Reporting Division West, 1st Platoon: Sonderführer (Lieutenant M. A.) Fritz Ehrhardt, "Na denn, Hartwig! (German Soldier Humor), 11 March 1941; Navy War Reporters Division West, 2nd Company 4th Platoon Belgium: Sonderführer (Lieutenant M. A.) Kurt Parbel, "Unsere Schnellboote!", 13 March 1941; Navy War Reporters Company North, 3rd Platoon: War Reporters J. G. Bachmann, "Kanal-Alltag" (Heroes between Mainland and Island), 11 March 1941; Navy War Reporters Division West, 2nd Company 4th Platoon Belgium: Sonderführer (Lieutenant M. A.) Kurt Parbel, "Unsere Schnellboote! March 1941; Naval War Reporters Division West, 2nd Company 4th Platoon Belgium: Naval artillerist Dr. Hanskarl Kanigs, "The Weapons of the Navy", 18 March 1941; Naval War Reporters Company North, 1st Platoon Aarhus: War Reporters Walter Melms, "Airmen, Mines, Submarines ..." (From the War Diary of an Outpost Flotilla), 10 March 1941; Marine-Kriegsberichterkompanie Nord, 1st Platoon: War Reporter Walter Melms, "Deutsche Kriegslotsen helfen der Handelsschiffahrt", 10 March 1941; Marine-Kriegsberichterabteilung West, 1st Platoon Cherbourg: War Reporter Wilhelm Brink, "Gedichte 'Kriegsmarine'", 13th Platoon: War Reporter Wilhelm Brink, "Kriegsberichter", 13th Platoon: War Reporter Walter Melms, "Deutsche Kriegslotsen helfen der Handelsschiffahrt", 10th Platoon Cherbourg: War Reporter Wilhelm Brink, "Gedichte 'Kriegsmarine'", 13th Platoon: War Reporter Walter Melms, "Deutsche Kriegslotsen helfen der Handelsschiffahrt", 10th Platoon: War Reporter Walter Melms, 1st Platoon Cherbourg: War Reporter Wilhelm Brink, "Gedichte 'Kriegsmarine'", 13th Platoon: War Reporter Wilhelm Brink, 13th. March 1941; Marine War Reporters Department West, 1st Platoon Cherbourg: War Reporter Wilhelm Brink, "Three Crosses in Normandy", March 13, 1941; Marine War Reports Department West, 5th Platoon Le Havre: War Reporter Marine Artiller August Heinrich Esser, "In einer nordfranzösischen Hafenkneipe", 14th Platoon Le Havre, "In einer nordfranzösischen Hafenkneipe", 14th Platoon March 1941; Navy War Reporters Department West, 1st Platoon: War Reporter W. I. Rempel, "Die Jubiläumsmine", 10 March 1941; Navy War Reports Department West, 2nd Platoon: War Reporter Horst Scharfenberg, "Auf Stichfahrt mit Sperrbrecher X", 13 March 1941; Navy War Reports Department West, 2nd Platoon: Kriegsberichter Dr. Fritz Schwiegk, "Ärztliche Betreuung auf Kriegsschiffen", 14 March 1941; Naval War Reporter Company North, 3rd Platoon: War Reporter J. G. Bachmann, "Ein Dutzend weißer Wimpel", 8 March 1941; Naval War Reporter Company North, 3rd Platoon: War Reporter J. G. Bachmann, "Den nächsten Torpedo übernehmen wir", 10th Platoon: War Reporter J. G. Bachmann, "Ein Dutzend weißer Wimpel", 8 March 1941. March 1941; Marine War Reporter Company North: War Reporter Dr. Curt Weithas, "Kanonier - Dolmetscher - Kriegsberichter", March 14, 1941; Marine War Reporter Company North, 3rd Platoon: War Reporter Paul Reymann, "Kameraden in Übersee", March 7, 1941; Marine War Reporter Company North, 1st Platoon: War Reporter Paul Reymann, "Kameraden in Übersee", March 7, 1941; Marine War Reporter Company North, March 7, 1941; Navy War Reporter Company North, March 7, 1941; Navy War Reporter Company North, March 7, 1941; Navy War Reporter Company North, March 7, 1941; Navy War Reporter Company North, March 7, 1941; Navy War Reporter Company North, March 7, 1941; Navy War Reporter Company North, March 7, 1941; N. Zug Aarhus: War correspondent Walter Melms, "Fliegerkameraden aus deminenfeld gerettet", March 12, 1941; Marine War correspondent company North, 3rd train: War correspondent J. G. Bachmann, "Unser Stabsarzt fährt mit", March 21, 1941; Marine War correspondent department West, 2nd company 4th train Belgium: War correspondent Marine Artillerist Dr. Hanskarl Kanigs, "Auf Vorposten im Kanalnebel", 19 March 1941; Marine-Kriegsberichterabteilung West, 6th Platoon Bordeaux: War Reporter Sonderführer (Lieutenant M. A.) Anton Deininger, "Neunzehn Monate unterwegs", mid-March 1941 or 24 March 1941; Marine-Kriegsberichterkompanie Nord, 3rd Platoon: War Reporter Oberleutnant zur See Dr. Walter Lohmann, "Auf Pirschfahrt an Englands Ostküste", March 20, 1941; Marine War Reporters Department West, 6th Platoon Bordeaux: War Reporters Willy Beilstein, "Auf einsamer Position im Weltmeer", March 18, 1941; Marine War Reporters Company West, 2nd: War Reporters Hans Biallas, of the 3rd Platoon: "Die Kanalküste: Eine deutsche Festung", 18th Platoon: "The Channel Coast: A German Fortress", March 18th, 1941. March 1941; Marine War Reporter Division West, 2nd Company 4th Platoon Belgium: War Reporter Sonderführer (Lieutenant M. A.) Kurt Parbel, "Minenräumschiff auf Position", March 18, 1941; Marine War Reporter Division West, 5th Platoon Le Havre: War Reporter Fritz Nonnenbruch, "Die Ballade von der 'Paris'", March 18, 1941; Marine War Reporter Division West, 1st Platoon, March 1, 1941; Navy War Reporter Division West, March 1, 1941. Zug: War correspondent Dr. C. Coler, "Minenräumboote an Frankreichs Küste", 19 March 1941; Marine-Kriegsberichterkompanie West, 2nd division: War correspondent Hans Biallas of 3rd Zug: "Nächte throw der Tommy Minen", 18 March 1941; Marine-Kriegsberichterkompanie West, 2nd division: War correspondent Hans Biallas of 3rd Zug: "Nächte throw der Tommy Minen", 18 March 1941; Marine-Kriegsberichterkompanie West, 2nd division: War correspondent Hans Biallas of 3rd Zug: "Minen Throw der Tommy Throws", 18 March 1941; Marine-Kriegsberichterkompanie West, 2nd division: War correspondent Hans Biallas of 3rd Zug: "Minenräumboote an Frankreichs Küste", 19 March 1941; Marine-Kriegsberichterkompanie West, 2nd division: Marine-Kriegsberichter Hans Biallas of 3rd Reich. Train: "Outpost Boat in the Channel", 17 March 1941; Navy War Reporter Company West, 2nd Division: War Reporter Helmut Ecke, 3rd Train: "Our Commander is soo!", 17 March 1941; Navy War Reporter Division West, 2nd Train: War Reporter Heinrich Schwich, "Remembrance of the Narvik Arch Line", 21st Division: "Our Commander is Soo! March 1941; Marine War Reporters Division West, 2nd Company 4th Platoon Belgium: War Reporters Leisegang, "Fools of Yesterday - Heroes of Today", 26 March 1941; Marine War Reporters Division West, 2nd Company 4th Platoon Belgium: War Reporters Leisegang, "Snapshots from Bord", 26 March 1941; Marine War Reporters Division West, 2nd Platoon Belgium: War Reporters Leisegang, "Snapshots from Bord", 26 March 1941; Marine War Reporters Division West, 2nd Platoon Belgium: War Reporters Leisegang, "Naval Heroes of Today", 26 March 1941; Navy War Reporters Division West, 2nd Platoon Belgium: War Reporters Leisegang, "Snapshots from Bord", 26 March 1941; Navy War Reporters Division West, 26 March 1941; Navy War Reporters Division West, 26 March 1941; Navy War Reporters Division West, 2nd Platoon, 2nd Platoon Belgium Company 4th Platoon Belgium: War correspondent M. A. Gefreiter Dr. Ulrich Blindow, "Das sind unsere Sperrbrecher", 26 March 1941; Naval War Reporter Department West, 5th Platoon Le Havre: War correspondent August Heinrich Esser, "'T 3'wird geborgen", 20 March 1941; Naval War Reporter Department West, 1st Platoon Le Havre, "T 3'wird geborgen", 20 March 1941; Naval War Reporter Department West, 1st Platoon Le Havre, 26 March 1941; Naval War Reporter Department West, "T 3'wird geborgen", 20 March 1941; Naval War Reporter Department West, 1st Platoon Le Havre, 5th Platoon Le Havre, 5th Platoon Le Havre, 1st Platoon Le Havre, 20 March 1941, 20 March 1941, 20 March 1941, 20 March 1941, 1. Zug Cherbourg: War Reporter Wilhelm Brink, "Unser Wesen", 17 March 1941; Naval War Reporter Division West, 2nd Company 4th Platoon Belgium: War Reporter M. A. Gefreiter Dr. Ulrich Blindow, "Es geht nicht ohne Fiffi und Molli", 26 March 1941; Naval War Reporter Division West, 2nd Company 4th Platoon Belgium: War Reporter M. A. Gefreiter Dr. Ulrich Blindow, "Batterien, Molen und eine Straße", 26 March 1941; Marine War Reporters Department West, 2nd Company 4th Platoon Belgium: War Reporter M. A. Gefreiter Dr. Ulrich Blindow, "Get a bucket of compressed air", 26 March 1941; Marine War Reporters Department West, 1st Platoon: War Reporters Dr. C. Coler, "Bunte Flaggen über dem Hafen", 22 March 1941; Marine-Kriegsberichterabteilung West, 2nd Platoon: War Reporter Fritz Huck, "Wir fahren 'Geleit' im Atlantik", 29 March 1941; 8th Marine-Kriegsberichter-Halbkompanie: War Reporter Sonderführer (Lieutnant M. A.) Kurt Parbel, "Kriegsberichter in den Kämpfen um Narvik", 29th Reich War Reporter in the Fights for Narvik", 29th Reich War Reporter in the Fights for Narvik, 29th Reich War Reporter in the Fights for Narvik. March 1941; 8th Navy War Reporter Half Company: War Reporter Kurt Parbel, "Die 'Nordwacht' nördlichste deutsche Soldatenzeitung", 29 March 1941; 8th Navy War Reporter Half Company: War Reporter Kurt Parbel, "Über die Erzbahn von Narvik nach Sildvik", 29 March 1941; 8th Navy War Reporter Half Company: War Reporter Kurt Parbel, "Über die Erzbahn von Narvik nach Sildvik", 29 March 1941; 8th Navy War Reporter Half Company: War Reporter Kurt Parbel, "Die 'Nordwacht' nördlichste deutsche Soldatenzeitung", 29 March 1941; 8th Navy War Reporter Half Company: War Reporter Halbkompanie: War Reporter Kurt Parbel, "Über die Erzbahn von Narvik nach Sildvik", 29 March 1941; 8th Navy War Reporter Halbkompany: War Reporter Kurt Parbel, 29 March 1941 Marine-Kriegsberichter-Halbkompanie: Kriegsberichter Kurt Parbel, "Die letzten Wochen der Kämpfe um Narvik", March 29, 1941; Marine-Kriegsberichterkompanie West: Kriegsberichter Hans Kreis, "Junge Unterseebootsfahrer am Feind", March 12, 1941; Marine-Kriegsberichterkompanie 2, West: Kriegsberichter Hans Biallas, vom 3. Zug, "Hurra, die erste Mine gekrackt! Department: War correspondent Hans Biallas from 3rd Platoon: "Wenn der Schuss nach hinten geht", 19 March 1941; 8th Navy War correspondent Half Company: War correspondent Leisegang, "Nachchtliche Minensuche im Kanal", 28 March 1941; Navy War correspondent North: War correspondent Werner Franck, "Wir fahren Schleife", 25 March 1941; Navy War correspondent North: Werner Franck, "Wir fahren Schleife", 25 March 1941. March 1941; Naval War Reporters Department North: War Reporter Gerhard Ludwig Milau, "One Year with the Navy in Denmark: Sketches from Skagen", March 29, 1941; 8th Naval War Reporters Half Company: War Reporter Special Leader (Lieutenant M. A.) Kurt Parbel, "Commodore Bonte, the Hero of Narvik! Marine-Kriegsberichter-Halbkompanie: Kriegsberichter Sonderführer (Lieutenant M. A.) Kurt Parbel, "Der Kampf um das Erz", March 27, 1941; 8th Marine-Kriegsberichter-Halbkompanie: Kriegsberichter M. A. Gefreiter Ulrich Blindow, "Wir suchen nach Minen!", March 26, 1941; Marine-Kriegsberichterkompanie Nord: Kriegsberichter Jakob Maria Wallacher, "Die Männer vom Vorpostenboot X", March 31, 1941; Marine-Kriegsberichterkompanie Nord: Kriegsberichter Jakob Maria Wallacher, "Die Männer vom Märzboot X", March 31, 1941. March 1941; Marine War Reporter Company North: War Reporter Leo de Laforgue, "Da raasten die Minensuch - Kutterläufer ...", March 31, 1941; Marine War Reporter Company North: War Reporter Matthias Hanf, "Geleit nach Norden", March 31, 1941; Marine War Reporter Company North: War Reporter Werner Franck, "Die Nummer 1 auf Bord", March 31, 1941; Navy War Reporter Company North: War Reporter Werner Franck, "Die Kummer 1 auf Bord", March 31, 1941. March 1941; 3rd Marine-Kriegsberichter-Halbkompanie: Kriegsberichter Oberleutnant zur See Dr. Walter Lohmann, "Das war eine Schnellbootsnacht!", March 24, 1941; 7th Marine-Kriegsberichter-Halbkompanie, Marine Propaganda-Abteilung Nord: Kriegsberichter Helmut Ecke, "Auch den Vorposten scheint mal die Sonne", 28th Marine-Kriegsberichter-Halbkompanie, "That Was a Speedboat Night", March 24, 1941; 7th Marine-Kriegsberichter-Halbkompanie, Marine Propaganda-Abteilung Nord: Kriegsberichter Helmut Ecke, "Auch den Vorposten scheint mal die Sonne", 28th Marine-Kriegsberichter Helmut, "Auch die Sonne scheint", 28th Marine-Kriegsberichter Helmut Ecke, "The Sun Shines for a Time", 28th Marine-Kriegsberichter Helmut Ecke, "The Sun Shines for a Time. March 1941; Marine Propaganda Division North: 2nd Marine War Reporter Semi-Company: War Reporter M. A. Otto Pautz, "From the History of a Successful Submarine", March 30, 1941; Marine Propaganda Division North: 2nd Marine War Reporter Semi-Company Aarhus: War Reporter Corporal Walter Richleske, "Exciting Voyage Along Norway's Coast", March 28, 1941; Navy Propaganda Division North: 2nd Marine War Reporter Semi-Company Aarhus: War Reporter Corporal Walter Richleske, "Exciting Voyage Along Norway's Coast", March 28, 1941. March 1941; Marine Propaganda Division North: 2nd Navy War Reporter Half Company Aarhus: War Reporter Special Leader (Lieutenant M. A.) Walter Melms, "Die Werftliegezeit 'Erholungsurlaub' eines Schiffes", 28 March 1941; Navy Propaganda Division West: 5th Navy War Reporter Half Company Aarhus: War Reporter Special Leader (Lieutenant M. A.) Walter Melms, "Die Werftliegezeit 'Erholungsurlaub' eines Schiffes", 28 March 1941; Navy Propaganda Division West: 5th Navy War Reporter Half Company Aarhus: War Reporter Special Leader (Lieutenant M. A.) Walter Melms, "Die Werftliegezeit 'Erholungsurlaub' eines Schiffes", 28 March 1941 Marine-Kriegsberichter-Halbkompanie: War Reporter Helmut Haring, "Rums - und ab war der 'Spargel'", March 31, 1941; Marine-Propaganda-Abteilung West: 5th Marine-Kriegsberichter-Halbkompanie: War Reporter Dr. Wilhelm Maus, "Wache, Zeitung" (As a Newspaper Driver in a Marine-Propaganda-Company), April 1, 1941. 1941; Naval Propaganda Department North: War Reporter Leo de Laforgue, "Minensuchboote auf der Werft", March 29, 1941; Naval Propaganda Department North: War Reporter Werner Franck, "Unter der Back," March 29, 1941; Naval Propaganda Department North: War Reporter Heinz Beckmann, "Minensuch hat Ruh! March 1941; Navy Propaganda Division North: War Reporter Matthias Hanf, "Was Bonzo, der Bordhund, erlebte", 26 March 1941; Navy War Reporter Company North, 3rd Platoon: War Reporter Paul Reymann, "Schnellboote zwischen Abend und Morgen", 20 March 1941; Navy War Reporter Company North, 3rd Platoon: War Reporter J. G. Bachmann, "Schnellboote bleiben am Feind", 21 March 1941; Marine-Propaganda-Abteilung Nord: 2nd Marine-Kriegsberichter-Halbkompanie Aarhus: Kriegsberichter Sonderführer (Lieutnant M. A.) Hans Giese, "Mutter - so died Dein Sohn!", 2 April 1941; Marine-Kriegsberichterabteilung West, 2 Zug: Kriegsberichter Dr. Fritz Schwiegk, "Englands-Blockade - tatsächlich und rechtlich wirksam", 21 March 1941; Marine Propaganda Department North: War Reporter Richard Kaufmann, "Ein Minensuchboot geht auf Schlip", 28 March 1941; Marine War Reporter Company North: War Reporter Werner Franck, "Vom Einsatzhafen zur Heimat", 14 March 1941; 3. Navy War Reporter Half Company: War Reporter Sailor Dr. Horst-Gotthard East, "Rhine and Ruhr Help Rotterdam", 31 March 1941; Navy Propaganda Department North: 2nd Navy War Reporter Half Company Aarhus: War Reporter Marine Artillerist Otto Pautz, "A Life in the Service of Submarine Weapons", 4 Apr. 1941.