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BArch, RM 2/1778 · Akt(e) · Okt. 1913 - Apr. 1914
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Formation of the Detached Division from the liners "Kaiser" and "König Albert" as well as the Small Cruiser "Strassburg" (AKO, copy), 15. Nov. 1913 Maps with drawing of the route of the Detached Division, Nov. 1913 Journey of the Detached Division to Spain (Tenerife), Togo, Cameroon, Southwest Africa, Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay, Chile (Reports with photos and handwritten remarks of Emperor Wilhelm II.), Dec. 1913 - Apr. 19.

BArch, RH 12-9 · Bestand · 1935-1945
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Inventory description: On 1 May 1936, under Lieutenant General Theisen, the inspector of the Nebeltruppe und Gasabwehr was set up. Thus the existing Group IV of Artillery Inspection was transferred to the newly created inspection, which was at the same time assigned to the Army Gas Protection School. According to the regulations of 17 March 1936 (see the General Military Notices in inventory RHD 2), several tasks were stipulated for the inspection of the smoke troops and for gas defence: 1. training in gas defence (including detoxification), its theoretical and practical promotion in all weapon categories, preparation of training regulations, 2. training in the use of artificial smoke, 3. special training of the smoke troop and its tactical use, 4. equipping the army with gas protection and smoke means. For three years Lieutenant General Edgar Theißen was responsible for the fog troops and gas defence, followed by Major General Friedrich von Tempelhoff from 1939-1941, Lieutenant General Erwin Leister from 1942-1944 and Major General Johann-Albrecht von Blücher from 1944-1945. At the beginning of 1943, the office was divided into five groups (see RH 15/137): 1st group I: Organization Ia: Organization: New formations, mobilization, tactical questions, war experiences, war diary, foreign deputies, tropical and colonial deployment, letter book for chief matters Ib: Strengths, equipment records, main belt keys, regulations, loading plans, outside and house distributors, buildings and accommodation, destruction of g. K.-Sachen Ic: Staffing of officers: personnel matters of officers of officer candidates and non-commissioned officers and crews (except technical personnel), replacement of personnel, non-commissioned positions, internal service, leave of officers and officials Id: Budget, Administration (at this time split due to staff savings) 2nd Group II: Training IIa: Gas defence of all weapons: Training, courses at Heeresgasschutzschulen 1 and 2 (Celle and Bromberg), training regulations, instruction boards, leaflets (except equipment and ammunition), training films, troop trials IIb: Fog troop: the same as IIa, related to fog troop IIc: air-raid service of all weapons: Air protection in army installations, training courses at the Heeresluftschutzschule Potsdam, training regulations, leaflets, instruction boards, training films, troop trials, liaison officer of the O.K.H. to the special representative for the fire-fighting equipment system, literature and press Air protection, foreign news, air protection 3. Group III: Development and literature IIIa: Development, trials and introduction of troops, weapons, equipment and ammunition of the smoke troops and smoke agents of all kinds, fire boards and leaflets for weapons, equipment and ammunition, instruction boards, equipment films, special incidents involving weapons, equipment and ammunition, literature and press (except air defence), defence matters, examination of publications and information to foreign states IIIb: Development, troop trials and introduction: gas protection equipment for all weapons, regulations and leaflets for all weapons and for gas protection equipment, teaching boards, equipment films, special occurrences at the gas protection equipment IIIc: Literature propaganda (also unoccupied/divided) 4. Group IV: Weapons, ammunition and equipment of the Nebula Force and Ch.Specialist personnel IVa: General affairs of imported weapons, equipment, ammunition and vehicles, personnel affairs of Ch. specialist personnel and other technical personnel, Army gas protection schools, Army troop school and Army air protection school: Affairs of the Higher Technical College of the Army Gas Protection School in Cellle, as well as courses for civil servants and harness masters, training and staffing of Ch.IVb: Motor vehicles of the smoke troop (including development and troop trials, throwers on sfl...), Winter equipment of the fog troops, procurements, inventory records, equipment management regulations IVc: Weapons, equipment and ammunition of the fog troop: All types of atomizers, training equipment, procurements, inventory records, equipment management regulations 5. group V: Gas protection and air-raid protection equipment Va: Fabrication preparations (including filling stations): Production planners (army), mobile stockpiling, cash requirements for households, chemical commission literature and press: Gas protection (with IIIa), foreign news (gas protection), questions of international law Vb: Gas protection and air-raid protection equipment: training means, procurement, inventory certificates, equipment management regulations, A. N. Exercise. (with Ib), Military training area Robbery chamber Registry: Open and secret letterbooks and files, administration of regulations, periodicals, telephone directory. Content characterization: The tradition of the inspector of the smoke troops and gas defense is altogether extremely small. Of the existing 71 archive units, 12 also contain almost exclusively written communication material on general army matters, which had also reached In 9 via the distribution channel within the OKH. Sometimes, however, these documents also contain endorsements and orders which directly or indirectly concerned the inspector's field of work. The stock was classified according to content during processing. The bulk of the archival material refers to the immediate pre-war period and the first year of the war. In detail, the following files are available: General and Army Structure with 12 files (from the General Army Office): Of which 6 files with implementing regulations for the Army Structure, 3 files for the reorganization of the Army, 2 files with lists of the units of the Army, 1 file on experiences of the year of construction 1937 Organization and Service Administration with 9 files: Of which 2 files for the reorganisation of the inspection, 2 files with lectures to the Commander-in-Chief of the Army, 1 (or 2) file(s) with business distribution plans, 1 file with information on competence and organisation of gas warfare agents, gas defence and gas protection with 16 files: Thereof 4 files with various matters (e.g. equipment), 4 files on explosive ordnance, 7 files on gas protection and air-raid protection measures, 1 file "Preparation for war with chemical weapons", 1 file "Preparation for war with chemical weapons", 1 file "Preparation for war with chemical weapons", 1 file "Preparation for war with chemical weapons". Weapons" nebula with 3 acts: Of which 1 file for use in fog, 1 file for tactics and technology, 1 file for general affairs, training with 9 files: Of which 7 files contain training regulations (official printed matter), 1 file with training plans for gas protection, 1 file with information on the troop detoxification service exercises with 9 files: Of which 5 files with tasks, war games, exercises, lectures, 3 files for planning exercises, 1 file for Wehrmacht manoeuvres, air-raid protection with only 1 file for experiences and orders, "foreign armies and states" with 12 files for construction, armament, equipment: Of which 2 files France, 1 file Czech Republic, 8 files USA, 1 file Soviet Russia State of development: Findbuch (also as Word file) Citation method: BArch, RH 12-9/...

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, E 40/18 · Bestand · (1792 -) 1806 - 1918 (- 1924)
Teil von Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

Preliminary remark: This collection comprises documents of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on the general and interdepartmental foreign policy of Württemberg with regard to non-German states in Europe and the rest of the world. This also includes the Empire of Austria (-Hungary), which already owned large non-German territories when it was founded in 1804/06 and which left Germany completely after the war against Prussia in 1866. Documents on the remaining states of the Confederation of the Rhine, the German Confederation and the German Empire from 1871 onwards - including Prussia (as a whole) - were to a large extent assigned to holdings E 40/14, while those on the Reichsland Alsace-Lorraine in the period 1871 - 1918 are again to be found in holdings E 40/16. The holdings essentially consist of the following parts:E 36 Verz. 60: Relevant parts of the categories "France" and "Austria "E 41 Verz. 63: Category "Different States" with sub-categories, if they are non-German statesE 46 (Categories by States)E 49 Verz. 21 and 22 (Categories by States)E 49 Supplement 1938A detailed history of the authorities of the Ministry can be found in the preface to fonds E 40/10, to which reference is made here.the country categories correspond to the composition of the world of states in the 19th and early 20th centuries. Numerous Italian small and medium-sized states, for example, are found as predecessors of the Kingdom of Italy for the first half of the 19th century as separate categories. Documents on the colonial possessions of various European states can be found both under the heading of the motherland and under their own headings (Australia, South Africa), but for reasons of content not all documents filed under the "country headings" were classified in the holdings E 40/14 or E 40/18. If the files did not contain any general political or interdepartmental matters, they were classified in the holdings E 40/54 - E 40/78. Dr. Kurt Hochstuhl began the formation and archival cataloguing of the holdings, which was later continued by the undersigned. The newly formed stock now comprises 540 tufts or 6.21 linear metres of shelving. Stuttgart, February 2011Johannes Renz b) nationality mark: A]Austria [AUS]Australia [BG]Bulgaria [BIH]Bosnia-Herzegovina [BR]Brazil [CH]Switzerland [CHN]People's Republic of China [CZ]Czech Republic [DK]Denmark [DZ]Algeria [E]Spain [ET]Egypt [F]France [GB]Great Britain and Northern Ireland [GEO]Georgia [GR]Greece [H]Hungary I]Italy [IND]India [IR]Iran [IRL]Ireland [J]Japan [MA]Morocco [NL]Netherlands [PE]Peru [PL]Poland [PY]Paraguay [RA]Argentina [RO]Romania [RUS]Russia [SYR]Syria [TR]Turkey [UA]Ukraine [USA]United States of America