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External and internal mission
Landeskirchliches Archiv Kassel, E 1 Gemünden 277 · Akt(e) · 1870 - 1891, 1903 - 1914
Teil von Regional Church Archive Kassel

Contains among other things: Leaves of the Westphalian workers' colony Wilhelmsdorf, the Jerusalem Association Berlin, the Gustav-Adolf-Werk, the Oberhessische Bibelgesellschaft, the Evangelischer Missionsverein, the Evangelische Missionsgesellschaft für Deutsch-Ostakfrika, the Deutscher Herbergsverein, the Innere Mission in Hessen and the Deutscher Verein gegen Misbrauch geistiger Getränke; Hauskollekten für das Hessische Diakonissenhaus Kassel; collection of the reformed parish Gemünden for the partly burnt down town Hünfeld (1888); call for the foundation of the Evangelical Federation of 02.10.1889; Excerpt from the founding minutes of the press committee of the diocese Ziegenhain-Homberg of 11.03.1914; training as community nurses in the Diakonissenhaus Kassel

Loytved-Hardegg, family archive (holdings)
BArch, N 1581 · Bestand · 1838-2003
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

History of the Inventory Designer: 17. July 1905 born in Konia/Kleinasien; 1907-1909 the family lived in Jerusalem, from 1909 in Haifa; 1917 Death of his father in Damascus, 1925 Abitur, then officer's service, 1928-1934 in Deutsch-Krone (Vorpommern), 1930-1932 pilot training, 1933 aerial photo officer of the reconnaissance squadron in Neunhausen/East Prussia, 1936/37 Spanish war, 1940/41 commander of the telecommunications reconnaissance troop in Brussels, 1941 major, transfer to Berlin, until 1942 personal reporter for Joseph Goebbels, 1943-1945 service on the western front, after 1945 in captivity, 1947/48 summons as witness at the Nuremberg trials, 1956 construction of the flying school near Fassberg and Fürstenfeldbruck, until 1964 general of NATO in Ramstein, afterwards freelancer at a construction company 1975 retirement, deceased on 14. January 1944 December 2003 in Nuremberg citation method: BArch, N 1581/...