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Assistants, Geological-Mineralogical Institute
Universitätsarchiv Freiburg, B0001 / 4322 · Akt(e) · 1886-1918
Teil von University Archive Freiburg (Archivtektonik)
  • Includes: Salary matters, Aversum.<br />Individual cases: Carl Schmidt, Carl Futterer, Carl Lent, Friedrich Pfaff, Otto Hug, Karl Schnarrenberger, Max Mühlberg, Theodor Lorenz, G. Vollmer, Wilhelm Paulcke, Walter Schiller, Otto Wilckens, Otto Schlagintweit, Karl Deninger, Hermann Meyer, Erich Horn, Richard Neumann, Emil Wepfer, Paul Grosch, Hans Cloos, Serge von Bubuoff, Wolfgang Soergel, Axel Born, Julius Wilser, Karl Hummel. 1886-1918, University Archives Freiburg, B0001 Rectorate, Facts of the University Administration description: Contains: Salary matters, Aversum. - Individual cases: Carl Schmidt, Carl Futterer, Carl Lent, Friedrich Pfaff, Otto Hug, Karl Schnarrenberger, Max Mühlberg, Theodor Lorenz, G. Vollmer, Wilhelm Paulcke, Walter Schiller, Otto Wilckens, Otto Schlagintweit, Karl Deninger, Hermann Meyer, Erich Horn, Richard Neumann, Emil Wepfer, Paul Grosch, Hans Cloos, Serge von Bubuoff, Wolfgang Soergel, Axel Born, Julius Wilser, Karl Hummel. * Classification number: 04430
Use of lecture halls by third parties
Universitätsarchiv Freiburg, B0001 / 382 · Akt(e) · 1923-1933
Teil von University Archive Freiburg (Archivtektonik)

Contains: among others: Garden Associations; Student Associations; Hiking Associations; Schools; Music Associations; Association for the German Abroad; Hausfrauenbund; Lecture Doegen, Prussian State Library; Women's Associations; Anthroposophical Society; Himmelsbach Company; Caritas; Sports Associations; Swiss Benefit Society; Singing Associations; German National Association of Assistants; Reichsbund der Kriegsbeschädigten etc.; Christian Community e.V.Freiburg Student Aid; Association of Catholic Academics; German Officers' Association; Friends of the City's Art Collections; Breisgau Association for Aviation; Nature Research Society; Baden Home; Art Research Society; Business and Professional Associations; German Institute for Scientific Education; Social Democratic Party; National Association Against Alcoholism; German Reich Railway; Breisgau Association Schauinsland; Protestant Association of the Gustav Adolf Foundation; Görresgesellschaft; Catholic Assembly 1929; Reichsbund der Kinderreichen; Marianische Kongregation; VolkshochschuKolonialgesellschaft; Allgemeiner Deutscher Automobilclub; Akademisch Literarische Gesellschaft; III Internationaler Friedenskongress; Süddeutscher Rundfunk; City of Freiburg; Studiengesellschaft für Automobilstraßenbau; Süddeutscher Jugendbund; Internationale Arbeiterhilfe; Gefangenenfürsorge; Überlassung für politische Veranstaltungen, allgemein; Darin: "3. International Peace Congress Freiburg im Breisgau, 1923;