2 Treffer anzeigen

German East Africa - Africa
BMW bmw 2/529 · Akt(e) · 1913 - 1978
Teil von Protestant Regional Church Archive Berlin

122 pictures with motives: school in Gogo outstation of Kisserawe, children, buildings, churches, groups of people, people, sick people, landscapes, village views, stations, missionaries, celebrations, plants, animals, maps East Africa,

Berliner Missionswerk
BMW bmw 2/361 · Akt(e) · 1905 - 1962
Teil von Protestant Regional Church Archive Berlin

altogether 32 pictures with the following motives: School classes; Mission station; Teaching staff; Church consecration; Mission church; Animals; Helpers; among others; Contains photographs of the following persons: Tscheuschner; among others ; Contains photographs of the following villages: Gogo Sifule (?) (outstation), Hoffnungshöhe; ; Contains also mission postcards.

Berliner Missionswerk