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Archival description
Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Generallandesarchiv Karlsruhe, 456 F 82 · Fonds · 1913-1919
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. General State Archive Karlsruhe (Archivtektonik)

Formation history: The Baden artillery brigade set up on 01.07.1871 was renamed to 14th field artillery brigade on 18.07.1872. It received on 01.10.1899 the new designation 28. field artillery brigade. The field artillery regiments 14 and 50 were assigned to it, and in February 1917 the higher artillery command was reorganized. The previous staffs of the field artillery brigades were dissolved and an artillery commander was formed for each division as commander of the entire artillery belonging to and assigned to it. As a result of this reorganization, on 28.02.1917 the association received the designation Artillery Commander 28. The commanders of the formation were: Mobilisation until 24.12.1914 Major General Siegfried Fabarius24.12.1914 until 27.10.1917 Major General Karl von Herff28.10.1917 until 23.05.1918 Lieutenant Colonel Richard von Laer23.05.1918 until 16.02.1919 Lieutenant Colonel Ludwig Bissinger.The unit was subject to the following higher staffs during the war: mobilisation until 04.10.191628. Infantry Division04.10.1916 until 04.11.191611. Reserve Division04.11.1916 until 03.07.191828. Infantry Division03.07.1918 until 04.07.191887. Infantry Division05.07.1918 until the end of the war28. The formation participated in the following battles:09.08.1914 to 10.08.1914Fights near Sennheim and Mulhouse20.08.1914 to 22.08.1914Battle in Lorraine23.08.1914 to 14.09.1914Battle near Nancy ¿ Epinal15.09.1914 to 30.09.1914Fights near Flirey13.10.1914 to 08.05.1915Position fights in French Flanders and in Artois14.10.1914 to 24.12.1914Battle in French Flanders14.01.1915 to 21.01.1915Battle at the Loretto height03.03.1915 to 08.03.1915Battle at the Loretto height15.03.1915 to 24.03.1915Battle at Ablain15.04.1915Battle at Ablain09.05.1915 to 13.06.1915Battle at La Bassée ¿ Arras15.06.1915 to 16.07.1916Position fights in the Champagne23.07.1916 to 04.11.1916Battle at the Somme06.11.1916 to 24.01.1917Position fights in the Champagne25.01.1917 to 11.08.1917Position fights before Verdun12.08.1917 to 17.09.1917Defensive Battle at Verdun29.09.1917 to 23.10.1917Positional Battles in Upper Alsace29.10.1917 to 02.11.1917Fighting at the Ailette03.11.1917 to 24.11.1917Positional Battles at the Ailette25.11.1917 to 29.11.1917Battle at Cambrai30.11.1917 to 05.12.1917Assault Battle at Cambrai20.01.1918 to 19.02.1918Position fights in the Champagne20.02.1918 to 20.03.1918rest period behind the 18th army21.02.1918 to 06.04.1918Great battle in France07.04.1918 to 22.04.1918Fights at the Avre near Montdidier and Noyon27.05.1918 to 13.06.1918Battle at Soissons ¿ Reims27.05.1918Storming of the heights of the Chemin des Dames28.05.1918 to 01.06.1918Chase fights between Oise and Aisne and over the Vesle to Marne14.06.1918 to 04.07.1918Position fights between Oise, Aisne and Marne05.07.1918 to 07.07.1918Position fights between Aisne and Marne08.07.1918 to 17.07.1918Position fights west of Soissons18.07.1918 to 25.07.1918Defensive battle between Soissons and Reims26.07.1918 to 30.07.1918rest period behind the 7th army31.07.1918 to 30.08.1918Position fights in the Champagne01.09.1918 to 14.09.1918Position fights at Reims15.09.1918 to 26.09.1918Position fights in the Woëvre plain and west of the Mosel27.09.1918 to 04.10.1918Defensive battle in the Champagne and at the Maas05.10.1918 to 06.11.1918Defensive battle between Argonne and Maas07.11.1918 to 11.11.1918Deployment of the occupied territory and march to the homeland. Inventory history: After the end of the war, the files remained with the Field Artillery Regiment 14. From January 1920, the establishment of an archive of the XIV Army Corps was begun, in which the archives of the processing centres were brought together. In autumn 1920 the corps archive moved to the infantry barracks in Heilbronn. From January 1921, the Corps Archives entered the portfolio of the Reich Ministry of the Interior under the name Aktenverwaltung XIV, before being incorporated into the Reichsarchiv in Potsdam as the Heilbronn archive branch on April 1, 1921. As a result of the merger of the Heilbronn and Stuttgart branches of the Reich Archives, the holdings were transferred to Stuttgart in 1924. The Württembergische Archivdirektion, which took over the administration of the holdings of the Army Archives Stuttgart after the end of the Second World War, handed over the XIV Army Corps to the General State Archives Karlsruhe in the years 1947 to 1949. A very detailed history of the holdings is contained in the foreword of the Deputy General Command of the XIV Army Corps (holdings 456 F 8). 161 fascicles with a circumference of 4.50 linear metres are included. References: Die Badener im Weltkrieg 1914/18, edited by Wilhelm Müller-Loebnitz, Karlsruhe 1935.German Military History in six volumes 1648-1939, edited by the Militärgeschichtlichen Forschungsamt Freiburg, Munich 1983.Fenske, Hans: Die Verwaltung im Ersten Weltkrieg, in: Deutsche Verwaltungsgeschichte, vol. 3, Stuttgart 1984, p. 866-908.Fischer, Joachim: Zehn Jahre Militärarchiv des Hauptstaatsarchivs Stuttgart, in: Zeitschrift für Württembergische Landesgeschichte 37 (1978), p. 362-368.Jäger, Harald: Das militärische Archivgut in der Bundesrepublik für die Zeit von 1871 bis 1919, in: Militärgeschichtliche Mitteilungen 1968/2, S. 135-138.Overview of the holdings of the Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, edited by Joachim Fischer (published by the Staatliche Archivverwaltung Baden-Württemberg, vol. 31), Stuttgart 1983.