43 Treffer anzeigen

30 · Akt(e) · Nov. 1916-Dez. 1917
Teil von Thuringian Main State Archives Weimar (Archivtektonik)

Contains also:- Messages of the German Fleet Association 1-3, 5-21/1917- Writings of the Colonial Economic Committee: Paul Leusch, The Worker and the German Colonies; F.Wohltmann, The Farmer and the German Colonies; The Trade of the German Colonies; The German Housewife and the Colonies.

BArch, NS 5-VI/17548 · Akt(e) · 1926-1944
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains: Bruch, Friedrich, polar traveller, whaler, gold digger, innkeeper, 1931 Bruchmüller, Georg, artillery leader in the world war, teacher, 1943 Bruchnalski, Prof. Wilhelm, professor of the Jan-Kazimierz- University, 1938 Bruck, Friedrich, Karl von, employer, 1925 Brucke, Fritz von der, president of the Reichsverband d. Fuhrgewerbes e..V.., 1935 Brucker, Ludwig, Head of the Social Insurance Department, Head of the PO Department, 1934 Bruckmann, Alfred, Chairman of the Reichsverband a.d. Verlag F. Bruckmann, 1942 Bruckmann, Hugo, art publisher, founder of the magazines "Kunst für alle", "Dekorative Kunst", 1938 Bruckmann, Dr.eh.Peter, Geh. Hofrat, factory director, policeman, honorary chairman of the Südwestdeutscher Kanalverein, 1937 Bruckner, deputy of the ADGB, 1933 Bruckner, Anton, composer, organ player, 1928 Bruckner, Ferdinand, pseudonym of the Austrian Theodor Tagger, writer, poet, 1933 Brudermann, Rudolf Ritter von, General d. Kavallerie, teacher, k.u.k. Army Inspector, 1941 Brück, Karl, General, State Commander in Saxony, 1926 Brückner, Dr. Major, Representative of the Wehrwirtschaftinspektion III, 1937 Brückner, Helmuth, Chief President of the Province of Lower Silesia, Gauleiter, 1935 Brückner, Alexander, Scholar at the University of Prague, Member of the Academy of Sciences, Prague, Member of the Academy of Sciences, Prague. Wissenschaften Krakau, Petersburg, Belgrad, 1936 Brückner, Wilhelm, Chief Adjutant of the Führer, SA-Gruppenführer, 1944 Brües, Ernst, Chief Editor in Cologne, 1926 Brües, Otto, writer, Editor, 1943 Bruegel, Adolf, Hitlerjunge, 1936 Brüggemann, Dr. Max, Member of the Board of the Führer's Office, 1936 Brückner, Wilhelm, Chief Adjutant of the Führer, SA-Gruppenführer, 1944 Brües, Ernst, Chief Editor in Cologne, 1926 Brües, Otto, writer, Editor, 1943 Bruegel, Adolf, Hitlerjunge, 1936 Brüggemann, Dr. Max, Member of the Board of the Führer's Office, 1936 Brüggemann, Dr. Max, Member of the Board of the Führer's Office, 1936 Brües, Dr. Max, Chairman of the Board of the Führer's Office IG Farbenindustrie AG, Vice President of the Solingen Chamber of Industry and Commerce, 1942 Brügmann, Head of the apology office, 1937 Brügmann, Walther, Director, Actor, 1934 Brühl, Count Karl von, General Tandant of the Royal Theatres of Berlin, 1937 Brümmel, Dr. Gerhard, Mayor of the administrative district of Mitte, Senior Councillor, 1942 Brüning, Dr. Adolf von, Founder of the Farbwerke vorm. Master, Lucius

Management Reports No. 107
BArch, R 1507/2024 · Akt(e) · 11. Okt. 1924
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Bund Oberland, page 64-66 Bund Sachsen und Reich, page 63-64 Deutscher Arbeiterbund, page 16 German National People's Party, page 60 Frontbann, page 61 Frontjugend, page 61 Frontkriegerbund e. V., Page 16, 18, 61, 118 Frontring, page 60-63 Germanen-Orden, page 66 Großdeutsche Volksgemeinschaft, page 16 Knappenschaft, page 16-18 Nationalbolshevism, page 33 Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei, page 15-16 Nationalverband deutscher Baltikumkämpfer, page 19 Nationalverband deutscher Offiziere, Page 60 National Association of German NCOs, page 19, 30-31 Steel Helmet, Federation of Front Soldiers, page 60 Association of Former Baltic States, page 19 United Patriotic Associations of Germany, page 60-63 Völkische Gewerkschaften, page 64 Völkisch-sozialer Block, page 16 Allgemeine Arbeiter-Union (AAU), pages 55-57 Executive Committee of the III. (Communist) International ECCI, page 6-9, 51-53 Free Workers Union of Germany (FAUD), page 57 Children's Organizations, Children's Aid of the KPD, page 25-29 Communist Party of Germany, page 3-14, 20-24, 35-39, 73-117 Communist Youth Union of Germany, page 12-13, 49-50, 93-103 Cultural Policy Work, page 11-12 Red Group, page 11-12 Red Aid of Germany, page 11, 38 Red Front Fighters Union, page 9-10, 45-50, 88-92, 104

Management Reports No. 108
BArch, R 1507/2025 · Akt(e) · 1. Dez. 1924
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Alkengilde, page 145 Alldeutscher Verband, page 32, 144 Bismarckorden, page 36 Blücherbund, page 32 Brigade Ehrhardt, page 32 Bund Oberland, page 32 Bund Sachsen und Reich, page 144 Bund Völkischer Lehrer, page 36-37 Deutsche Ehren-Legion, page 144 Deutsche Kolonialgesellschaft, page 144 Deutscher Frauenorden der NSDAP, page 36 Deutscher Offiziersbund, page 144 Deutscher Ostmarkenverein, Page 145 Deutscher Schützen- und Wanderbund, Page 143-144, 159-161 Deutscher Seeverein, Page 145 Deutscher Wehrverein, Page 145 Deutschnationale Volkspartei, Page 144 Deutschnationaler Arbeiterbund, Page 144 Deutschnationaler Handlungsgehilfenverband (DHV), Page 145 Deutschnationaler Volksverein, Page 32 Deutschvölkische Freiheitspartei, Page 144 Deutschvölkische Loge, Page 32 Deutschvölkische Studentenbewegung, Page 36 German-Völkischer Schutz- und Trutzbund, page 144 German-Völkischer Turnverein, page 32 Fleet Association of German Women, page 144 Women's Club, page 145 Free Völkische Arbeitsgemeinschaft, page 144 Frontbann, page 144 Germanen-Loge, page 145 Society for the Promotion of German Art and German Essence, page 145 Greater German Youth, page 32 Greater German National Community, page 35-37, 142 Youth League Albert Leo Schlageter, page 36 Queen Luise-Bund, page 145 League for the Protection of German Culture, page 144 Naval Officers Association, page 144 National Teachers, page 145 National Club, page 145 National Ordnungsdienst, page 32, 145 National Socialist German Workers Party, pages 35-37, 140-141, 146 National Association of German Officers, page 144 East German Youth League v. Hindenburg, page 36 Reichsadler, page 144 Reichsbund deutscher Offiziere, page 144 Reichsbund Vaterländischer Arbeitervereine, page 144 Reichsflagge, page 32, 144 Sächsischer Militärvereinsbund, page 144 Scharnhorstbund, page 32 Stahlhelm, Bund der Frontsoldaten, page 32-34, 144 Verein ehemaliger Baltikumer, page 144 Verein zur Förderung der nationalen Arbeiterbewegung, Page 145 United Patriotic Federations of Germany, Page 144-145 Völkische Bauernschaften, Page 36 Völkische Gewerkschaften, Page 36 Völkische Liga, Page 145 Völkischer Beamtenbund, Page 36 Völkisch-sozialer Block, Page 32, 145 Wehrwolf, Page 32, 145 Wiking-Bund, Page 34-35, 105-107 Bauern- und Landarbeiterbewegung der KPD, Page 15-21, 80-93 Executive Committee of the III. (Communist) International ECCI, pages 42-55 International of Educational Workers, pages 103-104 Jung-Spartakus-Bund (JSB), pages 21-22, 94-97 Communist Workers Party of Germany (KAPD), pages 28 Communist Party of Germany, pages 4-31, 38-61, 111-139, 147-158 Cultural Policy Work, Page 30-31 Teachers' Movement, Page 30-31 Reich Association of the Unemployed, Page 119-125 Germany's Red Aid, Page 22-28 Red Front Fighters' Association, Page 6-12, 38-55, 127-130, 154-156 KPD training work, Page 30-31 KPD Cheka, Page 125-126 KPD decomposition work, Page 38-39, 131-132, 133-134, 157-158

Management Reports No. 109
BArch, R 1507/2025 · Akt(e) · 20. Dez. 1924
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Alkengilde, page 145 Alldeutscher Verband, page 32, 144 Bismarckorden, page 36 Blücherbund, page 32 Brigade Ehrhardt, page 32 Bund Oberland, page 32 Bund Sachsen und Reich, page 144 Bund Völkischer Lehrer, page 36-37 Deutsche Ehren-Legion, page 144 Deutsche Kolonialgesellschaft, page 144 Deutscher Frauenorden der NSDAP, page 36 Deutscher Offiziersbund, page 144 Deutscher Ostmarkenverein, Page 145 Deutscher Schützen- und Wanderbund, Page 143-144, 159-161 Deutscher Seeverein, Page 145 Deutscher Wehrverein, Page 145 Deutschnationale Volkspartei, Page 144 Deutschnationaler Arbeiterbund, Page 144 Deutschnationaler Handlungsgehilfenverband (DHV), Page 145 Deutschnationaler Volksverein, Page 32 Deutschvölkische Freiheitspartei, Page 144 Deutschvölkische Loge, Page 32 Deutschvölkische Studentenbewegung, Page 36 German-Völkischer Schutz- und Trutzbund, page 144 German-Völkischer Turnverein, page 32 Fleet Association of German Women, page 144 Women's Club, page 145 Free Völkische Arbeitsgemeinschaft, page 144 Frontbann, page 144 Germanen-Loge, page 145 Society for the Promotion of German Art and German Essence, page 145 Greater German Youth, page 32 Greater German National Community, page 35-37, 142 Youth League Albert Leo Schlageter, page 36 Queen Luise-Bund, page 145 League for the Protection of German Culture, page 144 Naval Officers Association, page 144 National Teachers, page 145 National Club, page 145 National Ordnungsdienst, page 32, 145 National Socialist German Workers Party, pages 35-37, 140-141, 146 National Association of German Officers, page 144 East German Youth League v. Hindenburg, page 36 Reichsadler, page 144 Reichsbund deutscher Offiziere, page 144 Reichsbund Vaterländischer Arbeitervereine, page 144 Reichsflagge, page 32, 144 Sächsischer Militärvereinsbund, page 144 Scharnhorstbund, page 32 Stahlhelm, Bund der Frontsoldaten, page 32-34, 144 Verein ehemaliger Baltikumer, page 144 Verein zur Förderung der nationalen Arbeiterbewegung, Page 145 United Patriotic Federations of Germany, Page 144-145 Völkische Bauernschaften, Page 36 Völkische Gewerkschaften, Page 36 Völkische Liga, Page 145 Völkischer Beamtenbund, Page 36 Völkisch-sozialer Block, Page 32, 145 Wehrwolf, Page 32, 145 Wiking-Bund, Page 34-35, 105-107 Bauern- und Landarbeiterbewegung der KPD, Page 15-21, 80-93 Executive Committee of the III. (Communist) International ECCI, pages 42-55 International of Educational Workers, pages 103-104 Jung-Spartakus-Bund (JSB), pages 21-22, 94-97 Communist Workers Party of Germany (KAPD), pages 28 Communist Party of Germany, pages 4-31, 38-61, 111-139, 147-158 Cultural Policy Work, Page 30-31 Teachers' Movement, Page 30-31 Reich Association of the Unemployed, Page 119-125 Germany's Red Aid, Page 22-28 Red Front Fighters' Association, Page 6-12, 38-55, 127-130, 154-156 KPD training work, Page 30-31 KPD Cheka, Page 125-126 KPD decomposition work, Page 38-39, 131-132, 133-134, 157-158

Political correspondence
Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz, I. HA Rep. 81 Florenz/Italien, Nr. 13 · Akt(e) · 1867
Teil von Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: - Joint action by the European powers over the uprising in Crete, 1867 - visit of the Duchess of Genoa to Saxony, 1867 - colonial trade with India and Sumatra, 1867 - purchase of provisions for the Italian army, 1867 - colonial trade with Senegal, 1867 - General La Marmora's trip to Venice and abroad, 1867 - armament of the navy in France, 1867 - financial reform in Italy, 1867 - exchange of archives between Austria and Italy over Veneto,1867 - Baron Bille-Brahe appointed Danish chargé d'affaires to the Kingdom of Italy, 1867 - Chevalier Constantino Nigra returned to Paris as envoy, 1867 - Situation in Schleswig-Holstein, 1867 - Proposals for the foundation of a South German Confederation (Salzburg meeting), 1867 - Compensation between Austria and Hungary, 1867 - Hungarian railway loan, 1867 - Delivery of weapons to France, 1867 - Travels of Garibaldi through the Papal States and Central Italy, 1867 - Political situation in Austria, 1867 - Statements of Emperor Napoleon III. on a war with Prussia, 1867 - German nunnery in Assisi, 1867 - political situation in Hungary, 1867 - "Summary overview of the strength of the Italian army in late August and late September 1866", 1867 - political conditions in Bulgaria, 1867 - Russian music project on the unrest in Crete, 1867 - Neutralisation of the Netherlands, 1867 - Fortress of Luxembourg demolished, 1867 - Negotiations between France and Italy on the Papal State, 1867 - Situation in the city of Rome, 1867 - French troops sent to Rome, 1867 - Negotiations on a conference on the Roman question, 1867 - Battle of Mentana, 1867.