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Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, Q 1/2 Bü 18 · Akt(e) · ? - 1918-01-01
Teil von Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

Contains: - Three letters from Max M. and Fritz Warburg, concerning the formulation of principles for the League of Nations, the Reich government's public relations work, a possible armistice, the list of proposals for the Peace Council and various persons, Sept. - Dec.Dec. 1918 - Two letters from lawyer and district judge Meisner, concerning the appointment of Prince Max von Baden as Reich Chancellor and the prospects of a favorable peace, together with a letter from former Reichsgerichtsrat H. Dietz, concerning the policies of Reich Chancellors Bethmann-Hollweg, Max von Baden and the State Secretary for the Colonies, Dr. Solf, Oct. 1918 - copy of a letter from Wilhelm Cohnstaedt of the "Frankfurter Zeitung" to the Deputy Reich Chancellor, Friedrich von Payer, re. the impairment of the prospect of an armistice if it is offered in the name of the Kaiser, with accompanying letter to Haußmann, Oct. 8, 1918 - Letter from Otto Schwarz, regarding the assessment of Turkey, Oct. 9, 1918 - Letter of thanks from Friedrich Haux, MdL, for Haußmann's participation on the occasion of Haux's private misfortunes, Oct. 9, 1918 Okt. 1918 - Request from the news department of the Foreign Office, concerning a speech by Haußmann, with stenographic notes, Oct. 9, 1918 - Anonymous letter, concerning the alleged general corruption in Germany, with two newspaper articles on this subject, undated - Masch. Letter from Georg Gothein, MdR, regarding the future political organization of Poland and the role of the Jews, as well as Gothein's newspaper article "Break with militarism", Oct. 1918 - Letter from Dernburg, regarding the participation of America experts in the negotiations with the USA, Oct. 16, 1918 - Four letters and a postcard from Robert Bosch, regarding Bosch's business principles and management style, the possibility of a national uprising and a social revolution, an armistice, Ludendorff, Hindenburg and Prussia, Oct. 1918 - Letter from Clara Zetkin requesting support for her request for her son to be recalled from the front, Oct. 18, 1918 - Letter from G. Stoskopf, regarding the autonomy of Alsace, Oct. 19, 1918 - Letter from Judicial Councillor D. Stoskopf, regarding the autonomy of Alsace, Oct. 19, 1918 1918 - Letter from Councillor of Justice D.F. Waldstein asking whether Haußmann, as a representative of the Progress Party, wishes to accept the declaration of consent to the League of Nations, which Waldstein is asked to do in the enclosed letter from the People's League for Freedom and Fatherland, Oct. 1918 - Letter from Gottlob Eppler on his business card, who sends a letter from his son with a picture of the mood at the front, together with a letter of congratulations from the Ebingen People's Association on Haußmann's appointment as Reich State Secretary, Oct. 15 and 20, 1918 - Two letters from different authors, concerning the necessity, possibility and preconditions of a last great effort, Oct. 1918 - Letter from Hartwig Schubart, retired Royal Prussian Captain, in which he asks for support for the enclosed copy of a masch. The purpose of the letter is to lift the confiscation of Hartwig's book "Deutsche Schuld am Kriege" ("German guilt in the war"), Oct. 22, 1918 - Telegram from Major Walter Bloem requesting a meeting on an "urgent patriotic matter", Oct. 22, 1918 - Two letters from the Reichskanzler (German Chancellor), Oct. 22, 1918 Oct. 22, 1918 - Two letters from the student councilor Humbert, concerning the annexation of German-Austria and the introduction of electoral emperorship, Oct. 23 and 28, 1918 - Letter from Behrens from the management of the Disconto-Gesellschaft in Berlin, concerning the enclosed excerpt from a letter from the police chief of the Berlin police station. Excerpt from a letter from Police President Gerstein, in which he comments on his possible use within the new Reich government, Oct. 1918 - Letter from Björn Björnson, who recommends ending the war and settling the Schleswig issue with Denmark, Oct. 25, 1918 - Letter from Dr. Emil Leimdörfer, concerning a possible abdication of the Kaiser and his son, Oct. 27, 1918 - Letter from Walther Schücking, concerning the journalistic activities of Schücking and several colleagues on behalf of the government, Oct. 29, 1918 - Letter of thanks from former Reich Chancellor Bethmann Hollweg for Haußmann's comments in the "Berliner Tageblatt", Oct. 29, 1918 - Letter from Franz Schieting, concerning the lack of foreign representation of German interests, with stenographic notes, Oct. 30, 1918 - Seven letters from various authors, concerning the bringing about of an armistice and peace, Oct.Nov. 1918 - Twelve letters or postcards whose authors request employment or use or ask Haußmann to become involved in an individual matter on their behalf, Oct.-Nov. 1918 - Five congratulatory letters or cards and telegrams on Haußmann's appointment as Reich State Secretary or with praise for his person and work, Oct.Nov. 1918 - Letter from lawyer Dr. Rheinstrom, regarding the demand for the abdication of the Kaiser, Nov. 2, 1918 - Masch. political and business exposé for a new Berlin newspaper which is to be "based on the radical aspirations within the majority government", with accompanying letter from the author Rauscher, Nov. 9. 1918 - Telegram from the editor Wallishauser, who, as a member of the local parliament, requests instructions for his conduct in the constituent National Assembly, Nov. 9, 1918 - Two letters from various authors demanding the abdication of the Kaiser, Nov. 1918 Also contains: - Anonymous second part of the article "Letters from a German Jew abroad", undated (printed) - Masch. Memorandum "Creation of a Peace Council", masch. List of members of the Peace Council as well as typed and handwritten notes concerning the military and economic program of the new Reich government by Fritz Warburg, Oct. 1918 - M, Oct. 18 and 19, 1918 - Handwritten note by Haußmann concerning the possibility of an armistice, Oct. 1918 - Masch. Draft of a program of the Imperial Government by Baron Walter von Herman-Wain, Nov. 7, 1918 - Letter from Guido Leser, concerning a union of Württemberg and Baden, April 25, 1919

Haußmann, Conrad
Ministry of the Interior III (inventory)
Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, E 146 · Bestand · 1806-1906
Teil von Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

Preliminary note from 1966: The files listed in this repertory were transferred to the Archives of the Interior by the Ministry of the Interior in 1896 on the occasion of a reorganization of the ministerial registry (supplements 1897, 1903, 1906). As a remedy for the find, the extensive handover directory created according to the registry categories was used, even after the Archive of the Interior was merged with the State Branch Archive (since 1938: State Archive) in Ludwigsburg. since there was no prospect of repertorisation by an academic official in the foreseeable future, archive employee I. Müller, under the direction of the undersigned, was commissioned in 1962 with a more detailed indexing of the holdings. This work will continue over a longer period of time and will be reflected in numerous repertory volumes. Parallel to the new indexing, which retains the previous structure of the holdings, the files are repackaged and the completed repertory volumes are indexed by a complete register of places and persons. After completion of the indexing work, this register, which until then had only been kept in concept, is to be added to the entire repertory as a final volume. 2,510 old sets of files on 216 linear metres are to be found in the holdings. The present first volume contains 113 bundles (= now 690 tufts) with a volume of 11 m. Ludwigsburg, December 1966Dr. A. Seiler Retrokonversion und weitere Erschließung: The present find book represents the end product of decades of development work which was begun in 1962 by the archivist Irma Müller under the guidance of Dr. Alois Seiler. The work was initially continued until 1976 by Gerhard Rukwied, Rainer Trunk, Heinrich Graf and Regina Glatzle. Up to this key year, the number of 10 repertory volumes was reached, which comprise the alphabetically ordered categories from replacement matters to trade and commerce. Due to worsening personnel resources, the work had to be interrupted for a long period of time and was only resumed at the end of the 1990s by Franz Moegle-Hofacker in cooperation with numerous legal trainees and archive inspector candidates. After a change of responsibility as a result of the reorganisation of the archive administration in Baden-Württemberg in the course of the administrative reform in 2005, the undersigned took on the lead for the further indexing work, in which archive employee Julian Schulenburg was also involved. With regard to the official history of the Württemberg Ministry of the Interior, reference is made to the printed overview of the holdings of the Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart (e-stocks) and the online overview of the holdings as well as the forewords of the holdings E 151/01 ff. A list of the interior ministers of Württemberg, which was not included there, can be found in the appendix. Because of the many editors and the long development period, a complete homogeneity of the overall find book could not be achieved. However, due to the partially complex nature of the documents, the title recordings contained in the previous finding aids were post-processed, increasingly for the purpose of applying more recent archival indexing principles, in particular ISAD (G) level indexing. In order to be able to properly depict the registry relationships, the classification scheme used in the ministry until 1922 was retained as a structure, whereby some very large categories were subdivided into sub-categories. Since the duration of the stock ends in 1906, no overlapping of different file plans had to be feared here. This practice should also be taken into account for the future archival indexing of the holdings E 141 and E 150, of which so far only very summary handwritten finding aids have been available. 10 earlier repertory volumes were retroconverted for the online version of the complete find book by the temporary employees Silvia Ebinger and Aurelia Varsami, and were structurally and in individual cases also linguistically revised by the undersigned. The indexing proved to be particularly elaborate, whereby numerous persons mentioned in the inventory only with surnames had to be identified as far as possible on the basis of relevant literature (see below). The administrative affiliation of the individual locations is now listed in the location index, no longer in the individual title recordings. In particular, the system has been continuously changed to new spelling. In the course of the registration work Regina Eberhardt professionally packaged the entire inventory, which comprises 10181 tufts of approx. 244 linear metres of shelving.Literature: Heinrich Ihme, Südwestdeutsche Persönlichkeiten, 3 volumes, Stuttgart 1988Frank Raberg, Biographisches Handbuch der württembergischen Landtagsabgeordneten 1815 - 1933, Stuttgart 2001The Heads of the Oberämter, Bezirksämter und Landkreise in Baden-Württemberg 1810 - 1972 Published by the Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Kreisarchive beim Landkreistag Baden-Württemberg, Stuttgart 1996 2nd nationality mark: A]Austria [AL]Albania [B]Belgium [BG]Bulgaria [BY]Belarus] Cuba [CDN]Canada [CH]Switzerland [CZ]Czech Republic [DK]Denmark [DZ]Algeria [E]Spain [ET]Egypt [F]France [UK]Great Britain and Northern Ireland [GR]Greece [GUY]Guyana [H]Hungary [HR]Croatia [I]Italy [IL]Israel [IRL]Ireland [J]Japan [L]Luxembourg [LV]Latvia [M]Malta [MA]Morocco [MAL]Malaysia MEX]Mexico [N]Norway [NL]Netherlands [PE]Peru [PL]Poland [PRI]Puerto Rico [RA]Argentina [RCH]Chile [RL]Lebanon [RO]Romania [RUS]Russia [S]Sweden [SK]Slovakia [SLO]Slovenia [SN]Senegal [SRB]Serbia [SUD]Sudan [TN]Tunisia [TR]Turkey [UA]Ukraine [USA]United States of America [ZA]South Africa 4. List of Württemberg interior ministers until 1806 - 1906/12 (duration of the collection): Philipp Christian von Normann-Ehrenfels1806 - February 1812 Carl Friedrich Philipp Heinrich Graf von ReischachFebruary 1812 to November 1817 Christian Friedrich von Otto10. November 1817 to 29 July 1821 Christoph Friedrich von Schmidlin29. July 1821 to 28 December 1830 Sixt Eberhard von Kapff3. January 1831 to 3 April 1832 Jakob Friedrich von Weishaar3. April to 10 August 1832 Johannes von Schlayer10. August 1832 to 6 March 1848 Joseph Freiherr von Linden6 to 9 March 1848 Johannes von Schlayer10. August 1832 to 6 March 1848 Gustav Heinrich Duvernoy9 March 1848 to 28 October 1849 ("Märzministerium") Johannes von Schlayer (2nd time)28 October 1849 to 2 July 1850 Joseph Freiherr von Linden20. September 1852 to 20 September 1864 Ernst von Geßler21. September 1864 to 23 March 1870 Friedrich Karl von Scheuerlen23. March 1870 to April 1, 1872 Theodor von Geßler4. April 1872 to 16 May 1872 Christian Christlieb Heinrich von Sick16. May 1872 to 13 October 1881 Julius von Hölder13. October 1881 to 30 August 1887 Karl Joseph von Schmid9. September 1887 to 6 December 1893 Johann von Pischek14. December 1893 to 20 December 1912

Newer printed maps I (inventory)
Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, N 110 · Bestand
Teil von Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

Content and evaluation of the collective stock without spatial limitation analogous to stock N 100, to which it is generally connected in terms of time. Together with the maps in M 640 (until 1978: N 111), most of the maps united here formed the map collection of the former Army Archives Stuttgart, which was affiliated to the Main State Archives after 1945. This collection as well as other existing maps of the period up to 1945 were rearranged and listed in the years 1963-1964. Maps from the period before about 1820 to 1830 were separated out and assigned to inventory N 100. In addition, the maps were divided into military and non-military maps, which in 1968 received the various inventory signatures N 111 and N 110. The structure of the non-military maps in this collection, which belong in their mass to the 19th century, follows the political zoning valid until 1914 and shows the following groups: World Maps, Africa, America, Asia, Europe, Central Europe, European Countries (Balkans, Belgium, Bulgaria, Denmark and Schleswig-Holstein, France, Greece, Great Britain, Italy, Yugoslavia, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Austria-Hungary, Romania, Russia with Finland, peripheral states and Poland, Sweden, Switzerland, Spain, Czechoslovakia), German Reich, German Länder (Bavaria, Alsace-Lorraine, Hesse, Hohenzollern, Lippe, Lübeck, Mecklenburg, Oldenburg, Prussia, Saxony, Württemberg, Baden). For all groups, topographic maps and map series of various scales are the most important genre; especially for the German Länder, administrative, traffic and hiking maps, other thematic maps and city maps are added. Apart from individual sheets, the holdings do not contain any cadastral maps.