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Fabri estate

Acquired 2009 by Antiquariat Steinkopf, Stuttgart, from the estate of Rössle]; Inspector Fabri's interpretation of 1 Cor. 12-15, written off by M. W. 1884, by Inspector K. Krafft (1862-1942) received 31.5.1939; Letter Jacobi from Inspector Dr. Fabri, written up in the Bible studies, various possession notes, written off probably 1865/1866; Fabri Matth. 13 and 1. Cor. 15, from possession F. Liederwald (1860-1947); Bible studies held by Insp. Dr. Fabri in the Mission House at Barmen, 1864-1866, various possession notes; Fabri, Dogmatics: The Means of Grace, received from Inspector K. Krafft 25.5.1939; Fabri, short outline of church dogmatics, received from Inspector K. Krafft 25.5.1939; The letter to the Ephesians, copy of Miss. Sundermann, 1942, also contains 1 page quotation Fabri "Der Krieg ist ein Gericht Gottes", drawn L. (Liederwald?); excerpts from a letter: Zur Biographie Heft III (Rössle); interpretation of Matth. 25,1-13, 9.10.1864, Nachschrift (Rössle?); booklet inscribed: Fabri's last speech in Nuremberg, issue IV, also contains; Letters to Fabri's sister Anna; Correspondence Rössle; Two speeches given at the funeral ceremony (of Fabri) in the church of Godesberg; 3 photos of Fabri; leaves of the memory of the beatified church councillor Dr. E. F. W. Fabri of Würzburg. Würzburg 1866, from the possession of the sister of Fabri?; Rössle's essay in the Deutsches Pfarrerblatt, 1943; various obituaries; notebook with various parts, mostly sermons; Die Ohnmacht des Amtes, 1864; Bible studies on the Philippian letter, Ringstedt 1859/1860; The Comforting Name of the Lord and other sermons; Experiences in Brazil, 1892-1900, "written by father 1901/1902", envelope Diarium Carl du ?, written by father Rössle?

Rheinische Missionsgesellschaft