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Universitätsarchiv Stuttgart Findbuch zum Bestand 33 Forschungs- und Materialprüfungsanstalt für das Bauwesen (FMPA) - Otto-Graf-Institut Edited by Dr. Volker Ziegler With the cooperation of Hanna Reiss, Tamara Zukakishvili, Stephanie Hengel, Maria Stemper, Simone Wittmann, Anna Bittigkoffer, Norbert Becker Supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft Stuttgart 2012 Table of contents 1st foreword 2. 2.1 The founding of the Materialprüfungsanstalt Stuttgart 2.2 Carl Bach and Emil Mörsch 2.3 The beginnings of Otto Graf in the Materialprüfungsanstalt Stuttgart 2.4 Otto Graf, Richard Baumann and the successor of Carl Bach 2.5 The formation of the Department of Civil Engineering and the Institute for Building Materials Research and Testing in Civil Engineering 2.6 Otto Graf after the Second World War 2.7 Otto Graf's Services 2.8 Relocation of the FMPA to Vaihingen 2.9 Restructuring within the FMPA 2.10 Re-sorting the FMPA to the Ministry of Economics of Baden-Württemberg 2.11 Reintegration of the FMPA into the University of Stuttgart and Reunification with the MPA 3. 3.1 Inventory History 3.2 Filing and Registration 3.3 Distribution density 3.4 Focus on content 4 Literature 5. Reference to further archive holdings 6. User notes 1. Foreword In 1999 and 2000, the University Archive Stuttgart took over a large number of old files from the central institute building of the then Research and Material Testing Institute Baden-Württemberg (FMPA) - Otto-Graf-Institut, a total of 263.7 shelf metres. This extensive collection, together with a few smaller, later additions, forms the holdings 33, which the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (German Research Foundation) funded from June 2008 to March 2012 as part of the Scientific Library Services and Information Systems (LIS) funding programme. The focus of the cataloguing lies on the research organization and on the networks in NS large-scale projects and in construction projects of the early Federal Republic of Germany, which also corresponds to the density of the inventory handed down between 1933 and 1958. The Materialprüfungsanstalt Stuttgart officially commenced its activities on 25 February 1884. It was an institution of the Technical University of Stuttgart. From the beginning, both areas were covered: material testing for mechanical and plant engineering as well as the testing of building materials and construction methods. When in 1927 the institutional separation of the two areas of work was initiated, the registries of the Material Testing Institute/MPA (Mechanical Engineering) and the Material Testing Institute for Construction were also separated. When the latter moved from Stuttgart-Berg to the new buildings in Stuttgart-Vaihingen at the end of the 1950s and beginning of the 1960s, the files were taken along for building material testing, but also the series of joint outgoing mail books from 1883. They are therefore also part of the archive holdings 33. Following the retirement of non-archival-worthy files, the archive holdings currently comprise 3,484 archive units from the period from 1883 to 1996 as well as 777 personnel files of FMPA employees up to 1986. A finding aid book is also available online for the personnel files of employees born up to 1912. A whole series of employees of the Stuttgart University Archive were involved in the implementation of the project. The project staff members Hanna Reiss, Tamara Zukakishvili and Stephanie Hengel must first be named here. Hanna Reiss recorded the personnel files and the important clients, in addition she supported the scientific coworker with evaluation questions. Tamara Zukakishvili recorded the daily copies of the departments of the Otto-Graf-Institut. Stephanie Hengel, together with the undersigned, carried out the evaluation of the partial stock of publications and recorded and systematised, among other things, the extensive partial stock of the Länder Expert Committee for New Building Materials and Types of Construction. Maria Stemper registered the outgoing mail correspondence, Simone Wittmann, Anna Bittigkoffer and Norbert Becker a part of the test files of the departments concrete, stones and binders, earth and foundation engineering and building physics. Norbert Becker, Anna Bittigkoffer and Stephanie Hengel carried out the inspection and evaluation of the large-format documents and plans as well as the extensive collection of photographs and photonegatives. Rolf Peter Menger took over important de-icing and packaging work and Norbert Becker, head of the University Archive in Stuttgart, provided advice and support on all important issues. Once again we would like to thank all those involved in the implementation of the project. Stuttgart, 12.03.2012 Dr. Volker Ziegler 2nd outline of the history of building material testing at the Technical University/University of Stuttgart 2.1 The foundation of the Materialprüfungsanstalt Stuttgart The present volume 33 contains the files of the working area of building material testing, which was part of the Materialprüfungsanstalt Stuttgart under various names until 1945 and only then became independent, which is why it is necessary to go into the history of the Materialprüfungsanstalt Stuttgart in more detail. The Materialprüfungsanstalt Stuttgart officially commenced its activities on 25 February 1884. Professor Adolf Groß, Professor of Machine Drawing, Machine Science and Design Exercises at the Stuttgart Polytechnic, was the founding director. In September 1883, however, Groß changed from the Polytechnikum Stuttgart to the board of directors of the Württembergische Staatseisenbahnen and was replaced by Carl Bach[1] as the board member of the Materialprüfungsanstalt[2] In the decree of the Department of Churches and Education in the Staatsanzeiger für Württemberg of 21 February 1884, the following is formulated as the area of responsibility of the Materialprüfungsanstalt Stuttgart: 1. The Materialprüfungsanstalt is determined to serve the interests of industry as well as those of teaching. Initially, the equipment was purchased to determine the tensile strength of metal and wooden rods, belts, ropes, cement and cement mortar, the compressive strength of cement, cement mortar and bricks, the bending strength of metal rods and beams, the shear strength of round metal rods. On request, elasticity modulus and proportional limit, if any, can also be determined during tensile tests. It has been decided to extend the institution by the facilities for determining the wear and tear of stones. The fees payable for the use of the establishment shall be sufficient to cover its expenses. Public operation will begin on 25 February this year. This shows that building material tests were planned from the outset and that the institution was to be operated economically. The Royal Württemberg Ministry of Finance provided an amount of 6,000 Marks. Furthermore, 10,000 Marks came from a surplus that had been achieved at the state trade exhibition in Stuttgart at that time. This was what the Württembergische Bezirksverein Deutscher Ingenieure (Württemberg District Association of German Engineers) had advocated following an application by Carl Bach.[3] There was no state funding. Carl Bach therefore had to make do with a room in the main building of the polytechnic, which had to be shared with the electrical engineering department. Apart from Carl Bach, there was only one employee at the beginning. It was not until 1906 that a new building could be moved into in Stuttgart-Berg. The development had been so positive that the state of Württemberg assumed the construction costs and Carl Bach was able to hire additional personnel, including engineers Richard Baumann, Otto Graf and Max Ulrich, who came to the Materials Testing Institute in 1903 and 1904. They were largely paid for out of earned funds. 2.2 Carl Bach and Emil Mörsch Carl Bach's collaboration with Emil Mörsch, a man who laid the scientific foundations for reinforced concrete construction, was of fundamental importance. In 1902 Mörsch published his work Der Eisenbetonbau, seine Anwendung und Theorie. This book was published in a short time and became a standard work. Mörsch, who was still working for Ways at that time.