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Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, E 14 Bü 215 · Akt(e) · 1887-1888
Teil von Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: - Adam, A. E., Stuttgart: "Joh. Jakob Moser as Württemberg Landscape Consultant", 9/10 June 1887 - Adlersfeld, Euphemia von, Militsch: "Maria Stuart", 17/21 Aug. 1888 - Baensch, W. von, Kommerzienrat, Leipzig/Dresden: "History of the von Wrangel Family", 5/7 Oct. 1888 - Adlersfeld, Euphemia von, Militsch: "Maria Stuart", 17/21 Aug. 1888 - Baensch, W. von, Kommerzienrat, Leipzig/Dresden: "History of the von Wrangel Family", 5/7 Oct. 1888 - Adlersfeld, Euphemia von, Militsch: "Maria Stuart", 17/21 Aug. 1888 - Baensch, W. von, Kommerzienrat, Leipzig/Dresden: "History of the von Wrangel Family", 5/7 Oct, 24/26 Oct. 1887 - Berg, Oberst, Passau: "History of the 4th Bavarian Hunter Battalion", 27 Apr., 5 May, 1888 - Bertouch, Ernst von, Wiesbaden: "History of the Spiritual Cooperatives", 8/13 Feb. - Beßler, J. G., Reallehrer, Ludwigsburg: "Illustrated Textbook of Beekeeping", 27 Oct. 1887 - Beyer, Dr. Prof.., Stuttgart, "Das literarische Deutschland", Nov. 9, 1887 - Dithfurt, Max von, Freiherr, Hanover: "Die Schlacht von Borodino", Jan. 5, 1887 - Dorsch, Paul, Vikar, Oberurbach: "Schwäbische Bauern in Kriegszeiten", Sept. 19/21, 1887 - "Dürer's Painting" by Sigmund Soldan, Bookstore, Nuremberg, July 11-13, 1888 - Ebers, Georg Dr. Prof.., Leipzig/Munich: "Die Gred", Roman, Nov. 28, Dec. 2, 1888 - Fischer, Karl, Hauptmann a. D., Stuttgart: "History of the Stuttgart Stadtgarde on Horseback", March 10/15, 1887 - Friese, Eugen, Hauptmann a. D., Dresden: "Braucht Deutschland eine Kolonialarmee", Aug. 23-31, 1887 - Georgii-Georgenau, Emil von, Stuttgart: "Interesting Pieces of Files from the Years 1789-1795", Sept. 16-18, 1887 - "The German Army in Need of a Colonial Army", August 23-31, 1887 1887 - Gerik, Karl von, Court Preacher, Stuttgart: "Brosamen", 18/19 Nov. 1887 - Günthert, J. E. von, Colonel, Stuttgart: "Agnes", Novella, 12/16/24/25 Oct. 1887 - Hahn, Otto Dr.., Reutlingen: "Perpetua", Trauerspiel, 10th/14th Nov. 1887 - Hinrichsen, Adolf, Charlottenburg: "Literary Germany", "German Thinkers", 30th Jan. 1888 - Hölder, by Dr. med, Stuttgart: "On the construction of a new insane asylum in Weissenau", 12-17 May 1887; "The physical and mental peculiarities of criminals", 6-15 May 1888 - Keller, Otto Dr. Prof., Freiburg/Br./Prague: "Animals of classical antiquity", 25 Aug 1887 - Keppler, P. Dr. Prof., Tübingen: "Württemberg's Church Art Antiquities", 23-30 Nov. 1888 - Lachenmaier, G., Stuttgart: "Duke Eugen von Württemberg", 6th/12th Febr. 1888 - Lang, Paul, city priest, Ludwigsburg: "Maulbronner Geschichtenbuch", 21st/26th Sept. 1887 - Manskopf, Gustav, Frankfurt a. M.: "Der Justitia-Brunnen auf dem Römerberg in Frankfurt", 12th/20th May 1887 - Miller, Konrad. Dr. Prof, geography historian, Stuttgart: "Peutinger'sche Tafel", 28/31 Dec. 1887 - Paulus, Eduard Dr. Prof., Stuttgart: "Das Kloster Bebenhausen", 8/9 June 1887 - Perthes, Emil, bookstore, Gotha: "Portraits of the German Emperors", 1/4 Sept. 1887 - Pfleiderer, Eugen, Munich: "Handbuch der bayerischen und württembergischen Aktiengesellschaften", 29 Aug. 1887 - "The German Emperors' Guide to the German Empire", Munich: "Handbuch der bayerischen und württembergischen Aktiengesellschaften", 29 Aug. 1887 - "The German Empire", Munich: "The German Emperors' Guide to the German Empire", 1/4 Sept. 1887 - Pfleiderer, Eugen, Munich: "Handbuch der bayerischen und württembergischen Aktiengesellschaften", 29 Aug., 2 Sept. 1888 - Pochhammer, M. von Dr., Gernsbach, "Portraits of the German Emperors", 1/4 Sept. 1887 - Preßel, Wilhelm, Pfarrer, Lustenau/Tübingen: "The People of Israel in Dispersion", 2 Dec. 1887 - Ranke, E. Dr. Prof., Marburg: "Festschrift der Universität Marburg", 13th/14th June 1888 - Reuß, Heinrich Fürst von, younger line: "Lebensbild der Fürstin Agnes Reuß, born Duchess of Württemberg", 29th Oct., 3rd Nov. 1887 - Riecke, by Dr.., Staatsrat, Stuttgart: "Constitution, Administration and State Budget of the Kingdom of Württemberg", 15-16 May 1887 - "Riemenschneider, Tilmann and his School", 30 Sept., 2 Oct., 1887, 6-8 July 1888 - Roß, Albert, Magdeburg: "Allgemeines deutsches Eisenbahn-Liederbuch", 24-27 Sept. 1887 - Sanden, A. von, Oberstleutnant, Berlin: "König Wilhelm und Kaiser Napoleon III. (1870)", June 17-20, 1887 - Schanzenbach, Otto Dr. Prof., Stuttgart: "Mömpelgards schöne Tage", May 8-11, 1887 - Schneider, Eugen Dr., Archive Secretary, Stuttgart: "Württembergische Reformationsgeschichte", June 4-5, 1887; "Codex Hirsaugiensis", February 2-8, 1888 - Schneider, Heinz Dr. Prof., Stuttgart: "Württembergische Reformationsgeschichte", June 4-5, 1887; "Codex Hirsaugiensis", February 2-8, 1888 - Schneider, Heinz Dr. Prof. Dr., Stuttgart: "Mömpelgards schöne Tage", May 8-11, 1887 - Schneider, Eugen Dr., Archive Secretary, Stuttgart: "Württembergische Reformationsgeschichte", June 4-5, 1887; "Codex Hirsaugiensis", February 2-8, 1888 - Schneider, Heinz Dr. Prof, Gotha: "Portraits of the German Emperors", 1/4 Sept. 1887 - Schott, Theodor Dr. Prof., Stuttgart: "Württemberg and the French in 1688", 25 Nov. 1887 - Soldan, Sigmund, bookshop, Nuremberg: "Dürer's Painting", 11/13 July 1888 - Stälin, by Dr.., Oberstudienrat, Archivrat, Stuttgart: "History of Württemberg", continued, January 13-18, 1887; "History of the City of Calw", Dec 18-25, 1887 - Stein, Sigismund Theodor Dr., Frankfurt: "The Light in the Service of Scientific Research", Aug. 27, Sept. 5, 1888 - Streeter, Edwin, London: "Precious Stones and Gems", Feb. 8/14, 1887 - Streit, Carl, Bad Kissingen: "Tilmann Riemenschneider and his School", Sept. 30, 1888 - "The Light in the Service of Scientific Research", Aug. 5, 1888 - "The Light in the Service of Scientific Research", Sept. 8/14, 1887 - Streit, Carl, Bad Kissingen: "Tilmann Riemenschneider and his School", Sept. 30, 1888 2 Oct. 1887, 6 / 8 July 1888 - Trost, Ludwig Dr., Munich: "From the scientific and artistic life of Bavaria", "Jerusalem and the Crucifixion of Christ", 10 / 13 Nov. 1887 - Walcher, Karl, Stuttgart: "Sculptures of the Stuttgart pleasure house at Lichtenstein Castle", 28 July, 3 Aug. 1887

Family archive Gauger/Heiland (inventory)
Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, P 39 · Bestand · (Vorakten ab 1831) 1882-2010
Teil von Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)
  1. on the Gauger/Heiland family: Joseph Gauger is the first person documented in the collection with originals. He was descended from a Swabian family that can be traced back to the 16th century and that early confessed to Pietism. His father, Johann Martin Gauger (1816-1873), was head of the Paulinenpflege, his half-brother Gottlob Gauger (1855-1885) was in the service of the Basler Mission and was active 1878-1888 in Africa at the Gold Coast and afterwards in Cameroon, where he died. Joseph Gauger's brother Samuel (1859-1941) was also a pastor and last dean in Ludwigsburg. Born in 1866 in Winnenden, Joseph Gauger became an orphan early on, at the age of 13. He graduated from the Karlsgymnasium in Stuttgart. He first attended the teacher training seminar in Esslingen and became a teacher in Dürnau after graduating. From 1889 to 1893 he studied law in Tübingen, then Protestant theology. Afterwards he became vicar in Mägerkingen and Großheppach, 1898 finally town parish administrator in Giengen. The emerging Swabian career was broken off by the marriage with Emeline Gesenberg from Elberfeld. She was to stay in Elberfeld to care for her father, so the young couple moved into their parents' house in Hopfenstraße 6. There was also a Pietist community in Elberfeld. Joseph Gauger found employment as the second inspector of the Protestant Society, which provided him with a solid foundation for an equally pietistic career in his new Rhineland homeland. Later he was able to obtain the position of Director of the Evangelical Society. The Evangelical Society in Elberfeld had dedicated itself to mission in Germany since 1848. Here Gauger became responsible for the publishing work and the so-called writing mission. Since 1906 he was editor of the weekly "Licht und Leben", an activity he carried out until 1938, shortly before his death. From 1923 he also published the widely read political monthly "Gotthardbriefe". In 1911 Gauger became a member of the board of the Gnadauer Verband and in 1921 - not least because of his musical talent - chairman of the Evangelischer Sängerbund. In 1921 he also became a member of the Constituent Assembly of the Evangelical Church of the Old Prussian Union. His favourite sister Maria married Jakob Ziegler, who worked at the Ziegler Institutions in the pietist community of Wilhelmsdorf (near Ravensburg) as a senior teacher and later director at the boys' institution. Due to the very intensive correspondence and frequent visits to his sister, Joseph Gauger remained attached to Swabian pietism. During the Third Reich, Joseph Gauger and his family were followers of the Confessing Church. Joseph Gauger was finally banned from publishing, his publication organ "Licht und Leben" was banned, and in 1939 he was expelled from the Reichsschrifttumskammer. In 1934 his son Martin refused the oath to Adolf Hitler, whereupon he - a young public prosecutor - was dismissed from public service. Since 1935 he has worked as a lawyer for the 1st Temporary Church Administration of the German Evangelical Church and since February 1936 for the Council of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Germany in Berlin. When the war broke out in 1939, he also refused military service and fled to the Netherlands. However, he was seized here, arrested and later taken to the Buchenwald concentration camp. He therefore had to give up his church service in 1940. In 1941 he was murdered by the Nazis in the Sonnenstein Killing Institute near Pirna. The younger son of Joseph Gauger, Joachim, was also harassed by the Gestapo for his work for the Gotthard Letters and "Light and Life". After the death of Joseph Gauger (1939) and the complete destruction of the Gauger House in Elberfeld following an air raid in June 1943, the family returned to the south. Siegfried Gauger, after a short time as town vicar in Schwäbisch Gmünd, had already become town priest in Möckmühl in 1933 and had settled there with his wife Ella. Martha Gauger has lived in Heidenheim since her marriage to Theo Walther in 1934. Hedwig Heiland moved in 1943 to Gemmrigheim, the new parish of her husband. The parsonage there also offered space for the mother Emeline Gauger and the nanny of the Gauger children, Emilie Freudenberger. A little later, after her early retirement in 1947, her sister Maria Gauger also moved to Gemmrigheim. After his release from captivity as a prisoner of war, Joachim Gauger had also moved professionally to Möckmühl, where he ran the Aue publishing house. Only Paul Gerhard had stayed in Wuppertal, where he lived in the Vohwinkel district. Emeline Gauger's mother and sister Maria moved from Gemmrigheim to Möckmühl in 1951, which became the centre of the Gauger family, as a result of the forthcoming move of the Heilands to Stuttgart. Because now the mother lived here with three of her children: Siegfried, Maria and Joachim. The family gathered here regularly for sociable celebrations and the grandchildren of Emeline Gauger often came to visit here during the holidays. It was not until the grandson generation of Emeline and Joseph Gauger entered working life in the 1970s that the family scattered throughout Germany. Despite everything, this generation remained in contact with each other and organized regular family reunions. 2nd history of the stock: Bettina Heiland, Marburg, and Susanne Fülberth, Berlin, handed over the family documents Gauger/Heiland to the Main State Archives for safekeeping in January 2011 after the death of their mother Hedwig Heiland. Some further documents were submitted in June 2013. Hedwig Heiland, née Gauger, born 1914, was the youngest child of Joseph and Emeline Gauger and had survived all siblings and close relatives at the age of 96. The documents handed over originate from different persons in the family. Important documents come from her aunt Maria Ziegler, her father's favourite sister who lives in Wilhelmsdorf. She kept the letters of Joseph Gauger and his wife to their relatives in Wilhelmsdorf (to which she also belonged), a remarkable series of correspondence. Memorabilia such as her place card for the wedding of Joseph and Emeline in Elberfeld in 1898 and individual books by Joseph Gauger and the history of the family are also included. After her death Hedwig Heiland received her from her daughter Ruth Dessecker. Other documents come from mother Emeline Gauger, including letters to her and valuable memorabilia as well as files. They must have come to Hedwig Heiland after her death in 1964 or after the death of her daughter Maria, who lived with her. The documents of the brother Siegfried, city priest in Möckmühl, who died in 1981, are also rich. They date back to before 1943, when the parents' house in Elberfeld was destroyed. Worth mentioning are the dense series of letters of his brother Martin (the Nazi victim) and his parents, as well as his sister Hedwig to him. Furthermore there are letters of Sister Maria (until she moved to Möckmühl in 1950). Less dense is the letter tradition of the brothers Paul Gerhard and Emil Gauger to the city priest. Only the memorial book of the young Siegfried, which has a very high memorial value, his children did not want to do without. It is therefore only available as a copy, but in two copies. Sister Maria Gauger was primarily important as a photographer from the early days of Elberfeld. In addition to files on her own life and fate, she kept a family guest book in Möckmühl, which contains many interesting entries on family life and mutual visits. This is also included in the original stock. Her cousin Maria Keppler, née Ziegler, and her husband Friedrich also sent documents to Hedwig Heiland, especially correspondence and photographs. After the death of her husband Alfred in 1996, the documents of the older family Heiland also came to Hedwig Heiland and were kept by her. These were correspondences and the pastor's official records as well as family history materials, investigations and genealogical tables, but also documents from the mother Anna Heiland. In addition, the family of Hedwig and Alfred Heiland had a large number of younger records. Hedwig Heiland also proved to be a collector here, who rarely threw away a document and preferred to keep it. It didn't stop at collecting and picking up. Hedwig Heiland also arranged the documents and supplemented them with his own notes and investigations. Numerous notes on the family history of Gauger bear witness to this. Hedwig Gauger read the letters from her youth, extracted important dates and took notes. On the basis of the documents she kept and evaluated, she made a film in 2007 entitled "This is how I experienced it. Memories of my family and my life, told by Hedwig Heiland née Gauger" (DVDs in P 39 Bü 469). It consists essentially of an interview with her and numerous photos about her life and the fate of her family. Hedwig Heiland was particularly committed to the rehabilitation of her brother Martin. She intensively supported the research on his fate with information, compilations and also with the lending of documents. She collected the results, i.e. books and essays, and compiled the state of research almost completely. For the exhibition "Justiz im Nationalsozialismus" she read letters of her brother Martin Gauger and other documents about his life, which are stored as audio documents on a CD (P 39 Bü 468). Despite the richness of the available material, gaps in the tradition are to be noted. The sudden destruction of the Elberfelder Haus der Gaugers in 1943 resulted in a severe loss of family documents. About Maria Ziegler from Wilhelmsdorf and Siegfried Gauger, who did not live in Elberfeld anymore at that time, other documents from this time have fortunately been preserved, which compensate this gap somewhat. Another gap exists in the correspondence of Hedwig Heiland during the 70s to 90s of the last century. Even then, there must have been a rich correspondence, of which there is hardly anything left. The correspondence of Hedwig Heiland, on the other hand, which has been richer again since 2000, is present; it was hardly ordered, but has not yet been thrown away. In 1993 documents concerning Martin Gauger were handed over to the Landeskirchlichen Archiv Hannover for archiving. They received the inventory signature N 125 Dr. Martin Gauger. The 1995 find book on these documents is available in the inventory as no. 519. 3rd order of the stock: The documents originate from different provenances and had been arranged accordingly. A delivery list could be prepared and handed over for the inventory. Letters from Hedwig Gauger to his fiancé Alfred Heiland from the 40 years and also the letters in the opposite direction have been numbered consecutively, which points to a very intensive reading and thorough order, which, however, is an extreme case. In the letters Joseph Gauger wrote to his sister Maria after 1920, the covers of the tufts contain summaries of the most important pieces and references to outstanding family events mentioned in the letters. This information can be used as a guide during use. However, the original order of the documents was badly confused by the frequent use by the family and by third parties. One has not or wrongly reduced the taken out pieces. Frequently, individual letters were found in the photo albums with photos that were related to the content of the letter, but had to be returned to the original series. A photo album (P 39 Bü 353) had been divided into individual sheets so that the photos required for publications could be passed on to third parties as print copies. Hedwig Heiland had attached self-adhesive yellow notes to many letters and provided them with notes and references in order to be able to orientate herself better in her family-historical research. For conservation reasons, these notes had to be removed. In addition to the restoration of the original order, further measures were necessary for the order of the stock. Many documents were too broadly characterised as "other" or "miscellaneous". Tufts with very different contents were incorporated into existing units. A larger box still contained completely disordered, but nevertheless valuable letters from the period 1943-1952, which had to be sorted and indexed. Thematically similar tufts could often be combined into one unit. For example, mixed tufts containing letters from different scribes to the same recipient were divided and transformed into tufts with uniform scribes. This order according to the principle "a tuft, a letter writer" could not always be carried out. Letters of the married couple Emeline and Joseph Gauger, for example (to Maria Ziegler) are so closely interlocked that they cannot be split into two separate tufts. Sometimes Emeline signed her husband's letter with a short greeting of her own, sometimes she is greeted in the name of both, but often Emeline wrote her own passages on the letterhead and sometimes there are whole letters from her. Separation is also impossible in terms of content. Similarly, letters from Emeline Gauger and Maria Gauger in their Möckmühl days cannot be separated from those of Siegfried Gauger. Such letters were classified according to the author author. The index refers to the other persons. The present order and indexing was based on family interests. Essentially, in addition to the corrections and restructuring measures mentioned above, the documents had to be arranged and made accessible for scientific research. For this reason, a greater depth of indexing was necessary, above all, by means of title recordings with detailed content annotations. An overall order of the holdings according to the different origins of the documents did not prove to be meaningful for a family archive of the present size. The uniformity of the documents produced by Hedwig Heiland was therefore accepted and maintained. Accordingly, the title recordings of the correspondence of members of the Gauger family are arranged according to the letter writer and not according to the letter recipient. Letters usually contain more information about the author than about the recipient. Letters from non-family members and from letter writers to whom little material has grown, on the other hand, were classified according to the recipient principle ("Letters from different correspondence partners to XY"). The present collection documents the fate of a Swabian family closely linked to Pietism over almost two centuries. Outstanding is the relatively well-known theologian Joseph Gauger, who is richly documented with his correspondence and in his writings. The marriage of his sister Maria Ziegler also gives a glimpse of the Pietist settlement in Wilhelmsdorf and the Ziegler Institutions. The family's attitude during the Nazi period and especially the fate of his son Martin, who was imprisoned for his conscientious objection and finally killed, are also reflected in the inventory. Relations with the family of the Berlin prison pastor and member of the Kreisau district of Harald Poelchau are also documented. Dense series of letters from the Second World War (letters from Hedwig Heiland to her husband Alfred, letters from Alfred Heiland to his wife Hedwig, letters from Maria Gauger to her brother Siegfried) tell of the hard everyday life of the World War II. In addition, the collection illuminates the everyday family life of a Swabian family over at least two generations. The collection comprises 529 units in 5.20 linear metres, the duration extends from 1882 to 2010 with prefiles from 1831. 4. Literature: Article Joseph Gauger in Württembergische Biographien I (2006) S. 87-88 (Rainer Lächele) Article Joseph Gauger in NDB Vol. 6 S. 97-98 (Karl Halaski)Article Joseph Gauger in Deutsche Biographische Enzyklopädie Bd. 3 S. 584Article Martin Gauger in Wikipedia http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Martin_Gauger Further literature is included in stockStuttgart, June 2013Dr. Peter Schiffer
Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, M 660/037 · Bestand · 1914-1979
Teil von Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

Preliminary remark: Karl Ludwig Eugen Schall (born on 25 November 1885), died on 30 January 1980) joined the Grenadier Regiment of Queen Olga (1st Württembergische) No. 119 in 1904 as a junior flag officer, reached the rank of lieutenant general there until World War I, after the outbreak of the war took part as company officer in the battles of the regiment on the West and East Front and was wounded twice. From 1915 Schall worked as a captain and general staff officer, often occupying changing general staff positions at General Command XIII Army Corps, at the 26th Infantry Division, the 14th Infantry Division, General Command V, and at the General Command of the German Armed Forces. Army Corps, 18th Reserve Division, General Command IV Reserve Corps and 10th Reserve Corps. He participated in the fights in Flanders, in the Somme, in the Champagne, in the Ardennes and Argonne, in the Meuse and near Verdun until his demobilisation in 1918. He was mainly concerned with strength and loss reports, interrogation of prisoners, evaluation of aerial photographs, mapping, position building and pioneer questions. From 1933 he again held several changing positions in the General Staff of the V. Army Corps as a Major, in 1939 was Commander of the Stuttgart II Military District as Lieutenant Colonel, from 1940 as Lieutenant Colonel, later as Colonel General Staff Officer in the 554th Army Corps. Infantry Division, with the Army Group A, with the Commander-in-Chief in Serbia, then Chief of the Field Commandantur 747 in Nîmes and was last transferred in 1944 against his own wishes as a war history teacher to the Kriegsakademie. As a pensioner Schall still studied archaeology in Tübingen until his doctorate. Further information on Karl Schall's life can be found in a handwritten curriculum vitae in Bü. 182, in the diaries in Bü. 181 and in the personal file in stock M 430/2, Bü. 1804 with information on his military career until 1919.Parts of the estate of Karl Schall, above all written material from his military service and extensive collections, were offered to the Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart by his son Brigadegeneral a.D. Wolfgang Schall in March 1980 and, after an initial inspection at the estate's premises in April 1980, were handed over to the library of the Hauptstaatsarchiv and the archival records in Department IV (Military Archives) have since formed the M 660 estate of Karl Schall. Since the estate of Karl Schall got into complete disarray and no pre-archival classification scheme was recognizable, it was necessary to develop a classification scheme after the indexing, which should do justice to the multi-layered structures and most different documentation forms, particularly since in the Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart no uniform classification scheme for estates finds application. The documents from the officers' activities, correspondence and personal papers, which besides their general historical significance have a close personal connection to the deceased, were clearly separated from the multi-layered collections. The structure of the documents from the officer's activity reflects the military career of Schall. These are mostly personal copies of official documents in the form of hectographies, prints and other copies, as well as drafts and private documents. A document, which had been taken from the business transactions of the office, was reintegrated into the relevant holdings of the military unit in the Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart. There is a reference in this repertory. The private correspondence was sorted according to correspondent groups and correspondents. Posters and wall attacks, military maps and non-military maps were incorporated into the corresponding collections of the Main State Archives J 151, M 640 and M 650 mainly for conservation reasons. Nevertheless, these pieces have also been incorporated into the present repertory in the form of references, whereby the ordering scheme of the map holdings M 640 for military maps and M 65 0 for non-military maps has been adopted. Maps which have a recognisable connection to documents in Part A have been left there or reunited and have also been incorporated into the collections of the estate as references. For the collection of newspaper clippings, individual newspapers, printed publications and manuscripts from the fields of history, contemporary history, politics, religion, language, literature, science and technology, it seemed necessary to develop as finely structured a classification scheme as possible, since this collection, with approx. 500 numbers, represents the largest part of the collection and was previously only divided into the categories1. Military, 2nd Politics and Contemporary History, 3rd Science and within these categories only chronologically ordered, which made the chronological classification of the frequently undated newspaper clippings possible. It seemed appropriate to make the very multi-layered estate accessible by means of as comprehensive a list of subjects, places and persons as possible. Only a few small map sections from maps that are already available, sketches and notes that seemed to be no longer comprehensible individually and were not in any recognizable connection to other documents, file folders and packaging material were collected. The estate of Karl Schall contains above all informative material about the type of warfare in the First World War. Of particular importance is also the material on non-Württemberg units, most of whose records were destroyed in a bombing raid on Potsdam in April 1945. The drawings on the maps from World War I provide extensive information on the course of the front, combat directions, troop movements, position building and destruction in the front areas and thus complement the M 640 map holdings well. Also noteworthy is the extensive written material on the trials before the military tribunal in Nuremberg against the generals Curt Ritter von Geitner, Hubert Lanz, Karl von Roques and Eugen Wössner, which contains excerpts from the indictments and defence material. In the collections the history of the 20th century up to the 70s is reflected in an astonishingly comprehensive and descriptive way. The collection is not subject to any restrictions of use. In January and February 1984, the M 660 estate of Karl Schall was listed and arranged by Markus Baudisch, a candidate archive inspector, as a rehearsal work in the context of the state examination for the upper archive service and comprises 697 books in 1.55 metres.

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, E 151/01 · Bestand · 1806-1945, Nachakten bis 1948
Teil von Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

History of the authorities: With the introduction of the ministerial constitution in the Württemberg state administration, the former old Württemberg state colleges and deputations were transformed into departments by the organisational manifesto of 18 March 1806. As royal colleges they each received a director as chief. As early as 1807, the name "Kollegium" was replaced by the name "Departement" and all internal administration was brought together in one department, all of which was under the direct supervision and direction of the Minister of the Interior. The highest office was formed by a board of directors under the presidency of the minister, which was responsible for "the most null and void affairs of public administration" (Wintterlin Vol. 1 p. 247). The Ministry consisted of the Minister, the President of the Supreme Government, the Directors of the Departments and the oldest Councils. All departments dealt with the business in collegial consultation and were individually referred to as:I. Oberregierungskollegium mit den Unterdepartements1. Department of Criminal Investigation2. Police Department3. OberlehendepartementII OberlandesökonomiekollegiumIII Straßen-, Brücken- und WasserbaudepartementIV. Medical DepartmentIn 1811, the so-called office system was introduced to speed up the course of business. In place of a Directorate General, King Frederick decided, following the example of other states, to order a Council of State, another body to advise on comprehensive matters dealt with by one or more departments at the same time. Now the collegial departments were divided into various smaller ministerial departments - known as sections - which at the same time acted as central authorities for the whole country. There was no authority between the minister and the senior officials during this time. The Department of Home Affairs included:1. the Section of Internal Administration (previously the subdepartments of the Oberregierungskollegium)2. the Section of Internal Administration (previously the subdepartments of the Oberregierungskollegium). The section of the feud3. The Medical Section4. The Section of Roads, Bridges and Hydraulic Engineering5. and 6. The Sections of Municipal Administration and Accounting, which took the place of the Oberlandesökonomiekollegiums, were merged into one Section of Municipal Administration in 1812.According to § 31 of the Organizational Edict of 18 November 1817, the Ministry of the Interior was assigned a college called "Oberregierung" (Upper Government), which existed until 1917, to deal with the affairs requiring collegial consultation. In 1817, the competence of the Interior Administration was extended by the incorporation of the Church and School System, which was separated from the Ministry of the Interior only by decree of 28 October 1849 and established as an independent Ministry as the Department of Church and School System. Until 1918 it was worded in such a way that first of all the rapporteurs were designated and then their business was listed. The first draft of a new business division (1918/19), which was to be subdivided into business divisions, initially provided for eight business divisions. By order of the Ministry of the Interior of 14 October 1922 No. V 7171 (Bü 284), the new business division divided into twelve business circles (I - XII) finally came into force. The business circles formed the basis for the "processing plan" (later business distribution plan), which was created for the first time. He was also responsible for the allocation of files to the officials responsible for handling business on the basis of the processing plan. In the Fifth Organizational Edict of 18 November 1817, the business of the Chancellery Director was described in more detail. His duties initially included only the law firm's business, i.e. monitoring the entire course of business and keeping and countersigning the registers at meetings. He was also in charge of the supervision of the Accounting Chamber integrated into the firm. In the business distributor of 1878 the most important tasks of the later business part I, the execution of the civil service law and the budgeting, are already listed beside the tasks of the Kanzleidirektor. History of the holdings: According to the Service Regulations for the Upper Government of 21 December 1817 and the oath form for the ministerial registrars, files, diaries and registers (directorates) kept in alphabetical order had to be kept at the ministerial registry. In addition, two other aids were available, an alphabetical list of the names of the persons about whom files had been created at the Ministry, and an "Index normalis" for the period 1817 - 1868 (with supplements from the years 1875, 1876). The latter is an alphabetical list of the files in the registry which contained precedents. Another precedent book was created as a continuation of 1868 by Kanzleirat Zeyer. It differs from the "Index normalis" created by Kanzleirat Euting in that it does not only contain precedent traps. The "Index normalis" is arranged purely alphabetically, as well as the Prejudicial Book, but is subdivided according to the material according to the registration plan introduced by Zeyer. The directorate was nevertheless retained and reestablished in 1875. Until 1891, the relevant rubric was added to each entry, then the files were marked with the technical and box signature. Registratur Sibert introduced the following improvements in 1895: The classification system that emerged at the beginning of the 19th century proved to be impractical and outdated over the course of time due to the arbitrary choice of catchwords. Sibert reworked the individual categories and in 1896 carried out extensive Aken excretions. With the draft of a new classification order (registration plan) approved on September 24, 1896, Sibert retained the previous order. However, individual items of a keyword were grouped under one heading, so that the number of main headings was reduced from 167 to 88. In May 1900, Sibert established a new directorate, and on January 1, 1912, three registry departments were formed at the Ministerial Registrar's Office. The basis for the division of the three registry departments was formed by six registry land registers (Directories), which were divided between the three departments as follows:Registries Department I General Repertory Volume I Special Directorate Volume I Special Directorate Volume I General Repertory Volume I Special Directorate Volume III General Repertory Volume II Special Directorate Volume IVDThe three general Directories were divided according to the alphabetical order of the main categories, the three Special Directories according to the alphabetical order of the higher offices, the three Special Directories according to the alphabetical order of the higher offices, and the three Special Directories according to the alphabetical order of the higher offices. Following the division of the Ministry of the Interior into twelve business circles, the previous six registry general ledgers were completed and, from 1923, each business division was assigned its own registry department designated by the number of the business division. Since then, the general ledgers have been laid out as loose-leaf books. In business section I, where around 5000 diary numbers and 4000 personnel file numbers were produced each year, a special arrangement was made in 1925 in which the enema was no longer entered in the diary but in a card file. In the other departments, the practice has remained the same, i.e. all individual cases have been registered in the diary and general ledger. The second part of the general ledger, which was created according to subject areas, comprised the district general ledger, which had been maintained since 1924. Since 1 January 1939, individual cases have only been recorded on an order card index for reasons of rational working methods. Instead of the diary number, these receipts have since carried the bundle number with a corresponding sub-number. As can be seen from the attached concordance, individual groups of files were provided with nine file signatures after 1939. Processing Report: The present holdings are a summary of the following partial deliveries and provisionally formed holdings of the Provenance Ministry of the Interior, Dept. I, Office Directorate:1. Transfer Index of 29 April 1958 including the Special Index of 1961 on the Records of the District Offices .2. Transfer Index of 8 August 1980, Diary No. 3766.3. Delivery of the Regierungspräsidium Tübingen via the State Archives Sigmaringen of 11 August 1980, and of the Regional Archives of Sigmaringen, Germany, to the District Archives of Tübingen. March 1981 diary number 1153.4. delivery directory of different departments of the Ministry of the Interior from 2 March 19815. files from the time after 1945, which were so far components of the stocks EA 2/1 and EA 2/2. During the revision of the stock extensive files (Az. 751-0301-552 from 13 February 1986) from the time after 1945 were separated and pulled to the stock EA 2/2 Ministry of the Interior department I. For the present repertory, the handover lists mentioned above were merely checked and supplemented, but the form of title recording for repertories was chosen for easier handling of the find book. Individual files of Groups IX (Festivities and Commemorations) and XI (Art and Science) were indexed and recorded in detail by Archivamtmännin Pfeifle as early as 1975. since further job files were identified during the compilation of the partial holdings, it was necessary to merge the files of the special job file index of 1958 as well as the special index attached to it ("Personalakte" der Landratsämter) to delivery number 144. The previous special directory for serial number 145 has been provided with the new bundle numbers and can therefore still be used. The classification of the inventory was based on the rules of procedure of January 1923. A concordance of the bundle numbers to the previous serial numbers of the delivery lists is attached to the find book. The now united stock was revised and repackaged by the archive employees Hans Meissner and Kurt Lohmüller in the period 1981 - 1984 according to the instructions of the undersigned. The typewritten work was carried out by Mrs. Else Schwelling and Mrs. Gisela Filipitsch. The collection comprises 3161 numbers (100.5 m).Stuttgart, April 1986Walter Wannenwetsch