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Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, E 130 b Bü 2455 · Akt(e) · (1904, 1905) 1906-1911, 1914
Teil von Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

Also contains: Deutsche Marokko-Zeitung, No. 105 from 27.10.1908; Deutsche Marokko-Korrespondenz, No. 46 from 5.11.1908 (?); Memorandum and documents about German mining interests in Morocco, (1806-1909), 1910 (?); Inquiry in the Württemberg Parliament about the German action before Agadir, 1911; Consultation about the amendment of the Schutzgebietgesetz, 1911; Material betr. the concessions in the French Congo, Nov. 1911; two maps, 1911, 1914; reports and minutes of meetings of the R e i c h s t a g , Nov. 1911; Franco-Spanish Agreement on Morocco, (1904, 1905), 1911; memorandum on the replacement of four French companies in Cameroon, 1914.

Richard Kalkhof Collection
35.008 · Sammlung
Teil von City Archive Wertingen
  • Book: Richard Kalkhof, Parlamentarische Studienreise nach Deutsch-Ostafrika, Berlin 1907 (previous owner: Volksschule Bliensbach)- two notebooks with handwritten diary-like notes about the study trip to D e u t s c h - O s t a f r i k a (presumably written by Richard Kalkhof)- approx. 150 postcards with motives of German-Africa (partly with lettering)Collecting file to the study trip to German East Africa: - Panoroma postcard of Amani - handwritten notes (1 sheet) - illustrated book: August Fonck, The natural beauty of German tropics. Die Bevölkerung und Erschließung, Altenburg 1911 (with dedication of the author for Richard Kalkhof and letter of the author due to sending a test print 1911) - Photo: Port of Tanga - Photo: Westumbara. Column of riders from Wilhelmsthal to Mombo- poem "This little tie up..."; author: Georg; addressee: Maria (surname not mentioned), written at Christmas 1908 in WertingenBriefkuvert (overprint: "printed matter for the member of the Reichstag Mr. Kalkhof"): travel pictures from the missions- pictures of mission schools (a. o. Engelport) and colonial mission students in D e u t s c h - S ü d w e s t a f r i k a (a.o. during the Herero Uprising)- partly with handwritten notes on the pictures- handwritten compilation of the Reich subsidies for the colonies (incl. deletions by the Reichstag) for the period 1891/92 to 1905- Photo album (96 pictures): Journey to D e u t s c h - O s t a f r i k a 1906 (incl. table of contents)