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Archival description
Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz, I. HA Rep. 76 [Ve], Ve Sekt. 1 Abt. VII Nr. 62 d · File · 1932 - 1933
Part of Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage (Archivtektonik)

Contains: - Recognition or rejection of the recognition of newsreels as popular, including "Fox Tönende Wochenschau", "Emelka Ton-Woche", "Deuling Ton-Woche", "Ufa Ton-Woche" and "Deutsche Woche" - Recognition of films as popular, including "Parkanlagen", "Unvergessenes Land. A Film of German Need", "Siebenbürgen, Land des Segens", "Der Müggelsee und seine Umgebung", "Wie entsteht ein Trickfilm", "Danzig, die deutsche Stadt", "Mit Graf Zeppelin in die Arktis", "Gefiederte Räuber", "Vom Tabaksblatt zur Zigarette", "Orchideen- und Kaktusblüten", "Sport an See und Strand", "Preußen. Across the Upperland Lakes to the Inclined Plains", "Islands Under the Southern Cross", "The Art of Gliding", "From the Workshop of the Art Potter. The emergence of a clay vase", "The flying fox", "Flowers in bloom", "Upper Bavarian folk dances", "Carrara, the marble workshop of the world", "The conquest of the sea depth", "Hans watch out", "Man. What you need to know about yourself", "Walking in Potsdam", "The stone face of Potsdam", "Dassan, the island of 5 million penguins", "Baby", "The hermit crab", "Animal heads", "The World Concert I". Overture to the opera Wilhelm Tell by Gioacchino Rossini", "Menschen im Busch", "Silberne Meeresbeute", "Maschinen arbeiten für dich", "Kinderland - Sonnenland", "Winter in the Bavarian Allgäu", "Winter in Garmisch-Partenkirchen", "Winterfreuden in Bayern", "Im Bayerischen Skiparadies zwischen Bayerisch Zell und Berchtesgaden", "Alte und neue Zeit in der Mark", "Oberon Overture. The World Concert II", "High Airways", "World Concerts IV. Prelude to the Master Singers of Nuremberg", "Health, Work, Being Happy", "A Johann Strauss Fantasy", "You and I - we all! First Film: Gossip", "World Concert III. An der schönen blauen Donau", "Hitlers Aufruf an das deutsche Volk", "Der Choral von Leuthen", "Reichskanzler Adolf Hitler spricht", "Der Läufer von Marathon", "Danzig", "Gipfelstürmer", "Die Himmelsflotte", "Deutscher Reitersieg in Rom", "Die Tote Stadt", "50 Jahre Fernsprechen in Deutschland", "Wassersport und Wasserwandern", "100 Years of German Customs", "The First Day Trip to Africa", "Village Youth", "From Germany's Bronze Age", "The Lord Carvers of Oberammergau", "Simba, the King of the Animals", "Beyond the Vistula", "With the Bavarian Zugspitze Railway to the German Alpine Paradise", "It Green the Fir - it Grows the Ore", "Weimar. The city of German poets", "Film documents of Germany's conquest of the air", "From the wild duck people", "Trip to Helgoland", "Potsdam. Vom Aufbau einer Stadt", "Das Ringen um Verdun", "Hitlerjunge Quex", "Von deutschen Domen", "Deutscher Frühling", "Klingende Täler und Berge", "Erntezeit", "Kagami", "Der Weltkrieg. II. part", "With cruiser 'Königsberg' at sea", "The way into existence", "German bells on the Rhine", "The goldfish and its transformation", "A secret journeyman. The Little Grebe", "Newts", "What do you know about woodblock prints?"O valleys wide, o heights", "formation of the Alps", "with Theodor Fontane through the Mark Brandenburg", "disarmament", "terror or reconstruction", "busy hands in sunny valleys", "alpine flower girl", "a day in the Alps", "speaking earth", "Flight into the Blue", "Cod fishing in Lofoten", "One of many ways", "The classic Rhine", "From the Lapwing", "Congorilla", "The World War", "Chocolate", "In Schlesierland we march", "Fox, you stole the goose", "Thanksgiving Day ?Bückberg' 1 October 1933", "Seven times around the world in one second", "The young Rhine", "Of chamois and ibexes", "Skyscrapers in South Arabia", "Glass art in Rübezahls Reich", "Hans Westmar. One of many", "Somewhere in Germany", "Santa Claus knocks on the door", "The Bridge to Africa", "Blood and soil", "Unknown Mark. Prenzlau, a Märkisches Rothenburg", "Bavarian homeland", "Liquid gold" as well as "The victory of faith" - rejection of the recognition of films as popular, among them "Swimming and jumping", "Thoroughbred breeding", "Cross and across beautiful Silesia", "A spring day", "Light or dark - a burning question", "Norwegian fjords", "Arosa, the ski and sun paradise of Switzerland", "Turner out", "The city without steps", "Thermal bath Hofgastein", "Mother", "The growth of grain", "Wonders of slow motion", "Wonders of liquid air", "Robbers in nature (carnivorous plants)", "The Indian snake killer", "Frohburg, the old pottery town", "Vom deutschen Nationalgetränk", "Eines Pferdes Werdegang", "Die elf Schill'schen Offiziere", "Ein Stroziergang in Potsdam", "Leuna-Benzin, eine deutsche Leistung", "Kris. The Flaming Sword", "Hydropower - Creating Life", "Nordic Wonders of Nature. The West Coast of Norway", "From Rowing and Paddling", "From the Atlantic to the Cordillera to the Pacific Ocean", "Animal Instincts", "Iglo. The eternal silence", "Twist in the animal kingdom", "Wandering animals from distant zones", "All sorts of youth", "Siegfried", "Family idyll in the jungle of the Amazon", "The pencil's career", "Around Africa", "Tuna fishing in the Mediterranean", "Tiger lizards", "Dalmatian journey", "Schubert songs", "Trenck", "Children dance", "German Reichswehr maneuver pictures", "Day of German domestic music in the realm", "Paramount folder I", "An October day in Bacharan", "The chorale of Leuthen", "Marshall Vorwärts", "Silesia", "Bleeding Germany", "Berlin. Rhythm of the Big City", "Hairdressing Art", "The 1. May 1933, the holiday of the national works", "Germany is awakened", "We travel to the Rhine", "German work, German wine shall be closely connected", "Livestock breeding in the water", "Driving forces", "The city of wagons and tents", "Shots at the border", "Heidefahrt", "Unser täglich Brot", "Der Mittelrhein von Kaiserwerth bis Koblenz", "Das Industriegebiet an der Ruhr", "Der Stoffdruck", "Wotans Abschied und Zauber", "Kinderjahre - Lernjahre", "Schloss Thorstein", "Pori", "Der Weltkrieg. Part I. Des Volkes Heldengang", "Arbeit und Poesie an der unteren Ruhr", "Das sagenumwobbeene Rheinburgen-Gebiet", "Jeder Zeit schafft ihr Kleid", "Ein Besuch in Kopenhagen", "Oberingenieur Dreyers Autoreise durch die amerikanischen Nationalparks", "Hunted people seek relaxation", "Wrestling people", "Monkey pranks", "Beware of danger", "The journey to the Sahara", "German thoroughbred", "When village music plays on Sunday evening", "From the realm of sounds", "Adventure on the seabed", "Weimar. The Day of Honour of the National Socialist Government in Thuringia", "The Voice of the Vatican", "Antiquity around Rome", "Pearls of the Thuringian Forest", "The Rauhe Haus in Hamburg", "The Siebengebirge", "The Ahr Valley", "The Laacherland", "Culture, Nature and Technology in the Zugspitze Area", "Creating and Beautiful Germany", "With Elly Beinhorn to the Germans in Southwest Africa", "One for All - All for One!"The Rhine Castles", "The Island of Malta", "The Pilgrimage to Sacred Rock in Trier", "Before the Gates of Berlin", "North - South", "Research Trip to Cave Wonders", "Germany to the Air", "Buddhas in the Jungle", "Out into the Outdoors", "The Great King's Happiest Time", "Black Forest Magic", "German Cultural Sites. Am Bodensee", "German Landscapes. The Lüneburg Heath", "Water has beams", "Milk, the source of people's power" and "Hairdressing. A cultural film about hairstyle and hair care"; I. HA Rep. 76, Ve Sekt. 1 Dept. VII No. 62 d Vol. 2 not delivered