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Description archivistique
Chamber of commerce (inventory)
Staatsarchiv Hamburg, 376-15 · Fonds · 1865-1936
Fait partie de State Archives Hamburg (Archivtektonik)

Administrative history: In article 93 of the constitution of the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg, published on 28.9.1860 (Hamb.VO, p.79), it had been determined that the tradesmen should elect a committee for the promotion of the business enterprise. The details should be determined by law. This edition fulfilled the Gewerbegesetz of 7.11.1864 (Hamb.VO, p.161). On the basis of this law, an interim trade committee consisting of 15 members was initially set up, which met for its constituent meeting on 27.1.1865. Its members had been elected five each by the elders of the former guild trades (offices), by the Senate and by the citizens. The committee in turn sent five members as representatives of the trades to the citizenship, where they replaced the deputies departing by law from the former older people. Its task was to prepare the conditions for the future final committee. Soon the interim trade committee presented a bill, which was not approved by the Senate. After long negotiations between senate and citizenship the "Gesetz betr. die Gewerbekammer" (Hamb.Ges.Slg.I, p.119) could finally be published on 18.12.1872. Herewith the committee required by the constitution received the designation "Chamber of Commerce". He was subject to the administrative department for trade and commerce (§ 1). Like its provisional predecessor, the Trade Chamber also consisted of 15 members, five of whom were seconded to the citizenship. Only those tradesmen were to be represented in the Chamber of Commerce who operated their business within the boundaries of the then Hamburg Free Port Area, including the Zollverein defeat. For the purpose of the election, the trades were divided into 15 groups, each of which had to elect a representative, for a period of five years. Three of the members should resign each year. Every self-employed businessman who had the right to participate in the elections for citizenship was entitled to vote and eligible for election. Each year, the members of the Chamber elected a chairman and his deputy from among their number. The Chamber's duties, as outlined in § 11 of the Act, included representing the interests of Hamburg trade, providing expert opinions in trade matters for the Senate, the courts and private individuals, and also participating in the administration of commercial schools. The costs of the Chamber's business operations were borne by the State Treasury. The first elections to the trade chamber took place after preparation by the interim trade committee on 31.3.1875. On 21.4.1875 the newly elected chamber met for its constituent meeting and took over the business and files of the interim committee, which dissolved at the same time. The Reichsgesetz of 26.7.1897 (RGBl., p.665) brought about drastic changes to the Gewerbeordnung. Section 105 of the new Rules of Procedure stipulated that chambers of craftsmen were to be set up to represent the interests of the crafts of their district. § 103q left it to the Land central authorities to determine that existing institutions could be entrusted with the exercise of the rights and duties of the Chamber of Crafts. The new law was gradually enacted by imperial decrees. The provisions on the formation of chambers of crafts entered into force on 1.4.1900 through the VO of 12.5.1900 (RGBl., p.127). In accordance with this, the Senate issued the notice of 2.4.1900 (Official Gazette, p. 487), which transferred the rights and duties of a Chamber of Crafts to the Chamber of Commerce for the entire territory of Hamburg. The requirements of the new trade regulations now also required a reorganisation of the Trade Chamber Act. The focus was on the question of representation of the many new industrial companies that have emerged in recent decades. While a minority of large industrialists were in favour of joining the Chamber of Commerce, the majority of smaller manufacturers decided to remain in the Chamber of Commerce. The area of competence of the Chamber also urgently needed to be revised. Section 3 of the old law had defined the free port area as the scope of the business area, which, however, had shrunk considerably as a result of the customs connection on 15 October 1888. Therefore, the chamber elections were tacitly held for all those tradesmen who were resident in the urban area and in the suburbs. After long negotiations the "Act on the Chamber of Commerce" of 4.10.1907 (Official Gazette p.589) was finally passed. From now on, the chamber was divided into a craft department and an industrial department, each with 12 members. The jurisdiction extended over the entire territory of Hamburg. The members were to be elected for a term of six years. At the end of each year, four members (2 each from each department) resigned. Replacement elections were held for members who resigned early. The Chamber sent representatives from among its members to the Deputation for Trade, Shipping and Industry, to the Advisory Authority for Customs, to the Administration of Trade Education and to the Supervisory Authority for Guilds. Parallel to the reorganization of the Chamber of Commerce, an Industrial Commission was formed at the Chamber of Commerce (Official Gazette 1907 p.600). The "Bekanntmachung betr. die Errichtung der Gewerbekammer und die Industriekommission der Handelskammer" of 23.12. 1907 (Official Gazette p.757) brought both changes into force on 1.1.1908. This solution was a compromise between the two conflicting aspirations in industry circles which emerged during the long negotiations. The new version of the Trade Chamber Act of 20.11.1922 (HGVBl. p.645) essentially brought changes in the election procedure, which were partly due to the discontinuation of Hamburg citizenship. The number of members for trade and industry was increased to 20 each. The election continued for six years, but with the proviso that half of the members should resign every three years. An additional important innovation was the raising of funds for the Chamber, which had previously been paid for from the State Treasury. Now § 27 of the law gave the possibility to raise a contribution graduated after the height of the taxable conversion. The new elections were to be held within 3 months of the promulgation of the law. The new law was brought into force by the announcement of 20.11.1922 (HGVBl. S.657) on 23.11.1922. In the following years, only minor changes were made to the law in force: on 4 June 1924 (HGVBl. p. 375), on 7 February 1927 (HGVBl. p. 84), on 6 April 1927 (HGVBl. p. 173) and most recently by the "Third Ordinance on the Implementation of the Act on the Structure of Administration" of 30 March 1928 (HGVBl. p. 136). A new task fell to the trade chamber with effect from 1.4.1930 by the mechanism and establishment of the handicraft roll with regulations of the Reich Minister of Economics of 25.4.1929 (RGBl. I S.87) and of 4.3.1930 (RGBl. I S.35). The Chambers of Crafts (Gewerbekammern) were required to keep a register of all craftsmen who were engaged in a standing trade on their own. The National Socialist seizure of power brought a complete break in the history of the trade chamber. On 31.5.1933 (Senate Protocol I 1933, p.272), the Senate approved a joint motion of the Chamber of Commerce and the Chamber of Commerce of 18.5.1933 to form an "Industry Committee" at the Chamber of Commerce consisting of representatives of both chambers. However, this state of affairs was only of short duration, because on 26.1.1934 (Senate Protocol p.27 and printed matter no.1) the Senate enacted the "Law on the Formation of a Unified Industrial Division at the Chamber of Commerce". The Chamber of Commerce took over the sole representation of Hamburg's industry after the dissolution of the industrial department of the Chamber of Commerce. The Reich legislation now brought about drastic changes: On 29.11.1933 the "Gesetz über den vorläufigen Aufbau des deutschen Handwerks" (RGBl. I p. 1015) was passed with the three implementing ordinances of 15.6.1934 (RGBl.I p.493) and 18.1.1935 (RGBl.I p.14 and p.15). The 2nd regulation of 18.1.1935 determined in § 1 the management of the chambers of crafts according to the Führergrundsatz. The Reich Minister of Economics was in charge of supervision. The 3rd Ordinance of 18.1.1935 tightened up the provisions concerning the register of craftsmen, in which from then on only self-employed persons who had also passed the master craftsman's examination were entered. Only those who were entered in the trade register were allowed to operate an independent trade as a standing trade. The management of the handicraft register was transferred to the trade chamber by the ordinance of the senate of 26.4.1935 (HGVBl. p.119). The Gewerbekammer ceased to exist as a result of the "Gesetz zur Aufhebung des Gesetzes über die Gewerbekammer" in the form of an announcement of the Reich Governor dated 30.9.1936 (HGVBl. p.227) with effect from 1.10.1936. It was replaced by the new Chamber of Crafts. Delivery and order The files of the Chamber of Commerce were delivered in four deliveries (1957,1965,1976) from the Hamburg Chamber of Crafts to the State Archives. During a preliminary examination in 1963, mainly journeyman and master craftsman examination files were collected, except for examples, because the Chamber of Crafts has master craftsman directories with information on the examination date. The file size before the beginning of the order work was approx. 13 linear metres. After cassation of already printed annual reports, concepts, cash audit cases and duplicate documents, the volume now amounts to 11.8 linear metres of shelving. The file classification used by the Chamber of Commerce proved to be unusable because of its group designations, which were mostly too general, and was not adopted. The reorganization was based on a classification according to factual aspects with partial reference to the earlier scheme - as far as possible and necessary for understanding the connections. The demarcation of the Gewerbekammer from the Handwerkskammer resulted from the design of the Handwerkvertretung in the National Socialist period. With 1.10.1936, the effective date of the new legislation, the existence of the Chamber of Commerce ends. The files of the supervisory authority for the guilds also delivered by the Chamber of Crafts form an independent collection (376-15). July 1978 Inventory description: The Hamburg Constitution of 28.09.1860 stipulated that tradesmen should elect a committee to promote the trade. A law should determine the details. The Trade Act of 1864 created the basis for the establishment of an interim trade committee at the beginning of 1865 to prepare a final committee. It was not until the end of 1872 that a Trade Chamber Act was published, with the result that the committee required by the Constitution was given the designation Trade Chamber. The Chamber of Commerce consisted of 15 members and was subordinate to the Administrative Department for Trade and Commerce. The tasks of the Chamber of Commerce included representing the interests of Hamburg's trade, providing expert opinions on trade matters for the Senate, courts and private individuals, and participating in the administration of commercial schools. Changes in the trade regulations led to the Senate of the Chamber of Commerce in 1900 also transferring the rights and duties of a Chamber of Crafts. The trade chamber law of 04.10.1907 divided this into a crafts department and an industrial department. The NS era brought drastic changes. In 1934 the Chamber of Commerce took over the sole representation of the Hamburg industry after the dissolution of the industrial department of the Chamber of Commerce. With effect from 01.10.1936 the activity of the trade chamber ended. It was replaced by the new Chamber of Crafts. The order comprises documents on the following areas of activity of the Chamber of Commerce: Internal affairs of the Chamber (organisation, elections, reporting), participation of the Chamber in authorities and administrations, relations with other organisations and institutions, conferences, economic promotion, trade regulations and labour law, training and examination, insurance, job creation, market economy, transport, taxation and customs, money and credit, calibration, administration of justice, construction, health, sport and statistics. (Ga)

Staatsarchiv Hamburg, 371-8 II · Fonds · 1844-1947
Fait partie de State Archives Hamburg (Archivtektonik)

Administrative history: Preliminary remark The Deputation for Trade and Shipping replaced the Shipping and Port Deputation in 1863, from which it assumed the following tasks: shipping affairs, port administration, pilotage, light and buoyage, quarantine, rescue, general average, seamanship, examination for seafarers (navigation school). Other tasks included the business of the previous commission for ship documents (ship registration), the previous deputation to the Brokers' Rules (brokers and auctioneers), the Grain Rules and the Kempe (supervision of grain sizes), as well as the supervision of public cranes and scales. The hydraulic engineering (electricity and port construction), which was formerly subject to the shipping and port deputation, was at the same time transferred to the building deputation. Another new task was the handling of trade matters that had previously been handled by Commerzdeputation. This also included the appointment and swearing in of various experts. In 1866 the Commerzdeputation was converted into the Chamber of Commerce and determined that it had to address its applications to the Deputation für Handel und Schiffahrt and to issue expert opinions to this authority. The opinions of the Chamber of Commerce, other interest groups and individual companies in most of the files of this stock give this stock particular value. Later the deputation took over the newly created quay administration as further tasks in 1866, in 1868 the North German naval observatory, which was taken over by the Reich in 1875 as the German naval observatory, in 1870 the calibration system, in 1875 the supervision of the beach dams, in 1882 the supervision of the petroleum port as successor of the Teerhof deputation and in 1897 the mint after the abolition of the commission for the mint. In 1907 the deputation was expanded by representatives of the Chamber of Commerce and the Chamber of Detailists and renamed Deputation for Trade, Shipping and Commerce. The deputation was taken over in 1907 by the fishing industry (Fisheries Directorate) - inland fishing matters remained with the Landherrenschaft -' 1915 the newly created Price Inspection Office (for the city area), 1918 the State Price Inspection Office superior to the three local Price Inspection Offices. After the transition of the customs system to the Reich Administration, the Deputation took over in 1920 the tasks remaining in Hamburg in the field of customs and excise duties (previously the Deputation for Indirect Taxes and Duties and the Senate Commission for Customs), the Trade Statistics Office (previously the Deputation for Indirect Taxes and Duties), the handling of the war measures against enemy enterprises and enemy property (compensation and refunds) processed since 1914 by the Deputation for Indirect Taxes and Duties, as well as the newly established Freeport Office. In 1921 the administration of waterways and navigation marks was transferred to the Reich, and in 1926 the newly created Waterway Directorate (Reichswasserstraßenverwaltung) took over the tasks in the field of waterway management still carried out by the Deputation. The deputation, on the other hand, in 1926 left the administration of the so-called "Hafenelbe" from Orthkaten to Blankenese and the port piloting. In 1928, the Deputation took over the Emigration Office (previously the Emigration Authority), the Guild Inspectorate (previously the Guild Inspectorate), the Slaughterhouse and Livestock Market Administration (previously the Slaughterhouse Deputation), the tasks of the Senate Commission for Railway Affairs and Mining (previously the Mining Inspectorate). In addition to the slaughterhouse and livestock market administration, the dyke market administration and the administration of the annual and weekly markets were added later. At the same time the nautical school was handed over to the vocational school authority. In 1930, the deputation also took over the construction of the river and port (previously the building authority) and in 1933 the World Economic Archives (previously the university authority). In 1933 the Deputation für Handel, Schiffahrt und Gewerbe was renamed Behörde für Wirtschaft; it was under the authority of the Verwaltung für Wirtschaft, Technik und Arbeit. In 1933, electricity and port construction was transferred to the Department of Technology and Labour. New tasks in 1935 were the job creation system (previously directly subordinated to the Administration for Economy, Technology and Labor) and the price formation and monitoring office. In 1936-1937 the job creation system was temporarily independent as a "job creation office", from 1958 onwards it was a department within the department "Special representative for economic development and four-year plan", which in turn formed a department of the administration for trade, shipping and industry at the time and was an independent department within the municipal administration of Hamburg from 1939 onwards. During the war, the business of this office was continued by the "Department Four-Year Plan" of the Administration for Trade, Shipping and Industry. This name has been used by the former Authority for Economic Affairs since 1938 and was again subordinated to it in 1941 for electricity and port construction. The Deputation for Trade, Shipping and Industry and its successor authorities delivered to the State Archives: 1927: files of the main groups I - XXX and XXXII, war files, files of the transitional economy and files of the 10th Commission of the Workers' and Soldiers' Council; 18.12.1929: files of the main group XVI customs, tax and stamp matters (together with files of the Senate Commission for the Customs Administration); 15. 3.1935: files of the main group XXVIII on personnel matters of the Imperial Administration; 11. 8.1937: the largest part of the files now combined in the holdings Deputation für Handel, Schiffahrt und Gewerbe III; 20.10.1937: Secret files from the years 1882-1919; 25. 4.1938: Files of the accounting department (RA files) and war files on the administration of hostile property; 16. 5.1938: Files with objections of individual companies against the predisposition to contributions to the Chamber of Detailists 1935-1936 with the file reference 250-02 No.1-63 (all cashed); 29. 3.1940: files on epidemic control on ships and in ports (P files); 21.10.1943 secret files from the years 1922-1935; 10. 3.1954 and 8. 5.1957: the remains of the deputation files for trade, shipping and industry still existing at the Office for Port and Shipping in 142 packages. The delivery lists from 1927-1943 are now in the attachment to H 9780/58, those from 1954 and 1957 in the business file 2112-0/2 Mat. A delivery probably already before 1914 as a special stock "Eichwesen" was put up under the - original - signature IV A, the protocols registered before as Senate files (Cl.VIII No. XLIII) under III C into this stock. The records were delivered as follows: 23. 4.1892: records of the deputation 1886-1891, 12. 7.1892: records of the deputation 1867-1872 and records of the section for shipping 1864-1866, 26. 4.1902: records of the deputation 1863-1866, 1873-1885 and records of the section for trade 1864-1866. From 1892-1929 the records were delivered annually. A total of about 100 running metres have been delivered. The 65 linear metres remaining after the cassations have now been set up as Registratures I, II Special Acts, II General Acts and III. The oldest registry, only from 1863-1867, is now 371-8 I Deputation for Trade, Shipping and. Industry I (see special preliminary remark). This is followed by the extensive and most important registry, which was established after the abolition of the two sections for trade and shipping in 1867. It's falling into general and special files. General Files This registry was established at about the same time as the Special Files, around 1868, and consisted of the same main groups I-XXIV, to which the main groups XXV to XXXII were added over time. The most recent main group XXXIII "Port and Shipping Agreements with Prussia" only exists in the General Acts. A list of authorities established after 1920, which does not yet contain the main group XXXIII, was classified under the signature III B 5.40 in the holdings Deputation für Handel, Schiffahrt und Gewerbe II Spezialakten. The older General Acts mostly consisted only of laws, ordinances, etc. in print; most of these could be cashed. Another part of the files contained only references to special files. Special files The Deputation for Trade, Shipping and Commerce II Special files portfolio initially consisted of the main groups I-XXIV, to which the main groups XXV-XXXII were added over time. The only official register, which was sent to the State Archives in 1954, was apparently created only after customs had been taken over in 1920. As it stands, it contains only the groups of files dealing with port and maritime matters. The remaining main groups have been stapled. With the help of this directory and a collection of the associated subdirectories, an overview can be gained of the original scope of these groups of files, the war losses that occurred, the cassations that were carried out, and the files continued by the Reich Waterways Administration and the Department of Economics and Transport. Under the signature III B 5.40.1. it was classified into this stock. The files of the "Special Representative for Economic Development and the Four-Year Plan" were removed from main groups VI and XXI and now form main group XXXIII. The special registries: war files, files of Commission 10 of the Workers' and Soldiers' Council, of the Transition Economy and secret files were added to this inventory as main groups XXXIV to XXXVIII. Groups XXVII "Information" and XXVIII "Personal data" were dissolved and divided into subgroups, some of which were newly established. With the ordinal numbers 100 ff. or 200 ff. only so-called "collective files" provided with group signatures and files formed from disordered documents were appended to the subgroups. The collection Deputation für Handel, Schiffahrt und Gewerbe III (Deputation for Trade, Shipping and Industry III) is a compilation of various series of files that were created in addition to the main registry (Deputation für Handel, Schiffahrt und Gewerbe II Spezialakten und II Generalakten) - see special preliminary remark. 29.XI.1960 Homann Inventory Description: Volume 1: General Files Volumes 2-4: Special Files Volumes 5-6: Information Collection In addition to the tasks assumed by the Schiffahrts- und Hafendeputation in 1863 (see 371-8 I), the following were added: 1866 the handling of trade matters and the quay administration, 1868 the Norddeutsche Seewarte, 1870 the Eichwesen, 1875 the supervision of the Strandämter, 1882 the supervision of the Petroleumhafen, 1897 the Münzstätte. In 1907 the deputation was expanded by representatives of the Chamber of Commerce and the Chamber of Detailists and renamed Deputation for Trade, Shipping and Commerce. In 1907 the fishing industry took over the deputation, in 1915 and 1918 the price inspection offices, in 1920 the tasks remaining after the transfer of the customs system to the Reich Administration near Hamburg in the area of customs and excise duties, the Trade Statistics Office and the Free Port Office, 1926 the administration of the so-called "port Elbe" from Orthkaten to Blankenese and the port piloting, 1928 the emigration office, the guild supervisory office, the slaughterhouse and livestock market administration, the tasks of the senate commission for railway affairs and mining. In 1933 the deputation was renamed the Authority for Economy and placed under the authority of the Administration for Economy, Technology and Labour. 1935 saw the addition of new tasks such as job creation and the price formation and monitoring office. In 1938 the authority for economy was renamed in administration for trade, shipping and trade. In 1938 and then again during the war, the business of the office "Special Representative for Economic Development and Four-Year Plan" was carried out. After the end of the war in 1945, in the course of the merging of state and municipal administration, the responsibilities in the business area of administration for trade, shipping and industry were newly regulated. The successor authority in 1946 was the Administration for Economics and Transport, which was renamed the Authority for Economics and Transport in 1947 (see 371-16 I). The order comprises the main registry established after the abolition of the sections in 1867 and forms the core of the economic-historical tradition of the years 1868-1946/47. It is divided into general and special files. Both file groups are organized according to the same registry plan and are divided into more than 30 main groups (partly identical with areas of responsibility). Note: 371-6, 371-9, 371-16 I, 373-4, 373-7 I, 326-2 I (Ga)

Landesarchiv NRW Abteilung Ostwestfalen-Lippe, L 80.16 Nr. 651 · Dossier · 1896-1931
Fait partie de Landesarchiv NRW East Westphalia-Lippe Department (Archivtektonik)

Contains: also:Eleventh Deutscher Handlungsgehilfentag, 1909;Handlungsgehilfen-Forderungen zur Verbesserung des Handelsgesetzbuches (Schriften des Deutschnationalen Handlungsgehilfen-Verbands, Bd. 42), Hamburg 1909;Handels- und Gewerbekammer Plauen, Die besondere Revision bei der Gründung von Aktiengesellschaften in der Praxis, Teil I, Dresden 1899;Excerpts from the Commercial Register of the Imperial Court of Kiautschou 1899ff.

The chamber's reporting is the result of French legal tradition. Annual reports of the Cologne Chamber of Commerce have been published since 1823. For the first time reporting was made legally binding by the statute of the Chamber of Commerce of Elberfeld and Barmen in 1830. The Prussian decree of 11 February 1848 on the establishment of chambers of commerce made the reporting of the chambers obligatory. Section 24 reads as follows: 'Each year in January, the Chambers of Commerce shall submit a main report to the Minister of Finance on the situation and progress of trade and industry, and shall at the same time submit a copy to the President of the Office of Commerce and the Government. They are obliged to inform the traders and tradesmen of their district of their effectiveness and of the situation and course of trade and trade through the public papers by means of continuous notifications of extracts from the consultation minutes and at the end of each year in a special overview". Further laws of 24 February 1870 and 19 August 1897 expressly emphasised this obligation to submit a report. Since 1897 the reports had to be reproduced in print. Until 1914 the reports were steadily expanded and systematized. This corresponded to the interest of the chambers and the Minister for Trade and Industry, who had the reports published in a supplement of the Prussian Trade Archives until 1872. The Prussian Statistical Bureau, which evaluated the annual reports and based them on comparative overviews of trade and traffic from 1861 onwards, pushed for standardization. The law of 1870, which obliged the chambers to reconcile their interests, did not prevent them from using their annual report as a mouthpiece for their views on economic policy. Free trade and customs were discussed in the annual reports. Although a standardization of the annual reports could not be achieved, the separation of the sections "Views, expert opinions and wishes" (Part A) and "Actual" (Part B) recommended by the Director of the Statistical Bureau, Engel, prevailed. As a rule, Part B contains statistical material which, from today's perspective, provides important data on regional economic and social history. After the First World War, only in exceptional cases did the summary descriptions of the wartime period provided for in the decree of the Prussian Minister of Commerce of 27 October 1914 appear. It was not until 1919 that annual reports were required again. After 1920, many chambers began to produce monthly reports together with neighbouring chambers due to overloading of their scientific officials. The procedure was expressly approved by the Ministry of Commerce, which had been compiling the reports in its magazine "Handel und Gewerbe" since January 1921. Some chambers continued to print annual reports, others presented them in duplicate to the plenary meetings. The monthly reporting of the chambers lasted until 1936. From 1934 to 1939, the Chambers of Commerce produced internal reports every two or three months, some of which were incorporated into their periodicals. With the expansion of official statistics at the Reich, Land and local levels, the Chambers' annual reports lost weight and their character as a decision-making aid for state and municipal administrations. In addition, they were often already outdated when they appeared. Since about 1900 the chambers have countered this development by publishing periodicals, so-called newsletters. After the Second World War, the Law Provisionally Regulating the Law of Chambers of Commerce and Industry did not include a provision on annual reporting, but in practice all chambers publish annual reports and monthly newsletters from 1950 at the latest. The information contained therein is indispensable as a source of regional history. The following overview covers exclusively annual reports from the German-speaking area as well as from Austria-Hungary (before 1918) and the German colonial areas (before 1918). The name of the chamber is preceded by the respective signature in inventory S 6. The annual reports of the DIHT from 1951/52 onwards can be found under the signature S 7 No. 562. Reports of chambers of crafts can also be found in the stock S 7. Reports for the years 1860 to 1872 can also be found in the periodical "Jahresberichte der Handelskammern und kaufmännischen Korporationen des Preußischen Staates" (WWA Library P 11). 76 linear metres I Chambers of Industry and Commerce in today's North Rhine-Westphalia 959 Aachen 1854-1859, 1864, 1868-1870, 1874-1914, 1924-1932, 1949-1996 (1914-1918 "The Aachen Chamber of Commerce and the War") 945 Altena 1853-1854, 1856-1857, 1857-1858, 1859-1861, 1862/1863, 1875-1913 946 Arnsberg 1854-1859, 1873-1908, 1910 ,1911, 1913, 1924-1930, 1937, 1938, 1948, 1950-1956, 1965-1973 960 Barmen (seea. Elberfeld and Barmen, Wuppertal) 1875, 1876, 1881-1913 947 Bielefeld 1849, 1850, 1854-1859, 1864, 1868-1878, 1880-1913, 1926, 1946-1948 948 Bochum 1857-1864, 1871-1903, 1905-1911, 1913, 1925, 1927/28, 1946-1996 961 Bonn 1892-1913, 1949-1980, 1983-1996 892 Detmold 1878/79-1885/86, 1886-1890, 1892-1894, 1896-1913, 1960-1965, 1967-1971 (1955-1982 "Reports from the activities of the Detmold Chamber of Industry and Commerce") 949 Dortmund 1865-1867, 1869-1913, 1924-1932, 1939/40, 1940/41, 1948-1996 962 Düsseldorf 1854-1859, 1871-1892, 1894-1904, 1923-1937, 1947-1949, 1951-1996 963 Duisburg 1855-1859, 1867, 1868, 1870-1872, 1874-1913, 1920-1938, 1945/47-1996 964 Elberfeld and Barmen (seea. Barmen, Wuppertal) 1854-1859, 1870, 1873, 1876, 1881-1913 891 Essen 1853-1866, 1878, 1881-1913, 1922-1925, 1935, 1946-1996 950 Hagen 1849, 1853-1858, 1861-1913, 1949-1970, 1972, (structural report 1946) 951 Iserlohn 1851, 1852, 1854-1859, 1862-1906, 1908-1911, 1913, 1918-1921, 1924-1925, 1927-1928 1023 Cologne 1851-1860, 1862-1914, 1918, 1922- 1932, 1947-1996 966 Krefeld 1848-1913, 1924, 1925, 1935, 1936, 1947-1994 1025 Lennep (seea. Remscheid) 1845, 1847/50, 1853-1855, 1857, 1858, 1884-1913 952 Lüdenscheid 1851-1914, 1925, 1927, 1928 953 Minden 1850, 1854-1859, 1867, 1869-1871, 1873-1903, 1904/05-1913/14 1033 Mönchengladbach 1854-1859, 1871-1877, 1879, 1881-1884, 1904-1906, 1948, 1949, 1951-1971/72 967 Mülheim am Rhein 1872-1913 968 Mülheim a. d. Ruhr 1855-1859, 1868-1882, 1884-1898, 1899/1900-1901/02, 1903/04-1910 954 Münster 1855-1859, 1869-1913, 1934, 1945/47-1996 1036 Neuss 1862-1895, 1909-1913, 1924-1926, 1950-1975 1046 Remscheid (see also Lennep) 1952-1976 862 Ruhrort 1898-1904/05 1054 Siegen 1852, 1854, 1856-1859, 1881-1896, 1933-1936, 1954-1996 1055 Solingen 1854-1859, 1913, 1935, 1936, 1948-1975 1069 Wesel 1854-1859, 1871-1873, 1875, 1876, 1878-1906, 1908, 1910, 1912, 1913 1073 Wuppertal (see also Barmen, Elberfeld and Barmen) 1933-1936, 1948-1993 II Chambers of Industry and Commerce in the German Reich (in the borders until 1918) 933 Altenburg 1901-1913 929 Altona 1867-1871, 1881-1914, 1922-1935 902 Aschaffenburg 1949ff. 900 Baden-Baden 1950-1964 899 Bayreuth 1863-1896 910 Berlin, Corporation of the merchants 1852-1913 911 Berlin 1902-1913, 1924-1937, 1950ff. 938 Bingen am Rhein 1878-1913 912 Brandenburg a.d. Havel 1899-1913 907 Braunsberg/Ostpreuáen 1866-1872, 1885-1911 984 Braunschweig 1884-1895, 1931-1938, 1948ff. 988 Bremen 1865-1938, 1945ff. 985-1911 984 Braunschweig 1884-1895, 1931-1938, 1948ff. 988 Bremen 1865-1938, 1945ff. 989 Bremen, Chamber of Commerce 1878-1908, 1926-1928 990 Bremen Chamber of Retail Trade 1907-1913 940 Bremerhaven 1867-1880, 1891-1913, 1975ff. 916 Breslau 1850-1913 917 Breslau (joint report for the Lower Silesian Chambers of Commerce) 1921-1936 957 Bromberg 1876-1913 P 11 Buxtehude 1867-1868 o.No. Calw (1867-1889, 1900-1904 s. Stuttgart) P 11 Celle 1867 969 Chemnitz 1863-1910 893 Coburg 1954ff. 993 Colmar 1872-1873, 1880-1913 913 Cottbus 1854-1872, 1885-1913 906 Danzig 1854-1913, 1923-1936 980 Darmstadt 1862-1895, 1910-1913, 1924-1932, 1948ff. 935 Dessau 1890-1905 955 Dillenburg 1865-1871, 1877-1913, 1919-1920 970 Dresden 1863-1911 942 Dresden, Chamber of Commerce 1911-1916 1097 Dresden, Member of the Board of the Dresden Merchants 1866-1920 908 Elbing 1854-1908, 1912-1914 939 Emden 1866-1913, 1949ff. 922 Erfurt 1854-1871, 1884-1905 890 Eßlingen 1958-1970 965 Eupen 1860-1872 (P 11), 1888-1900 889 Flensburg 1963ff. 956 Frankfurt/Main 1854-1891, 1895-1896, 1904-1919, 1924-1926, 1948-1963 914 Frankfurt/Oder 1864-1912 974 Freiburg/Br. 1880-1909, 1951ff. 981 Friedberg 1899-1912, 1926-1930 o.Nr. Geestemünde (see Bremerhaven) 986 Gera 1851-1904 934 Giessen 1880-1901 P 11 Gleiwitz 1860-1872 918 Görlitz 1854-1900, (1921-1936 s. Breslau) 896 Göttingen 1867-1913 P 11 Goslar 1867-1868 931 Gotha 1898-1913 P 11 Greifswald 1865-1867 985 Greiz 1879-1921 P 11 Grünberg/Schlesien 1871 867 Halberstadt 1874-1888, (1924-199 P 11 Gliwice 1860-1872 918 Görlitz 1854-1900, (1921-1936 s. Breslau) 896 Göttingen 1867-1913 P 11 Goslar 1867-1868 931 Gotha 1898-1913 P 11 Greifswald 1865-1867 985 Greiz 1879-1921 P 11 Grünberg/Schlesien 1871 867 Halberstadt 1874-1888, (1924-19) Magdeburg) 924 Halle/Saale 1854-1894, 1903-1913, 1919-1937 991 Hamburg 1881-1913, 1918-1936, 1949ff. 992 Hamburg, Gewerbekammer 1875-1907 P 11 Hameln 1867-1870 958 Hanau 1871-1913, 1963-1969 876 Hannover 1867-1892, 1922-1938, 1946ff. 869 Harburg 1867-1913 975 Heidelberg 1880-1892, 1898-1904, 1912-1913, 1923-1925, 1930-1932 870 Heidenheim (1867-1889, 1900-1904 s. Stuttgart), 1962-1967 871 Heilbronn (1857-1889, 1900-1904 s. Stuttgart), 1961-1969 982 Hildburghausen 1888-1910, 1919-1920 868 Hildesheim 1867-1872 (P 11), 1949-1972 936 Hirschberg 1854-1872 (P 11), 1888-1908, (1921-1936 s. Breslau) 903 Insterburg 1856-1870, 1874-1912 864 Karlsruhe 1880-1892, 1956-1956 s. Breslau) 903 Insterburg 1856-1870, 1874-1912 864 Karlsruhe 1880-1892, 1956-1969 982 Hildburghausen 1888-1910, 191920 868 Hildesheim 1867-1872 (P 11), 1949-1972 936 Insterburg 1856-1870, 1874-1912 Karlsruhe 19580-1892, 1956 s. 863 Kassel 1871-1889, 1925-1933,1951ff. 930 Kiel 1871-1872 (P 11), 1877-1913, 1921-1930, 1950ff. 866 Koblenz 1854-1903, 1911-1913, 1925-1937, 1951-1976 904 Königsberg 1854-1913, 1924-1931 976 Konstanz 1896-1913, 1926-1930, 1960-1972 977 Lahr 1880-1929, 1956-1971 919 Landeshut/Schlesien 1854-1899, 1906-1913, (1921-1923 s. Wroclaw) 920 Lauban 1865-1913 P 11 Leer 1869-1870 971 Leipzig 1863-1913, 1925-1938 972 Leipzig, Chamber of Commerce 1873-1919 1026 Liegnitz 1854-1855, 1871-1872 (P 11), 1882-1909, (1921-1936 s. Breslau) 1027 Limburg 1868-1913, 1971-1973 P 11 Lingen 1867-1868 1030 Ludwigsburg 1963-1964 932 Ludwigshafen 1886-1887, 1890-1892, 1904-1911, 1949ff. 987 Lübeck 1865-1913, 1920-1921, 1934-1937, 1948-1952, 1957, 1958, 1964ff. 943 Lüneburg 1867-1913, 1949ff. 926 Magdeburg 1854-1913, 1924-1930 1031 Mainz 1853-1892, 1902-1908, 1959-1968 978 Mannheim 1864-1867, 1872-1913, 1923-1932, 1950-1971 905 Memel 1854-1913 994 Metz 1872-1880, 1883-1900, 1905-1913 927 Mühlhausen/Thüringen 1855-1872 (P 11), 1883-1913, 1921 1923, (1932-1933 s. Kassel) 873 Mulhouse/Alsace 1877-1905, 1911-1913 1035 Munich 1869-1892, 1980ff. 1036 Neuss/Rhein 1861-1894, 1909-1913, 1924-1926, 1950-1975 P 11 north 1867-1870 928 Nordhausen 1860-1872 (P 11), 1881-1899 1038 Nuremberg 1871-1876, 1950-1974 1039 Offenbach 1857-1901, 1965ff. 983 Oldenburg 1865-1866, 1873-1888, 1895-1913, 1951ff. 921 Opole 1883-1905, 1937-1938 1040 Osnabrück 1870, 1874-1913, 1950-1953, 1977-1991 P 11 Osterode 1867-1870 P 11 Papenburg 1867-1869 874 Passau 1879-1891, 1901-1913, 1919-1920 979 Pforzheim 1880-1913, 1927-1928 973 Plauen 1862-1913 915 Poznan 1854-1913 923 Potsdam 1898-1913, 1949-1951 1044 Ravensburg (1867-1889, 1900-1904 s. Stuttgart), 1957-1975 1045 Regensburg 1855-1893, 1901-1904, 1951ff. 1047 Reutlingen (1857-1889, 1900-1904 s. Stuttgart), 1958ff. 1049 Rostock 1899-1902 o.Nr. Rottweil (1867-1889, 1900-1904 s. Stuttgart) 888 Saarbrücken 1865-1902, 1951ff. 898 Sagan 1881-1913, (1921-1936 s. Stuttgart), 1951ff. Breslau) 1050 Schneidemühl 1925-1938 1051 Schopfheim 1889-1913, 1925-1929, 1951-1968 1052 Schweidnitz 1854-1872, 1889-1913, (1921-1936 s. Breslau) 1056 Sonneberg 1875-1931 861 Sorau 1871-1919 1057 Stade 1867-1870 (P 11), 1954ff. 1058 Stadthagen 1925-1928 (K 7), 1936-1937 878 Stettin 1854-1913, 1927-1938 1059 Stolberg 1855-1872 (P 11) 925 Stolp 1891-1914 1060 Stralsund 1911-1913, 1924-1931 995 Strasbourg 1871-1914 882 Stuttgart 1857-1889 and 1900-1904 (for the Chambers of Commerce in Württemberg), 1955ff. 1061 Swinemünde 1864-1872 (P 11), 1878-1891, 1905-1913 909 Thorn 1854-1900, 1904-1905, 1908-1914 1062 Tilsit 1854-1913 1063 Trier 1855-1872 (P 11), 1950ff. P 11 Uelzen 1867-1870 1065 Ulm (1857-1889, 1900-1904 s. Stuttgart), 1962ff. 1066 Verden 1867-1871 (P 11), 1886-1913 1067 Villingen 1897-1911 1068 Weimar 1880-1896, 1901-1913, 1928-1937 1069 Wesel 1854-1913 944 Wetzlar 1901-1913, 1924-1927 1070 Wiesbaden 1865-1913, 1950ff. P 11 Wolgast 1868 881 Worms 1857-1913 1072 Würzburg 1874-1881, 1886-1889, 1959ff. 883 Zittau 1862-1863, 1866-1875, 1879-1913 III Chambers of Commerce in the German colonies 1017 Kribi (South Cameroon) 1908-1911 1018 Tsingtau (China) 1900-1913 1019 Windhoek (Southwest Africa) 1910/11 IV Chambers of Commerce in Austria-Hungary and successor states 1008 Bolzano 1870/71, 1880, 1910-1917 996 Brno 1870-1902 (with gaps) 1021 Budapest 1870-1918, 1924-1940 1010 Budweis 1861-1890 997 Eger 1854, 1858-1895, 1910-1911 941 Esseg / Osijek 1904 1004 Innsbruck 1871-1880 1011 Klagenfurt 1870-1916, 1928-1935 998 Kronstadt 1889-1904 (with gaps) 999 Laibach 1870, 1875, 1880 1012 Linz 1898-1903, 1926-1930 1022 Neu-Sohl / Beszterczebánya [today: Banska Bystrica] 1895-1916 1001 Pilsen 1858, 1865, 1870-1890 1002 Bratislava 1866-1912 (with gaps) 1093 Reichenberg 1875-1914 (with gaps) 1013 Rovereto 1870, 1880 1014 Salzburg 1854-1919 (with gaps) 880 Temesvar 1851-1852 1015 Trieste 1871-1933 (with gaps) 1094 Troppau 1880/81, 1910-1918 1020 Vienna 1855-1930 V German Chambers of Commerce Abroad 1074 Barcelona 1923-1932 1075 Brussels 1936-1938 1076 Budapest 1920/21, 1938-1943/44 1083 Buenos Aires 1920-1938 1092 Cairo 1930-1937 1087 Manila 1924-1938 1086 Montevideo 1920/21, 1935, 1937 1088 New York 1912/13 1081 Paris 1930-1933 1082 Rio de Janeiro 1934-1935 1090 Shanghai 1926/27-1936/37 1078 Sofia 1942 1085 Tokyo 1937-1938 1084 Valparaiso 1920-1930