Affichage de 2 résultats

Description archivistique
01.04.01. General Administration
01.04.01. · Fonds
Fait partie de Stuttgart City Archive

Brief description: The personnel office was founded in 1919. On 1 August 1998, it was merged with the Main Office to form the Main and Personnel Offices. His duties include all personnel matters of the municipal administration, in particular the recruitment, promotion and dismissal of municipal officials, employees and workers as well as the drafting of regulations and statutes in the field of personnel management. Scope: 457 units / 12 running meters Content: Files: Personnel policy, recruitment, training, promotion and dismissal of municipal staff, personnel welfare, tax, salary and insurance matters for staff, establishment plans of individual municipal offices. Focus: Third Reich and immediate post-war period Duration: 1866-1970 Notes on use: All files are blocked for a period of 30 years from the end of their term. The collection contains 26 personal documents with a special blocking period; some of the photographs contained in Nos. 403 and 397 are subject to copyright. Foreword: On 24 April 1919, the Municipal Colleges decided to establish a Personnel Office. This was to regulate the personnel and organisational affairs of municipal officials, sub-officials, workers and temporary staff, with the exception of the technical staff of hospitals and teachers, a task for which the Municipal Board of Education had previously been responsible. Dr. Frank Rechtsrat was appointed to the Management Board of the new office. Until 1933, the head of the personnel office was also head of the superordinate personnel department, which was connected with the gymnastics and sports department. With effect from 15 December 1933, the personnel office was separated from the personnel department, i.e. it was no longer managed directly by the personnel officer, but was subordinate to his area of responsibility. In June 1934, the salary department, which had until then been attached to the city maintenance, was attached to the personnel office. Further organisational changes were not made, so that the personnel office is still subordinate to the personnel and sports department. It is still responsible for all personnel matters of the city administration, especially for the employment, promotion and dismissal of all civil servants, employees and workers as well as for the preparation of regulations and statutes in the field of personnel. Most of the files listed in this volume were archived between 1965 and 1972. Most of them date back to the period between 1930 and 1950, while some of them date back to the 19th century. On the other hand, some files, in particular files relating to the establishment plan, date back to 1970. Personal files already handed over to the archives have not been included in the repertory since they are subject to a special blocking period and are generally not accessible for use. Since the files have been available to the users unlisted for several years and were quoted after the old signatures that were no longer applicable, a concordance is attached to the repertory. The stock comprises 457 units with a volume of 12 running metres. Edited by Elke Machon, 1985 Supplement to foreword: In August 2006, the typewritten find book on the stock "Personalamt - Allgemeine Akten 1866-1970" by Gerd Lange was transferred to the indexing program Augias 8 under the supervision of Sabine Schrag and Christina Wewer. Unusual abbreviations within the original find book were resolved.

10 - Depot A
10 · Fonds
Fait partie de Stuttgart City Archive

Brief description: In the second half of the 19th century, the municipal administration became increasingly differentiated. Little by little, individual municipal offices were established instead of the council deputations that had been active up to then. Portfolio 10 Depot A contains the files of the administrative offices (in contrast to the technical and building offices, which can be found in portfolio 11 Depot B). Scope: 5604 units/155 linear metres Content: files on land register, guardianship, municipal and commercial court, seizure, registry office; city relations with king and country; citizenship and emigration; municipal residents; military; statistics; celebrations and anniversaries; savings, insurance and provident funds; welfare and charity; fire protection; agriculture and forestry; public facilities and squares; trades and guilds; measure and weight; transport. In the Second World War they were lost: Files on the subjects of medicine, police, church, education, sport, art, science, sociability, financial management. Duration: 1504 - 1949 Instructions for use: The 10 Depot A portfolio was provided with new, simple signatures in 2006/2007. If you are looking for units of stock using the old signatures, please note the notes in the preface. Foreword: Notes on use The title recordings of the Depot A holdings correspond to the original titles of the files as they were noted on the file covers. Since the contents of the files were not checked when the holdings were recorded at the time, the contents of a file may therefore go beyond the title given or contain only general or indirect information on the subject given (e.g. only newspaper cuttings). When searching for relevant documents, it makes sense to carry out a broad search in terms of content. Similarly, when searching via classification, it should be noted that the respective assignment of the units to a classification point was originally very abstract and therefore different points should be considered. Occasionally, file covers do not contain any documents. As a rule, these are the units that do not have a scope. Exceptions are possible, however, as units were inadvertently omitted during surveying. The portfolio was renumbered in 2006/2007 and the units consecutively numbered (for details see next page "Further information on the portfolio"). The signatures 1281, 2560 to 2659, and 5233 were not assigned. A concordance of the old and new signatures can be found in the appendix to the inventory. Extensive units were divided for better manageability during the re-signing process. Divisions can be identified by the note "Continuation No. ..." or "Continuation of No. ...". Existing page numbers in the title were not adjusted. Numbers 5535-5602 follow number 2814 in the Findbuch, but it should be noted that in the case of the duration information, the entire time frame of the event or topic covered by the file was often given, or in the case of personal units (especially personal files and honorary citizen files) the life data of the person concerned and not the dates of the documents contained. Due to losses during the Second World War, about half of the original stock has been preserved. The collection comprises a total of 5530 units with a running time of 1504 to 1949, with a focus on the period from the beginning of the 19th century to the 1930s. When ordering units, you need the following information: 10 - Unit number If you refer to documents from the inventory, please attach a source reference according to this sample: City Archive Stuttgart - 10 - Number of Unit Further information on the holdings History of the authorities Around 1870 the central administrative and notarial registry of the city of Stuttgart was established, as well as a separate building registry for the building and building police department with the technical offices. The main tasks included the administration of the files, the keeping of diaries with entry of entries and exits, the supervision of appointments, the examination of the newspapers for articles concerning the city administration and the appropriate forwarding of these, as well as the preparation of various lists and the execution of other activities, often not belonging to the direct field of duties. The "administrative registry" and the "building registry" were merged into the "registry" office in 1912 by municipal council resolution. Some of the previous tasks were transferred to other departments of the city administration. Until the 1930s, however, the two registries were kept separate despite the merger. During the gradual departure of the municipal offices from the town hall, the older, no longer needed documents were left there and thus formed the main part of the two registries. History of the holdings In the course of the foundation of the Stuttgart City Archive on 01.10.1928, the existing archive holdings were divided into a historical archive and an administrative archive. The period 1820-1850 was defined as the approximate boundary between the two archives. The administrative archives contained above all the two large registries that had grown up at the head office: firstly, the administrative registry of the city, known in the archives as Depot A, and the building registry, known in the archives as Depot B. These holdings were supplemented in the archives after 1945 by mostly older documents that were thematically related but of a different origin (provenance). These additions were not marked in detail, a reconstruction of the holdings with regard to their origin (according to the provenance principle usual today) would be theoretically possible due to the original file covers which are usually still preserved. The holdings Depot A is thus a kind of thematic collection, in which however 90 documents correspond to the provenance principle. The duration of the collection covers the period from 1504 to 1949, with the focus ranging from the beginning of the 19th century to the middle of the 1930s. The preserved documents of the administrative registry of the city of Stuttgart (Depot A), which was established around 1870, together with the building registry (Depot B), represent the central file on the history of Stuttgart up to approx. 1935. The original registry signatures were largely retained in the archive until 2007 as archive signatures and the signature system for the documents thematically supplemented in the archive (see above) was extended accordingly if required. The depot A comprises the main groups already formed in the registry A. Justice Administration B. Regiminal Administration C. Police Administration D. Church system E. Education F. Care of sociability and entertainment G. Financial administration These are files of all areas of activity of the city administration. After the Second World War, Bruno Lenz ordered and recorded the files of the collection. For this purpose, the files were recorded in the order of the registry with the registry numbers specified in the file plan and a short title taken from the envelope of the respective Federation of Files, without, however, checking the contents of the file. A more detailed property and person index with details of the units was completed by Robert Starnitzki in 1969. This can be seen in the reading room of the city archive, but it refers to the old signatures. Processing of the holdings 2006/2007 The original finding aid book of the holdings Depot A with a total of 5530 units, available in typewritten form in 3 volumes, was transferred from September 2006 to February 2007 to the Augias 8 indexing software by Gerd Lange under the supervision of Sabine Schrag and Christina Wewer. Unusual abbreviations within the original find book were resolved. The following changes were made to the portfolio: New signatures: In preparation for the transfer of the find books, Volker Hauptfleisch resigned the old registry signatures, which continued to be used in the archive and consisted of upper and lower case letters and Roman and Arabic numerals, to simple, consecutive Arabic numerals in the order of the old signatures. In this way, the ordering of files is simplified for the user and confusion is avoided. The original signatures reflected the file plan and/or the table of contents (also classification or systematics) of the existence with its hierarchical and logical stages. Below these logical levels, the units were numbered consecutively in volumes (these were not bound volumes, but a further logical subdivision), and below them again in individual numbers, which represented the actual orderable units. Example: B I, 5, vol. 1 no. 1 The last level (no.) is occasionally divided into further units by lower-case letters. Through the re-signing the signature B I, 5, vol. 1, no. 1 became the signature no. 770. The old signature was noted at each unit. Due to an oversight during the re-signing, a gap of 100 numbers has arisen in the new numbering. The numbers 1281, 2560 to 2659 were not assigned. The number 2559 is therefore directly followed by the number 2660. The number 5233 was also not assigned. In some cases, signatures were assigned twice. Letters were attached to these signatures in order to identify them unambiguously (example: No. 1870 a and No. 1870 b). These letter annexes therefore do not refer to a substantive connection between the units. Units which were lost by other means only after the war losses were marked with the note "missing", partly with the date when the absence was discovered. They will continue to be listed in the search book in order to record which files were originally available. In a few cases, numbers were accidentally assigned to units that no longer existed. The units were also measured during the relocation and the circumference was given in cm (with a few exceptions). The units no. 5535-5602 (old signatures B IX, 1, vol. 1, no. 10a, reg. no. 1 to B IX, 1, vol. 1, no. 10a) already follow the number 2814 in the find book. Revised classification: The classification (table of contents, systematics) was adapted to the same extent as the signatures: instead of combinations of letters and numbers, a hierarchically structured system consisting of Arabic numerals was used. The classification point C VIII 3 d aa became, for example, The classification or the table of contents of the original search book is based on the file plan of the administrative registry. In the appendix volume of the inventory all original classification points are contained, in the table of contents of the present finding aid book only those classification points were specified, to which documents exist. Documents that no longer existed were destroyed by the effects of war. The classification points, which are thus no longer occupied by units, are an important indication of what documents were once available in the city administration. Overall, more than half of the classification points are no longer documented. The classification point 01.03.03. Guardianship, inheritance and notary system was supplemented during the software input by further subitems, since in the original find book such a division was already given by headings. December 2008 Christina Wewer See also fonds 13 Hauptaktei (called: Bürgermeisteramt), 1897-1945.