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Description archivistique
Landesarchiv Sachsen-Anhalt, I 435 (Benutzungsort: Dessau) · Fonds · 1853 - 1950
Fait partie de State Archive Saxony-Anhalt (Archivtektonik)

Find aids: Findbuch 1978, Revision 1988 (online searchable) Registraturbilder: The DCGG was founded on 12.03.1855 in Dessau on the initiative of the entrepreneur Viktor von Unruh and the Dessau banker Louis Nulandt. At first a gasworks was built in Dessau, which supplied the city with town gas for street lighting from 1856 onwards. This was followed by gas works in cities at home and abroad, such as Mönchengladbach, Magdeburg, Frankfurt/Oder, Mülheim/Ruhr, Potsdam, Warsaw and Lemberg. In 1857, Unruh brought the engineer Wilhelm Oechelhaeuser sen. into the company. In 1859 Nulandt retired after accusations of irregularities and Oechelhaeuser became the sole director general. Both the production of appliances for the sale of gas and the production of gas-consuming appliances themselves grew rapidly. The Centralwerkstatt Dessau was founded in 1871 to convert existing gas meters and to produce new ones. In 1921, the Centralwerkstatt merged with Carl Bamberg Werkstätten für Präzisionsmechanik in Berlin-Friedenau to form Askania-Werke AG. In 1872, Berlin-Anhaltische Maschinenfabrik AG (BAMAG), which manufactured the vertical furnaces used in the gas works, and Dessauer Waggonbau AG, which manufactured gas-powered trams, operated in Dessau. From 1886 Dessau received the second power station in Germany after Berlin. The required generators were developed by Wilhelm von Oechelhaeuser jun. Together with Hugo Junkers, brought into the factory in 1888, they succeeded in using powerful two-stroke counter-piston engines from 1892 onwards. Wilhelm von Oechelhaeuser jun. followed his father in 1889 as general director. Under the management of Bruno Heck, the company achieved a dominant position in Central Germany in 1917 with the founding of Elektrizitätswerke Sachsen-Anhalt AG in Halle. When the property located in the Soviet occupation zone was expropriated after the end of the war, the company moved its headquarters to Hagen/Westphalia in 1947. The alleged transfer of assets was the reason for the GDR's first Stalinist show trial, which was negotiated in 1950 under Hilde Benjamin in Dessau and ended with high prison sentences. The inventory is supplemented by the deliveries of the E-Werke in Bernburg, Dessau and Coswig. Inventory information: The collection was handed over in 1967 by the archive of the VEB Energieversorgung Halle to the then Historische Staatsarchiv Oranienbaum, now Abteilung Dessau. Small supplements were added in 1978. Included photos: 110

Landesarchiv Sachsen-Anhalt, G 5 (Benutzungsort: Dessau) · Fonds · 1835 - 1949
Fait partie de State Archive Saxony-Anhalt (Archivtektonik)

Find aids: Find book; Find card index (partly online searchable); partly unexploited registry formers: The first railway in the Prussian province of Saxony started its journey in 1839 between Magdeburg and Schönebeck. It was the first section of the Magdeburg-Leipzig railway line, opened in 1839/40, which, with a route from Prussia via Anhalt-Köthen to Saxony, represented the first cross-border railway connection in Germany and in 1841 also the first German railway junction with the station Köthen. The Magdeburg-Leipziger Eisenbahngesellschaft was responsible for the construction and operation of this railway line. It was primarily private railway companies that drove the revolution in rail transport technology forward at the time. Many other rail connections were built in the following years, such as the Magdeburg-Halberstadt line in 1843 and the Berlin-Potsdam-Magdeburg line in 1845. After the failure of a nationalization initiative of the Reich in the 70s of the 19th century, the Prussian state made efforts to buy up the railway companies. The purchase of the Magdeburg-Halberstädter Eisenbahngesellschaft by the state in 1879 was contractually linked to the establishment of a royal administrative authority. As a result, the "Royal Railway Directorate in Magdeburg" was founded on 29 December 1879. The responsibility of the management, which also included the administration of the Hannover-Altenbekener Eisenbahnunternehmen and the Berlin-Potsdam-Magdeburger Eisenbahngesellschaft, extended as far as the Berlin area. With the reorganization of the Prussian Railway Administration in 1895, which also resulted in the establishment of the Halle Railway Directorate, the Magdeburg Railway Directorate lost more than 200 railway kilometres. After the First World War, the State Treaty establishing the Deutsche Reichseisenbahnen came into force on April 1, 1920, implementing the provisions of the Weimar Constitution. For the Reichseisenbahnen, which were initially subordinated to the Reich Ministry of Transport, a separate company "Deutsche Reichsbahn" was founded in 1924. The Deutsche Reichsbahn-Gesellschaft (DRG), formed in the same year, took over the operation of the Reichseisenbahnen on 11 October 1924. The administration of the route network was the responsibility of the Reichsbahndirektionen, which had already been established in 1922. For the management in Magdeburg, this initially only had a name-changing effect. On October 1, 1931, however, the Reichsbahndirektion Magdeburg was closed and its Reichsbahnbetriebsämter divided into the Reichsbahndirektionen Hannover, Halle and Berlin. After the Second World War, on 18 August 1945, the Reichsbahndirektion Magdeburg was re-established. In the following years, its responsibilities were extended to include the small and private railways expropriated between 1945 and 1949. With the end of the GDR on 1 October 1990, the Reichsbahndirektion Magdeburg was dissolved for the second time. Inventory information: In the course of the privatization of the railway in 1994, the administrative archives of the Reichsbahn directorates were also dissolved. According to the contractual agreements with the Deutsche Bahn AG, the documents of the former Reichsbahndirektion Magdeburg were handed over to the former Landesarchiv Magdeburg. In 2008, the holdings were transferred to the Dessau Department of the Landeshauptarchiv. With the nationalisation of the private railway companies as well as the small and private railways after 1945, their documents also reached the archives of the then Railway Directorate and the later Reichsbahn Directorate in Magdeburg. As a result of its dissolution in 1931, the latter in turn had to hand over large parts of its written material to the Reichsbahn Directorate in Hanover, which is why the corresponding archival records are now also to be found in the Lower Saxony Main State Archives in Hanover. The frequently changed demarcation of responsibilities to the directorates in Halle and Berlin also led to the fact that the most diverse provenances can be found in the respective archives. A caesura was made for the year 1945/1949 in the inventory of the Reichsbahn Directorate in Magdeburg. In 1949, the nationalisation measures for small and private railways were completed. In the railway archive of the Reichsbahndirektion Magdeburg it was decided to integrate the documents of these railways into the stock "G 5" as a separate stock group and to add the addition "Klb" for small railways to the stock signature "G 5". The structure of the collection is based on an order scheme practiced in the railway archives. For the period 1945-1990 the stock "M 60" was formed, whereby temporal overlaps exist. Additional information: Due to the large size of the stock and in order to grant the public online access to the data records on file or document level as quickly as possible, the activation of individual data records takes place continuously as soon as possible after their input and verification. It must therefore be taken into account that the activated data records by no means reflect the complete holdings and in some cases not the entire archives of a classification group. Cards included: 500

Landesarchiv Sachsen-Anhalt, I 435 Dessau, Nr. 98 (Benutzungsort: Dessau) · Dossier · 1901-1909
Fait partie de State Archive Saxony-Anhalt (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Emil Funcke. - Director H. Roscher. - by Dieterich. - Chief Engineer Müller. - T. Stretch. - Dr. Bunte. - Herm. Eich. - Janitor G. Polter. - Chief Engineer G. Faehndrich. - Friedrich Geier. - Authorized signatory Wilhelm Klebe. - Moritz Niemann. - Heinrich Tusche. - Ludwig Kirchhoff. - Ludwig Sasse. - Friedrich Teupe. - Wilhelm Bachmann. - Flower. - Boehm. - G. Martini. - Michaelis. - Chief Designer Reister. - Rich. Gehardt. - Spangenberg. - Prof. Stein. - Architect C. Pertz. - Count Zeppelin. - Chief Engineer Schäfer. - Civil Engineer Windeck. - Prof. F. Klein. - Hydraulic engineering inspector Schümann. - of Kracht. - Sculptor Hüllweck, Dessau. - Sculptor Starck, Berlin. - Baurat Teichmüller. - Court confectioner P. Andres. - Dr. J. Bueb. - Prof. Slaby. - Prof. Riedler. - Director Kuckuk. - Pintsch. - Prof. Gussow. - Dr. Hermann Müller. - Director Carl Hasselblatt, Odessa. - Architect Cuno Pohlig. - Lord Mayor Ebeling. - Dr A Bantlin. - Herosè. - General Director Blum. - Director Alberti. - Chief Engineer August Müller. - Ceasar Wollheim. - Chief Engineer A. Kemper. - Dr. Stein. - Luckhardt. - Pillet. - Roesicke. Also contains: Transactions for internal business processes. - Anniversaries of the Dessau civil servants. - Foundation of a casino and a casino club. - Information on events in Russia and the living conditions there, including business contacts. - Private property matters of the villa in Dessau. - Comments on attached press articles on agriculture in tropical countries (colonial society). - Oechelhaeuser criticizes Schäfer's essay on the installation of gas vending machines in Germany and England. - Construction of gas works in Hagen, Königshütte, Katowice, Niederau, Großkreis Berlin, Zerbst and others. - Excursion of the Berlin district association (e.g. shipyard Sachsenberg and BAMAG II). - Travelogue by Schäfer from England. - List of essays by Schäfer. - Lecture: About the use of the factory bathrooms by the workers of Klebe. - The Association of Anhalt Employers (fol. 419) - Its origin, foundation and previous activities (declared aim among others youth welfare, welfare institutions). - Wage issues, tariff reform. - Report on the possibility of extending the DCGG lighting area in the Berlin area. - Report about the gas conditions in Budapest by Dr. Bueb. - Report by Dr. Bueb on the course of his hunting stay in Hungary (fol. 604 ff.). - Strike movement in Poland (around Warsaw) and situation in Russia. - Oechelhaeuser´s Shares in the Moliwe-Pflanzungsgesellschaft. - Employment of a future administrator for the cocoa plantation in Cameroon. - Reports of the former plantation manager Hoffman to the "Leipziger Neueste Nachrichten". - Stock transactions. - Lodge business.

Landesarchiv Sachsen-Anhalt, I 601 (Benutzungsort: Merseburg) · Fonds · 1923 - 1949
Fait partie de State Archive Saxony-Anhalt (Archivtektonik)

Note: The holdings contain archival material that is subject to personal protection periods in accordance with § 10 Para. 3 Sentence 2 ArchG LSA and until their expiration is only accessible by shortening the protection period in accordance with § 10 Para. 4 Sentence 2 ArchG LSA or by accessing information in accordance with § 10 Para. 4a ArchG LSA. Find aids: Findbuch 2015 (online searchable) Registraturbilddner: On 5 Oct. 1923 the sugar distribution company Halle-Rositz-Holland AG was founded in Halle (Saale). After the closure of the Holland sugar factory in Dessau-Alten (1932), the company was renamed Zuckervertriebsgesellschaft Halle AG (ZVG), with branches in Halle and Rositz/Altenburg. From 1942 ZVG and the Vereinigung mitteldeutscher Rohzuckerfabriken (VEMIRO) formed a dual company within the meaning of the Cartel Tax Regulation. The sugar distribution company coordinates the supply of raw sugar to the sugar refineries, the sale of sugar products, controlled the beet cultivation and was the sales organ of the raw sugar factories combined in VEMIRO, primarily in the Halle, Köthen and Zeitz/Altenburg regions. It belonged to the Berlin Sugar Industry Economic Group and to the Berlin Association of the German Sugar Industry. In the 1930s and 1940s, the company also provided foreign labour and forced labour for the refineries and sugar factories. In 1946 the company was expropriated, assigned to Industriewerke Sachsen-Anhalt and dissolved in 1947. Their tasks and assets were taken over by the Halle sugar refinery. Inventory information: From the administrative archive of the VEB Zuckerkombinat Halle, about 2 linear metres of ZVG documents were handed over to the Staatsarchiv Magdeburg in 1981, where the files were recorded on index cards and re-signed in 1984. The holdings were transferred in 1994 to the newly founded Landesarchiv Merseburg (later Landeshauptarchiv Sachsen-Anhalt, Merseburg Department), where the card index was retroconverted in 2011 in the scopeArchiv archive programme. 2015 saw the complete revision and reorganization of the archive holdings. Additional information: Corresponding stocks: - I 599 VEMIRO - I 601 Zuckerraffinerie Halle AG - Stocks of various sugar factories

Trade and industrial affairs, Vol. 12
Landesarchiv Sachsen-Anhalt, Z 109, Nr. 1544 (Benutzungsort: Dessau) · Dossier · 1904 - 1905
Fait partie de State Archive Saxony-Anhalt (Archivtektonik)

Contains: Principle for the treatment of confidential communications concerning dubious foreign firms p. 1/8 - A.Inland: Raguhn, Maschinenbau der Metalltuchfabrik asks for a visit to the drying apparatus for paper mills p. 41/53 manufactured by it - Organisation of exports, brochure of the German publishing house in Stuttgart. - Application of the Committee of the Leopoldshall-Staßfurt Rock Salt Mines and the Chamber of Commerce here for defence against an import duty on salt in British-India pp. 77/84 - Association of German Sewing Machine Manufacturers pp. 85/7 - Designation "Made in Germany" on goods from England pp. 85/7. 88/9 - Expert in commercial matters at the Consulate General in Constantinople (formerly for Istanbul) and Petersburg p. 157, p. 262 - Association of Ceramic Crafts in Bonn p. 159 - Kiautschou, trading companies registered with the Imperial Court p. 157 - Kiautschou, trading companies registered with the Imperial Court p. 157 - Kiautschou, trading companies registered with the Imperial Court p. 159 - Kiautschou, trading companies registered with the Imperial Court p. 159 - Kiautschou, trading companies registered with the Imperial Court p. 159 - Kiautschou, trading companies registered with the Imperial Court p. 159 - Kiautschou, trading companies registered with the Imperial Court p. 159 - Kiautschou, trading companies registered with the Imperial Court p. 159 - Kiautschou, trading companies registered with the Imperial Court p. 159. 167 - Petroleum-Produkte-Aktien-Gesellschaft in Hamburg, co-inclusion in the awarding of supplies of Russian petroleum to authorities p. 188 - Export of oil cakes from Austria-Hungary p. 238/43 - Further A. Inland: designation "Importé d´Allemagne" on consignments of goods from France p. 244/5 - Question concerning enquiry (investigation, survey) on the performance of the German sewing machine industry vis-à-vis American competitors p. 257/60 - B. Abroad: bogus companies: Cincinnati (America), "Dr. John P. Haig" p. 90/6; Washington, "Mr. A. Winter