Affichage de 206 résultats

Description archivistique
RMG 861 · Dossier · 1908-1914
Fait partie de Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Correspondence; publications of the various committees; key to the delegation of delegates, 1909; questionnaire on the home base of the Mission and Answer, 1909; detailed description of Miss. E. Hartwig (Cape) about school and church conditions there (answer to questionnaire), 1910; invitation, program and list of participants of the conference, 1910; subscription offer of the International Review of Missions, 1912; J. Warneck: The animistic religions in the Indian archipelago, paper, ca. 1913; Report on invitation to the next World Mission Conference in Germany, 1913; Mission Statistics Procedure, Proposals, 1913; Club Berlin, Protocol of Negotiations, 1914; Prayer for Christian Missions in View of the War in Europe, 1914

Société des missions du Rhin
Basel Missionary Society (founded 1815)
RMG 719 · Dossier · 1933-1941
Fait partie de Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Correspondence on questions of the mission hinterland; correspondence on questions of the China missionaries; Insp. Delius (RMG), Das Hinterland der RMG im Gebiet der Landeskirchen Waldeck, Nassau, Hessen-Kassel, Hessen u. Frankfürt, Declaration of Principles m. 6 Annexes, 1933; appeal for donations: To the Pastors of the Evangelical Church of Kurhessen-Waldeck, Dr., 1936; Letter Report of Miss. who had been imprisoned in China. Ernst Fischle, with map sketch, 1940; Ernst Fischle: Report on the Japanese-Chinese War 1937-1940, 55 p., ms., 1941

Société des missions du Rhin
Basel Missionary Society (founded 1815)
RMG 715 · Dossier · 1820-1844
Fait partie de Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Beratungen über Aussendung von Missionaren zur Krim, 1820; Jahresrechnung, 1821; Jahresbericht, 1821; Erläuterungen hierzu von Insp. Blumhardt, 1822; 3 letters by Blumhardt; Wilhelm Kruse über das Missions-Seminar Basel, 1823; Jahresrechnungen, 1824, 1831, 1834, 1836 1842; 8 letters by Blumhardt, 1826-1830; 8 circular letters, 1828-1833; draft e. Missionsbund zwischen Basel, Barmen u. Bremen (Blumhardt, Dr. Richter u. Brauer), 1837; Invitations to the Basel Mission Festival, 1840-1843; Confidential communications from A. Bräm, Neukirchen on the Basel Mission, 1844; letter from Insp. Hoffmann, 1844

Société des missions du Rhin
Basel Missionary Society (founded 1815)
RMG 716 · Dossier · 1859-1920
Fait partie de Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Correspondence on border issues in the hinterland of the mission; correspondence on the handover of Borneo to Basel; founding of a missionary association for the Protestant church in Nassau, statutes and founding protocol, 24 p., Dr.., 1859; Olpp, Pastor: Das neutr Missionshinterland im Nordwesten Deutschlands und seine gegenwärtigen Beziehungen zur Rheinischen Mission, Vortr., 24 p., ms., 1908; Statutes of the Oberhessische Hilfsverein f. d. Rheinische Mission, 1910; Protokoll über Vertrauensmänner-Versammlung, Dr., 1911

Société des missions du Rhin
RMG 1.602 · Dossier · 1874-1893, (1930)
Fait partie de Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Mission colonist, catechist, from 1883 missionary in Otjimbingue, Otjozondjupa, Scheppmannsdorf, Walvis Bay, Okombahe, letters from 1866-1872 s. RMG 2.573; Letters and Reports, 1874-1887; Letter from Mrs. Maria Baumann, née Kleinschmidt, 1892-1893; Registered cover by Christian Baumann (son) from Hamburg, 1930;

Société des missions du Rhin
Berger, Carl (1871-1962)
RMG 1.341 b · Dossier · 1897-1963
Fait partie de Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Portfolio 8: Miscellaneous; "Der kleine Missionsfreund", No. 1, No. 4-11, 1899, Letter from Carl Berger in No. 9; Letter from the Natural History Museum Wiesbaden (copy) with thanks for collected natural objects, in part after Berger (bergeri), 1922; postcard by Missionar Mindermann, Saarbrücken, 1948; correspondence with Mrs. Smeer, Karibib 1950; various newspaper articles by Carl Berger, 1933-1963; collection of postcards, stored separately;[delivered 1971 by the daughter, Mrs. Margarete Berger, Neuwied];

Société des missions du Rhin
RMG 2.140 · Dossier · 1880-1952
Fait partie de Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Vol. 1; Letters and Reports from Siar, 1900-1904; General Report of the New Guinea Mission for 1900 (1901); Conference Report on the Establishment of a Health Station, c. 1901; Conference Paper "The Importance of Literature among a Literature-less People! 1901; condolence of the imperial governor to Bergmann's death, 1904; correspondence with the German Foreign Office in Berlin for seduction of a Papuan girl by a German official, 1902-1904; correspondence with and for wife Karoline Bergmann, née. Ott, 1931-1950; Ein Brief des Siar-Christen Bel an Frau Bergmann, 1950; Obituary for Karoline Bergmann, with letter of condolence, 1952; Vol. 2; Letters and Reports from Siar (circulars, travel letters etc.), 1888-1896; Vol. 3; Letters and. Reports from Siar, 1896-1898; private letters to inspectors of the RMG, 1887-1900; letter from Missionary Bamler from Tami to Gustav Bergmann, 20.09.1896; vol. 4 Nachlass; Bergmann to his parents and siblings, 1880-1897; program of the memorial service for housemother Busch, 1886; comparison of words of the Siar- and. Bogadjim language, not published; Karoline Bergmann to the Bergmann family, 1887-1893; various correspondence to the Bergmann and Ott families, 1887-1946; Ida Helmich to Karoline Bergmann and son Theo, 1906; report on the first christening ceremony at Siar Ragetta, 1906; letters from Papua school children to son Theo, 1906

Société des missions du Rhin
Berlin Missionary Society (founded 1824)
RMG 725 · Dossier · 1869-1920
Fait partie de Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Missions-Kirchenordnungen, Dr., 1869, 1875 o.J.; Agreement on the transfer of the Hakka Mission (China) to Berlin, 1882; Negotiations on a joint teacher training institution and on the ordination of colored helpers in Africa, 1903; Negotiations on the coordination of the work at the Cape, 1904; Report on the death of Insp. Sauberzeig-Schmidt in Hong Kong, Dr., 1906; J. Neitz: Report of a journey to Samuel Maherero, 13 p., 1907; Foundation of church coffers in China, Vorschlag Glüer, 1907; Satzung d. Berliner Missionsgesellschaft, Dr., 1907; Die Aufsicht über die Missionsarbeit d. Berliner Mission, 18 p., ms., ca. 1908; Admission of Miss. Behrens/Hermannsburg, 1913; Reports of fights in Tsingtau, 1914; Vertraul. Report on obstruction of missionary work by World War I, 18 p., ms., 1915; conflict with P. Theo. Fliedner/Madrid, 1920; What still holds us to the pagan mission today, pamphlet, ca. 1920

Société des missions du Rhin
Berlin Missionary Society (founded 1824)
RMG 724 · Dossier · 1822-1845
Fait partie de Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

4 letters from Johann Jänicke and M. Rückert, 1822-1824; correspondence with v. Gerlach and Laroche, 1828-1837; Circular über Aussendung d. ersten Missionare, 1833; extract from account book on the costs of sending their first missionaries, 1835; letter Missionar Döhne an Miss. Lückhoff in Stellenbosch, 1837; Instruction for the missionaries of the Berliner Mission, 40 p., Dr., 1837; Offenes Schreiben zur Neuordnung der Jänickeschen Missions-Ges. in Berlin, 8 p., Dr., 1840; pamphlet against the attacks of the preacher Rückert, 1844; letter of comfort to the "Brothers beloved in Christo on Tahiti", 1844; correspondence with Insp. O. Sheet metal, 1845

Société des missions du Rhin
Blecher, Adolf (1869-1938)
RMG 1.649 a-b · Dossier · 1894-1951
Fait partie de Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

1900-1919 in Rehoboth, Otjimbingue, later parish office Germany, the 2nd woman, Emma Blecher, née Böhle was missionary sister, no own file available; letters and reports, 1900-1919; curriculum vitae, application, medical certificate, 1894; "funeral speech at the grave of my expensive wife", Mathilde Blecher, née. Siebel, 1906; Donation of Platzes Ouises by Lazarus Cloete, copy of the document, 1907; lease contract for mission plot with farmer Herforth, Hoachanas, 1908; report on d. Death of his 2nd wife Emma Blecher, née Böhle, 1911; Correspondence on pay matters, 1929; Samuel Beukus, Rehoboth, complains to Adolf Blecher about d. Successor of Adolf Blecher in Rehoboth, Missionary Hermann Schroer, 1930; obituary for Adolf Blecher, 1938; correspondence with Martha Blecher, née Stegemann, 1938-1951; obituary for Martha Blecher, 1951;

Société des missions du Rhin
RMG 1.611 a-b · Dossier · 1872-1880, 1867-1871,; (1990)
Fait partie de Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

1870-1872 teacher at the Seminar d. RMG, 1873-1880 in Otjimbingue, 1880-1887 pastor in Königsberg, 1887-1889 inspector of the East Africa Mission and lecturer at the Oriental Seminar Berlin III; Letters and Reports, 1872-1880; Protocoll about the abolition of the forging of the Mission Colony Otjimbingue, 1874; Regen im Damralande, 7 p., hs., 1875; Löwengeschichten, 10 p. hs..., 1875; Sociale Verhältnisse im Hereroland, 36 p., hs., 1876; Die Bergdamra, 16 p., 1877; Wege im Damaraland, 16 p., 1877; 2 letters of J. Chr. Goliath from d. Augustineum, 1877; The Augustineum in Otjimbingue, 5 p.., hs., 1877; school visit in Hererolande, 20 p., hs., 1879; church consecration in Scheppmannsdorf, 10 p., 1879; September 1990 preserved: Personal Diarium of Büttner from the years 1867-1871; biographical material on Büttner (copies) by Prof. Ernst Hans Dammann;[Büttner's letters contain interesting information on the Mission Trade Society and on political conditions in Southwest Africa, see also Bethel Mission];

Société des missions du Rhin
RMG 1.037 · Dossier · 1903-1926
Fait partie de Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Correspondence; Agreement of the Hülfs-Comités f. d. Anstalten d. Innere Mission in Treffen/Carinthia (Vors. Insp. Haussleiter) and Countess La Tour (Grün-derin d. Anst.) on the employment of P. Aschoff and Dienst-weisung, 1903; Call for care for abandoned half-white children in Southwest Africa, 1907; Protocols of the Commission f. Innere Mission in d. Dt. Schutzgebieten, 1908 1913; Report on work of the Commission IN: Das Reich, July 1908; Report on the Innere Mission in d. d. d. Schutzgebieten, Dr. m. Fig. 8 p., 1912; Conference German Protestant Work Organisations, about the founding verse, 39 p., Dr., 1916; newspaper article about this, IN: Der Reichsbote Nr. 197, April 1916

Société des missions du Rhin
RMG 990 · Dossier · 1936-1955
Fait partie de Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Correspondence; Notes on files, minutes of conversations, transcripts of lectures, travel report; Die Auslandsdiaspora d. EKD, 6 p., Dr., 1951; Aus d. Arbeit d. Kirchl. Außenamtes, Tätigkeitsberichte, gedr., 1951, 1952 1955; draft e. Kirchengesetzes über Verhältnis d. Protestant Church of Germany in Diaspora Communities, 1953; RMG Conference Protocols in Southwest Africa 1954 1955; Obituary for Provost Martin Marczinski, Buenos Aires, 1954

Société des missions du Rhin
Cock, Samuel Johann (1805-1883)
RMG 1.504 · Dossier · 1831-1855, 1870, 1884
Fait partie de Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Catechist and colonist, 1834-1848 in the Cape, 1848-1852 in Ebenezer, Bethanien, Berseba, 1852-1875 in Germany, then back to Africa, see also RMG 2.372; Letters and diaries by Samuel Johann Hahn and Mrs. Helene Hahn, née Langenbeck, 1831-1855; C. Böhm to Mrs. Helene Hahn, 1870; Fr. Heinrich Hahn, Dautzschen to Deputation, 1884;

Société des missions du Rhin
RMG 1.083 · Dossier · 1905-1935
Fait partie de Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Submissions, Applications, Circulars; Correspondence mainly for the establishment of e. Chair f. Islamic Studies and Missionary Lectureship Bethel; F. v. Bodelschwingh: The Free Theological School of Bethel b. Bielefeld, 8 p., Dr., 1905; F. v. Bodelschwingh: Epilogue, 13 p., Dr., 1905; The Theol. school in Bethel, Prospekt m. Abb, Dr., ca. 1910; F. v. Bodelschwingh: Die tiefere Einwurzelung d. Mission in die Kirche, pamphlet, 4 p.., Dr. 1905; Statutes of the Association for Foundation and Entertainment e. Practical Theological School in Bethel, 4 p., Dr., 1906; RMG: Our Relations with the Theolog. School in Bethel and the East African Mission, 3 p., Dr., 1912

Société des missions du Rhin
RMG 1.093 · Dossier · 1939-1941
Fait partie de Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Günther Hecht: Colonial question and racial thought. Series of the racial policy. Amtes, H. 16, 36 p., Dr., 1939; Nine Theses of the Office of Racial Policy on Colonial Politics, copy from Prussia. Newspaper, No. 6, January 1939; Letter of the Colonial Political Office concerning the road conditions in Southwest and South Africa and reply with statement of the Addresses of local missionaries, 1941

Société des missions du Rhin
Continental Mission Conference Bremen
RMG 868 · Dossier · 1866, 1904-1938
Fait partie de Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Invitations, programmes, lists of participants, calls, presentations, reports (partly printed); correspondence; invitation to the 1st Continental Mission Conference Bremen, starting from the Rheinische and Norddt. Mission, 1866; Leitsätze zu den Vorträge, 1909; Satzung, 1913; Korrespondenz d. Dt. Gesellschaft f. Eingeborenenschutz m. katholischen Geistlichen, 1914; Monatsblatt d. Norddt. Missionsgesellschaft, May 1938; Erinnerungsfoto d. Konferenzthemen, 1938

Société des missions du Rhin