Affichage de 8 résultats

Description archivistique
Certificates, congratulations
Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz, VI. HA, Nl Schnee, H., Nr. 4 · Dossier · 1920 - 1941
Fait partie de Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage (Archivtektonik)

Contains: - Certificate of the Kolonial-Wirtschaftliches Komitées about the award of the Supf-Plakette; - Certificate of Honour of the Institute for Foreign Policy; - Völkerbund-Pass; - Certificate of Honour of the German Association for Apia, Samoa; - Congratulations of the World Economic Society for the 65th anniversary of the founding of the German Society of Apia, Samoa. Hitler's letter on the occasion of his 70th birthday; - award certificate "Adlerschild des Deutschen Reiches"; - doctor's diploma; - Senator's diploma. Honorary Doctor Diploma (11) Civil Rights Certificate of Heidelberg (12)

Schnee, Heinrich
Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, M 1/8 Bü 214 · Dossier · 1908-1919
Fait partie de Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: The evidence for the 1870/71 campaign comes exclusively from the military hospitals of the Württemberg army in France. The lists of casualties of all naval personnel from 1849-1911 who died in German war operations refer to the following events: Battle with Danish brig 1849, battle with natives on the Moroccan coast 1856, battle with Danish ships 1864, battle with French ship at Havana (Cuba) 1870, defeat of a natives uprising in Cameroon 1884, battle with natives on Apia (Westsamoa) 1888, Blockade of the East African coast 1888-1890, Boxer uprising in China 1900-1901, campaign in South West Africa 1904-1905, defeat of a native uprising in East Africa 1905-1906, defeat of a native uprising in Ponape and Dschogadsch (Caroline Islands, Melanesia) Darin: Issues Report of the Board of Directors of the Württembergischer Landesverein der Kaiser-Wilhelms-Stiftung für deutsche Invaliden, Stuttgart 1908 - 1918, Buchdruckerei der Paulinenpflege;

S - Stocks
S u2013 · Classement
Fait partie de State Archive Berlin

Since the registry office responsible for special cases in Germany and abroad - the so-called 'Standesamt I' - is still located in Berlin today, traditions from this office also reach the Landesarchiv. They have been grouped together in group 'S'. These traditions all refer to areas that are not part of Berlin. The largest part of this group is the stock S Rep. 100 with the still existing documents from the former German territories in the East - as far as these were taken to Germany and did not perish in the war. In addition, there are holdings of notarizations of Germans living abroad, namely as far as they were carried out in German consulates or embassies ('consular registers') or in the German colonies ('colonial registers'). There are also documents from the territories occupied by Germany during the Second World War (these are only deaths).Two large holdings contain the documents issued by the registry office I itself within the framework of its special jurisdiction.The S holdings also regularly receive supplements in accordance with the deadlines of the Civil Status Act, but only every five years.